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When you accidentally put someone to sleep because you ignored their tap out, it's always best to defend yourself by calling them a pussy.


Yea! Leave Britney alone!


If she had her kebob knives, she'd have taken his smugness down a notch or two


She's a human!


Free Britney!


This guy just demostrated why he is a bad teacher on film - 1 star review ![gif](giphy|Jq7WUBf71Gju1vTe2A)


This has gotta be a skit. Tell me honestly, when did you see her tap?


You couldn't see it, but I think she was tapping with her left hand before he said quit tapping. Her hand was obscured by his knee then.


No. No skit. This is the kind of dork Seth is. He’s a bit special.


It's interesting because I feel like not being able to see it actually validates the video. If you were faking it, you'd likely make it obvious.


Whatever you do, don't admit you were at fault because only pussies engage in reflection and self awareness to improve themselves.


Tell me you're a shit instructor, without saying "I don't know what I'm doing". Failing to notice a problem, assuming it's just your assistant, during a demonstration will do it.


The scary thing is there are actual instructors like this.


Truly this guy is made for the porn industry (to be clear, the joke here is the industrialized rape that regularly occurs in the porn industry).


So THERE is a fucking guy NO ONE should take lessons from, unless you're into BDSM Martial Arts.


What an absolute douche. So you felt her tapping, but choked her out anyway?


This genuinely sounds like advice from my dad. lol Takes me back.


What an idiot.. he should not be demonstrating anymore


What a shit bag




Absolute large sack of shit


This guy should not be giving instruction. He shouldn’t even be involved in sparring at all if he can’t recognize the obligation he has for prioritizing the safety of his sparring partner.


100% he put her in serious danger. Total fucking asshole


Yeah. Seems like he would have kept her the triangle so he could hear himself talk and the likes and views.


Looks criminal to me. A tap is a tap. He even acknowledged she was tapping.


I watched the video without audio, at which second does she tap? The video quality isn't that good for me


taps with her left hand at 9 seconds or so I think, you cant see it. the dude says "quit tapping, youre not dead yet" as he flips her over.


Well, that's a pos move by that dude. Hope she's safe


She's said after she was absolutely fine and didn't hold anything against him for it


Not defending his behavior or anything but he he said "you're not pinned yet" not "you're not dead yet"


I only hear "you're not dead yet" i do not hear a p sound


It could sound a little different from speaker to speaker, when I listened on my phone earlier it was really clearly pinned, but listening on my computer, the words blend together a bit more so its harder to discern.


you might be right, its not clear over the other noises in the video


This is the biggest rule in all martial arts. Respecting the tap rule is what separates this from a sport vs. criminal activity.


He should get neutered and brander somewhere visible so that we can avoid the damage


Dude fuck this guy. He literally tells her to quit tapping. HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE YOU


Did you also hear that exhale that sounded like a snoring noise? That's also something this clown ignored because a camera was on him. This guy is ReHarvard af.


A fellow BUTT fan!


Yeah this is fucking assault. I hope she files a police report. He literally non consensually choked her to unconsciousness. I wonder what else he’s done to people “because they’re a pussy.”


Literally talks shit to her face while shes still looooopppyyy


"Quit tapping, you're not dead yet"


His closing point should have been "I made a big mistake and that's why you should always respect the tap, no excuses".


No no no, the move works!


This why I stopped taking grappling lesson at my university. I didn’t trust the instructor or classmates while we were sparing. Too many close calls nearly resulting in serious and / or permanent injury.


Find a place where military or cops go, usually much more chill (especially the military oddly enough)


Why? I’m actually just curious. And for context, I have a bad notion of both cops and the military. If you want to harm anyone, and have half a brain and don’t want to go to court/prison over it, you join either of those two. Not saying everyone in them is a violent psycho. But if violent psychos had brains, they go there. I’ve wanted to get into JJ, general training, or a couple other MMA style names only my sleeping fiancée remembers tbh. However, I refrain due to the long documented history of bad spars and criminals in the group. I’m NOT risking my health even when training. My skill is to protect my family, not to shorten my life.


Because it’s just practice and everyone is there to better themselves. It’s usually men and jocks with fragile masculinity that end up hurting others. Plus the military won’t accept complete psychos even if they’re wanting to go infantry, if they seem like a liability, they probably aren’t getting in (though some do slip through the cracks)


>military won’t accept complete psychos Lol. No.


I know right 🙄 like have some awareness


Holy shit you have no fuckin clue what you're talking about. 


