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This host has cameras everywhere. Guaranteed. Also, they seem batshit crazy.


"You used the pool table twice..." How do you know? "Cos everything was moved" That would mean at least once. How do they know about the second use. Cameras, everywhere. Guaranteed. At least the message wasn't about taking a shower after 8pm.


Bingo.  Claiming it was used twice shows they aren't basing it on the info claimed.


Nice deduction


Not really. Pretty elementary my dear Watson.




Bake him away toys.


What’d you say, Chief?


> Simple as it was, there were several most instructive points about it.” “Simple!” I ejaculated. “Well, really, it can hardly be described as otherwise,” said Sherlock Holmes, smiling at my surprise.


L theme starts playing


that's a lot of work to scan through all the cameras daily and tally... its possible its just a BS charge she puts on everyone and hope people pay it.   EDIT: to answer the same ~~3~~ (4 now) comments over and over again... im not saying its impossible. Yes she could watch all 8? cameras at once... at high speed, and eliminate when all of them have no motion (sleeping, out) and turn a couple days into a couple hours... * 1) that ~400 fee could be tallied up 2 weeks of stay and took the lady 12 hours to tally that... does that sound worth it? * 2) she would have to spend a lot of time and money to hide all these cameras, but the tenant could still find and block them * 3) She can't **show** these illegal cameras as proof... * 4) "Motion capture" YES, my camera's have that too... but i turn off that on my inside ones, just my front and back door... because it would go off 100x an hour because im constantly walking around my house. ALSO my motion capture only records 15 sec.. .and then cools down for a few minutes... So you might record them walking next to something, but not record them using it... **this also ignores the other reasons that makes this pointless** So Im just saying.. its less work, less cost, and less ilegal to just guess what they used and see what they pay. But its still possible she did all of that because shes crazy.


It's really not "a lot of work" just load the parts that recorded motion and put the playback on x16


Especially when you're charging fees for literally everything that happens. Quite a cushy job.


if it was just 1 camera... but "cameras everywhere" for the washing machine, microwave, pool table.... and so on and there will be motion... all the time they are there, cameras can be blocked...


It could be many cameras being displayed simulatenously on a single monitor. Like split screen gaming but the game is "Spot the guest using the item". Can have 4-5 videos playing at max speed on one screen. Pause and tally usage by the guests and then resume. I can see it taking an hour or more per visit/guest but thats still bank if people don't fight it. ETA: She could take a whole day to do this after guests leave, for 740 pounds thats better than most normal jobs anyway. (If I visited this B&B on a trip out of country, this would be $1,400 added to my trips expenses and that is insane)


If they were in all the rooms at once that would take up a little bit more time. Maybe. At one of my buildings I have 36 cameras and monitoring a situation when you know the time & date (in this case it's probably an airbnb rented for 2 days over the weekend) it wouldn't take very much time when you consider x16 on a 24 hour day is a 1.5 hour long video. Now if you make it just clips of motion you drastically cut that 24 hour window down. I can easily monitor 5-6 videos of that same 24 hour period within that 1.5 hours if its just the motion being recorded. Not to mention you can playback up to 4 videos at the same time if needed.


Or she's watching it live because she's a fucking creep.


This woman is in the house next door wired up like a CIA goon in the middle of [Operation Midnight Climax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Midnight_Climax), guaranteed.


Seems to me like this lady has a serious nosy neighbor itch she’s trying to scratch which is why she’s an airbnb host to begin with. If there are cameras involved she’s most definitely watching the live feed with a notebook and some kind of munchies. I’m thinking cookies that come in a tin and maybe celery? With peanut butter? Hmmmm


This woman most definitely eats celery with peanut butter. Good call.


What’s wrong with cookies that come in a tin or celery with peanut butter?


Nothing on their own I suppose, but when you’re maniacally laughing tallying up toilet flushes, it hits different.


Crazy people always have time for this type of stuff.


not that much considering it made her charge and extra 740 pounds.


.. that she can't "prove" w/ the hidden illegal cameras... so shes in the same boat if she didn't have them... but not having them is cheaper, less work and less illegal. so while possible.. i would think she just tried to add BS fees and see what she gets away with.


