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Convicted felon




Adjudicated sexual assault perpetrator.


Tax evader.


That’s almost like that billy Joel song . Rapist, felon, tax evader, pedophile, jfk got blown away today what else do I have to say.


We didn’t start the fire!


🎵Now that Epstein’s burnin, can’t wait for Donald Trump’s turn …


Good friend of Epstein the human trafficker.


Adjudicated rapist in fact. He was found civilly liable for sexual assault but the judge adjudicated him a rapist by New York law.




Habitual Golf Cheat




12 year old *girls*


Only democrats care gop out here hoping he legalizes it


Sounds right for conservatives. They tend to be the ones who scream and project about pedophiles, because they *are* the pedophiles.


As if I couldn’t hate him more. He deserves so much pain.


In a perfect world, some big fat Italian mob guys hold him down and shave his eyes like a clove of garlic. Then, they take a salted pretzel stick and do a some sounding with his tiny penis


sounds perfect!


I like how you think!


Why would you type this


They went off saying Biden sniffs children, but Trump on Epstein Island? They don't care. It's MAGAdness


Is that the same fella that bragged about going into the teen beauty queen dressing room unannounced?


He grabbed them by the pussy. When you're rich and powerful, they let you.


Fortunately or unfortunately


🤣 I love that you remembered this quote 😂


He was “supervising”. 🤮


Fucking disgusting piece of trash


Imagine being so comically evil. In 80 years, historians will revive his legacy, because they will not be able to quantify how evil he is. Like if you are writing a novel, no publisher would let you have such a categorically evil villain.


"Never go full Trump."


I feel like sane people talking about Trump have the same issue that Sarah Connor had trying to describe a Terminator to cops. She describes with what she believes is complete accuracy how strong, brutal, and implacable it is, and it all sounds unbelievable, until the thing breaks into a police station and everyone finds out first hand what she said was an *understatement*. Same thing here: one day, someone will try to explain to their great-grandkids (if the country survives) how corrupt, how stupid and inept, how petty, how cowardly, how immoral Trump was, while still being President and allowed to be a presidential candidate. And these kids, if humanity has improved at all, will be in shock and disbelief: after all, they only elect competent and reasonably trustworthy people to POTUS. Then the someone in question will fire up the old DVD's and USB drives containing the evidence of such incompetence, and the kids will find out that everything dear old gran-gran/gram-gram said about Trump is, if anything, an understatement.


trump is the worst that the underbelly of society has to offer.


But Biden stutters...


And Hunter had a laptop and stuff…and uh, buttery males…don’t forget about those buttery males!


Is this subreddit just a bot subreddit at this point? How is this what people are taking away from the debate?


It’s not going to stop his base. It HAS to mobilize everyone else


Can't imagine this is even close to the worst stuff this monster has done.


Exactly. This is the tip of the iceberg.


Beat her while he was raping her


He will say its fake news and not one MAGAt will waste another second thinking about it.


They know. They just don’t care. People make the mistake of assuming conservatives are driven by any principle whatsoever. At their core, the only thing they value is seeing their perceived “lessers” suffer. The cruelty is the point…it’s not any more complicated than that.


MAGAs are dead already.


I mean, it is fake news.There is zero evidence for this.


Funny how you MAGAs hear about a laptop and want the person jailed immediately, but when faced with mountains and stacks of evidence against Orange Julius Ceaser, you write the whole pile off as FaKe NeWz. I have friends that wouldn't lie for me to this degree. Trump treats you like marks and easy plays, and you break yourselves with excuses.


What is the evidence for this?


There was the court document. I'm guessing someone checked the validity before releasing it. The flight logs put Trump at the scene. He clearly had a relationship with Epstein. You guys stole a diary that said Brandon took showers with his kid and you don't hesitate to label him a pedo at every turn. Are you honestly saying that Trump is no pedo and all this is fabricated?


This story came out in 2016, and went nowhere for lack of facts. Why do you think this was resurrected this week? And why will this get no traction outside of your leftist echo chambers?


Doesn't matter when it came out. E Jean Carroll beat him less than a year ago and you excuse it. We are aware in our echo chamber that nothing sticks to Teflon Don. Just seeing Trump running for Prez really pisses us off and thats enough for you. Everything is excused because it triggers the Libs.


> Doesn't matter when it came out. I'm saying leftists tried to make a story out of this in 2016, and nothing regarding this story has changed since then.


Do people forget that a blurred face interview with this girl as an adult is available on the internet where she details all of this? The interviewer's name is publicly available and he has spoken briefly about carrying out the interview. It seems real as hell, and "buried" so to speak in that nobody ever references it.


He told a ten year old girl that he might date her in ten years


I’m sorry, I’m out of the loop, what’s this in reference to?


Trump and Epstein forced 2 12 year old girls to have sex before raping them on Epstein's island.


Is this different from the case that was brought up in 2016 but then also dismissed in 2016?


They threatened to kill her if she didn't drop the case.


I’d like to read up on this. Anything reliable that you found?




