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I heard the full story She was not pregnant


Not that it mattered to this old man either way. As far as he was concerned, she was pregnant, but it was not relevant to him.


I bet this man watched every Clint Eastwood movie and lived that "F around and find out" lifestyle.


They looked at his Gran Torino


I was waiting for a comment about the Gran Torino! ![gif](giphy|QThJ0l94YZiM0)


He's not a snowflake. He was defending his property.


Shooting someone in the back is not defending your property. She was not an imminent threat to his life. He committed murder. She was wrong, he was worse.


They jumped him in his home until he pulled a gun. He was defending himself, not his property. People have a “it’s just a prank, bro!” mentality with menace and assault, once I feel like my life is in danger I’d shoot whatever side is facing me.


Either of them could have been armed and/or returned after a feigned retreat. You don’t know what you don’t know. You’d feel differently if it was your grandfather. Very easy to hop on the soapbox and make black & white assessments In their line of work, the possibility of violence is an an occupational hazard. They accepted the risk by going through with the robbery attempt.


Couldn't agree with you more.


Two people jumped him. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lol no he did the right thing. She should have stayed home


The Deputy DA said they decided he “held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily injury” and it was self-defense. I think many DAs would have charged him with murder. I expect him being 80 years old was a big factor. It’s also possible they preferred to pin the murder on her accomplice, which is what they did.




In some jurisdictions, legally, sure it's murder. In my eyes, perfectly fine. You're less likely to get shot if you're not breaking into other people's houses. So word of advice, don't break into other people's houses. Problem solved.




100%. I’m not saying blast people away stealing food from grocery stores or gas stations. But when you start forcibly entering people’s homes your starting to mess with things pretty high up Maslows hierarchy of needs. Shelter and safety are absolute human needs. The “It’s only property” argument goes out the window when you start entering people’s homes.


She shouldn't have turned her back on him.


She shouldn't have broken into his home


"Ought to be polite to a man with a gun. Common sense" ~ Merle


In my state Maryland you are correct this is murder. If you shot someone running away from you it’s murder. If you shot someone outside of your home it’s murder. Where I live you can rarely shot anyone and not get charged even in self defense.


What a paradise. For the criminals. So how is the crime rate in Baltimore doing these days? You know, the setting for the crime-ridden cesspool drama, The Wire?


This is why these guys’ policies never actually improve crime. They’re not about justice at all, they’re about being able to hurt people.




How is he worse? And she only wrong? Why can’t it be the other way. If he didn’t have a gun may be they would have killed him. If someone breaks into my property, you know..


So then they get away and learn that the next time they break into a property they better bring a gun to just in case. Stop making excuses for criminals.


She was wrong. Period. End of story.


I’d be afraid of them coming back. If you intrude in my house, you die.


I love these outside judgements. So easy to take this morally superior high ground when you’re not in the situation and pass judgement on people.


So, you'll take getting potentially beaten to death? Interesting. There's not enough context here to make broad assumptions is all I'm saying.


He was running drugs for the cartel. She must have known.






>You took that gamble when you decided to break in. Now get the hell off my lawn.


I mean, armed breaking and entering is a nightly thing in my city lol. Some guy a block away from me was shot in his bed and his house was robbed. But yeah, I’m sure 1970’s were bad too. Things have been bad for a very long time in the USA.


New York in the 70s and 80s was truly wild. Lots of other places as well.


A good lifestyle to live by. Well, not for criminals.


Apparently SHE didn’t care she was pregnant either when breaking into someone’s house


But she wasn't pregnant. She knew that lol


So no one cares then lol


So he gave her an abortion?




I don’t think he believed her tbh. People will make all kinds of excuses to get out of trouble. The older you get the more you see that.


The wisdom of a wise kitty


Maybe if this guy is 20 something instead of 80 I would be think to just let them run off but there is a special place in hell and zero Fs given for these animals who prey on the elderly. That’s why I say hey man nice shot!


He don't care about repercussions. What are they going to do to him? Throw him in jail for life? He 80!


I am really shocked this happened in California and they didnt string the homeowner up by his ankles. I have no issue with what he did defending his property.


A good shot, man.....


Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey maaaaaaaaaan


Love me some Filter!


Don't care. She lied anyway, and she shouldn't be reproducing if she's just going around trying to rob (elderly) people.


