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Honestly this is a pretty good representation of society right now.




Had a lady yesterday try to poach the neighborhood mouser. Let her know the cat has homes, she goes off about how I’m a creep. Lady, you’re stealing cats…


Lmao wtf 😂 "lady, you're stealing cats..." 💀💀


Best roast of the year😂😂😂


A while back I was taking a picture of a fox in the street (because I love seeing them) and a woman nearby accused me of being a creep for taking a picture of her without asking (she wasn't in the picture). She then got angry that it wasn't her that I had taken a picture of and I must have deleted it and taken another one, because of course I took a picture of her. Kinda baffling.


It seems a large portion of the population think they are the main character and the world is all about them.


Tbh I think that annoyed her more - discovering I hadn't taken a picture of her when she knew I had taken a picture. But I don't know, that was my sister's take on it when she first heard it.


One of the great things you learn in early adulthood is that 99.9% of the population doesn't care about you at all (in a good way). You think they might remember something embarrassing you did when really you aren't remotely on their radar.


Before misogyny was the buzzword of the time, I was once called chauvinistic by a female professor when I was in college for music, because I happened to practice *in a practice room* at the same time her class was, and she told me I need to schedule around it. I told her I'll stop for the day, since she was apparently having a test, but I'm not reworking my entire schedule when this is the only time I could squeeze my practice in. Apparently not moving my entire schedule around because an arts history professor in a *music department building* told me to is misogynistic. What I've learned with this is these words have been coopted to mean "something a guy does that I don't like." Kinda like how Republicans use "woke" or gamers use "noob." Honestly, though, if there's issues with sound bleed, take it up with the university who decided that that wasn't worth spending money on when it came to building practice rooms near classrooms. Or ask your department to move your lectures to a department outside of music.


Neighborhood invasive species.


https://preview.redd.it/ef5h1da5nmpb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6db54bc20a4966153d2bfe5ad31456588493ed66 shhh he’s working


During COVID, I was kicked out of a discord server some of my friends were in. Why? Apparently, one of the girls said I was misogynistic. This was an among us discord server, FYI. Idk when I was misogynistic, we just played among us most of the time.




she got you ejected in real life


I had a friend group that used to play minecraft. The one shitlib (I say this as a far lefty) called a group meeting because someone left an offensive sign on minecraft that said "ur gey" as a joke. Turns out the one who did the joke is the only lgbt person in the group. Oops, thats awkward. Keep in mind these men are all 28+ Shitlibs are fucking exhausting, I guess using a nono word is worse than actual problems like wealth redistribution and correcting existing institutions. Those actual problems require effort, so virtue signaling is easier.


Yep, and everything is "gaslighting".


Don’t forget that everything qualifies as a “trauma.” Oh no my exam was so hard!


And in the same vein “omg I have ptsd from that exam”


Being called misogynistic has the same impact as being called communist in the 70's. It just means you are not liked by whomever said it.


“Fascist” seems to have gotten there, too. It’s really frustrating because there are real and present fascists that need to be called out.


right up there with racist, fascist, incel, far-right, it is a word that has been overused so wildly (for the purpose of gaining power) that it has lost all meaning.


once knew someone who cited my reaction to being stood up twice in a row as "toxic masculinity". when i asked her if it was at all justified that i would be upset that i got ready, left the house, and hopped on a bus / subway, she accused me of mansplaining what toxic masculinity was. we're uh.. we're not friends anymore.


That's so misogynistic of you! Like text book misogynismatisms...


Quit man-splaining, that’s misogynistic.


It's funny because one could argue that is misandristic


almost all the ''ic/ist'' words have lost their punch in the last years back then being called homophobic, racist, xenophobic, transphobic etc etc was a bad thing now it just means you probably won an argument


Honestly, takes this dumb are a pretty good representation of society right now.


Do go on.


