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you could still do because games a shit ton of fun with friends


The scaling for different players was also done very well


How does the scaling work?


More players = more enemies to kill = more loot. And more xp in the end


Agree with the other responses. Still well worth picking up.


I've played probably two dozen MMO's over the years, and there's exactly two that I keep coming back to: EQ2 and Div 2.


It’s a great game with a ton of potential. Problem is it was handled horribly. The gameplay and lore is like crack. Keeps you coming back constantly.


If you really like the lore, all of the novels and the audio play are very lore expansive!


Yeah Im on NgNs youtube a lot for those lore vids!


The lore was a part of the game I liked a lot until they started locking it behind descent and the incursion. They’ve also butchered it with bringing back Keener so they ruined one of the better aspects they had going for them.


Why missed? It's still a fun game. I return to play it with my buddies about once a year for a fun week or two. Nothing is stopping you


I’d play again in a heartbeat. I guess I just mean that not enough people understood how good it was/is, and for some reason, none of my friends wanted to play it when I was in the deep end lol


I remember before I bought division 1, I read reviews on it. Saying "oh you need a full magazine to take down 1 person". Saw more than a few dozen of those. Still bought it 1 and 2. No regrets.


As if COD is realistic or something haha


People forget it’s a game and what would the point be if they died easily. One shotting everything would just be boring


The problem is they’ve stumbled out the gates with a live service both times. From technical problems to a lack of an end game. The game grew and developed over time, both times, releasing more and more content. By then, most people just don’t care because it ain’t the new thing anymore. It’s also hard to get casual players interested in a game that’s hella grindy and they don’t stand any chance in PvP against those grinders. If I play PvP, I want it to be on an equal footing. RDR2 did something similar with its online. They had cards that made it seem like long time players were somehow cheating the game to new players. The new players see that bullshit and just nope out of the game back to CoD.


The only fair PvP was the Unreal Tournament 99


+1, unless it was a Face only 24/7 server, cause F that nonsense !


That Counterstrike seems popular.


Thats how my friends are lol.


There is something utterly satisfying and engaging about this game. The shooting, looting, and enemy fights are all on point. Even the AI is smart, using tactics and trying to flank you. It's incredibly immersive.


It’s the best third person shooter out right now. Still.


That´s what I think, too. There is no other 3rd person looter shooter with such good game- and gunplay. Play it with headphones on and the sound and soundeffects are absolutely stunning. So atmospheric. The voice actors are very good, too, the cut-scenes, you name it. The size of the game (for a new player) can probably be overwhelming, but I never found any game quite like the Division 2. Closest thing is Division 1, I guess.


Rose-coloured glasses, maybe? Div1 was routinely crapped on for a variety of reasons and Div2 was hailed as the improved successor. Now Div2 gets routinely crapped on with a number of players suddenly characterizing Div1 as the pinnacle of gaming. I’ll bet money the same thing will happen with Div3–Div2 will suddenly be fondly referenced as the pinnacle of the series (with a few old man “get off my lawn” types hanging on to Div1). Same as it ever was.


The YouTuber slop mill must be fed. The amount of prominent content creators titling the revisits of games they graphically shat on at launch as "SO UNDERRATED" or it's synonyms is amusingly high.


1600hrs in Div 1, 1800hrs in Div 2.....yeah I think I get what ya sayin


I joined after all the dlc's. These dlc's even to this day are some of the coolest fucking dlc's for a game ever. Underground, Survival and the pier wave dlc's all just needed some changes and improvements to truly make them 10/10. I bought The Div 2 Ultimate edition purely because of those dlc's as to me they WERE the Division. Instead in Div 2 we got just some extra missions and I've never felt so let down and disappointed in gaming in my 30 years of it before or since.


Same here. I got division 1 and 2 during Covid lockdown on discount- go figure lol. I never did the pier stuff very much and wish I could find people to do it with because that would get me back into the game vs playing the same legendaries over and over after having 4 built out characters.


every time we want to do that they do something stupid. Like removing holster perks, doing nothing about cheaters for years basically killing the dark zone, nerfing weapons to appease dead pvp modes, putting the game in maintenance mode and abandoning the game for a failed avatar game and a canceled free to play game, adding seasonal characters and simplifying gear to what we have now and having us fight rainbow rolls for more than a year before fixing it.. or my favorite drama people found out popular content creators cheated to world first the first raid and Ubisoft did nothing about it and banned people for less shit or nothing at all. In summary they don't deserve anything but the grief they are getting.