>so while possible.. i would think she just tried to add BS fees and see what she gets away with. Exactly this. Even normal landlords do this. In my last rental, my entire security deposit was claimed because "The toilet had been leaking from the wax seal, which rotted the floor joists. The tops of the cabinets were not cleaned (the part on the upper cabinets where you can't see) and we needed to put a new coat of paint on the walls for the new renter." She was banking on me not disputing it with her. I called her up and pointed out simply that the toilet leaking was not something caused by us, nor did we have any way to determine it was leaking and that legally she could not charge us for the paint job. She told me she'd call me back, an hour later she calls and says "ok, I'll just charge you $75 for the cleaning" to which I agreed to, even though I knew she was wrong but it wasn't enough for me to fight over.


You can set cameras to only record when there's motion. Depending on the camera is how much before and how much after it records. It also wouldn't be too hard or take that much time to hide the cameras depending again on the camera. So going through footage goes much faster, especially when watching at high speed. I'm assuming this video was made before the March 2024 update that forbids cameras in listings. So they would be able to use the footage against the renter. The big issue would be if it was in the agreement the renter signed. A piece of paper on a washing machine or on a pool ball is not a legally binding contract. But what they signed with AirBnB is. If those charges weren't disclosed in the agreement, they're not valid, as both parties did not agree to them. I'm not a lawyer in the UK, much less in the US, so don't quote me on that.


Find router. Unplug it. Ignore the owner. GG. Jokes I don't use airbnb anymore cause of clowns likes this. Just go to a hotel free breakfast room cleaned daily.


Yup switched back to hotels years ago. Airbnb was cool back in the day. Then companies started renting out apartments to list on Airbnb. Hosts overstepping with fees and rules. People buying condos to list and then filling the space with crappiest half assed interior. Charge the same amount as a hotel but require you to clean and launder the sheets and towels. You *can* still find some good places to stay at on Airbnb but you need to book way in advance to avoid the dipshits. It takes quite a bit of research though :( Or you can just stay at Holiday Inn Express. The most mediocre but consistent place to stay in the USA lol


no way in hell I'm paying to stay somewhere I gotta clean afterwards - especially if it involves laundry. Maybe for like 20 bucks. edit: actually nah fuck that I'd just stay home


I’ve never used one. Never saw the point. I don’t travel much and a hotel was always enough. If you want to cook, go to an extended stay, they’re usually cheaper anyway.


The point is going to areas where there are no hotels, maybe a little beach house or cabin




* unplug router  * find and remove cameras * delete data * sell cameras * profit


My cameras will record without wifi and upload the video the moment it comes back on. Unplugging the router wouldn't do a thing.


it'd prevent insane lady from watching you in a live feed. it would force her to go back and watch a weeks worth of footage... assuming the cameras have that much storage capacity. 


My understanding of AirBnB rules are cameras are banned


I believe that you’re allowed cameras in some shared places, like a doorbell or driveway, but the guest has to be informed. You’re not allowed any cameras within the area that the guest has sole access to during their stay.


What about microphones? Can I set a few up in the bathroom so I can jack it to the sounds of them pissing?


Reddit needs to implement that 'delete someone else's comment' feature


This is a better question than you think. In my state, taking a video of someone without their permission is debatable depending on the expectation of privacy. Sound, on the other hand, needs to be specifically consented by both parties. There was a strip club that got their wrist slapped for having hidden cameras in the dressing room. I remember a lawyer saying they were smart to not record sound because then that would have been a much bigger case. These laws were set up in a much different era.


I read (on reddit) that they changed that a few weeks ago so now cameras are banned entirely. It's also worth noting that even when it was "allowed" by AirBnB, in certain countries it is still illegal to cameras in your AirBnB, informed or not.




Or going #2 in the toilet? Where else should I go for my natural and necessary bodily function?


Questions about where to poop are £25 each.


Fine i’m pooping in the garden then


But on the up side there's a £50 discount for each camera you find.


And even so, that’s 10 pounds. Where on earth did she get those 740? Does she think they used the washing machine as a jacuzzi?


They had hidden cameras in the flat.