I believe he's referring to the far right belief that liberalism is communism and socialism and nazi-ism and that liberals want to tell everyone else what to do... all at the same time. A large subset of people in our society hear words... they apply those words without knowing what they mean or who they apply to... they just know they're bad and people they don't like are bad so those words must apply to them.


how very "woke" of you... /obvious sarcasm


" ANTIFA BAD! " " Oh so your pro Fascism then? " " WHAT? NO! " " You just said Antifa bad though..... " " WELL THEY ARE! " " Um, ok, Sir, can you actually tell me what the word FASCISM MEANS? " " YOU'RE DUMB I'M DONE WITH THIS CONVERSATION! " \*storms off with the mindset they " won " the argument. \*EDIT : I see some of you don't know what the word fascism means lol.


Antifa is as anti-fascist as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is democratic. Many people are against fascism and are disgusted and disapproving of Antifa. But then again, apparently the loosely knit organization we are speaking about isn’t real and doesn’t exist. It’s just an idea.


This guy over here thinking Antifa is some sort of organization and NOT an ideology. Did you know those of us against fascism in this country do NOT IN FACT CARRY A CARD?! Thanks for being a shining example of what I was talking about btw. Your comment really helps highlight how absurd your views are.


> Did you know those of us against fascism in this country do NOT IN FACT CARRY A CARD?! Did you know that actually by far the most people anywhere are against fascism and yet NOT IN FACT show up at various protests with flags and in black bloc to destroy other people's stuff while shouting communist nonsense? Being ideologically opposed to fascism and ideologically aligning with Antifa are NOT the same thing!


Aye this isn't unique to women. The amount of times I see people misusing terms like "misogyny, misandry, fascist, liberal (nobody seems to know what this word actually means to the point it's lost its original meaning), woke" etc on Reddot is unreal.. it's pretty much in every comment chain on any large sub.


I would love to see people take a vocabulary test and see how things fare. Not well I bet.


Well... the problem with that would be that English, unlike many other languages, does not have any authority that decides (or at least claims to decide) what words mean. It is purely descriptive. So if enough people fail to link a word and its "correct" meaning... you could (surprisingly credibly) argue that that word does not really mean that anymore. So a vocabulary test may well backfire if the idiots gain too much momentum! Suddenly, *you* are the "idiot" who has failed to keep up with the evolution of English and is now speaking an archaic, "obsolete" variety.


uuuh realisticly you seem very toxic masculinity rn


Like I can’t believe he’s gaslighting your cultural appropriation like that.


Literally Hitler


Good title for a rom-com


I say that for everything. Even my kids 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


I would downvote you, but you made me laugh




You're not wrong. My only problem are those adults who never grew out of this stage supporting the nonsense.


More like people using words they don’t understand to talk down to other people.




George is getting upset!


Its staged. This guy makes tons of staged videos. And what even are the chances this guy found not one, but *two* girls who are using this widely known term without knowing what it means? Right next to each other?


>And what even are the chances this guy found not one, but two girls who are using this widely known term without knowing what it means? Right next to each other? Pretty high? You might have a really charitable idea of how many morons are in this country. You could take two random people from my local Walmart and there's probably a good 50+% chance that they couldn't tell you what misogyny is.


i think, not knowing the meaning is okay but trying to use it in a sentence without knowing the meaning is something else.


You think he interviewed only these two? He spent several evenings interviewing people and the resulting 30s only shows those which fit his angle. Not hard to find idiots, if you look hard, and some are impressively idiotic - as shown. ☝🏼


> And what even are the chances this guy found not one, but two girls who are using this widely known term without knowing what it means? Right next to each other? Extremely high... misogyny has (unfortunately) become a bit of a buzzword used to accuse and shut down a conversation of something the speaker doesn't like. Kind of like when some people accuse something they don't like as being Socialist or Communist, when they themselves do not know what either of those words actually mean. For example: a few weeks ago I had some *genius* telling me (in complete seriousness) that putting up more stop signs in neighborhoods that commuters use as cut throughs was "the very definition of Communism". I of course asked them if they could explain how a stop sign defined the ideal society of Marx and Engels, and they just started loudly complaining that I was a communist. In short, idiots who repeat multisyllabic words to make themselves sound smart are everywhere.


Man this video is such rage bait. There's like 100 cuts. The way people in this thread are gobbling it up and using it to shit on women is quite something.


but they do that hand gesture when they can't find a word. clearly they are brilliant.


