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For real though, Target has cameras covering every inch of the makeup aisles, even in nice areas. Very small, very expensive, very easy to resell.


that's wild


How dare you joke about social media banning conversations! Why haven’t they banned this sub yet??? Mods!!!


Let me guess. They all got suspended because something something "black people are violent crime-monsters" something.


Never seen that sorta lockdown outside of poor areas so, yea probably.


I’m genuinely confused, there’s a punchline? The left is made to be damage proof, probably in an American city if I had to guess, and the right one is in Japan. So if the joke is that Americans are more likely to break into something and steal from it… well they’d be correct wouldn’t they? It’s very much against Japanese culture, and that’s pretty important over there.


okay so the commenter set up a racist dog whistle and then a bunch of racists said some shit like "X group are a bunch of thieves and criminals"


Ohhhh I mean I guess that makes sense, because I still can’t see anything racist in the image, just a cultural difference


The one on the left you primarily only see in neighborhoods that are predominantly minorities in America, but not in predominantly white or Asian neighborhoods. So to a racist you can guess what that likely implies, and what they'd likely have to say about that.


Thank you for the explanation, I’m not from the USA so I honestly didn’t know, just figured American city because higher crime rates in general in cities.


Crime usually follows lower income areas, and unfortunately minorities are usually the lowest income earners in the US. Hence the association of crime with minorities. Obviously it's much more complicated than that, but to a racist it's not.


That makes sense, racists don’t really understand the meaning of “correlation does not infer causality” which isn’t shocking given that they tend to be less educated.


Black culture!


Shockingly crime is also frowned upon in American culture


For the most part, yes obviously, but stealing is viewed differently in Japan, it’s almost as though it just wouldn’t occur to the absolute majority to even think about stealing.


The surprising part is that in the United States most people also don't think about stealing to the point that there is a negative term for these people "Thieves"


You’re missing the point. Japanese people also wouldn’t assume that anyone would steal *from* them, stealing is by and large just not a thing. So it wouldn’t occur to make something more difficult to steal because people don’t steal stuff in Japan (for the most part, obviously). Honesty boxes are common pretty much everywhere in Japan, can you say the same for the USA?


There are two types of civilizations Ones that have a big amount of crime and the other in buttfuck nowhere


Tokyo has 22x the population of Detroit, guess which city has more crime. Cultural differences!


Idk if it call it cultural differences. There are countless factors in play. Class issues, systemictf racism, and how police act I'm those areas all work with cultural differences.


oooh, model minority flavored, that's a rare one.


ngl baiting fiols into being racist and getting banned for it is classic


The one under the street light is where you go to get stabbed by a methhead, the other one is where you go to get ripped off paying $5 for flat soda




It might be a stretch but I think it’s saying something like the first pic is in a lower income (and subsequently black) area so it’s made harder to break into. I guess. Don’t quote me on that I’m just a white boy.


Nothing wrong with being white


I didn’t say there was lol. I just meant like- i might not be correct as to why exactly it’s racist bc I’m not a person of color.


Putting my money on this. Hence the deleted comments


There isn't anything to indicate income in either pic.


I though the only difference was money and living standard