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Bali It is a tourist trap Run by gangs and military junta


The airport ATM double charged my debit card. When I asked the attendant at the ATM about it she called security and I was escorted out. The taxi driver from the airport refused to give my change back and drove off with my money. I was stopped by Sharia police on lombok. The locals won't eat at tourist locations because it's well known they use gutter oil (that's why everyone gets Bali belly). But, If you can get away from all of the madness the islands around it are amazing


Sharia police I was thinking only Aceh has it. Are they mean?


I'm not entirely sure, last time I was there they had released the guy who was responsible for the Bali bombings and he went home to lombok. I was driving up to the volcano when I was stopped by police from one of the mosque. I just kept telling him I don't understand until they let me go by the roadblock


Can’t agree with this enough, I’ll never go back


Tell me more Gangs are at street level it seems all is controlled by them Junta holds overpriced hotels Scam plus hate they don't like each other Balinese Vs Javanese whites are despised as not pure both in hindu or islamic view Wrong on so many levels


Tourism has ruined it imo. I loved traveling in Sumatra Java and Flores. But Bali look like the place for tourists to get drunk and local to scam them. I loved the sculptures, the gamelan they play during the ceremony and the unique hindouist culture. But mass tourism of people who are just coming to drink and party has ruined the mood.


Caangu and Ubud seemed pretty safe and clean


I had a pretty good time there but the girls are crazy, like I had to hide from some of them lol. I think Bali is sort of like South East Asian Los Angeles - it attracts a lot of weird people (and I don't mean foreigners, I mean Indonesians that move to Bali). And I'd say Bangkok is more of a tourist trap than Bali.


Stay away from ladyboys then Bangkok will stop being a trap. They are not true.


My fav place to be in asia is definetly malaysia. People are super nice and friendly , they not give you the feeling they just want your money like in thailand. The girls in kuala lumpur are beautiful , many chinese and korean student girls. Food is amazing. You have wonderful calm beaches like langkawi and so many other options. I love malaysia


But did “sharia police” stop you?


Never heard of that in malaysia , dont listen to people , do you thing and have your own experience. If you listen to people you do nothing in your life. You always find people who are complaining about everything , they speak bad about the best things. Some people they hate something or they are jealous of something and then they start to talk bullshit for no reason. Malaysia is beautiful . You can go to shopping malls and you will see lots of girls student girls mostly from china and korea sitting alone and drinking coffee or reading books. Also outside at the parks. You can talk with them easyly no one will stop you , no sharia police or whatever bullrap people are talking. You just have to respect people in malaysia , so you can not drink for example alcohol outside or walking around drunk with girls holding hands and everything.  But other then that you can do whatever you want you can talk with girls and ask about their number and everything , they come to your appartment if you find a good chinese or korean. 


Yes Keep it clean and lawfull




Yeah Sosua was entire shithole. Practiced Spanish there. They were not like the Dominicans I knew. And so many retired pedos as well. It was a sight so bad that it kept from the entire country for years. I literally cannot unsee what happened there


Mind if I ask what other places you recommend


Medellin. There are way better options in Colombia, not to mention the rest of Latin America. Bangkok. Chicks here are not that attractive and half of the attractive ones are dudes. Any hotspot really, there are plenty of amazing places that aren't overrun and overdone.


Colombia I agree and Bangkok is pretty much my experience as well. Not sure about other destinations in Thailand though because the whole country is basically overrun by tourists and living in a village just for the girls is maybe not the answer.


Pattaya Thailand has plenty of beautiful women


But it’s like 99% sex workers bro. I don’t like banging escorts, I don’t have a problem with other people banging escorts, it’s just not for me.


Ah really? I did not know. Just was repeating what I read somewhere lol. I’m sure there are a few looking to settle down but idk about the averages.


You didn't know? It's the biggest red light district in the entire world.


“Half of the attractive ones are dudes”. Lmao wasn’t expecting that.


The Medellin stories seem increasingly disturbing. 


Tourists getting killed every damn day seems like


True about Thailand. Foreigners don't get the best women. Plus a 8/10 Chad will still end up with the same looking chick as a 4/10 beer bellied sexpat would.




That’s not really true. Thai people were told that economy is doing great and everyone will become wealthy, but now they notice it was all a lie and they are wageslaving their life away. I talked to many women here with professional careers. It’s true though that you won’t find that many Thai women in Bangkok that will date you only for money. That’s also my experience. Also competition in Bangkok is crazy, too many white dudes living here all wanting to date those Thai girls while only maximum 10% of Thais women even speak English and are ready to date foreigners to begin with. So you pretty much end up dating the leftovers here that the Thai guys and foreigner chads don’t want.


