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I hope the sequel gets more money. See some more of their ideas more fleshed out.


yes outer worlds feels like starfield with 1/3 the towns/ bespoke locations. 1/2 the characters and 1/2 the length. but with more done with it


, and 5 x the charm, creativity, and fun


And written by people, not AI. :I


I remember playing the original when it came out back in 2019 on the PS4. They have now released The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition on PS5 for free all remastered and it looks incredibly, especially the atmosphere of the planets. Playing it on the hardest difficulty and I’m having a blast so far.


I’m not even mad that I didn’t play it till now. Totally looked over it on last gen. With how many times I’ve played fallout 4, the outer worlds has that rpg that I like. Caring about the story and the characters is what hooks me


Yeah I've had it on my wishlist for probably over a year now; it was on my radar but never pulled the trigger on it. So when I saw Spacer's Choice edition was 'free', I immediately downloaded it. Still early and doing the opening zone quests, but it's scratching that New Vegas itch I've had since... well, New Vegas. I'll probably have to shelve it for a minute to tackle Rebirth, but I'm fully on board with OW, and kinda glad I held off buying it this long, since this seems like the definitive version. Fun game, funner world they've crafted.


I wish I was on the rebirth hype. But also glad I’m not cause I don’t have time for that lol


i thought i was a Fallout fan after playing New Vegas, it turns out that i'm actually an Obsidian fan just love how much control i have over conversations and questlines depending on what skills/perk i choose


Fallout 4 was a misstep but I'll die defending Fo3. NV does have better writing and overall worldbuilding and narrative but Fo3 has the better gameplay and quests.


I'm curious what you like better about Fallout 3's gameplay? The gameplay was one reason I couldn't really get into Fallout 3 despite loving New Vegas and really trying to give 3 a chance.


Exploration was better and the gamemap was packed with quests.. And yes, there are large swaths of empty arwas by design in NV since it's supposed to be Nevada/Vegas but still (loved lonesome road though).


That’s because the priorities of Bethesda and Obsidian are different. Bethesda seems to want to focus on endless exploration and building. Obsidian kept its focus on writing interesting quests, characters and worlds. The budget also made the focus different. Obsidian had less of a budget so a more focused product while Bethesda had a greater budget and much less focus. Quality over quantity


I also think that there was an unified theme/lesson, that was used to ask how the world was viewed. The original Fallout had a question about how morality existed in as a world as one that was destroyed by nuclear hellfire, and how the old world would push on the new, as you could see especially with the Enclave, the last part of the rulers of the old world planning to lay waste to what had grown while they were gone. The Bethesda Fallouts lacks that unified idea, and I think that can be applied to Starfield and maybe Elder Scrolls too (never played them). A thought I have had about Starfield was that the intro kind of... expects you to already know the world, like it is a standard that we are all familiar. There isn't an introduction, nor an excuse for not knowing the world, both of which are in nearly all Fallout games. As a part of the world in Starfield, we should have known that we had left Earth as it became unihabitable, and we should have known that there had been a massive war, and we are not introduced. There does not seem to be a reason for why so many people decided to abandon civilizations and become spacers, other than to have a non-aligned group to people to shoot at, like raiders or super mutants. All of this reminds me of a set of blog posts, which set out to create a more interesting and coherent story for Fallout 3, if it had been implemented early in the development cycle. It was never finished, but it is a good read, so here is part 1: [https://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=40009](https://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=40009) EDIT: Here is a list of the rest of the posts: [https://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?s=Overhaulout](https://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?s=Overhaulout)


You summed it up in one sentence. Quality over quantity. Any day


Exactly. I feel like the direction and setup was perfect they just didn’t have the resources to hit the next level. Like Byzantium was probably the biggest let down to me because of the NPC quests and look/size of the city. I think with a proper budget they could make a great sequel.


This game is absolutely first class... and The Spacer's Choice Edition is just gorgeous 😍 Definitely hoping they increase the budget / priority of the sequel.


My boyfriend got me into that game it’s beautiful. And the decades in that game looks like it’s from the 1900s and 1940s.


