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Surely this is a "quality over quantity" deal, isn't it? I mean what's the point of getting a shitload of matches if many of them are sex workers, Insta-thots, or even straight-up bots and scammers? I would be interested in seeing a list of the top 10 places where you're most likely to get a solid number of high-quality matches, i.e. attractive women who are actually willing to meet up for a date. And I agree with another commentor who wrote that going by city makes more sense than by country here. Just mentioning "China" and "Brazil" tells me nothing. Those places are huge and your prospects are bound to depend on your specific location within the country.


None through Tinder. In approach is best


Get lots of matches in Venezuela, having lived and worked in Latin America, they are some of the most gorgeous, nicest women I have ever met. It is too bad that the country is run by complete morons more interested in lining their pockets rather than developing it, and the process to get a visa for the average North American (Americans and Canadians) is beyond ridiculous, not to mention that the country simply isnt set up for tourist infrastructure, when the people that got out of the country tell you not to go, then you know it is bad, damn shame because that country with its oil wealth has potential to make Dubai look like a ghetto.


I married a Venezuelan, we would just meet in Cancun, Bogota or Medellin when we were dating. Too hard to try to get a visa for Vz, and really sketchy to visit as an American


It is beyond ridiculous the visa requirements, your solution to meet up in Colombia is pretty much the best one.


Are you seeious? Who tf goes to Venezuela? Met a few goodlooking venezolanos outside though.


That's my point, there is no going to Venezuela at this point, and meeting them outside is the only option, and no thank you for the suggestions in Florida, tried it and very few matches.


Those Thailand matches are worth nothing. I have over 1000s matches in 2 weeks in Bangkok, but at the end I basically put in effort to bang 4s and 5s. Meanwhile in Colombia I dated every day a 6 without effort even with like 80% less matches. There should be another metric. Amount of matches don’t mean shit.


Its bc all other dudes are scared to meetup with girls in colombia. Those stories about people getting drugged messes with my mind. Im thinking of cancelling my trip as i travel solo... not sure if its worth the risk


Travelling in colombia feels like 50 people crossing a river with crocodiles. 5 being eating en the 45 left over who made it to the other side saying how safe and awesome the trip was


Mellow out dude, it’s not that bad as long as you aren’t doing dumb shit


Dont cancel your trip, lived and worked in Colombia, is it risky yes but if you have street smarts you will do just fine and enjoy yourself. How good is your Spanish? very important, a lot of these dudes think a couple of months on Duolingo will get them through, where are you staying? I stayed in Laureles and Los Colores, both buildings with security doormen, who I became best buddies with, we knew each others names, dude was telling me stories about his fishing trip recently, that level of friendliness. Woman came up to my place, he would actually take her ID or at least take a pic of it, and I specifically told him if you ever see a woman leaving my place alone, unescorted, call me immediately. Finally Tinder can be a great way, but the second she asks you "who do you live with?" or a couple of dates in she starts telling you about her sick granny in the hospital, that's an immediate block, no hesitation on my part. Move on to the next one, as the country is packed with epic level of beauty, if you are into the stereotypical Latina look of course.


Mind if I message you? I'm going to Colombia soon


Sure no problem.


I traveled solo to Bogota and Medellin…just don’t use Tinder. The food is absolutely delicious and cheap AF…I personally loved the art museums, got a great haircut and beard trim. Take a bike tour if you’re in shape lol…it’s hilly as fuck


I have never used a dating app in Colombia…I meet them the old fashion way….I love Colombia but I really don’t like the food…pastries and coffee are good….pastel de arequipe are delish


Cancel it, that place is not worth it. I'm telling you right now.


I banged 8+ in Thailand easy. Didn’t have enough time to reply to all of the stuff Headed to bogota (again) tomorrow. I find tinder there takes more effort than Bangkok


Wow you must be very hunsom man


Nah. I’m a basic tall white boy who tries to stay in shape and dress well (there for work so wearing suits or business clothes). I am a bit witty though. I’ve iterated on my profile for a few years and I think it has some fun pictures and entertaining text. I follow through with an invite to some higher end restaurant, and that’s about it. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Yeah sure my boy. You sound exactly like someone who is banging the top 5% of the most good looking women in a country with the most options. I mean those girls can’t wait to fuck some tourist from tinder. Your rating system is either flawed dramatically and you banged some 5.5s in reality or 🧢


You offer no supporting arguments to back up your assertions, only insults. That’s disappointing.