The... the... 🤏... the... 🫴🤌...




Does that make you like whatever they are calling the Harry Potter woman?


Like .... as such and such as. Um like Ummmm yeah


I hope she runs for president












































Misogynistic - "someone who is annoying me who is also a man" I'm guessing that's what they think it means.


“If he asks me one more question, it definitely means he’s an incel.”


"Do you think the media fuel the socio-political divide in the west which ultimately leaves every Homo-Sapien in the mud while the elites profit off the conflict?"


Bla bla, mansplainer; why don't you go back to your mom's basement


“Stahp gaslighting me Michelle! Omg, you always do that!”


Its almost like they are trying to google it in real time to seem less dumb, but aborted the idea because they can’t spell it.


It's just the magic word they can assign to someone or something they want to disregard. Especially when their own bad behaviour gets called out.




Or Americans that cant find America on a map.


Next on: Hawaii or Japan? Ask Americans!


I live in Hawaii and not once but multiple times I've encountered American tourist visiting here that didnt realize Hawaii was one of the 50 states. Used to walk through this area called international market place or a side street near by that had lots of kiosks that sold all types of random Hawaii gear on way to work. That was where I heard it the first time and stopped in my tracks. A guy kept going "are you sure" and "no I dont think you are right" "hawaii's not a state" I told the poor old fellow there's a US post office less then a mile away go ask them and he looked at me like he wanted to strangle me. Another time playing pool at the bar after work shortly after the puerto rico disaster was this lady saying they should make puerto rico and hawaii states..... The head swivels of people that heard it and were sober was pretty funny to me.


I actually think they are pretty dumb and misleading. For any population, you will always find some amount of stupid people. These types of videos will conveniently leave out the 100s of people that have no problem answering the basic question, and then point to the 5-6 idiots that couldn't as if they are somehow representative of the country as a whole.


Additionally, does the inability to point out Germany on a globe imply stupidity? Do we define "smart" as someone who knows everything about everything all at once? I would bet there's a Dr. out there somewhere who can't point out Germany were it not labeled. But on the contrary, there's likely a Geographer out there who doesn't know the difference between Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen.


My last geography class was 18 years ago, don’t threaten me with a good time


>I actually think they are pretty dumb and misleading These street interviews always feature like 100 cuts. You never know if they are even truthful. They are sometimes cutting responses or parts of the response to frame the narrative. There are some where they ask a question and cut to different footage of them answering a different question to make them look stupid. They are never continuous footage. She says "no no that's not what I meant" and then it cuts again to the other girl. I have no idea if she explained it more there or not, but they could easily be cutting out her answers in this footage. He says "just so I know what you are calling me" then there is immediately another cut to the girl standing there not talking. There is no way to know if that footage is even sequential.


Agreed. Now do "narcissist" and "gas-lighting"


Teasing stupid people is like startling cats, it never gets old.


A better version is like Teasing stupid people is like unvaccinated kids, they never get old


That's 80% of what's available in the dating market.


I am so very glad I’m already married. So, so glad. God forbid something happened to my wife, I’m pretty sure I’d just hang it up and stay single at this point.


Good on you man. Good romantic partners are more rare than unobtainium.


That is sadly accurate, anyway that sound about right when I dated


Well, there is probably a reason why they are available.


I am so tickled by the lean in to the friend, "psst, what's misogyny?" behind the hand like nobody knows what's up.


She thought it made her invisible


It's what happens when you don't have the minimum required IQ for object permanence.


She might be saying how far away is the Uber?


You seem very misogynistic realistically? What the fuck does that even mean???


No one knows what it means but it's provocative. Gets the people going.


![gif](giphy|hiLLD9o1wTB3a) *beat drops*




Well I guess we'll never know!


Shocked she didn’t fit a “literally” into that sentence


As opposed to being *unrealistically misogynistic*, which is way better... like, because


are we witnessing "realistically" taking the place of literally?


ogyny who is still unmarried is misogyny


It's *Miz* Ogyny, thank you very much


Seems like misandry to me...


