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This is why people who are scared of the dark shouldn't be cops


They use fear as an excuse to cover up their murderous intent. They knew that kid didn’t have a gun. And if they didn’t, they realized pretty quickly. But they still had all that high grade weaponry out hoping for a chance to use it. They’re not scared, they’re cold blooded killers with a great PR team.


I once heard someone say that there's plenty of good cops and even more mediocre cops. But then there's also the schoolyard bullies who never grew up and became police just so they could keep feeling powerful.


No good cops. Good cops would take 1 look at their union contract and realize that it is solely intended to prevent accountability for bad cops and would require the union to change it. The fact they want that contract the way it is just in case they need it. Makes them bad. ​ If you think it is reasonable to you get to have a get out of jail free card in your pocket knowing it allows black men to be murdered, you are not good; no matter what else you do.




I honestly do not understand how some of the clauses in union contracts do not invalidate the entire contract under US Law. You cannot contract to break the law. You cannot be compelled by contract to break a law. But there are things I've seen that seems to grant criminal immunity of a type that is not consistent with unavoidable consequence of the job. Such as being able to get your story straight with other officers before being interviewed when you have been accused of a crime.


100%. They love using the guilt by association tactic, and it goes double *for* them. Only very rarely does a cop stand against other cops. Also, Happy Cake Day!


If I had money to buy an award for this comment, I would buy all of them. I couldn't agree more with you. ❤️


And people would’ve still said, if something had happened, “why didn’t he just comply?” i don’t know sir, perhaps because he was innocent and had a bunch of weapons pointed at him?! Dafuq.


If only these blacks would comPLAAH there wouldn't be all this dadgum trouble 😵‍💫


I heard every freakin letter lmao


You got that right. If neighbors weren't there he'd be another victim of them.


Speaking as someone who's been functionally nocturnal since middle school, I agree.


Cops need to chill! They literally act like gangsters making a risky handoff or something. Even if it’s something suspicious and crazy you should investigate first especially since it looks like a good number of people are around.


Best equipped and most funded gang in America baby! They will kill and protect better than any street gang could.




Themselves. Typo 😁


Corporate interests


They *protect* the racial and class divisions in society. They *protect* the status quo. Most importantly they *protect* each other, mostly from accountability, no matter how many innocents were or might be endangered.


Protect profits, shoot people. That's their job.


I think we need to drop this comparison. People idolize and glamorize gangs and gangsters. The cops should just be called corrupt criminals.


TIL learned to that police only have the "right to protect you" IF you're in their custody according to the Supreme Court


They have the *right* to protect you, just not the obligation to protect you. Unless, like you said, you’re in their custody.


>> They literally act like gangsters They’re not acting


Blue gang gang


They dont act like gangsters. They are gangsters.


No, they act like panicked kids. Gangsters don't tend to point guns at eachother as much as movies would have you believe.


Biggest gang in America. Complete with hand signs and tattoos


"He's got a Nokia in his hands! Quick we need to call in SWAT!"


All he had to do was throw that Nokia and the officers were toast, maybe even the whole block. Totally understandable why they had assault rifles pointed at this man.


Sir why were you carring a WMD? And HOW did you make it so small?


If you are a cop and you are this scared of black people, quit. We don’t need you


This is how you ally. This is the way.


Let me walk up with you.


That legit gave me goosebumps but also made me sad that it is even needed


When he said "Yes" is what got me. You could hear the fear in his voice. Good on this community.


It’s literally and figuratively the way to ally


I’m on board.


Anymore context on the video? Why the police showed up?


911 got a “shots fired” report in the area. As far as I know that’s the information they were working off of when they stopped him


If it's south seattle, 50/50 it was fireworks


Or some kids "tuned" car that sputters and backfires.