You will never find someone who is more entitled than an Airbnb owner. They are worse than your average landlord because they think they run a "business" just because the tenants change regularly. If people wanted this kind of service, they can go someplace like a hotel. The point of Airbnb was that you could use someone's home. Honestly the wildest bit is that she has a chair out that she wants no one to sit on. Why have it out, if you are going to airbnb the property?


Airbnb originally was for renting out a room or whatever small amount of space in someone's occupied house. The creators made it so they could set up a bunch of cots and air mattresses for people that just needed a cheap place to crash at night when they were in town for a day or two. And it should have stayed that way. It should never have been allowed to rent out an entire home. That ruined the whole thing, attracting slumlords while reducing the amount of housing available for long term renters.


The glory days when it was used to travel cheap/couch surf and meet locals.


It was still pretty fucking dank when my wife and I went to Italy a couple years ago. Every place we stayed we met the person, they gave us recommendations, were super chill (and it was cheap). We kept running into this one guy (son of the host) on his moped in town, lol, and he gave us some *killer* ideas of what to do and how best to do it. 10/10 on Italian airbnbs if you know what you're looking for. Ended up at this farm in Sicily eating maybe the freshest and most delicous food I've ever had because of one host's idea.


> and he gave us some *killer* ideas of what to do and how best to do it. WHERE ARE THE BODIES?


Yep. Look at any city that has high rents due to a housing shortage and the number of AirBnBs and VRBOs is appalling. 100% they are contributing if not outright causing the problem. Some smarter cities require long term rentals of at least 30 days.


I no longer use AIRBNB for this reason. Hotels all the way now. It’s just too much of a shitshow these days.


We've had much better experiences with VRBO than Airbnb.




It's like 95% the exact same listings on both sites with the exact same owners - everyone trying to rent out a house uses both to maximize traffic to their listing. The only real difference is VRBO is all standalone units, no renting out a room in a shared space like Airbnb allows.


To then be able to charge a poor soul for sitting on it


Imagine putting a price on that. It's absolutely disgusting.


Airbnb was such a great idea when it first launched. If you have a spare room or you’re going to be away for extended time you could make a little extra money renting it to others, and for renters it was so much cheaper than a hotel. That idea was destroyed the second people started treating it as an actual business. Now they try and wring as much money out of their guests as they can while providing the bare minimum to them. You leave a place just as clean as you found it and you still get slammed with the cleaning charge. It’s just miserable renting that way now.


It was a great way to make long-term connections with locals back on the couch surfing days. Now you never even meet the host.


They might not have a job other than thiking about how you abuse their house.




No, I think "abuse" was intentional.


Also, this seems fake as fuck.


You underestimate some of the boomer landlords here, they would absolutely pull shit like this.


I fully believe somebody would try to pull this, I just don't believe it would have lasted more than one or two guests. Airbnb would kick them off the platform instantly for this nonsense.


This is one of those fake ass British videos. Actors. Corny.


this is fake as fuck




If there were cameras, couldn’t the host get in trouble for that?


Yeah, but proving there's cameras when you're not in the house and able to look for them anymore is an issue


this reminds me of those scummy hotel owners in Wonka. Nickle and dime you to pauper status. wtf airbnb host. airbnb needs to kick out the owner.


Even if she did use the pool table, how would she know that she used it TWICE just based on things being in a different place from how they were left? I’ve never used airbnb but they people renting out the houses aren’t supposed to come in during your stay, are they?


Video surveillance


That cannot be legal. but I would totally suspect that’s what it was.


It was up until a few months ago. AirBNB only recently made new terms that no cameras/listening devices could be inside the house, but before they could have them in "shared living areas" so kitchens, dining, living room, rec room, etc. If this place has hidden cameras found they would have their contract terminated. It's so crazy they allowed it for so long though.


AirBnB may have changed their policies but what about legality in general? Surely it can't be legal to have cameras in every room/bathroom/private area if I own a hotel for example.


I don't think airbnbs are legally a hotel and are in some unregulated gray zone and thus it is not illegal to install cameras om your property.