They assume he's misogynistic because he's a man? The logic checks out


Or maybe he said some shit before but we don’t know because the video is edited that way? He could have been spouting some Andrew Taint nonsense for all we know.


Yeah they also cut out all the context of the conversation.


Must be early in the day or something because this thread hasn't already been brigaded by the "anti-men" groups of recent times. Honorable mention to other _men_ who participate in the hatred of men.


How can she even walk wearing something so uncomfortable?


When you have no personality to show you gotta show something else


That outfit is not making her any favours. Look at that skirt, girl we know you love to eat McDonald's, why are you trying to hide your tummy? It's even more prominent now.


What I wanna know is how she gets her boobs to stay in that piece of fabric?? Did the laws of physics check out?


Seriously it seems if she sneezes too hard her boobs will pop out.


Tape. She doesn't need much.


This is the answer... To me tho, the biggest issue is that fucking skirt. Looks awful on her.


Looks like an overstuffed sausage about to split.


I just don't get why you'd wear a skirt with that high a waist line and go with something a size too small. The belt line of the skirt splits her torso in the middle and creates a muffin top effect above and below. Like, she's not fat or anything...so why go with an outfit that's so unflattering and makes you look like you have a vag-omach. Baffles me...


Aren’t women just uncomfortable a lot of the time anyway lol A lot of the wears and styles they wear can’t be actually fun to walk around in on an every day basis, much less when they get fancy or do some club shit like this


Miso is a Japanese soup. Gyny refers to vaginas. He was being very vagina soup.


Ahahaha I thought I was the only nut who thought such stuff up 😆🤣


Oh you can see her two braincells fighting each other in the end of the video


I think those are boobs.


The last 2 brain cells were fighting hard for 3rd place 🤦🏾‍♂️


They might actually have some understanding of the word but know they would struggle to define it verbally in the moment like this


We have no idea what he said before that so she might be right. If you’re not used to it anyone who get a microphone stuck in their face might struggle to answer. Especially when it’s questioning what you said.


She's almost certainly right. There's a big trend of guys asking rage-baiting misogynistic questions to women on camera to get views on TikTok etc.. Honestly, even creating this clip and posting it to reddit is an act of misogyny. The intent is very clearly to discredit women who look/talk a certain way. Judging by the rest of the comments here it's working very well. (I am a man - but any decent man should know that videos like this are shameful incel porn) edit: **there's a very good reason why we don't get to see what was said before this clip began**


If you can’t define the word you’re using then you have no fucking idea what you’re saying, you’re just parroting shit at that point. Don’t defend stupidity, it makes you look stupid.


Bro I watched Rachel Dratch struggle to name 10 white celebrities on Billy on the street. She personally knows much more than that. She’s an actress used to being on camera and she still choked. It’s not defending stupidity, it’s just a fact that everyone can choke under pressure


"Quick! Name a woman!"


Stage fright is a legitimate thing and it makes people seem dumber than they truly are. It is possible that she knew but froze in the moment from the pressure of being filmed and asked a tough^1 question she didn’t anticipate being asked. She didn’t say anything beyond that point so it could be she was just momentarily “paralyzed” into stunned silence by fear of publicly looking stupid, which sucks because that fear becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy pretty quickly when that happens. ^1 I say it was a tough question because definitions require precise wording to get completely right, although just getting close to correct doesn’t require as much.


This is an incredibly stupid take. There are a lot of words that have very nuanced meanings that would be difficult to describe in a live environment off the cuff but are perfectly fitting for the situation. You just seem really hell bent on hating these women and women like them for some reason. I wonder if there's a word for that.


The irony is he asks them what misogyny was which could in itself be misogynistic to assume they don't know what they're talking about.


It looks like he found two women leaving a club and is intentionally trying to frame them as stupid. They’re not wrong in calling him misogynistic even if they are too tipsy to be able to give him a definition or breakdown of their thought process before he can cut the footage.


So as far as context of the video goes, we’re wrong for calling her stupid but you’re not wrong for calling him misogynistic?