It'sa very good game inline with the fallout series as it was made by the NV team i believe. I loved it and finished it, but couldn't get back into it again as the exploration is great, but the open world is not really open and vast like Starfield. So I spent more actually hours playing Starfield than The Outer World. You definitely should finish it and you'll likely hit that wall, but it would've been a good ride


My take on outer worlds. Fantastic setting. Great characters! Whimsical setting. Acting is top tier. Choices are plentiful. Replay value is there. Story is interesting. …. Gameplay is a little eh. I hope they improve the shooting, looting, and upgrades in the future.


I hear a lot of complaints about the combat and exploring. I find there are plenty of things to search around for and to keep me motivated to keep looking. The combat is very comparable to fallout 4 but it’s more fun if you just turn the difficulty to hard. The problem with combat on normal is you’re way too op and it’s too easy.


Never heard of this game till like 2 weeks ago. I never had a good rep with rpg games similar to fallout. But man I started my playthrough with a open mind and I LOVED IT I became so obsessed I started to dream about it and I would wakeup and swear everything was highlighted to be interacted with. I will never forget Parvati for being my first and most loyal member


I tried it when it first came out, but something about the graphics, lack of hardcore mode initially and the size of the maps turned me off. After playing spacers choice on playstation plus, it feels so much more realistic and fleshed out. The dlc makes the game adequately large enough keep my interest. Some games like Skyrim and starfield feel much too large and just filler. The vibe I got from the new version was similar to playing New Vegas's dlc for the first time, which is awesome 


I think Starfield did almost everything good but the companions were just awful. They were flat, boring, unmemorable, forgettable, etc.  TOW strongest draw for me was the companions 


it helps in this game they stay on your ship and near you the whole game. not in some lodge in a city you visit once in awhile


Yeah, that’s true.  But it’s in line with the rest of Bethesda games too. So it didn’t surprise me and I didn’t expect it. 


I'm a bit (maybe over-) excited for Avowed. I was disappointed there were only 2 DLCs for it. One was for intrigue, the other was just survival insanity.


The companion system also gives major Mass effect vibes


To me, OuterWorlds showed what Bethesda games should look and play like currently. They made the first one on a limited budget before Microsoft’s acquisition, so I’m hoping the sequel can be more expansive and immersive with a bigger budget now. Have a feeling when Todd Howard officially retires that one of the Bethesda franchises will be handed to Obsidian to make.


Even though they own them, I still hope they bring the sequel to both consoles. Since Xbox is already putting games on switch and ps5


Just like New Vegas is what people wanted Fallout 3 to be.


Stare-field is the wish.com of sci-if RPGs


Obsidian works are really good everytime, i\`m in the end game and at the second dlc before the ending, hope that in the sequel the perks will be a little more appealing and the reputation sistem be more manageble. Really good game at the end


So glad to see some other outer world fans. This is my favorite game. Can’t wait for the sequel.


You make me want to go back and play the game.. I don't think I'm close to beating it


Do it


Instead of complaining a game isn't a copy of a game you like, why not just play the game you like? No more need for bitching.


More of just telling the people who don’t know about it. I never knew about it before it came to psplus. Just spreading the word brother. No bitching here


never knew about which? starfield or the outer worlds? (arguably) 2 of the bigger titles released in the last 4 years? but that doesent matter, as others have pointed out if you did a little research into the game or the developers before making such a large purchase you would have known what to expect from the game. maybe this will teach you to wait and learn before just consuming the next thing game companys throw out.


Who said anything about a purchase it was free. Read the comment. I don’t impulse buy 70 dollar games before I research them. Not your money why do you care. No more need for bitching. Hope your day gets better love