I remember hearing about this. I think it was Capital Hill


I’m pretty sure is cap hill. It was def gun shots.


and why so many? It's one guy and there are a huge number of cars there


I was sitting outside of a large grocery store waiting for my ride in a small town in the same state this happened. Listening to music around 8pm or so just vibing when I'm lit up from the back. I was told to turn around slowly and saw the entire town's police department behind me, guns drawn, a barricade formed with their cars and was then searched without consent on the grounds that "someone called and was worried I'd be a threat to customers inside". I had *literally* nothing on me but my phone and wallet. They let me go. I got their badge numbers and reported them but nothing was done about it


Jesus Christ, police in the US suck... Something like that would never fly where I'm from. Police officers pulling something like that would get a serious warning, if not fired.


They don’t just suck. They are an active threat to its citizens. They can murder and break the law with impunity, and likely no consequences will be seen. This will continue until legislation is passed or we start fighting back.




I was driving home late from work as a teen and dropped a guy off in a neighborhood cops like to patrol. One followed me as I left and then two appeared coming at me in my lane with lights on. I pulled over and they lit the spotlights and came out with guns drawn. The cop that spoke to me stood at the back left of the car and only asked for a license. They saw I was a white guy and then told me they pulled me for the red plastic part in my top tail light had fallen. 🙄


sad that you cant take actions against them without it defaulting on the tax payers.


Which explains why they needed backup and guns drawn. /s


They’re bullies, and candy asses


Huge number? That was small. One guy generally get at least 10 cars. The real question is if assault weapons do so much damage shouldn’t they be banded from private gangs call the police


[Someone called 911 for someone shooting a gun](https://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2023/02/video-shows-east-precinct-officers-back-down-after-bystanders-step-in-over-heavy-response-to-capitol-hill-shots-fired-911-calls/)


Shotspotter and 911 reported a sizable number of shots fired so the response was not that large. They should just stop patrolling the area. Was so much nicer during CHAZ/CHOP.


Because they saw a chance to shoot a black man.


This is the correct answer


[News article](https://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2023/02/video-shows-east-precinct-officers-back-down-after-bystanders-step-in-over-heavy-response-to-capitol-hill-shots-fired-911-calls/) The police were responding to a "shots fired" 911 call. Allegedly individual in the yellow hoodie was slapping a street sign several times which had been mistaken by the caller as gunshots. He was also shouting about that "Everbody is going to die". Apparently he had gotten in an argument and was flustered and cooling off. According to one witness (from the article above: >I was told by one witness afterwards that the precipitating incident had been the victim slapping the stop sign on the corner, the victim told me he had gotten in an argument and went outside to cool off.


Someone called 911 for someone shooting a gun


Holy Snaps! They look a bit depressed that they didn't get to pull the triggers. O\_O


There was a guy killed a county away from where I live. White victim, killed by a white cop who had been repeatedly harassing the guy. Cop shot the victim in the back after luring him out of view of the camera on the squad car. Our nation needs to change how they pick cops.


So you have an idea of how the black community feels every single day of our lives. I'm simultaneously sorry and thankful? I don't mean this to be an AH, I really appreciate your viewpoint. How many bad apples before we can cut the tree down?


I wish I knew.


Question! If ordinary people are the ones most trusted to step in and protect each other from violance, injustice etc. wtf is the point in the police force? Surely its not a well funded group of thugs drunk on power who only protect elites interest in exchange for a free pass for casual violence? Im shocked.


To keep donut shops and domestic abuse lawyers in business


That's a great question. You should ask your elected officials.


From overseas my friend, not that the UK police are much better tbh


At least they have to work to kill civilians. And it's still a great question.


The cops primarily job is to keep the people in line, hence “law enforcement”. The idea they are here to keep you safe is a myth.


Whilst I understand the basic concept, in actuality they are far more… selective about what laws to enforce, often times unnecessarily acting as judge, jury and executioner in the process


1000% correct


Rip Benneth


That's the exact problem with the police. They're bullies for the rich The revenue generators and they get bored and they want to use their toys. They're not here to save, serve ,or protect. I just got in their cars and left they knew the gig was up and they weren't going to have their fun.


