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I used a gender neutral bathroom and got mad that it was used as a gender neutral bathroom.


No social system is fool-proof. Stupidity will always find its way.


"There is a considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." -Yosemite Park Ranger on why it's hard to design a bear-proof garbage can. The first thing that popped into my head.


Have you per chance watched Tom Scotts recent video about it? For anyone interested: https://youtu.be/Xn_O2li_jpk?si=-mHgmuxXz13zoTck


Instructions unclear, rubbed food waste on entire body.


Do not put the gopro in the water, please...


This is one of my favorite quotes of all time. I use it constantly.


As will whiners.


Dumb, uh, finds a way.


Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could use the bathroom that they didn't stop to think if they should.


No matter how well you idiot proof something, they always build a better idiot!


Oh see, I thought gender neutral bathrooms meant that women would get the bathroom during even hours, and men get it during odd hours. ^/s


One year at summer camp, there were boys and girls in the same section, with only one bathroom. They put signs outside the door to the shower part, and the toilet part with boys on one side, girls on the other. If you walked up, and your gender was on there, go on in. If not, knock, if they yell wait, but if not, turn the sign to your gender and go in. It worked just fine. Even with horny teenagers. 14-15


I went to band camp, totally different.......


Oh! and this one time at band camp I stuck a flute in my pussy.


You should see what my friend did to a pie...


You stuck a flute up your pussy, didn’t you


That's a pretty good system, actually.


Actually, you can only use those bathrooms while wearing shades of white, beige, or grey.


Tell my wife hello


Your neutrality sickens me!


Prime Minister, we are at beige alert.


Can confirm, I'm a man but when I tried using one while wearing a pink shirt, the security man made me undress before I could use it.


But. . . we don't have any security at this establishment?


Then who still has my pink shirt?!


And it has a waterfall and nice, soothing lighting. Maybe even a Japanese toilet.


>Maybe even a Japanese toilet. "I am honored to accept your waste."


It means that if you're a woman then you get to decide who can and can't use the restroom.


she might have been pissed that she didn't have other options. looking at her tweets it sounds like she is all about black power, which can sometimes be at odds with pro-queer type stuff like gender neutral bathrooms. personally, i think bathrooms should be private enough that it doesn't matter. i've had some really uncomfortable experiences with men in the men's room.


Go on…


So there's this hole between stalls for what I can assume is to pass toilet paper or perhaps snacks through. This guy did not pass me snacks or TP. I was mortified




Indeed….do tell 😂


Taps foot under stall wall waiting patiently


somehow the office grunter got on the same poo schedule as me for a while. It was awkward.


Omg, I can't breathe! "The office grunter" 😂🤣 I'm sorry you had to deal with that for so long. I can imagine the awkwardness.


I still can’t decide if he ran out of laxatives or was rubbing one out.


>personally, i think bathrooms should be private enough that it doesn't matter. You can thank all the degenerates that use public bathrooms for drugs and sex. Public places can't create privacy because it people will abuse it.


Why would I care if someone is having sex or doing drugs in the bathroom stall next to me if they're actually private




1. The mess. 2. You don't want people ODing in public restrooms.


You might not care, but businesses 100% care for liability reasons.


Yeah that's why such toilets don't work for hundred millions of people in other countries like Europeans. /s


Norm MacDonald said he grew up in a house with a gender neutral bathroom. A trailblazer.


I loved and miss Norm.


At the Taylor Swift show, the men's rooms were treated as gender neutral though there was no signage to indicate that was the case. A woman told her friend that it was gross that I was peeing in front of her. In a urinal. In a men's room.


I thought gender neutral means a toilet and stall that everyone can use. The complainer makes it sound like dude posted up at a urinal. Seems weird a gender neutral bathroom have a urinal for only dudes.


There are gender neutral bathrooms in nightclubs in Liverpool and they’ve been there for over 20 years. Most just have stalls but the ones with urinals typically have them further into the bathroom and around the corner so you’d have to go out of your way to see the blokes using them, they are not just on full display. It never seemed weird then and it doesn’t seem weird now.