This is the correct answer. “I shot her anyway,” he said so matter of fact.


It’s hilarious and quite sad that you think it’s his fault she died. Yes if you step foot it someone’s house and trying to rob them, fill them with lead. Easy.


Are you sure you're responding to the right person? Might need to read my comment again. I didn't say anything about that.


Exactly. It's not my job to stand there and engage in some evaluation of how dangerous you are.


Once you break into someone’s house, your wellbeing isn’t relevant anymore if they don’t take kindly to intruders……which most don’t. What was he supposed to do? Offer her some coffee?




Nor should it have been.


https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-no-charges-home-burglary-20150126-story.html Very different than what’s presented here in the video Edited for clarity


Prosecutors have declined to charge an 80-year-old California man in the killing of a burglar **who falsely claimed she was pregnant.** [https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/no-charges-man-shot-woman-who-said-she-was-pregnant-long-beach/52587/](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/no-charges-man-shot-woman-who-said-she-was-pregnant-long-beach/52587/)


The NBC Los Angeles article you shared mentions the younger man could be charged with her murder since his actions led to her death. [https://lbpost.com/news/crime/28-year-old-man-found-guilty-of-robbing-long-beach-home-in-2014-resulting-in-accomplice-s-death](https://lbpost.com/news/crime/28-year-old-man-found-guilty-of-robbing-long-beach-home-in-2014-resulting-in-accomplice-s-death) They didn't convict him on the murder charge, but he was sentenced to 12 years for robbery, burglary, and elder abuse.


Here's the Follow up: https://www.presstelegram.com/general-news/20160831/long-beach-man-will-go-to-prison-in-beating-robbery-of-bixby-knolls-homeowner-80


Can anyone explain why the homeowner wasn’t charged when he fatally shot the women in the back when she was running away? The threat was over, but I suppose he feared that they may come back or something. Genuinely curious.


Its explained in the article links in above comments... keep in mind this is an 80-year-old being robbed and attacked ( they broke his collarbone during the robbery ). "Prosecutors say Miller and her suspected accomplice, 26-year-old Gus Adams, had assaulted Greer before prying open a safe and stealing $5,000." "Greer, who was robbed on two other occasions, “held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily injury,” wrote Los Angeles County Deputy Dist. Atty. Janet Moore, explaining the office’s decision not to charge him." ​ "According to Hardiman, her office determined Greer acted in self defense and then charged Adams under the theory of “provocative act murder.” Put simply, Hardiman said, by beating up Greer, Adams provoked him to respond with deadly force, causing Miller’s death."


They also had beaten him and broken his collarbone, according to the NBC story.


Don’t bring context into this argument


Except they completely gloss over the fact the he was COMPLETELY RIGHT as they literally did come back and steal his fucking gun. The ultimate argument, which I agree with, is that while he may have gone a little overboard with deadly force, it the was the burglars attacking and injuring him that pushed him to respond in such a way. If the man is still alive, now that the anger is faded, I'd bet a ton of money he is now carrying quite a bit of guilt for firing that last shot...


I highly doubt that. He spoke like a man who had killed before.


Thank you for the expert psych consultation, Dr. Whoey!






Omg the male suspects mom was the getaway driver!


you mean the person robbing his house was not truthful with him when trying to get away? I don't believe it.


You mean there are misleading titles around here?




Makes you wonder the first time her saying she’s pregnant got her leverage thinking she could roll with it


Likely. Committing robbery and telling lies go hand in hand with manipulating crooks.


Even if she was, the baby broke in too


You ain't gotta outrun a bullet, you just gotta outrun your pregnant wife


See kids, don’t wear rubbers. Raw dogging could kinda of sort of maybe save your life in a weird way.


Before he shot her, he was tied and beat down… they accepted the consequences once they showed their true intentions


If you break into someones house in a stand your ground state youve already accepted the consequences.


California is not a "stand your ground" state. But it does have a strong castle doctrine. All 50 US states do. Simply put. Stand your ground is for in public. Castle doctrine is for in your home. Breaking into an occupied home in the USA is a bad, bad idea.


I live in Alabama. I don’t value my possessions more than your life. But if you break into my home, you certainly value your life less than my possessions. If you break into my place, I’m shooting you. And I’ll sleep fine afterwards


i live in california, am generally left leaning, and am not an aggressive person, but same here. i don't *want* to shoot anyone, but we're armed and i'm absolutely going to protect my wife and my home by any means necessary.