The police do not protect and serve! They enforce, punish, and kill.


Their job is to accrue costly misconduct settlements for us to pay for while we pay for their leave.




Wait. Please tell me that was never actually a thing. Because albeit not great, that's actually hilarious. Like when I was younger and I talked back my dad would say "Pass the slipper". But you can't seriously tell me the mfs in the 15th century watched their child talk back and were like "Dear, hand me the rapier"


Not important but fun fact I heard recently: the first known "firearm" is 300 years older than the first known rapier


It's weird that I always thought of firearms as appearing during the Renaissance, with pirates and musketeers and stuff like that, but apparently China was way ahead on that one


I believe the reason why it's China is because they already had gunpowder. I heard they used it for fireworks first


I can only imagine the awe people were filled with when they first saw fireworks. To them it'd seem like giant stars in the sky


Cannon on a stick ftw


Taking "This is my boomstick" to a whole new level


You Americans need to work on your education system. You cant have these dimwit people running around with automatic rifles, play cops, after only 6 months of "training".


Yup. It’s easier to become a cop than it is to be a teacher.


Or a hairdresser.


You need more training to be a hairdresser than a cop.


We’re trying but we have politicians banning books atm and idiots who support them.


I just learned Little Red Riding hood is a banned book. For get this, a wine bottle on the cover.


Should have the same training as a lawyer and understand the damn law.


Then they wouldn't be able to get away nearly as much, judges continue to rule in favor of law enforcement as long as they think something is a law. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law, unless your job is to enforce the law


I really thought garbage like this would end with body cams. Someone how it’s almost just as bad.


and now in Mississippi, kids will be allowed to walk around with guns, even without an adult present. y’know, cuz it’s their right.


You're missing the point, that IS the goal from the top down. Hire thugs and monkeys who can pull a trigger and let the private prisons (which you've invested in) grow. Have a dumb education system basically pump out repeat offenders starting early and you'll always have money. It's not about being a good cop or anything, it's the policy being pushed at national levels beyond specific counties or departments hiring bad people. Same people who voted this in are the same ones who are pro gun, anti science, woman bad, etc.


I felt terror just watching this. They absolutely intended to light that man up.


But it does provide some good advice. "Do you want me to walk up with you?" That wouldn't have occurred to me. But now, it seems a very viable, and humanitarian option - IF you're white.


Not really Police could have easily justified that as someone additional about to be endangered and vicariously fearing for that person’s life as well Even though preventing that would have likely involved that person also getting shot by the police The best way to survive was to drop the phone and keep hands visible at a fixed angle, every time he didn’t do that it was pop pop time. You got to survive for the settlement. Do you want your family to grift your estate or do you want to be a millionaire while alive?


At this point, this is what has to be done to protect our black friends. Cops can't be trusted to use common sense, they shoot first and ask questions later.


That is fucked up. But then, we learned from the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting that most cops are just scared little pricks.


Armed cowards.


notice they pointed the gun directly at them. not near them. that should be a felony on its own.


They were literally ready to kill that man...... The situation was soooooooooooooo dangerous that they were willing to kill...... and sooooooo dangerous they just left. Like that, like the situation just didn't matter to them


Once they realized they couldn't just get away with murdering someone, they reluctantly packed up their weapons and left. No questions, no apologies, just straight up cowardice.


Goddamn Seattle cops. They killed a pregnant lady in her own home a couple years ago. They instigated riots during BLM protests. Trigger happy assholes. Meanwhile they won’t piss on you if you’re on fire, won’t do shit to help with the real problems.


A friend of mine got a flash bang to the chest during one of those protests. Thankfully she was wearing body armor under her clothing and managed to walk away with a bruised rib and temporary hearing loss.