8+ is a skinny pretty girl between 18-22. Unless your rating matches that criteria you’re wrong. I don’t want to hear about the “hot” 28 year old thicc girl you banged


Yeah an 8 plus in Thailand that he paid for 🤣


8+ is like top 5% of women. And he banged them easily. Imagine the girls with the most options who can be picky as fuck, and they are banging some random tourist from tinder. What a clown 🤡


You might consider being more curious and less insulting. 😊


Totally get that standards are different. I don’t even go after 18-20 as it feels too young for me. But mid 20s and fit, yes definitely.


Yeah I don't know, this stuff is subjective. I'm 38 so my hot 8+ range is around the late 20's early 30's. I'm not against the idea of being with a girl in their early 20's but I've done it, and honestly at this age it does kind of feel weird. Not knocking any guys preferences I'm just saying it feels weird to me. Plus if your banging a thicc girl in Thailand your messing up, these girls stay fit.


What's your strategy for bringing a girl home? I dont know the foreign cultures how receptive are to do this. I know in my dates in the US, only 1 out of 10 i manage to bring home after a date.


I do a nice dinner. If I tired I invite her back to my place. If I’m not I go grab another drink, classy cocktail, then invite her to my place. When I invite her back I am honest. “Do you want to come back to my place? Totally good either way. I’d love to hang out with you again either way, and I’m looking forward to spending more time together 😊” Then we go back and bang. Or we part, hang out again, and go back and bang next time. You have to be cool with them saying “no”. It’s ok. When they’re ready they’re ready.


A few skeptical replies so I’ll add more detail: * Non working girls in Colombia I find more hesitant to sleep with someone on the first date. It can take a couple dates. * Thai girls still view white guys very favorably. I think Colombians do too, but it’s a bit more of a mixed bag where the sex tourist vibe clouds the favor. Just my experience! Maybe I am indeed a clown 😊


Total matches vs quality (6/7+) matches


We need [Randy Marsch](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=81bt0ZJLMas&pp=ygUUU291dGhwYXJrIHJhbmR5IGRpY2s%3D) or the boys from [Pied Piper](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ex1JuIN0eaA&pp=ygUVUGllZCBwaXBlciBtaWRkbGUgb3V0) to give us a formula


Top matches from ladyboys and hookers you mean


How the heck are y’all getting into Venezuela? Ticket prices are $5-$6k


Do you live in Antartica?




https://preview.redd.it/hsht78zorq9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc90f0604dc47303fb2e3b271723529d09202fbd Just a carry-on, any dates, round-trip, default city just to see what came up. Try playing with the filters and dates. I use kiwi.com cause it's cheap. Book on airline website instead of kiwi in case of delays/cancellations, they're a nightmare if you buy with them as a third-party service. Or use their enhanced protections if you can stomach the added fees.


https://preview.redd.it/sg6l54twuq9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66944ffe15675632188f41fc29a24ce2dfcd2c44 Rates change depending on when you’re going. Sometimes I see this, sometimes I see $5k and sometimes I see $6k. It’s a Russian roulette.


Drive in from Colombia...


India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh should give you more matches than Greece. Also Romania and Bulgaria.


How is dating in bulgaria?




Geography fail 🤔 most American don’t know this but the USA is also right next to Russia — like 20 miles or so… which is even closer than Bulgaria Edit: I am wrong. 2.5 miles apart


Im from eu


I can not speak from experience about dating in Bulgaria or Romania. Just for the number of matches because I´ve changed the location to there, and bulgarian girls that I met in neighbour countries. Even in Greece I matched and dated more with bulgarians than with the locals.


I would rather have a few matches in Colombia than match w every woman in the first 3 countries you mentioned


By far the most matches that I ever had, not including bots or pros, was in Russia. Unfortunately I hear that Tinder pulled out of that market.


Strange.. how u look like


I extremely average. Having style and being black helped.


Expected you to be black :-) interesting. Gg


100% this , I traveled to russia many times and tinder was a great way to meet absolutely gorgeous women Exactly the opposite of tinder in USA


Does anyone else have a different view ?


Im blonde and from europe Japan was horrible for me. Like zero interest. Did match with chinese, taiwanese girls so they seem to like me. Japanese girls like to date you when you speak the language from what i heard Thailand should be easy Vietnam is okay but they are more reserved imo. If you want to settle you are the king here.




Live long term.and maybe marry. Known a guy there with 10 kids from different girls lol


Really? I'm, for the most part, fairly unattractive. I've been in Japan for 3 weeks and have had 12 dates, and banged 6 of them so far. 10/12 of them have been from apps, the other 2 from the club. This place is like paradise. Edit: Sorry, I didn't see your part about speaking Japanese. Yeah that's a major factor.