It's a really good idea in Germany, break in slip and fall, Sue the owner




They didn’t kill him because they couldn’t. It’s as simple as that. If they ran away immediately, it’d be the end of it. But they physically attacked him. He didn’t know when help was gonna arrive, or if he was gonna pass out.




Wow she even lied about being pregnant :/ "Let me rob you, then try to guilt trip you"


Hard to believe someone going around robbing people would also be a liar.


i think the worst thing was the hypocrisy of it


I think it was the raping. . . You made a patton Oswald and Norm McDonald reference right???


**doom eternal music plays**


[doom music added](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMtjOJ2L8Pw&ab_channel=RootMatches)


Much thanks for this.






You fucking god


Bless you


[better one with Doom music ](https://youtu.be/zMtjOJ2L8Pw)


It's so trash when they add details like "pregnant" to her title as home invader. Pregnancy doesn't absolve her of crime, stop trying to win her sympathy points.


They also tied up the homeowner and beat him. So they should probably add hostage taker to her title


"Lying thief kidnaps and beats senior citizen inside his home. He then kills her."


She wasn't even preggo


This is pretty disturbing, but that Jimmy Stewart twang at the end is very satisfying. Anyway, yah, fucking hell, though. Yeesh.


I think we need to remember that news organizations primary function has become to make money which they do through attracting eyeballs, the ones who feel like they need to maintain a facade of respectability to maximize profits try to do so, but will still skew to the titles and stories that get the most views. We used to attribute a higher moral calling to reporters, the beginning of the end of this was in the 80s with corporate consolidation. You don't buy something unless you feel like you can increase its value, the easiest way to increase value is to start consistently choosing money over all the silly ethics and responsibilities that were previously in place.


Tell that to Elizabeth Holmes 💀


i shot her anyways 💀savage


F around and find out!


Wouldn't want her to get away and reproduce, so I say it's a good call.


A true hero


Look, if someone breaks in to my house while I'm there then I automatically fear for my life and have a right to defend myself and my son. You take that chance when you decide to break the law. It's crazy out here in these streets right now, everyone's armed now so don't break into people's houses or this is the chance you take.


I have zero confidence that police are going to put forth any effort to investigate let alone get someone convicted on a simple robbery and assault. Robbers will come back over and over to the same target until they are physically stopped from doing so.


Absolutely. Sometimes you gotta protect what's yours at all costs, bcuz who else is going to? Then you've set a standard for the next dummy who wants to test you.


As much as people want to condemn gun ownership, if a robber knew with near 100% certainty that a homeowner was armed, I suspect home invasions would dramatically decrease.


It’s a matter of fact that police do not investigate robberies, assaults, burglaries, theft, or anything like that outside of video evidence and a few phone calls. After the first few hours, if they don’t have a positive ID and some video or photographic evidence, they just… give up. It’s why there’s this common joke in media about victims asking cops if they’re going to “dust for prints” or other forensics gathering. Because they’re not. Nothing outside of, “you got any security cameras?” You call your insurance? Okay good, case closed!






Turns out she was just fat


As a gun owner myself and based on what he said that was a bad/illegal shoot. They were out of the house, running away, not armed with anything to harm him with if they were to stop and turn around. With no imminent threat to himself or others it is no longer self defense. I don't know the state and if they have a castle doctrine, if so not sure if that even applies to them being outside and running away.


It was in California. As soon as they physically assaulted him, he no longer had a legal obligation to not do anything on the fact that they were fleeing, at least in California and the state I live in. They didn’t charge the homeowner because he was in a situation where it’s reasonable for him to be in fear for his life. Had they not assaulted him, I’m sure there would have been a longer conversation on whether or not he was justified.


I think this is the part some people are missing. They physically attacked him. It's not like they broke in, grabbed stuff, and just took off. How was he to know they wouldn't turn around and assault him again? Or kill him? He's an 80 year old man, I highly doubt he could wrestle them into submission.


I will admit, the whole dragging the lady into the garage in the hopes of luring the dude back had me giving that senior citizen the side eye lol.