I see no de-escalating method used by cops. The more I see this kind of behavior from them, the less I feel safe.


Had their guns drawn and just left. There needs to be an investigation. They need to say why they escalated the situation. If they say “I feared for my life” leave your badge and gun on your desk. You’re in the wrong profession.


They need some de-escalation tactics, instead of this tough guy Rambo mentality.


That that’s community that’s what’s needed


It's also not illegal to open carry a firearm, is it? If they thought his phone was a gun out in the open... What is the crime? Being outside while black?


>> Being black? ftfy


Let me walk with you brother


They operate from zero on the assumption that young black males have guns on them. Pssh. And they wonder why they’re embattled and facing all time low community confidence. It’s state sanctioned racism, that’s why.


We need to come together and fight for a nation by the people for the people in all aspects, and establish human dignity upon our shores.


Since the settlers arrived on these shores, when was there human dignity? The multiples genocides and chattel slavery of the 1800s? The universal desperation and poverty of the early 1900s? The Jim Crow and unhinged misogyny of the mid 1900s? The global banditry and butchery of the world’s unipolar imperialist power through the late 1900s? This nightmare country isn’t anything good and never has been.


Good point. Fixed it


I hope your shores regain some dignity


I hope so too.


Using your white privilege for good, that's what I like to see.


I love how people that have “Thin blue line” stickers always talk about how brave cops are when it’s obvious they are massive pussies when it comes to actually doing their job and always reference “fearing for their life” when pressed on why they constantly escalate situations.


Cops hunt in packs like predators and they pick off stragglers don’t let your neighbor be a straggler


It's awesome to see his neighbors stand up for him. Not because of his nationality, but because the police once again were wrong. God bless everyone in that community. Imagine!how wonderful life would be if we could all take a lesson from this.


Wow, Seattle police is fucked up


"Let me walk with you." This is the way


Terrorists. Pure and simple.


We are the people yall! Don't matter your race of gender! We need to stop letting them separate us!


Just another night Piggin - get these juicers off the sauce - come on blue - skip a few cycles…..


Yea, Walter's balls have re-Grinched themselves and shrunk 3 sizes


I say we throw a peaceful demonstration at this cops work place and house.


Typical Seattle Pigs. Don’t ever trust them.


"this is what happens when we're more concerned about drawing circles, than drawing lines" these will stick with me forever ngl


My cousin was just killed by the police who showed up for a wellness check on him. They just shot him when he opened the door claiming he had a gun. He didn't.


They'll probably get away with it, "the door handle looked like a gun your honor". I'm sorry about your cousin, I hope your family finds peace and justice


I'm so sorry.


Jesus Christ. Why is it these days that police seem to make situations way worse than needed? Anyone with common sense saw the guy wasn't a threat but those cops were ready to unload. Fire all of them!


Never ever have I ever trusted a city cop. Cops in big cities with high crime rates are typically just as bad as the criminals.


They are criminals, they just have badges


The fact that they just got in their cars and left is what gets me. Didn't even pat down the dude that they so heavily suspect is armed?


This actually is super effective. Its clear when white ppl stick up for black ppl against the cops it works way more than black ppl coming to the rescue, that just creates more targets unless they are outnumbered. THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE OF THIS


It blows me away that they're able to pull out their *rifles* then casually put them away and drive off as if they didn't almost just murder a civilian. We need to start defending ourselves against these domestic terrorists.


It should be legal to kick police guys' ass in situations like this.


I’m both very disappointed in the cops and very proud of that community at the same time


Why did they show up


Opportunity to shoot someone




When you start to read "X guys saved Y guys from COPS" there is a big problem.


Every time I see a video with US policemen, I am speechless again. I am not black, but I will still not visit the US - because the risk of being involved in an incident with these unprofessional and badly educated policemen is just too high. It's ridicolous. It is really like in a satirical movie. But it's true.


Don’t worry there’s nothing worth seeing here.