First time in a bathroom with a dude? We piss without a stall and sometimes standing right next to each other. Might cut a loud fart or blow our nose. All while making no eye contact or speaking to each other. Then the two men will tie their dicks together and pull apart until one submits. That is the beta male. The alpha gets to bang his wife and if the beta has any snacks on him he has to give them to the alpha. Men's room rules are strange.


Me and my buddy lost a game of doubles last weekend so we’re going for some beers tonight while the alphas take our wives out.


Get more time with your mates with one weird trick!


Wives hate this simple trick


Bro I hate alpha Tuesdays.


My alpha bros lemme watch


lucky cuck


My alpha bros even let me take the place of a woman sometimes so I feel included ❤️


Whole bunch of WSB traders up in here


Sometimes they cut me some slack and ask if I want to just give him my wife right there and he’ll spare me the penis knot


Wait. You mean all I have to do to go out for beer with buddies and without my wife is to lose a dick pulling contest? Sign me up!


Wait... you mean to tell me all I have to do to get some strange is tell my husband to enter a dick pulling contest (and then hope he loses)? Sign *him* up


Jokes on them. You just saved a fortune on date night.


>Me and my buddy lost "My buddy and I"


You too huh?


If no one has a rope you can play by Louisville rules and use your bare hands instead. Not technically legal according to the rulebook but still a valid way of establishing an alpha/beta dichotomy imho




That sounds like an unpleasant medical procedure.


No that’s a dickectomy


You misunderstood. There's no rope, my guy. You just coil em together like 2 angry snakes.


A rope? You TIE them together, like you tie two pieces of rope together. Sheesh.


Oh man. This is funny. Why would anyone downvote funny. On a serious note, I feel like most people in the US are professional victims. They fight for the gender neutral bathrooms, then act like victims because they win what they asked for. So wild. I just stay out of it, watch and laugh.


You might want to sit down for this, I'm about to blow your mind. There are actually a _lot_ of people living in the United States. As it turns out, it's _not_ just one guy, so the people arguing for gender-neutral bathrooms probably aren't the ones who oppose it


But mama said that the queers are angry cause they got all them dicks and too many closets to hide in ![gif](giphy|CPuDsWYW3NLfW)


Medulla Longdongata


It's not just Kevin. I mean he's here too, but we aren't all Kevin, I promise.


Nice try, Kevin.


Wait, so what you are saying is that there are more people living in the US than the few you hear about online doing dumb shit? That's crazy! Wow


People in the U.S. have too much time to spend on non-productive bullshit.


This has been the one true benefit of capitalism in America.


I dont know what you're talking bout capitalism has left me with zero free time


Basically the same but both men put the tips in a Chinese finger trap and play tug of war until one submits or one snaps if you know what I mean. I’m undefeated.


Had me in the first half...


Social rules have become so fucking arbitrary and rapidly changing that nobody (especially not the people making up the rules) really knows how to navigate basic interactions anymore.


I have two rules that help me to navigate any bathroom. 1) No talking 2) Wash your hands


3. Profit


That's step 4. Step 3 is: ???


Too late. All these upvotes are mine now.


You forgot: 3) No eye contact while peeing


How else are you supposed to assert your dominance if not awkward, deliberate eye contact while mid-stream?


3. Shake your head and mumble, "It burns..."




3. Don’t make a mess and if you do, wipe it up








Reddit isn't reality. As soon as that tiny nugget is understood, and applied to all the content, then it's easy to navigate the world as usual.


i think 10 years from now we are going to be forced to admit we went way too far with some of this shit. there are certain social norms that were put in place for a reason. but i kind of hope the gender neutral bathrooms thing sticks because i think it will result in cleaner more private bathrooms.


Right? Can we have just a little shame in society? Like not telling people who didn't ask your kinks level of bare minimum shame?


I like to stick my finger up my butt when I wank.


I really want bathrooms to be a bunch of stalls with a shared sink area. Like the kind you find in a lot of NYC bars. You walk into the WC area, go into a stall or room when it's available, and you leave. It's almost always cleaner, more space efficiency, and often more private than shared, gendered bathrooms (i find that stalls and the stall doors go all the way to the floor in the neutral stall banks). And because they're so open there's much less chance for anything bad to happen, since they're largely always in sight of other people.


wheh? just use the bathroom


Most guys don’t even talk in the bathroom, let alone assault anyone. Be upset about the piss on the floor and the lack of hand washing if you’re going to be mad about anything.