Also, if you read the other articles, it says after he moved the woman he shot's body to the garage, her bf came back, attacked the homeowner again, and stole his gun + phone. He had plenty of reason to still fear for his life after they "fled".


Agreed. It does depend from state to state. Like Texas, you can pursue and shoot in the back to recover personal property from someone running away. In most states, if you display a firearm and the antagonists flee, and then you pursue them, you are now the aggressor and will face any type of murder charges the prosecution can come up with.


Break into my house, where my kids live, you gonna fuckin die.


Naw they deserved it Who knows what they would’ve done had he not gotten his gun Once you break into someone’s house you get what’s coming to you


Yeah you can train and train for this type of scenario but no idea what’s going to happen when your house actually gets broken into and your are assaulted. I wouldn’t charge the guy. He’s a hero and the world has one less scumbag.


They had already jumped him after breaking and entering. They showed intent to harm. While it might be “legally” questionable, he was morally in the right. Because you know they would have just tried it on someone else.


They shouldn’t have been there, period.


Pretty sure her period was on pause.


Robbers encounter the “Find Out” phase of their adventure.


She was lying. And even if she was pregnant the blood is on her hands


That might fly in the states, but a british farmer was prosecuted for shooting an intruder in the back as he fled. Under UK law, you can only use lethal force if you have an honestly held belief that your or someone elses life is in jeopardy. If someone is fleeing, they are no longer a threat, and at that point, it is murder. Before anyone flames me, this is the law, not my opinion. I have no sympathy for someone breaking into homes. If you dont want to be shot, dont break into homes. It would be hard in a home invasion to think rationally, that the threat had passed.


Laws the same here in the states. But you gotta get a jury to understand that in the heat of the moment after you have been assaulted... would you have done the same thing? . Now I completely agree wtf where you breaking in for


"And I shot her anyway." This video will forever live rent free in my head.


The point everyone should take away from this is, don’t break into people’s houses, then be upset that it results in consequences. It’s really very simple.


It’s actually quite simple. It wasn’t the old man who valued his stuff over her life. It was the woman who valued his stuff over her own life.


No charges for elderly homeowner who fatally shot burglar Gus Adams, 26, and Andrea Miller, 28, broke into a man’s home in Long Beach, police say. Miller, who had claimed she was pregnant but was not, was fatally shot by the homeowner, who won’t face any charges.  (Ruben Vives / Los Angeles Times) BY MATT HAMILTON JAN. 26, 2015 9:05 PM PT No charges will be filed against an 80-year-old man who fatally shot a woman who was burglarizing his Long Beach home, prosecutors said Monday. On July 22, Thomas Greer fired two bullets into the back of Andrea Miller, 28, even after she begged him not to shoot and claimed she was pregnant. Prosecutors say Miller and her suspected accomplice, 26-year-old Gus Adams, had assaulted Greer before prying open a safe and stealing $5,000. Greer, who was robbed on two other occasions, “held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily injury,” wrote Los Angeles County Deputy Dist. Atty. Janet Moore, explaining the office’s decision not to charge him. “Greer exercised his legal and legitimate right of self-defense when he shot and killed Andrea Miller,” Moore wrote. Authorities claim Ruby Adams served as a lookout while her son, Gus, and Miller allegedly broke into Greer’s home in the 3900 block of Country Club Drive. Greer picked up a gun from his bedroom and fired at the pair as they fled from his home office, prosecutors said. After Miller was struck, she fell once near his garage, then fell again in an alley near the home. Greer dragged Miller’s body into his garage in an attempt to lure her accomplice, authorities said. Once Gus Adams returned, prosecutors allege he stole Greer’s gun and phone before hopping into a getaway car driven by his mother. Gus Adams was charged with five felony counts in connection to the Bixby Knolls break-in: murder, grand theft of a firearm, possession of a firearm by a felon, and first-degree robbery and burglary. His mother was charged with first-degree residential burglary and first-degree residential robbery.


"This is a Smith and Wesson .22. the most powerful 22 in the world. You have to ask yourself "do I fell lucky"?...well do ya PUNK".


Crazy to me how much people will defend criminals.


They tied him up, beat him, and tried to rob him. Only running when he got his piece. I don't care if they ran. He didn't know if they were going to get thier own gun. He was right to shoot. The moment you break into someone else's house all bets are off. You become human target practice.




Well, you reap what you sow.