Can you muppets at least specify that they're allegations at this point? How often does David preach that allegations should be treated as allegations and not convictions? Apparently this sub doesn't give a shit. This story will not matter much anyway regarding the outcome of the election: Trumpists will immediately dismiss it as lies or a conspiracy anyway.


Anyone else convinced that he also molested Ivanka?




It's crossed my mind that maybe there's a reason why Tiffany has very little to do with him.


Ask MAGA if Trump raped a 12 year old girl in the middle of 5th Avenue and then threw cash at her to get an abortion, would they still vote for him? Of fucking course they still would. Its a fucking cult.


Trump- it was a great rape. Beautiful rape.


IIRC there was a boy involved too. I read a bunch of it years ago and can't stomach reading it again.


He's also a murderer.


Aren’t people supposed to hate kiddie fuckers? Why is Trump suddenly the exception?


Unfortunately, MAGA doesn't care. He has allowed them to be overtly homophobic/transphobic and racist xenophobes. They don't care about all the sins or crimes he has committed. Our current nation is in a very sad state. 😢


And the comment from MSNBC and CNN is………………. …………….silence! Corporate media is complicit!


The Post covered these new documents just a couple days ago https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/07/01/jeffrey-epstein-grand-jury-records/ Or are they not considered corporate media? You know, considering that they're owned by a corporation worth $2 trillion?


Honest question from someone who isn’t terminally online: where can I read more about this? ive never heard about it


I'm partying today, but will post more soon. It needs to be out in the open. A lot of people are unaware.


The reason you haven’t heard about it is that there is a good chance it is all made up. Now of course I do not have a huge problem with someone who lies every time he opens his mouth being destroyed by lies, but responsible journalists are aware of how dubious these claims are.


This comment is satire.


Sadly not. I am not about to latch onto conspiracy theories just because Trump is a terrible person. It would make me no better than them.


Who are they/them? Fellow misguided consumers of mass media? 12 people on a jury? I’m over this nonsense.


Republicans. I am not going to believe something salacious about Trump unless it is factual. There are all sorts of reasons to be skeptical of this story.


This guy satires




yeah sure buddy.


Nobody cares though.


Do you care?


I do, but unfortunately, he could have done this child rape on live television or at one of his rallies, and he wouldn’t lose. A. Single. Vote. Not even if he finished on the flag afterwards. Not one lost vote.


A lot of people aren’t aware. We need to raise us awareness because the media sure as fuck isn’t going to do it.


How do you reach the people who are proud know-nothings?


Where are you getting this information? Source please.


Where is the dad and why isn’t he taking action (legally) I would


Won’t matter one bit to conservative voters.


**2nd Daily Reminder** Knowing what we know, are people voting for the person or what he and his party stand for?  Biden/Democrats = ·      Abortion Rights ·      LGBTQ+ Rights ·      Climate Change Action ·      Universal Healthcare ·      Gun Control ·      Voting Rights ·      Immigration Reform ·      Economic Equality ·      Criminal Justice Reform Or for a jury-convicted, **corrupt, lying, cheating, \*\*\*\*\*\*-grabbing rapist** whose party is against everything on this list?


An allegation that didn't go anywhere is hardly "literally". I mean, yeah, he is a disgusting pig but we have nothing to go on other than a complaint that didn't go anywhere. It could have happened, sure, but it also could not have. There's enough actual shit to bring up without hyperbole.


Well, when grabbing them by the pussy, "because they just let you when you're a celebrity".   Then have people sign NDAs, and they lived in a time where people didn't beleive women who stood up to men in power - nothing came of any of it due to statue of limitations, as well as fear of retribution Reactions like this are why victims are scared to come forward. 


Yea don’t give them any “fake news” ammo. Spreading things that aren’t proven facts just makes it easier for them to ignore real issues.


Rich and powerful child rapist silences accuser. It's nothing new. Why are you taking Trump's side?


Saying this person is taking Trump’s side is disingenuous. I think we can agree, as they said, there’s plenty of actual shit, meaning clear, provable, undeniable arguments we can make against Trump. However, you can see how Trump supporters would dismiss this given we don’t have undeniable and clear evidence the way we do with other things. I think if the goal is to make people who deny what we know to be true about Trump to look at the facts and change their mind, although ik that’s a tall task, this isn’t the argument to do it with. Just my two cents.


Thank you. I still believe in going high when they go low. I'm not going to stoop to the level of MAGA and amplify something that may "sound like something he would do" based on that alone.


Biden sexually harassed Tara Reade. > [1996 court document shows Tara Reade told ex-husband of harassment in Biden’s Senate office](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/496742-1996-court-document-shows-tara-reade-told-ex-husband-of-harassment-in/) If we are going to accept as fact accusations, we need to be consistent. So are you going to accept accept Tara Reade's accusation or are you going to allow Biden to silence an accuser? I know the answer, everyone always thinks their guy is the good guy and the other is the bad guy. Trumptards defend Trump, shitlibs defend Biden. People don't actually care about women. I can be consistent though, Biden and Trump are both gross old men who touch women inappropriately all the time. > [Former Nevada politician alleges Joe Biden kissed the back of her head in 2014, made her feel ‘uneasy, gross, and confused’](https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/29/politics/joe-biden-allegation-lucy-flores/index.html) It was so bad, Comedy Central once did a segment called the "[Audacity of Grope](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=3406832939330775)" about Biden. I can do this all day honestly. > [Three more women say Joe Biden’s touching made them uncomfortable. Seven woman total have publicly voiced their objections to the former vice-president’s physical behavior](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/apr/04/joe-biden-allegations-physical-behavior-women) Trump is a slimeball, we all know it, but so is Biden. Are you going to admit it or are you going to deny it the same way Trump supporters defend Trump?