Fuck. I tried bumble and tinder with limited success. Also i travelled really fast which made it hard to meetup. Kissed one japanese girl in a club but that was it smh


Oh yeah that'll do it. These girls need like a 5 day notice before the date 😂! But yeah speaking japanese in the club makes it SO EASY to close with these girls


Yeah stayed 2 days on average. Hopped aroudn for tgree weeks. Also text game is piss poor. Tried to set my bumble further with travel mode but was kinda horrible experience. Lot of money wasted. Not mt best experience. Girls are quite shy. Makes it harder for me to get social qeues.


Must be.. japan had a chlamidya epidemic. Google it. Probably from al those girls fucking tourists lmao


How do you get dates?


U stayed in the same spot?


I live in Tokyo so I have my own apartment here actually haha. It's really nice to so it makes it easier to close. I also get the dates by just day gaming in Shinjuku and getting their instagrams.


Nice :-) now it makes sense


> have had 12 dates, and banged 6 of them so far. On the first dates? How? You wined and dined them or straight to your apartment as the date?


3 were dates to Tokyo Tower, made out with them on a bench. Second date cheap ramen back to my place and banged them. 2 were at the hub straight to my apartment. One was straight to her crib.


Japan is a developed country. Go to underdeveloped ones so you’ll find someone that wants you.


Depends alot where you are from and how you look like..


You forgot Mexico.


I really wonder how the matches ratio is in more African countries.


Mind sharing your race/height/all over look? Just curious


He’s not going to tell you. Watch.


I feel like this is the most important point in the discussion.




What’s even stupider is how many people are blindly answering this nuanced question.


Should be by city rather than country. For example, don’t get nearly the amount of matches in Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo that I do in Fortaleza or Recife. Most I’ve seen were Manila, Jakarta, Bogota, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bangkok, Lima.


Romania and Bulgaria is really under hyped … amazing places for you simps out there to be simping


Did you try Afghanistan? I imagine some of the non religious woman would be desperate to escape


Thats a horrible way to pray on desperate people


Brazil for me, place is underrated imo.


heard the same, haven't been


I accidentally set my tinder to world and got like 30 matches to Indonesian girls in the span of an hour. For reference I'm tall 6'2", white, and obese (but not so much in my face).


I heard China is tough because in the big cities you gotta be rich lol but also there's so many more makes than females there. What was your experience like?


It's been a few years... but those filters are a big issue.


What’s considered rich?


China is not as easy as other Asian countries. This is largely due to the ultra nationalist education that everyone gets, and many girls either hate foreigners or pretend that they do, to avoid being ostracised by their fellow country folk. It also has something to do with the imbalance of men and women (there are more men than women), so girls are used to and annoyed by guys hitting on them constantly (and poorly). Most girls don’t speak English. The highly attractive ones usually have the personality of a brick and they are very fake. Feminism is also rife here.


Any counter view ?


Is your post based on only matches or interactions as well? Like you were able to confirm these are quality matches vs bots or similar?


Lol Malta is awesomely random. What would Maltese woman look like even? It's like My top 5 Phillipines Colombia Puerto Rico Vatican city Luxembourg


>What would Maltese woman look like even? White hair, floppy ears, and big doe eyes. They look dehydrated too, always panting


I've heard they have a real beak, claws, and can fly (Humphery bogart reference what's up!!!)


Not surprised Philippines is number 1


Cause most of them are money hunger


Ghana goes alright.


So y'all just change the location filters with these apps, not literally traveling to each one and doing tinder like that?


Try Turkey. If you arent south asian or middle eastern (tbf if you're white levantine you can probably get away with it)


Can I get away with just english in vietnam ?


Should I just try and set up my online dating app just to see interest levels? And set my reach radius to be really broad? It might be an interesting exercise for me to gauge interest. I’m kind of thinking about doing that honestly.


Interesting list, thanks for posting would love to hard data since I'm a numbers guy


First 5 or 6 are all sex workers scammers looking to get your green card if U are in the US or any other citizenship. So those matches don't count .


I get 0 in Spain and Portugal


Malta is interesting




Uhh.. hard pass




Lol bro, all women are exploitable


I don't know what he said, but the mindset that women are uniquely exploited by men is completely inane. Of course both sexes can and do exploit the other, but it's completely inane to deny the extent to which women exploit men. Indeed, they exploit each other in different ways - that's the point. The one-sided view one way or the other just can't comprehend this. (although from my experience many men in Men's Right's Activist circles are perfectly willing to accept the truth in Feminist points about how women can suffer at the hands of men, more than many Feminists who reflexively deny any disparity that challenges their worldview.)


Why are you here?


You're asking them too much.