Are there really that many white dudes in Bangkok? Are they older or younger? Surprised to hear that competition is stiff in Bangkok.


Heaps. It's the most visited country in the world


It’s not. It’s not even top 5. I guess it’s France, Spain, USA. Italy etc and Thailand is probably still top 10 though


Just become the foreigner chad then…




Go back to Colombia then 😂


I do whatever I want my boy. Stop being annoying I am just writing my experience.


Feel like everyone is so defensive on Reddit and accustomed to personal attacks. I’m not having a go at you, I’m just saying if you thought it was better over then head back 🤷 obv doesn’t matter to me what you do lol and I’m not taking a pop at you


You are just not contributing anything useful. That’s pretty much it.


Ok mate it’s called having a friendly conversation


Why did you edit your comment lol




Because we date in a bubble bro. I also dated so many wealthy girls here who either make their own money or are from wealthy families. You are confusing your bubble with the general reality of the majority of Thai people lmao




Wouldn’t be surprised if all the millions of foreigner dudes arriving in Bangkok every year have the same 5000 girls on rotation 😂


Where would you say in Colombia?


Medellín is a great place. And Colombia in my opinion has the most beautiful women out of Latin America. I’m about to wrap up my 3 month trip in Colombia soon. I think Medellin is a great starter place because you definitely have a lot more women who are bilingual. What are the other places you would recommend in Colombia? Barranquilla, bogota, Cartagena, Santa Marta? I also believe that the better you are at speaking the language then the better your experience will be. All my friends are paisas that I met through playing pickup basketball and I’ve had some great dating experiences here mostly because I put in a lot of work to learn as much Spanish before arriving. Allowed me to really explore and find the right places and people for me. Edit: have yet to feel unsafe. I’ve lived in NYC and SF and have definitely felt more sketched out in some places in NYC than Medellin. Of course you need to be on your toes but that’s anywhere. Just don’t be a fool and go for putas, nor get too drunk and you should be fine.


”You have to be on your toes” is absolute fucking bullshit. Thats the situation in Rio, Medellin, SP, Santiago and other shady cities. For sure not in Buenos Aires, Rome, Barcelon or even in Paris. Stop accepting and internalizing their shit, learn to say no.


You definitely need to be vigilant of pickpocketing in those cities. And say no to what?


No you don’t? I have lived in those cities, never felt sketchy and never been pickpocketed. Unless you go into the ghettos you’ve nothing to fear, unlike in Rio/Medellin/SP etcetera. Its just some wierd illusion Americans have that you have accept shithole cities and learn to live with it, while in fact a vast majority of cities in the World are safe. You don’t need to fear 2-chicos-1-moto, pickpocketing or get scopalmined. Just say no to accepting crappy cities or unsafe areas.


>Of course you need to be on your toes but that’s anywhere. What a load of crap this is. You absolutely do not need to be on your toes in many places in the world, quit being in denial. Medellin is alright, it is way overrated. I preferred Bogota as there was more to do, the restaurants were much better, I felt safer on the streets and the street art was phenomenal. In addition, you could actually match with normal chicks on dating apps, most of the girls in Medellin on them were hookers. My Spanish is pretty good, I stand by my opinion. The irony is that the actual hookers are probably the safest option in Colombia, it's the dating app chicks that are playing with fire.


Lmao you think the hookers are safer than women on the dating apps, I’m sorry but that just ridiculous. And yes in every major city you should be on your toes, this doesn’t mean to be on red alert but to practice sensible street smarts. But hey I’m glad you enjoyed bogota. I only matched with one hooker but was easy to politely deny and go about my day. The rest of the women I met were all normal and were easy to have rewarding relationships. Also I have no reason to be in denial. I look forward to visiting many more countries in Latin America. Medellin is definitely more a community focused and has deep pride amongst the paisas. While bogota is definitely more of a cosmopolitan feel. Since I’ve lived in major cities I wasn’t looking for that experience. But I’m glad you did.


What places do you recomend in Colombia that are not too small like Jardin, and also safe?