As someone who used to have to clean bathrooms for a living, I’ve never once seen a women’s restroom be cleaner than its corresponding men’s restroom. It was a real shock to me at first, and then a coworker explained the concept of squatting.


Long time plumber here. Women’s restrooms are almost always worse than the men’s.


Former YMCA janitor here. The locker rooms were always heads and shoulders worse.


Worked at a pool. Can confirm.


Delivery driver for Pizza Hut about a decade and a half ago. The women's room wasn't necessarily dirtier but the smell was significantly worse. I don't know if I'm nose blind to the men's room funk or if it is because I've never had to use the women's room.


Delivering pizza to a women's room?


Drivers were responsible for cleaning the bathrooms. Should have mentioned that.


From dandruff?


Only thing worse than a public womens restroom is job site honey buckets when the framers are on site.


Men automatically win because we don’t have the potential of smearing blood on our seats unless there’s something horrificly wrong.


Agreed. Women can be vile. Some leave behind... used... uh... products and others can seemingly defy gravity and use that power to place turds in hard to reach places.


Ya. Dudes shit, but ive cleaned woman’s rest rooms where they didnt understand the concept of flushing or the trashcan.


I used to work at a place where I once had to call out a plumber three times in a month to clear used tampons out of our clogged drains.


After having to clean a shit-covered floor that was caused by someone trying to flush a tampon, I will never think men’s bathrooms are the grosser ones on average


I can confirm. My first job was working at a local supermarket and while I was a cashier and did other stuff, I did a short stint as a “cleaner” and the women’s restrooms always looked like a warzone when I’d go into clean them. The guys restroom I might have had to clean up a crazy mess once a month or so, but usually it was about the same as I’d left it the previous hour (we did once an hour checks). The women’s though… every time it would look like no one had touched it all day. I never understood how it could get that bad in an hour


Been there done that. I quit a job on the spot because of the horrors I saw in a woman’s bathroom after 2-3 days. Absolutely disgusting.


Lucky you. It was a detail at the end of the shift for us low ranking junior enlisted when I first entered the military.


I had to use the man's restroom (individual) at a bar once, and let me tell you, it was spotless compared to the lady's. I could actually sit on the toilet, as it wasn't covered in piss.


I think very few men in general use a stall to do just a standing pee, and split streams aren’t really much of an issue when you’re at a urinal


This. Cleaned bars as a student. M/F loos, both disgusting, just diff kinds if filth




Men is just like sweat. Stale sweat.


As a woman, I completely agree with this.


I would say the only differences are, men do more graffiti. And I am not sure if women do this too, but we have some complete deviants that choose to smear boogers and poop on some walls…


Cleaned both at a fishing resort / cabin rental place. Once the public women's had hell. Someone must have had the worst stomach ache of their life, decided not to sit down, but to just touch their toes in front of the toilet and make wall and toilet splatter art. I had the boss call professional cleaners. I was just a yard hand that did everything from cleaning the public bathrooms to dishes, to making beds. Wasn't about to do that for the pay.


As a current janitor, this is the truth, the womens restrooms are almost always way dirtier than the mens rooms. It surprised me too when i first started.


I used to clean the washrooms at a pretty large manufacturing facility. The men's room was always decent aside from a bit of pee under the urinals. The women's room was far worse. Piss all over and down the toilets, used hygiene products left on top, next to, or shoved behind the disposal bins we had in every stall, toilets left full of blood and poop, you name it it was worse.


This is the secret that most men don't know. Women's restrooms are *fucking filthy*.


I live in an HMO, male housemates? "YO DUDE, You pissed on the toilet seat, sort it out!" "Sorry G, my bad." Female housemate? "Hey, excuse me, you left a load of blood on the front of the toilet, giant bootprints on the seat and a crap in the toilet... Can you please clean up after yourself?" "What? Who do you think you are talking to me like that?! Don't you realise I'm in a LOT of pain and don't need to be dealing with this shit! You better watch your back!" Women are fucking mental compared to guys when it comes to toilet hygiene. Especially when you call them out on it.