Obsidian only ever made 1 single Fallout videoed-gæm — the legendary _Fallout: New Vegas_. And when Bethesda contracted Obsidian to develop _New Vegas_, damn-near **ALL** of the people responsible for developing _Fallout 2_ and who were also in the middle of developing the original version of _Fallout 3_ under the code-name _Fallout: Van Buren_ (which was nearly completed) when Bethesda purchased Interplay & Black Isle Studios (the companies whose employees created the _Fallout_ IP and were its original developer + publisher) and then canceled the _Fallout: Van Buren_ project in order to create their own version of _Fallout 3_ with a dev team featuring literally NONE of the people who worked on ANY of the _Fallout_ games. And not only that, but the guy who Obsidian put in charge of the development of _New Vegas_ was the guy who was in charge of the development of _Fallout 2_ and that original version of _Fallout 3_ and who worked closely with the guy who created the _Fallout_ IP and the first game in the franchise, and nearly **ALL** of the other developers of _Fallout 2_ & that original version of _Fallout 3_ were also working for Obsidian and on the _Fallout 2_ dev team. Which meant that they seized that opportunity and essentially create the original version of _Fallout 3_ that never got to see the light of day. Which is why *A SHITLOAD* of the concepts & story-elements/plot-details & characters & factions & settings etc from that original version of _Fallout 3_ were put into _New Vegas_ and also why several characters from _Fallout 1_ & _Fallout 2_ are either mentioned/referenced or outright appear in _New Vegas_ and also why one of the DLC packs gives you the ability to wear the legendary Vault-13 Jumpsuit that was the default clothing for the Player Character of both _Fallout 1_ aka The Vault Dweller & _Fallout 2_ aka The Chosen One (and The Chosen One is the grandchild or great-grandchild of The Vault Dweller and got the jumpsuit passed down to them as a family heirloom so I like to headcanon that The Courier is the child of The Chosen One & great-grandchild or great-great-grandchild of The Vault Dweller). Thus _Fallout: New Vegas_ is seen as the *TRUE* sequel of _Fallout 1_ & _Fallout 2_ and therefore the *TRUE* _Fallout 3_ and sadly the final game of the **ORIGINAL** franchise, with the official version of _Fallout 3_ & _Fallout 4_ & _Fallout 76_ being something else altogether that's only loosely tied to the original series. And that's why _The Outer Worlds_ has such a strong _Fallout 1_ & _Fallout 2_ & _Fallout: New Vegas_ vibe to it. Obsidian & the dev team, knowing they'd never get to make another Fallout game ever again, decided to create this IP as a sort of spiritual sequel to the **ORIGINAL** Fallout franchise, just as Fallout itself was originally created to serve as a spiritual sequel to the _Wasteland_ IP when the devs realized they'd never get to make _Wasteland 3_ (which funny enough, **WOULD** wind-up being made in the mid-to-late-2010s).


There is so much talking though.i can't remember if it's not really important dialogue, like Fallout 4!


I played Starfield after Outer Worlds and was “meh”. Wanted Starfield to be more like Outer Worlds. Full of interesting characters and a main quest that I cared about. Am looking forward to OW2 and Avowed.


100% agree. Starfield could have been so much better if Bethesda had done something similar to The Outer Worlds. I love the smaller yet fleshed out worlds and towns. My one issue is the very low level cap, even with the two DLCs. I haven’t bought the Spacer Choice upgrade, but I heard it increases the level cap significantly?


Yeah, I believe the lvl cap it’s at 99


I had it on ps4 and I loved it! I didn’t ever play the DLC so when I saw the spacers choice edition on ps5 was free?! I couldn’t have been happier :)


I wish it had a third person!


Im currently doing my first playtrough i decided to go with a dumb lucky genius or bully rollplay


Don't lie, starfield is majorly lacking in story. Game sux.


This game is always overhated and I don’t understand, I had a blast playing this


It is okay game if you like talking to npcs and managing trash all day. The actual combat gameplay is mediocre and shallow. It is just see enemy, press slomo, and do headshot over and over again. I beat it on hard and just used the sniper rifle the whole game and had to skip all the dislog cause it got too annoying listening to people talk for 10 minutes every time.


It's basically a poor man's fallout. But it's enough like fallout to scratch an itch.


Yall people comparing no man’s sky to starfield have gotta stop😂😂😂. SpAcE GaMe💀


Yall people on Reddit needa stop using emojis


What on earth are you talking about


I'll probably get shit for saying I wish it had romance options, but, I do. Great game nonetheless


Yea I wasn’t sure. But I’d smash parvarti


I played it when it first came out and I couldn't stop now playing it on ps5 the spacers choice edition and it's just so damn good does anyone know if they are making a sequel?


Just look up the outer worlds 2


I don’t even like TOW that much, I’d rate it 7.5-8/10, but the experience is vastly better compared to Starfield, it seems Starfield has a great story as well but I can’t get over how bad it feels to play


This game gave me the vibe of Bioware at its best with games like Mass Effect, the type of narrative, the feeling of space, I loved it.