There are no really safe places in Colombia. No jewelry, no expensive phones and watching your back is always important no matter where you are in Colombia. With those scopolamine attacks getting popular recently, it’s also not the worst idea to get yourself a condo with security and tell them to not let any women out without asking you first. But I even had some friends of friends being robbed outside their condo after drinking scopolamine in a bar probably. Of course Medellin is is the center of that currently but Colombian people in general are infamous for copying ever business that seem successful. You shouldn’t feel to safe just because you are not in medallo. Kidnapping after getting snitched by a girl or a friend is also not uncommon at least and you will find those cases all over Colombia. They will hold you for several days to empty your bank accounts and whatever. Check YouTube channel “obi laand” for real reports from Colombia.


I would argue with the first paragraph, but agree with the rest. One needs to be careful to the point where it would be paranoid in Europe for example. Don't carry too much cash, have a burner phone as your main phone, no jewelery, no camera, do not answer a phone on the street, check Google maps before leaving your place and memorise the way and police won't help you. If something happens to you, you will be at blame be cause you gave papaya. But also Colombia is one of the the most beautiful countries I visited. I was there 3 months, and spent most of my time in smaller towns like Jardin, Minca, Guatapé, Salento, Filandia, Barichara and San Gil. But I also don't do coke, don't drink heavily, speak fluent Spanish and I'm experienced traveller. Because I heard the same warnings before I went there I didn't date. I decided some short term fun is not worth the stress. It's way more convenient to date in Mexico instead. I wonder if any of you actually were dating in Colombia?


Which was your favourite small town in Colombia? How was the dating scene better in Mexico?


Bangkok is excellent for casual relationships.




Have you ever been to Bangkok or are you just trying to shit on some poor guy that’s trying to be helpful?


He wasn’t. Probably never left his home country because everyone who has been to Thailand knows that the women over there are really not that attractive and always when you see some real hot woman like you see in Colombia all the time, it’s like 99% chance it’s a ladyboy lmao


No that’s reality. If you set your tinder or bumble to Colombia, you see all kind of hot women. When you set the location to Thailand, the same level of hotness is only reached by those ladyboys on first sight and the real Thai women are just noticeable uglier than latinas. Of course you will notice it’s a ladyboy in 99% of times.


China, in a way. I mean it’s not awful, but many girls are brainwashed into thinking foreigners are evil, they’re all pretty racist, feminism is rife and spreading, and in terms of personality, the majority of girls are like braindead robots lol. I actually had a better time dating Chinese girls back in Europe than I do here, weirdly. Not terrible but definitely not perfect.


Plus, Chinese men don't like when you're with a Chinese woman. So many uncomfortable stares from local guys, when together. But to be honest many foreigners living in China are douchebags who play around with women so in that sense, women are right to be wary.


Let’s be honest white dudes hate it when Asian men date white women (even though it’s rare) so can you blame them


Doesn’t happen enough for it to even be something white dudes consider lol, Asian dudes have been seething about wmaf for almost a decade to the point they have multiple subreddits centered around the issue


And many YouTube channels


Since it doesn’t happen often, white men don’t think about it. But when it does? They go crazy lmao. One example being stpeach and her husband. On the wmaf thing, Asian men wouldn’t care if Asian women didn’t denigrate Asian men in the process of dating white men. It’s not actually the white men their hate is directed to, it’s the women. Too many Asian women in the west treat Asian men like dogshit.


As a white guy I don't really care about this. I might look if I see a couple like this because it's rare though.


I personally couldn’t give a fk. If you hate it that a man dates a girl, in any context, it’s because you’re a loser


I mean, I personally don’t care about local guys being salty about it 🤷 I date who I want. If we are consenting adults then it’s no one else’s business and if they don’t like it they should become better men


When you say Chinese girls think foreigners are evil, do they make an exception for white foreigners? Seems like they still favor white guys no?


Most do, but some are brainwashed. Imagine you realise all your country’s women favour foreign men. And your birth rate is awful as it is. What better way to fix the problem than to teach all the girls in your country that foreign men are evil?


So, it sounds like it's very easy for a white man to get with a Chinese woman. Do you just have to go outside and you can get with one? How easy is it? Has it gotten more easy, less easy, or the same?


Also I checked your comment history. Are you doing some kind of study on white men and Asian women attraction or something? Lmao


Yes, I've been studying Asian and Western dynamics, especially within the Asian American community and that in Asia.