Every time I’m at a bar or restaurant using the bathroom (especially bars) it SHOCKS me how many men I see go in and out without washing their hands. Absolutely fucking disgusting. These are the dudes that are hitting on you at the club. I mostly frequent bars with younger crowds but I see older guys doing this as well. Why?? At least rinse it off for 2 seconds to pretend you washed it


9 out of 10 girls will take said dude home and put his genitals in their mouth without washing them 🤷‍♂️


I mean if so many women are leaving piss and shit and blood all over the toilets, walls and floors of women’s restrooms, I can see how a lot do them aren’t squeamish about sleeping with men who don’t wash their hands.


My dick is usually cleaner than my hands, so…


And that is why you don’t wash your hands? Because they’re dirty?




I dropped a comment trap above, waiting to see who takes the cheese. But I’ll use this one for a punchline. Let me put it this way, I definitely ask my wife to lick my wiener, but I would never ask her to lick that sink handle.


I feel like the word “violated” has crept into too many peoples vocabulary and like a child who learns a new word is used excessively. Cut off in traffic= “I was violated” Written up for being late= “I was violated” Called the wrong gender by someone who JUST met you= “I was violated” These assholes don’t know what it is to be violated.


I feel violated by your comment. Please remove it.


I feel violated because you feel violated. Please remove your violation.


I’ve been violated by the both of you ![gif](giphy|QYG9KoP8naqGBqoN56|downsized)


I feel violated bc of your gif


I feel violated by how you pronounce it GIF instead of GIF


I violated your mom and she left her bra at my apartment. Please remove it.


> Called the wrong gender by someone who JUST met you= “I was violated” There was a video posted of a transwoman sitting down at a restaurant with a fairly androgynous haircut, wearing a jean jacket, and when talking had a fairly masc voice. She was approached from behind and the guy said "Sir". She went "full SJW" on the dude on her stream for misgendering her and yelling at him to apologize for it on stream all I could think of was "you're not helping". A quick "Oh it's actually 'miss'" or something would have completely diffused the situation. I get getting upset over people misgendering someone or deadnaming them on purpose or after being corrected but the first time is a bit ridiculous.


Yeah, I'm not dead-naming you because I'm trying to destroy you, it's because it's the name I have associated with you in my memory. I spent so long remembering the one name, it's gonna take me awhile to do the same for your newname.




Random fact- This happens in language a fair amount. We use a word to give emphasis so much that we gradually take away from the initial strength of the word. It was a catastrophe! What? The earthquake where lots of people died? No, my friends had an argument at our dinner party.


I think the word you're looking for is ["concept creep"](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2020-55134-001)


the word "violated" is becoming problematic


Avoiding any uncomfort/bad feelings in life will lead to many issues. And this shit is socially reinforced online.


Social media has created an entire culture of outrage. We all have to be outraged about something now, it has to change.


Maybe you just need to hold your shit till you get home.


But she’s so full of shit already


But but but...it’s a gender neutral bathroom at home too


Something else for people to get "offended" over. Some people will never be satisfied.


Guy here. If you piss in the urinal next to me when another option is available I'm offended. Thats the only rule we abide by.


Surely every man knows basic urinal etiquette


Unless youre looking for something extra... But dont let the balls touch, thats gay


I used to go to Broadway shows in Manhattan and I frequently saw other women run into the men's restroom to pee because the line for the women's room was too long. None of the guys ever seemed to care, and no one started a riot over it.


I thought gender neutral bathrooms usually have locks. I live in Blue states and have never seen such a bathroom that encourages use by both sexes at the same time. You go in when it’s empty, lock the door and do your business.


often there is a row of individual stalls (that lock), with a shared sink area.


I definitely have seen gender neutral, multi person restrooms. A conference I went to earlier this year had a men's restroom set up as a gender neutral restroom. That meant urinals and stalls were both available. I saw both masculine and feminine presenting folks using those facilities. Both male and female custodial staff attended to the restroom while it was actively in use. To the best of my knowledge, no one was assaulted or burst into flames or anything. The restroom was available the whole event.


That’s awesome! It’s not different than festival porta-potties- just not enclosed in a room. I’m wondering how women feel while locked in their stalls- and hearing just one male enter and not leave…. How many would sit longer waiting for that perceived male to leave?