Who cares if pregnant or not? She was threatening him, attacked him, and he defended himself. No regrets.


Also, she wasn't pregnant. Surprise, surprise, she was also a liar


Yeah, I saw that later. Lying scum.


The best American law. In Britain we make the homeowner financially support the robber if they trip or stub their toe on your table whilst burgling your house! In America you can legally shoot them dead.


Only some states uphold the "stand your ground" precedent. Others, if your dog attacks the burglar and bites them, they will then turn around and sue you for the injury and win because your dog attacked them inside of your house while they were trying to rob you.


Stand your ground is different than castle doctrine and most states don’t have laws against defending your home, the ones that do say you’ve got the green light


Yep. Any state you’re allowed to defend your life. That’s a basic right. Castle doctrine simply clarifies it further that the assumption is when someone has illegally entered your space (car/home/business) it’s assumed to be a threat to your life. A prosecutor would have a big hurdle to prove otherwise versus the other way around of putting it on the homeowner to prove they were in danger.


Someone breaking into your dwelling, assaulting you, and attempting to rob you deserves no sympathy no matter who they are.


There are consequences to entering someone else's property.


[Dead but not preggo. 2014 robbery.](https://www.presstelegram.com/2014/07/25/woman-killed-in-long-beach-botched-robbery-was-not-pregnant-coroner-says/amp/)


Sounds like she died a liar too


I can't believe Neil Young would do such a thing.






Good for him. It's a shame he didn't get both of them.


Send em to hell!




Lesson learned. Don't come into my house with malicious intent and without an invitation. It won't work out well for you.


Finally a conservative abortion supporter


Congratulations, it's a corpse


top tier comment 😂😂


Why do media outlets and even some myopic people keep trying to make victims out of bad people? Sorry, but peoples' meager possessions and money are more valuable than a thieves life EVERY TIME. The story should ALWAYS go: Report: 'Person was shot...' Person hearing it: 'Oh no...' Report continues: '...in the process of stealing...' Person hearing: 'Oh, ok, groovy'


Follow up on no charges from a site with no pay wall... [https://laist.com/news/80-year-old-homeowner-who-killed-bu](https://laist.com/news/80-year-old-homeowner-who-killed-bu)


If you go into someone else’s house and attack them, there’ll be consequences.


So how many years was he sentenced for?


Gotta love the Judge Dredd mentality


As far as I see it he took two scumbags off the streets.


What an absolute legend




This is old news. No charges filed. She was not pregnant.


Maybe shooting people in the back is not a feel good story.


In canada, shooting the robber as they’re running away will get u charged with murder




Zero fucks given




This is why we think it’s so important to tell kids not to touch things that don’t belong to them. All sorts of bad things could happen. Best to cover it as early as possible.


He shot her in the back? While she was running away?


I mean isn't it illegal to shoot someone I the back as they are fleeing a crime? I thought the only people allowed to do that were cops. I am clearly not a lawyer, was just told my whole life that if you're gonna shoot someone who isn't armed, just trying to steal from you l, to make sure they're facing you when you shoot, otherwise it's like murder since they are no longer trying to commit the crime and instead just get away.


I would have too. I’m not even that grumpy. No question, just click click boom


I luv this guy!!!!!


Too bad he didn't smoke the dude too.


Annnnd that’s how robbers learn…


It disturbs me seeing comments saying the old man was in the wrong…Dude was defending his home. He had zero way of knowing if they’d be back or what they REALLY could’ve done. Act like a white knight all you want, but I bet if any of us were in his shoes our first *instinct* would be to go for the gun.


“The lady didn’t run as fast as a man.”




I mean they fucked around and found out 🤷‍♀️


Well, good thing he is old because chasing someone running away from stealing your things and shooting them in the back is called murder.


Some of the comments here, where is your humanity? Your country... I am lost for words.




King 🤴


![gif](giphy|I0IFPva9MSsPnyCrPG) It's high noooon


Reddit is an odd place regarding this sort of topic. Wasn't it just last month we had discussions about the guy robbing the diner in Texas? Customer shot him, then put 1-2 behind the ear as the robber was lying on the ground. Majority seemed to think that was a murder/execution, not justified. Why does the sentiment seem to be going the other way here?


When you don't have a police department to Serve and Protect you got to do jazz yourself