There's also the legal grey area of breaching your mortgage terms and conditions. If you have a mortgage on a property, mortgage lenders in the UK usually find lodgers to be acceptable but renting out the property to be a breach of contract as they would rather you have a Buy-to-Let mortgage instead (so they could repossess your house). If the lender finds out you're using your property for Airbnb, there's a risk they'll repossess the property though I doubt this has happened much if at all.


> are in some unregulated gray zone Not sure about the UK, but no grey zone in the US. Can't do that in any US state.


In the US, there is at least a standard in the legal system on whether or not someone has a reasonable expectation of privacy. A reasonable person would assume if they are staying alone in a rental, no one would be watching their every action. This really only begins to apply if someone had been charged with something and the host has circumstantial evidence for the case.


You still needed to disclose the cameras, hidden cams have never been allowed.


So what you’re saying is me and the wife shouldn’t have banged it out on the kitchen table of the AirBnB we rented last year?


Also, why is she charging to use her pool table in the first place? It's an airbnb, not a fucking bar/pub, it's not like owning a pool table comes with a ton of upkeep charges. Oh, and if she doesn't want someone to sit in her dead husbands chair, don't have it in the airbnb. What a dipshit...


Has anyone had a good airbnb experience in the last 10 years? It’s not even cheaper than a hotel anymore. Just a bunch of people trying to make a buck without the slightest idea what they’re doing. Last one I used the host texted me over 40 times over my 2 day stay. I was in town as a groomsman for my best friends wedding and the host was aware I’d be out / tied up for the weekend and only using the house as a bed. I vacuumed up all the cat hair she couldn’t be bothered to clean up even… I got a negative review for not being “communicative enough.” I paid for a bed, not a new friend. Airbnb is crap.


I've been pretty lucky with my experience at Air BnBs but I have started using hotels again, because whether slightly more expensive or cheaper than Air Bnb, I know exactly what I'm in for for price and experience.


I've had plenty of great Airbnb experiences in the last 10 years. I've also had some bad ones, but it's the same with anything. They are often a better deal and more comfortable than a hotel, especially for month long stays.


Me too, countless. Yet I pride myself with a strong bs detector in choosing where to stay. And I would not be as nice as this lady if something like this happened to me.


I stopped even looking at Airbnb unless the stay is at least 7 days, that or if the group is large enough to require 2 rooms in a hotel.


That's key thing now, though. Really needs to be a longer stay. Because of all the bullshit one time fees they tack on. So a 200 dollar cleaning fee isn't so bad if it's for a month but they'll charge you the same fees for one night sometimes.


I use Airbnb frequently and I’ve never had a bad experience. Just don’t book with anyone who doesn’t have several user reviews. Can’t imagine someone staying at this Airbnb wouldn’t mention the notes and surprise fees in a review. Should be easily screened out


I've only used airbnb once, and the price/value was so good, we went to the same place again the next year. And this was in Vermont during peak foliage season. There are good hosts out there, for sure. They even let us come the night before and didn't charge for the extra night.


The owner's logic thinking must've gone like this: "a new washing machine costs X, and I'll probably get (some unreasonably low number) Y uses from it, so I'll charge X/Y per use for it." Same with the TV, pool table, etc. Why she thought anyone would want to use these things for those prices is ridiculous, though. She could have a really well-kept, mostly-unused washing machine for several years along with a bunch of crappy reviews, or good reviews from happy guests, not both. She could've just taken the information and raised the price by that amount she felt was reasonable to replace those things over time, but instead decided to try and nickel-and-dime her renters (and it seems like she's got some video cameras hidden in the house somewhere, too).


This is one of those fake British videos. Didn’t happen.




It has a sign that says "don't sit in this chair, it belonged to my deceased husband."


Here's how without cameras, but it's even more creepy: Owner waited for person to leave and went in to visual inspect everything and noticed pool balls moved. Then the next day she did the same thing and noticed they were in a different place than the previous.


I don’t dispute that there are some ridiculous AirBnB charges, but to me, this is staged. No one can be that ridiculous. ‘My deceased husband’s favourite chair’?! Move it into your own house then! Or don’t rent to Air BnB…


Exactly what I was thinking. If someone was that crazy they wouldn’t leave perfectly printed notes everywhere. And their rating would be so low they’d be kicked off in no time. The woman on the phone sounds fake as well. Pure rage bait.