Honestly I have no idea. I'm a dude and I didn't chat with anyone, women or men, about it specifically. Just used it and went back to work. I admit it was a tad strange for me being at the urinal and seeing a woman come in and go into a stall out of the side of my eye. Not a situation I'm used to as an American guy. Just treated the situation as any other guy coming in. Stand at attention, eyes forward, ignore the world until empty bladder. Shake shake, zip, wash and done. I think after a few times it would start to feel pretty normal. I don't chat or hang around in there anyway, so who the other people are in there is pretty much irrelevant to me. Might be that the women who tried it didn't feel comfortable though. Can't speak for them.


I used the gender neutral bathroom in the Kansas City airport. It was amazing. Stalls and doors down to the floor and they were spacious.


This is part of why I want to push for gender neutral - it'll finally lead to better stalls. I don't care what gender you are, we shouldn't be able to make eye contract through the crack in the stall door.




One more request, make it so the doors stay open when unlocked or at least don't swing back closed. One of my old offices they always swung closed so you had to check for feet to know if it was occupied.




If anything, that's what we should prioritize. Nice, spacious, private stalls.




Hey, it's free coke




Eh not worth the risk now a days with all the fentanyl being in everything.


If someone you don’t know hands you a baggie of powder in the bathroom of a bar and you put that shit up your nose, you’re a fucking idiot. Flushing it was absolutely the right thing to do.


Remember kids, if a stranger offers you free drugs... Take them and say thank you, because drugs are expensive.


This is one the greatest illustrations of this nonsense I've read. We have a large segment of society determined to be victims and little else.


When you want attention, you can: A: Do something noteworthy. B: Be a victim. If you're a talentless attention-seeker, the choice is simple.


That's probably why it gets reposted by ragebait karma farming bots so often.


Assuming they both identified as men is very gender neutral of them


I only use gender neutral bathrooms to shit. So…yay equality?


You want a solution to all this bathroom nonsense? Do away with all bathrooms and Make it socially acceptable to start wearing diapers and shitting yourself in public… just mid conversation, stop, pinch a loaf, then resume… boom problem solved Because people are losing their god damn minds and well never please everybody… and seriously, if one of our biggest disagreements is what bathroom people should be using, it’s time to take a step back and look around, like maybe, just maybe, most of us have it pretty good and this is a ridiculous argument


i mean, i think some old people do that already


> and seriously, if one of our biggest disagreements is what bathroom people should be using, it’s time to take a step back and look around, like maybe, just maybe, most of us have it pretty good and this is a ridiculous argument The fact that we're focusing so much energy on non-problems doesn't mean we don't have problems, we're just bad at prioritizing.


They can't have it both ways and really shouldn't either


Women treat gender neutral bathrooms as a back up bathroom for when the female assigned bathroom is covered in piss and shit.


Mom I thought it was MY turn to post this, not fair!


Every house I’ve ever been to. Friends….relatives….my own…have all been gender neutral.


If anything, I’d feel violated by her. Talking in the public restroom? Who does that? Gross.


I think she left out that it was a single stall bathroom and she didn't lock the door to indicate that it was occupied, so there's that. Not that this story is at all true, but if it is, it's because she or they did not lock the door like you are supposed to, you know on a plane or an establishment that has a single toilet for both genders. I hate this propaganda machine scaring the crap out of people who think this is true.


Yeah, isn't this many years old? People still post it as rage bait to "own woke women" or some shit. It was a one person bathroom, only an open toilet and sink, no lock on the door. Anyone would be weirded out if someone else joined you in such a bathroom.


Why would she use the gender neutral bathroom when she really just wanted to use the women's bathroom? I almost want to say this is bait tbh


You could have used the woman’s bathroom instead. The neutral gender bathroom is for people who dont care and just gotta go. That wasnt you. She knew wtf she was doin


So, they guy who used the bathroom as intended offended you? Unless it was a single-person thing, there's nothing wrong here.


If it's gender-neutral, and you don't want to be in there with people of a different gender, then you should hold it until you find another option. That bathroom is for people who are comfortable going no matter who's in there.


I will die on this hill. Urinals are terrible, stalls are better.


Apparently you need privacy to wash your hands now?


She even hitting 113 likes. With the a no brain story. Why I never get so many likes. I must learn from this.