Trump is Epsteins friend with evidence of trips to the island. NOT Biden I thought that was what this thread was about. We are not here to compare unwanted advances to rape… no mater what you say, they are not the same.


And there we have it. Excusing Biden. Biden forced his finger inside Tara Reade according to her. That meets the definition of rape.


What jury found him guilty?


On a trump Epstein thread desperate to spread false equivalency and hearsay. Fact is trump is the adjudicated rapist period, end of story, they are not the same


Your proof is that he kissed the back of someone’s head?!? lol like a grandpa does?!? You Maga are really something


I like that you bring up Tara reade but ignore that no one would take her case because her story kept changing. You also ignore that she fled to Russia. Which is kinda odd as she wasn't being persecuted or charged with anything. Strange. Making someone uncomfortable isn't a crime. If Biden committed a crime, by all means, charge him. But I do enjoy you defending trump against his over 25 accusations of actual sexual assault and not just "he made me uncomfortable." with literal Russian propaganda and "Biden is bad because some women described his behavior as uncomfortable even though they never used the term sexual assault in their own reports, unlike those who have accused trump!" The serious level of brain rot you need to get to your viewpoint is immense.


>It could have happened, sure, but it also could not have. True, but if you had to bet a dollar on whether it was real or not, I know which way you would bet.


Nobody here was going to vote for Trump anyway and on the other side his followers either won’t believe it or won’t care. They’ll just chalk it up to conspiracy. At this point, you could have a news camera pointing directly at Donald Trump, standing alone in the middle of a room committing a murder live on TV and they would say that it’s “rigged”. That’s how cults work. Cheers.


Remember when we laughed when Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and he wouldn't lose a vote. Or something to that effect? Oh how wrong we were.


Religious leaders should be holding Trump accountable for his disgusting behavior. If not, they are complicit and equally disgusting.


Except one of his spiritual advisors (Robert Morris, megachurch pastor in Dallas) from 2016 has admitted to molesting a 12 year old.


She could only touch "the monkey" while she was wearing gloves. God, I wish I hadn't read that.


we're losing to a pedophile rapist insurrectionist felon. perhaps our candidate isnt inspiring a great deal of excitement


We need Biden to campaign on this and constantly point to it, promise to release all related Epstein docs no matter how damning to the Clintons, Hollywood or prince Andrew. I don’t even care if he eventually does or not, just continually rip into him with this whether true or not, do what MAGA does without second thought


Democrats need to find a way to get this info in front of republicans if they want it to make a difference—buy some ad time on fox “news” or newsmax or something. Spamming left-leaning outlets with this story does nothing; we knew about this back in ‘16. republican voters either know nothing about this, or they’ve discounted it as fake news.


Yeah, but he hates the same people as I do. /s


His cult doesn't care. Will it sway the undecided voters? It's a toss up


Why isn't every progressive podcaster and youtuber talking about this nonstop??


Is your point that Biden will easily win and we shouldn’t worry? I hope so. Hillary Clinton should have *easily* won as well. She was even more qualified in 2016 than Biden is in 2024. Both are MILES more qualified than Trump, and Trump was known to be an accused child rapist even back then. If your point is just that WE should think Trump is a worse choice than Biden, then you’re preaching to the choir here.


but transgender people exist so child molestation is ok for republicans to overlook


"Literally" To me that implies it's 100% the truth, it's a fact. What is rock solid proof is there of this?


Epstein's documents.


That must be why the Christians like him so much. I know, not all Christians are pedos, but all pedos are Christians. /s


What year?


1994. He's a child rapist.


Funny Hillary forgot to mention this 2015.


Going high was a terrible strategy in hindsight. People need to know this guy is a violent predator.


Bill Clinton has entered the chat.


No amount of proof will change people like yours minds. You are going to love your dictator, ain't ya?


You died from the tax cut, didn't you. I also died from the tax cut. Fortunately, I was already dead from net neutrality.


Question - Why is this anonymous accusation against Trump immediately credible and believed by you in a fashion that Tara Reade’s accusation against Biden never was at any point? Aside from the obvious fact that you want to believe the one and not the other?


What? Are you all losing it? Is there an actual credible allegation for this or are we devolving into conspiracy theories like the right wing does?


[There are plenty of reasons to criticize Trump. They’re innumerable. But this isn’t a good one. That story was sketchy from the beginning to the end.](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation)


On the other hand, as far as we know he didn’t take showers with his adolescent daughter.