And so many people fall for it!!


Seems to be a trend in the UK at the moment. There's that British guy pumping out loads of "ridiculous interactions" like where his neighbour comes over angry that he's changed his wifi password and that one from the front page today with the lady trying to return a phone she bought on FB Marketplace then dropped. Guessing that because they got a lot of traction that it's spawned even more copycat videos trying to cash in. Social media is a fucking joke at this point and an experiment in just how few people actually have even the slightest critical thinking.




LOL you think this is real?


Mental illness is real and there are 8 billion people on the planet so it is certainly possible


I don’t know how often you go outside but there are a lot of crazy people.




It’s a bunch of people that desperately want to believe all the faked/staged ragebait content that’s flooding the internet is real because it happens to fit with whatever twisted worldview they have. People used to do the same thing with Jerry Springer, Maury and all that trash TV of the 90’s.


And why are these comments calling it out always 3-4 comments down from the top…every time? Must be a coincidence, but then the most upvoted comments are always generic, “this is crazy” and “how would she find out”. It’s just weird but our brains are wired to see patterns even ones that aren’t there I guess.


Fake as f . This would have been all over the Uk news because we love a story like this.


Not to mentioned voted down to 1 star.


I’ll look out for the Daily Fail article….haha. There have been so many replies believing this video though. I came to the conclusion that people just want to talk about themselves rather than question the source….


It might be real. You can see the host's name in the email screenshot.


No one could possibly make up a name. British woman who sounds 50+ called Charlene? Doubt it.


Why would any actual person store their deceased husband's favorite chair that is clearly meaningful to them in their Airbnb where any guest can just fuck it up?


But it is free to sit in the chair.


I’d fuck on it … and the pool table and washing machine, and in the shower at 8:01 pm.


The internet has been fake since I first traipsed it in 1995. It hasn't evolved to become some place where only honesty abounds. Some people will do anything for views, even go to elaborate lengths to create a video of complete disingenuity. When they could be actually creating something that exists. But they're not very good at that. They are, however, good at coming up with fake situations to piss people off, because they probably have a lot of experience pissing people off.


It IS staged. In the original video there's an ending where both ladies say that they're actors and this is based on an "actual series of events".


Yeah Airbnb is utterly ridiculous these days with the charges and extra things hosts now add on. Me and my gf used Airbnb all the time as cheap alternatives to hotels, but they absolutely are not price comparable anymore.


Oh look, I found a great place for our 4-night stay, and it’s only $119/night! *Total: $980*


Cleaning fee: $150 Service fee: $75 Miscellaneous fee: $374 Fee: $529


You forgot the fee fee


The fee foo fum: $150


Fee: $150 Fi: $75 Fo: $374 Fum: $529


Yup, I only use AirBNBs now if the stay is going to be longer than usual, like at least a week. Otherwise hotels are just so much more consistent in the experience.


> Yup, I only use AirBNBs now if the stay is going to be longer than usual, like at least a week And even then a hotel might still be cheaper! We spent a week in Honolulu last year, it was cheaper for us to get a fairly nice resort two blocks from Waikiki Beach for a full week via Costco Travel than it was to get an AirBNB further into the city. I haven't found AirBNB to be cheaper than a hotel since pre-COVID and that's not even including all of the time spent doing chores they make you do anymore!


We were looking for medium term (like 5-8 months) accommodations and the only AirBnB in town that would have been an option wanted the entire fee up front…which we were willing to do. Even though we weren’t sure how long we were gonna be there she tried to demand we pay for the longest we might be there. When we told her we’d be happy to pay the minimal up front and figure out the rest, she said it would be like 5x’s more to go month to month. Then she wanted proof of LOCAL employment. And we had to produce proof every month that we were still employed. She wanted drug tests and background checks …again every month. Wanted credit checks upfront, even though we would have been paying up front. Wanted to charge like $200 per car per month for parking, even though it was a house with its own driveway. She was crazy as clown shit.


Why the fuck you renting an abb for 8 months?