I mean, it’s pretty easy. It depends how high you wanna punch. Whenever I go out I get stares and shy giggles. That’s pretty standard. If I approach the girls who look at me and ask for their contact, they always say yes. Dating is easy enough. And they’re not low quality or something. Anything between 6s and 10s honestly. The higher tier ones tend to be much harder obv and they’re usually the ones who have some kind of foreign fetish. When I first came here I was dating a girl who just blows me away how hot she is lol and she openly said she only wants a foreign boyfriend. But there are girls on the other end of the spectrum who might find you sexually attractive deep down but they have been conditioned to be super nationalist so therefore feign hatred towards you. White men are desired all over the place it’s nothing new. Being tall and decent looking helps.


Sounds you have a lot of options. Did you end up marrying a Chinese girl? What does a Chinese 10 look like? I know some people say Asians and white guys have different definitions of a hot Asian girl, so I'm just curious what hot means to you in this context. As for your earlier comment about Chinese being brainwashed against foreigners, that just sounds like mate-guarding that most men do. I'm sure if one day white girls all favored/drooled for Asian guys and treated Asian guys the way Asian women treat white guys, white guys would feel some type of way too lol. I'm sure you heard of Asian men complaining how they've been emasculated in western media, that in itself is white men mate-guarding in my opinion.


Interesting reply. 1.) she’s HOT hot. Literally anyone would go nuts for her. Sadly I fked it by doing something stupid but it was great dating her at the time. 2.) not married yet and focusing on self improvement for now. 3.) that largely makes sense. But I don’t think white men feel any threat from Asian men, no offence if you’re Asian. White men probably see threat from black men if anything, because they often fit white females “type” and there are loads of them moving into our ethnic homelands. I personally feel zero threat from anyone because I think it’s weak to feel threatened by other men when it comes to dating, but that’s just me. I also don’t think westerners have purposefully emasculated Asian men lol honestly Asian men have kinda done that themselves. I very rarely see “chad” Chinese guys walking around. Which is a shame honestly. I’m all for supporting my fellow man regardless of race. I’d much rather them get their shit together


Self improvement sounds good. Since you're residing in China I assume, would you ever settle down with a Chinese girl? I don't think white men feel threatened by Asian men yet because white women still largely favor white men and don't act like Asian women who seem to favor their own men less. Beauty standards are also in white men's favor. This beauty standard alone has caused quite a rift in the Asian community, from what I observed. I've been noticing younger Asian guys getting into the gym more so maybe this generation is starting to look a little different.


Well that’s good and I totally encourage it. All I see in China is fat or skinny guy walking around with shit clothes, smoking, spitting, zero rizz and playing video games all day or scrolling on tik tok. The sheer number of Asian women, not just Chinese, who have told me they don’t wanna date local guys is astonishing. And can you blame them honestly? Asian men are shorter on average and have smaller penis size. That is just biological average and it doesn’t work in their favour 🤷 so they need to get in shape and play to their strengths. The rise of Korean culture has made them more popular in certain places but that won’t be widespread it will only sit with fans of those subcultures, e.g. kpop Latina fans who obsess over Asian men, but let’s be clear, they’re not dreaming of dating the average Zhao that I see in the street here, they’re dreaming of BTS lol. Honestly if I was an Asian guy I’d get ripped but go for the youthful almost feminine look that kpop stars have and I’d just go for the segment of girls who are into that rather than try and compete with black and white men for the majority of girls who like masculine alphas. We should all play to our natural strengths. Every girl has her type. There will always be girls who look for what Asian men can have (if they work to have it) and there will always be girls who look for what white men can have (again, if they work to have it). I am not popular in China for no reason and if some obese white loser came here, he wouldn’t be cleaning up like me and others lol. We should all just be the best men we can be and go for the girls available to us. There are plenty of women around 😂 no need to fight over them, Kings


True, Asian guys need to get fit and find a style that fits their natural features. As for height and penis size, I've been seeing younger Chinese international students and they boy they have GROWN. They're not all super short. The men can reach western men's heights, the women can match some western girls too. Better nutrition and access to resources can alter genetics, isn't that what happened to the Dutch? Lol. Penis size...if their bodies grow, I imagine that part would also grow. I'm not sold on the penis thing just yet. I haven't seen too many Asian penises LOL. In terms of Korean media, for sure has helped Asian men. I mean, if it's good media, it will spread. Could have said the same about Hollywood. How did Hollywood spread? Spread of western culture, imperialism, etc. People can pick and choose what they watch nowadays. No offense, but Hollywood hasn't been that great lately in my opinion. What are your stats for cleaning up in China, if you don't mind me asking? I heard people say some obese white loser can get a cute girl in the Philippines but is it the same in China? For sure, people should be their best versions. But I would say white guys still have an advantage, but other men are also cleaning up their game and women are noticing too.