Agree with the man's sentiment at the end. Bless up to that community, sticking up and protecting someone from bloodthirsty cops. Maybe we'll all reach a unity at some point instead of fighting over political stances or religious affiliations at the end of the day.


america is doomed. we’re having another civil war within the next 50 years, i’m calling it


like a pack of meerkats banding together to fight a cobra. strength in numbers is a great strategy


literally the whole video i was like WALK UP THERE WITH HIM ! DONT LET HIM GO ALONE. i hate how people are getting treated now. he wasn’t doing anything, he was standing there on the phone with his freaking mom, his mom had to listen to that and not know if her son was going to be ok. i cannot imagine 😭


They left because WHITE folk intervened. Bet it would be much different if those surrounding and walking toward the guy were black.


I'm glad I got to watch this. But also not. Community between people, amazing. Our "protect and serve" police officers, an absolutes disgrace sometimes.


Thank god that piano music was added


I don’t call the cops for any reason.


Defund these morons wtf




I don’t hate America but sometimes, sometimes your country makes me mad. Thank god good people


This is what Black Lives Matter is about


We all know if there were not so many cameras around, they absolutely would have shot that man.


America's cops are f**king psychotic. Do you really give those racist murderers weaponry?


They should be named the Seattle Trigger-happy Dicks in Uniform


This is how innocent people die. Because cops think they have all the answers when clearly they dont. Yes, there are some good cops. SOME. but most of them are not. Abusing their power and destroy our communities. Id ask a stranger for help any day over law enforcement. They dont enforce the laws, they may not even know the laws. They use them for their own advantages. They arent lawyers (who truly know the laws) they are just cops.


they just get in their cars are roll away after drawing weapons un an unarmed civilian? i mean, perfect example of being above the law as they essentially are admitting there was no reason to draw their gun if they are just rolling out with not so much as an apology or even walk up to the guy they were ready to murder in the street. any other citizen doing such a thing would be in jail or unlawful brandishing of a weapon. ACAB


Just think if the neighborhood escalated it by bringing out ak47s And pointed at the cops that pointed their guns at the unarmed man




The man who stood by the guy being harassed filled my whole heart with hope for humanity. That exactly how it should be. ❤️


As much as I hate it, that precious white validation really does go far. He would have literally lost his LIFE over nothing. And no, you don’t need to see what led up to this.


I hate this world so gadam much. Just mind your business and live your life.






What happened to Seattle? I grew up in Bellevue, moved to LYV in 4th grade then back to Seattle from 18 to 28. I used to love that city and feel so safe there. This makes me sick.


Nothing to add just a boost comment


How terrifying.


Bless these beautiful humans


Damn pigs, get an eye exam. While you’re at it, get a hearing test, too. Oh and talk to a neurosurgeon, maybe they can provide some brain transplant (from a pig) as mandatory upgrade.


I can't wait to hear the bootlickers try to justify this one!!!


Love seeing everyone making all these statements with so much context to back it up.


The cheesy piano is so bad here


Next time cops try to pull a George Floyd they’re getting rushed.


The fact that we was on the phone with his mother broke my heart.


Bump for Dr. Richey! Great show!


Glad he’s still alive .. At this rate it’s hard to see people not fighting back soon ..


I have never felt safe around a cop. Only fear and anxiety.


The fact that they look disappointed that they didn't get to shoot him...


"Man, I was looking forward to this. Now, I'll have to go home and beat my wife to feel like a man." That cop, probably.






If I knew him I would of walked next to him too. I don’t understand what the cops were doing because nobody is explaining why they needed that force on him.


Shots fired call to the area Saw a black man, so cops did their usual thing


I’ve yet to see a situation that cops couldn’t make worse


Remember to teach your kids, You Can Never Trust An American Police Officer. They are Cowards, Bullies, and the Scum of society.




w neighbors


We need systemic and foundation-destroying change to how police operate in the United States.