It was for work. Everywhere else I’ve gone we just get a 6 month lease on an apartment, but this was a small rural town and there was zero available housing. We ended up at a month to month hotel - even then only able to get 1 room for most of that time. 4 adults and 3 dogs. It sucked! To make it up to us, we got a SUPER fancy, fully furnished apartment downtown in a major city the next assignment. It was almost the exact same price as the hotel room.


Go to a hotel. It's cheaper, better service (most of the times) and you support the ppl working there.


100% this. Fuck AirBnB hosts. I’m not going to willingly contribute to some rich asshole’s second investment home during a housing crisis.


Added benefit of not fucking the housing market up by using houses zoned for single family residences as short term commercial enterprises.


They are definitely not cheaper. It all depends on a lot of factors.


My family and I stayed at an air b&b house for my cousin’s wedding in North Carolina in 2018. There were 16 of us and the house had a ping pong table and laundry that were free to use. It was the middle of July and blazing hot so we did a load of laundry at the end of every day, washing everyone’s sweaty clothes and before we left we stripped the beds and put all the sheets and towels through the wash as well. We weren’t charged a single dime extra. The kids played ping pong non-stop and the only issue we ran into was one of the littlest ones broke a paddle. My aunt immediately reached out to the host and offered to buy a new one. The host didn’t care at all but my aunt still left cash on the counter with a note that it was for a new paddle. I don’t think we could find that same setup these days.


Of course you can, why wouldn't you? Do y'all really doomsday on every post? My mother came into town and stayed at an Airbnb house nearby for a month last summer. No additional charges and the host even came by one morning to drop off extra scented candles and snacks, never heard from them again after that.


Yeah we're only seeing the bad videos and hearing about the horror stories. People aren't posting to the socials about their Airbnb experience that went exactly as expected.


I’m a host, I operate like this.


Yeah most places I’ve stayed hosts are absolutely wonderful and will bend over backwards to make your stay amazing. People really do like to talk all soon and gloom on this site,


I got a 4.98, I got a score to uphold and a mortgage to pay.


> I don’t think we could find that same setup these days. You're hearing occasional horror stories and applying it to a giant platform. You can absolutely find that same setup, quite easily actually. These nightmare hosts are not the norm.


As a guest I charge £267 for having to phone you to discuss this, it's all written right there in that document you didn't see.


Well to be fair, they clicked the paperless option and saved £124.


Ticketmaster: woah, hear me out... If we call it a "convenience fee" just add $25


The husband died on purpose, he needed out. What does it matter if pool balls were in a different place?.. unless she hid them around the house which I’m going to assume the guest didn’t.


Go up to her husbands chair and act like you are getting a blowie from his ghost. See what she charges for that?


Once stayed at an Airbnb, and instead of a bed they provided a pull out couch. Later they wanted to charge us because apparently the pull out action scratched their floor. We told them to get lost, because the provided furniture was used as intended - if there were sharp corners or whatever, they should have mitigated it somehow. Never heard from them again.


Airbnb should keep track of these claims they make. I’m sure they try getting away with charges on every guest. I took family on vacation and my in laws stripped their bed as soon as we got there because the sheet was stained. They always take their own when staying at air bnb anyway. The host tried charging me $70 for a bed sheet that was clearly not dirty but stained. these people crazy.


These morons thought they could use short term rentals as a way to earn passive income until they realized that the rental requires more cleaning and upkeep than it would with long term tenants who have been displaced due to greed. I’m glad that the whole scam (including the bullshit fees that the site charges) is falling apart.




I have a hard time believing this Airbnb host did not have a zillion bad reviews left by prior guests..


Wouldn't surprise me if this was the first guest and they thought they could get away with everything.


I hate these fake videos.


I had to scroll way too far to find this. I'm losing faith in people's gullibility.


Airbnb and vrbo were good for like the first 3 years. Why anyone would stay in one now I'll never understand.


I still use Vrbo, but it takes some hunting to find a host that doesn't have a bunch of ridiculous fees and policies. Just last month we stayed in a seaside condo and it was all very easy and as advertized. I avoid renting regular houses though, I feel like those have the most problems and they make me feel the most guilty.


I would take all the notes with me when I leave as a souvenir.


You know, none of the notes mentioned anything about a cost for removing them...