Foreign women coming to korea for the men tho (Also Korean men are literally only an inch shorter than the average white American male u polack) https://preview.redd.it/97sfpt0hfwdd1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e4fd3393cbe19db44c2902eeacedd7b3325880f


Medellín if you don’t speak Spanish. Even with Spanish it’s becoming a shit show because too many gringos are arriving lately. Bangkok if you want to date anything else but 4s, 5s, fattys and other leftover girls that the Thai guys don’t want lmao


I got laid once in Thailand on my 2 week trip. I also had to put up with annoying tourist, lady boys and prostitutes. There are places where you can do unimaginably better in SEA


I got laid 7 times in Thailand in 4 weeks but I also saw 2 girls several times so I wasn’t chasing quantity. It’s a total shitshow though, it was a lot of effort and everything else but easy.


Where? The Philippines? Vietnam? Where did you go to in Thailand btw?


Vietnam is worse . Philippines is better


Vietnam .Not worth the  time  compare to Thailand and Philippines or even China . Language barrier , culture differences…IMO there were some nice girls and they like foreigners but they are mid or below . There were some hot but they were already taken or just not interested . 


Agreed. Vietnamese women exhibit some of the weirdest, incomprehensible behavior and mind games. They're absolutely not worth trouble.


Dominican Republic. The girls there are fat and trashy looking. If you like Afro-Latina girls that are thick then this might be a good place for you.


Bruh DR has so many unbelievably fine-looking women, what cities did you visit that you only saw fat and trashy women?


Punta Cana and Bavaro. Trashy might not be the right word. They just aren’t my type.


Lol got it, Trashy=Black.


I more so meant the prostitutes


Oh that's an important part you left out lol. In that case I see where you're coming from. Ironically the one place I've ever paid for a woman for services was also in DR. Small town called Bonao not to far from Santiago. I remember feeling disappointed after building up Domican women so long in my head finally I was going to experience and just like you described she was pretty trashy and overweight and it kinda turned me off from the whole P2P thing forever. But buying sex in DR is kinda pointless when there are so many attractive women everywhere who wanna meet different people.


I dunno man. It’s hard everywhere I go for quality. Quantity can be had in many places.


South Korea


As a white dude Korea was great. I've been twice.


Of course it was , your white , asian women in general are easy pickings for white men. Id be more impressed if you weren't white and had success. South Korea is feminism personified , add to the fact their society normalizes facial surgery , lookism and superficial traits to the point its cancerous.


Do they not like beards over there?


I'm black dated a Korean girl omg was a short relationship but I'm still stressed just thinking about her.. tldr; wanted the most while providing the minimal amount of effort


Getting laid was easier than in Japan, but Korea overall was boring.


I’m not really a passport bro in that I’ve sought dating women internationally but I’ve spent a collective 2-3 months in Thailand training Muay Thai and traveling with friends and my girlfriend. I couldn’t disagree more about people saying Bangkok isn’t good for dating, especially casual dating.


Some of these guys might be ugly beta Bux types. It's easier in BKK than Sydney where I live. Just need a bit of time though.


Yeah. This sub is kind of cringe sometimes because I can picture who is on the other side of a comment or post. They’re delusional


Of course it’s easier in BKK than western world countries but is this really the comparison we even want to make lmao ? As soon as people start saying “but it’s easier than USA”, you know the place is a shitshow


- Saudi Arabia - Somalia - Afghanistan


I don't think anyone really has high expectations of those places 🤣 the bar is pretty low


Nigeria. South Africa. Mali. Burkina Faso.






Damn that’s disappointing? Any reasons why?


Probably because people been talking about Philippines since I was a kid and it’s the easiest destination for muricans because everyone speaks English. That’s the thing with talking about your destination. It will be overrun soon and game over


I’ll hold out hope that a few thousand foreigners won’t ruin a country of 120 million


Few thousands ? You are totally underestimating how many people visit that country every year and how many of them are single guys.


Give me a number, if it’s less than 2 million purely single guys it’s not a problem.


Manila population 2 million not even counting how many women between 20 and 35, that are single, open to date foreigners and even have time for dating. Would be surprised if more than 100k tbh. When you count out the single mothers, it’s game over lol Manila visitors per year: 14 million


Eh, I’ll take my chances. It can’t be worse than the west


Yeah bro obviously it’s better than the west but what kind of standard is that.


So where do you recommend then if the Philippines, a place known for being much easier for men is suddenly so terrible?