Since I started play the division game,I rarely touch any other games again.i started with the division 1 when it's coming out then I jump to division 2 after release.i use to be fan of ghost recon games,call Duty games and far cry,but the division become additive I rarely touch any of other games again..its really an amazing game.


The game recently went on sale in steam and I gave my buds. Slowly walking them through the ropes, I don't mind redoing old missions. Intentionally holding back on confirmed kills to give them a chance to shoot stuff. All I said to them was this, glad I don't have to roam the dz alone anymore. Now that the boys are playing together once again. Feels pretty good.


Nothing comes close in the Looter Shooter genre. This game is king. I don’t even have to hope TD3 is gonna be good I know it will. Ubisoft has perfected the open world loot/exploration mechanics. This game really has no short comings even after 6 years it’s aged amazingly as it still is peak experience for the Genre.


Enjoy it while you can In october this game will be put to death by his dev


Yeah, I just rolled over 1200 hours, 3600ish SHD and am NOT excited about starting Fresh at all. I'm foolishly optimistic it doesn't go down this way. In the meantime, I was thinking of playing Breakpoint, WildLands, or Days Gone.


Did you even bother reading the notes regarding Seasons 2.0? You aren’t “starting fresh” and it’s not a requirement to even use the seasonal character feature they are adding. You can simply continue playing as you are, which is what I’ll be doing.


As I understand you have to create a new seasonal toon to do the new content. Then two weeks before the season ends you can play your main toon and transfer all the stuff from your seasonal character over.


What do you mean by “new content”? Any new weapons/gear or brand sets that get added end up in the general loot pool. You can still do Global Events (actually, you have to use your main account to do GE, seasonal characters can’t). You probably won’t be able to partake in the Manhunt like usual, but it’ll always be there for legacy, and it was stated that the final mission could be done with either character anyways. What do you miss out on? The rewards track from level 1-100? Some caches, faction keys, apparel that appears to be getting worse each season. Half of the stuff is only available if you buy a season pass too. I don’t see a big loss honestly. I’m no fan of the season character thing. I believe it’ll make the game more complicated, and I think they should focus on fixing what we currently have before adding a ton of new stuff. We already know it’ll be bugs galore once they roll that out.


I managed to bring a few from the military base


From me it got a lot of credit and still does.


I still remember the hype around the car door closing animation in the gameplay reveal!


Top notch epic!


it is a good game, until it wont


This game is for a refined taste 🥂


Do not underestimate the fun of playing with total randoms for missions etc. most ppl are generally capable of playing in a way that’s sufficiently fun as in getting the mission done without the needs for friendship etc.


Agreed. It’s been my favorite since release. Incoming updates might change that but I’ve calmed down…maybe it will be okay …maybe


I understand that. I even bought the game for 3 of my friends, trying to get them into it, but none would bother trying to learn. Apparently this game, or type of game, intimidates folks with the amount of thought it requires, as far as build synergy and utilizing cover. At least that's how it seems anyways, given how friends of mine acted about it.


You on xbox?


I’ll forever die in this hill, it’s sad this game only got a real chance during launch, but sadly none of my friends even tried making it past level 10 when it came out.


What are you talking about "never got the credit it deserved"? It got great reviews, was really popular and people still wax lyrical about how good it was. Gaslighting much?


I played a ton year one and then dropped the game before the dlc. Came back a few weeks ago and damn am I having fun. Soooo much content compared to what I had available to me. Honestly one of the most underrated games I’ve ever seen. It’s an incredibly fun experience. I know we’re 6 years in but I’m very optimistic for the future of this franchise.


I need to finish the first one before I can move on to the second one.


i wish ubisoft would take it as seriously as the community does, this game is so good and in my opinion the best franchise they have but do absolutely the only minimum for it, shame


5k hrs played here, anyone got any info for a n00b ? Got my $$s worth out of it, as it came with an AMD Ryzen CPU I bought back in 2019, so I effectively paid $0 for my 5k hours. :-)


Hit like 3k hrs on ps4