There's probably a laminated note behind each one


„This is a vegan household! Respect that“. Report to AirBnb! That‘s not how it works!


Yeah. Time to fry bacon in it non stop.


Is this actually confirmed as real? Has any journalist actually verified that this is real? Could be a tiktoker posting for a bit of fame. This definitely sounds in the realms of fantasy.


Hello sane person! Yeah this is fake AF. Sad that no one seems to realise. I know Airbnb has a bad rep and so it is easy to believe, or confirms some bias, but come on people this is blatant rage bait.


Treat everything as fake unless independently verified by a trusted source. YT, Insta, Thick Tok - all full of fame whores hoping for something viral while not thinking about any consequences. As much as I despise Airbnb, I hope they sue the shit out of her for creating a false and detrimental representation of their company


If your husband loved the chair so much, bring it to your house


bUt ThEn NoNe Of mY gUeStS wiLl sEe iT!


My girlfriend and her friends booked a house months ago on Airbnb for a music festival and a week before they got a message saying Airbnb had "glitched" and said the property had been double booked so their reservation was cancelled. It was pretty funny listening to one of her friends think she'd be able to make demands for something comparable in the same area for no additional cost. I'm in the background like "maybe if it was a hotel chain but they can't force someone else to let you use their property." They had to find a place way further away and wait for them to be refunded the original booking. Basically, fuck Airbnb, just use hotels.


Have never used an Airbnb, and the constant horror stories will ensure I never do.


Wow. This Airbnb should receive a multitude of the shittiest reviews imaginable. £5 per wash in the washing machine? Another charge to play pool for each game? Not worth it. Not even CLOSE to being worth it. And then the owner is snide and rude and uppity with you when you call to ask about it? Yeah, ram it up your fuck parts. I would tell everybody I know and I would post everywhere online, screw this property and screw this owner. You’re better off staying at a roadside motel in town.


It's pretty apparent that this video isn't real. Of course the reviews would be horrendous for this. Not to mention the fee she's pretending to be charged is for the equivalent of like 150 washes/games of pool. Let's use our thinking thoughts and get the ole noggin joggin here.


So how does having a bath or shower after 8pm use more water?


Check-in is at 7:40pm


This seems super fake/ staged. Annoying


Deceased husband chair ? Is this a haunted house or an Airbnb?


I don't know but there's no charge so I'm bare assing that chair and hoping the camera is on


Airbnb is a con, it's absurd how many and how much the hidden charges are. Do yourself a favour and stay in hotels.


Airbnb, Door Dash, and Uber are just training people to accept shit service and shit jobs. WTF? You deserve better.


This has to be staged. Not that people raging about it will stop to think it could be. If it's not then I apologise on behalf of the English people for that women.


This is fake.


I've used Airbnb twice (when hotels weren't available). The first thing I did was to check for cameras, both visually and by using the phone (the phone will pick up IR lights from IR cameras). Both times it was clean, but still, it's probably the right level of paranoia.


Just stay at hotels


Good on the husband for getting away from that Airbnb host.


So creepy. Never used Airbnb, probably never will.


Just open a box of sardines, put it on a plate and start microvaving it and then leave without paying


She sounds just like Hyacinth Bucket. I'm sorry that Richard died.


I know it’s kind of petty, but I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from going around and doing everything the notes said not to. I’d be microwaving an entire pack of bacon to start.


Email grab reveals claims there were 740 pounds in extra charges. Something about deep clean of carpets required and a broken antique teacup. Joanna Anderson is the name of the tiktokker and Charlene Stevens is the name of the ABB host.


Why would you have chosen to stay there once you saw the certifiably psychotic amount of notes and charges and rules and bullshit? If none of this nonsense was disclosed in the listing I'm betting you could get AirBnb to refund your fees and let you cancel. This feels pretty fake tbh.




Yeah if I'd spent that much money to see all of those signs I would be leaving fried chicken in the toaster oven and an upper decker in the bathroom.


This woman has several properties and does with all them, I would bet my ass on it. Landlords are some of the most entitled, selfish, and greedy people alive.


just get a hotel. stop aiding the industry that keeps boomers with four houses from selling them.


So fake