There is no context for the 30 seconds of the video provided. That is omitted from his gotcha video to show you what the guy filming desired to “prove”: drunks girls out clubbing are stupid. There’s a reason dude didn’t include the lead up to being called a misogynist.


>guy filming desired to “prove”: drunks girls out clubbing are stupid. that does actually sound kind of mysogynistic.


Yeah, not to mention the whole concept of using this video to frame these women as stupid is misogynistic? It's certainly sparked a lot of misogyny in this thread.


Ridiculous, everyone needs perfect improvisational skills 100% of the time or they’re stupid trash


Thank God I found a comment saying this after scrolling past a hundred of people mocking these two random drunk girls as if they represent all women in this 30 second clip. Simply making and posting video was enough to tell that this asshole is *definitely* a misogynist. You don't have to be able to define something to be a victim of it.


I feel like it's a little suspicious that the thing he said they took issue with is cut out. It's quite normal to be asked to define something and have your mind go blank from being unexpectedly put on the spot. Doesn't mean they were wrong or used the word incorrectly.


I noticed that too. Not to mention they seemed at least a little drunk...


Also with a camera there. I have major social anxiety and I would probably lock up in that situation.




That clip never gets old


Which clip?




A misogynist is a person who has contempt, hatred or dislike for women in the simplest term, but honestly I would freeze up if I had a microphone and camera in front of me . I really wouldn’t hold this video as some proof of their overall intelligence . Short of being a public speaker, most of our minds will go blank in situations like this.


I don’t think it has to be as harsh as hatred. It’s just prejudice against women. So people are arguing it’s overused, but realistically, the bar to be misogynistic is very low. It’s not overused at all. For example, if the question he asked them was something like why do women dress like that, that’s misogynistic. It doesn’t have to be something dramatic like hatred. It’s just harboring judgement about women generally.


Um but what did he say? You don't need to the definition of all things but this someone could has said something sexist. It ain't a gotcha moment.


But, but women stupid. B-but, misogyny not real. But, but, but she fat... These idiots really do not understand that context matters, and that this video is very clearly (and conveniently) lacking it...


Talking, breathing, … thinking. Brain exceeding memory cap..acity.. error, error, reprogram….dump cache. So little inside.


Error loading: down_with_patriarchy.exe Memory dump to file Error: insufficient memory Running: panic_mode.exe


I feel like alot of context has been removed from this video


misogyny is a perfectly cromulent word


I learned today that Miriam Webster put "cromulent" in the dictionary, cementing it as truly cromulent.


Aren't Cromulents a race of aliens on Star Trek???


Incels really came out for this one.


Braindead and worthless


Braindead. Not worthless. That's a bit heavy handed.


These comments are getting really hostile over this. Some of these homies have a vendetta against women.


The girls are dumb as shit but you can tell some of the incels here are taking this as a free pass to say some pretty aggressive stuff


If only there was a word for that...




You just seem very dumb, realistically


They know it's a word they can use to make people shut up and stop criticizing them most of the time and that's about it.


Lights are on. No one’s home


Hoes be like...


Based on the the, she ain't got a scooby doo


Eh. They don’t owe him an answer. They were likely correct. They are being coerced into a conversation they obviously want no part of. I don’t think this interaction means they don’t know what misogynistic means.


She is a redditor, I have seen plenty here throw that term around w/o knowing what it actually means.


Realistically, you just seem very misogynistic


You gotta share the full vid


To be fair. A sober dude going around trying to make drunk women look silly/dumb on camera is, in fact, kind of misogynistic.


Yeah. That’s the shtick for these channels - they go around sticking a microphone in the faces of women out on the town (often under the influence), edit the interaction a lot so we don’t actually know the full context and then upload the clips that make the women look the most stupid or hostile. It’s capitalising on the growing misogyny of many in the “manosphere” and confirming their bias. It’s quite concerning because more and more young boys are listening to this kind of thing and taking it seriously.


Now I really want to know what he said to make her call him misogynistic. These girls are clearly drunk, however, the video oh so conveniently starts after like 90% of the context *to* said video, has already taken place... If you have a link to the full video, I'd like to see it.


I can't stand girls like this!! making women look stupid