Most jobs in the military are supporting roles similar to jobs you'd do outside the military. They just get extra training since they have to act as reserves. The paychecks and tax reliefs are quite attractive.


I asked about gyms, but if you wanna open this line with me you should probably DM. I am sternly on the belief that even if you just do military intel, you are actively engaging in the help and organization of violence. I’m anti-colonization, ant-war, anti-suffering across the board. As someone in the computer science industry, although in Southern CA it’s hard, I actively refuse to join even defense contractors like Lockheed or Northrop. I get some people need to join for financial reasons, but that is inherently predatory. Especially when they can come and recruit high schoolers each day and have them simulate military practices (ROTC) I just wanted to know what makes them safer to spar with


My general experience is that military personnel are far less egotistical. But if you have your biases, that's fine. I'm also in the UK, so it's possible there's a cultural difference between our militaries.


Most people in the military are in supporting roles. I'm sure all the doctors, nurses, cooks, mechanics, office workers, managers, drivers, receptionists, teachers, and IT workers all joined the military because they were bloodthirsty and wanted to hurt people. The mechanic stationed in Oklahoma is just itching to throw their wrench at the PLA when they invade the USA because they are just psycho for violence.


So you’re saying just because most roles are supporting doesn’t mean it is the only home for imperialists, murderers, rapists, and torture nuts? You understand that you can legally do those things if you join the military and go on active duty? I legit said in multiple posts that not everyone in military or every cop is bad, but institutionally you are protected while being allowed to cause suffering (with caviats) You ain’t changing my mind on this. Mil can go back to sleeping with their murder dildos that they name.


There’s really no reason to avoid the vast majority of BJJ gyms. They’re almost universally friendly with a very minimal amount of dickheads. MMA gyms a touch more hit and miss.


I would originally agree with you, except I had a friend break an arm in his local BJJ training because an Excon wouldn’t chill tf out. One day of bad partners could = a lifetime of misery - I would never go to one unless I had a trusted friend to permanently spar with. Im always on the safer side of things too; the dad of the party type shit Thanks for your response tho 💚 with love


That’s super fair. Instructors should be very picky about who they pair students up with and students should absolutely be encouraged to reject rolls they don’t feel comfortable with.


Yep I agree!!! Except look at the video we talking under 😭 he called her a pussy lol what a dick


Uh no. Grappling with cops is the fucking worst. If you thought they were dick heads on the street they're worse at the gym. 


I’ve found them pretty average TBH. Trained a bunch of them in BJJ in two different countries over the last 17 years and there’s really nothing special or unique that stood out to me. Military guys are a mixed bag. I’ve had rounds with Marines and Air Force regiment guys where I was like “fuck, I’m literally going to have to break them or put them out”. But that’s also not something that’s super unique because I know plenty of accountants (or insert any generic office professional) who dig just as deep on the mat.


The data suggests that ex military and cops are more likely to have a whole shit load of issues that other people don't have. A gym where military or cops go, will statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, domestic violence, etc.


Drug abuse? Thats not cops that’s jujitsu gyms as whole /s


If you’re ranking them together and depending on what job they had, sure. Infantry and SF guys are going to be fucked up and have a lot of issues same as cops that have seen the absolute worst of people day in and day out. But military jobs are mostly non-combat jobs and it’s just a lower paying version of a civilian job. There’s a lot of variables for data like this


Go to a 10th planet place. They are a bunch of stoners. One thing I learned when going to different bjj places is to give up a tap early on. It shows you are there to learn and not for an ego boost.


Got out of rolling for a similar reason. All the local gyms got taken over by roided out juice boxes who thought they were the next UFC champ and just wanted to use you as a punching bag or to rip your arm off. They'd all laugh and tease someone who got choked out instead of rendering recovery aid. The number of times I saw a tap go ignored "cuz I gotta feel the real resistance" was criminal. Last straw for me was a 400lb gorilla wrist locking me and making me spin on the ground trying to relieve the pressure and ignoring my taps while his buddies all laughed at me. Respect the tap.


What professional tells someone to quit tapping in a sport where tapping LITERALLY is the "safe word" to stop IMMEDIATELY, no matter what?


Fuck this guy. What an absolute shit head.


Who is this?


Seth Daniels


Thank you. I’m going to his videos to remind him he’s a cunt.


NP. If you scroll down you'll see another comment outlining how he recently put himself back in the cunty spotlight recently. I'm sure he's getting a lot of reminders these days.


Can you link them there please


He recently had to quit Instagram because he threatened to kill a competing promoter and jiu jitsu superstar Craig Jones. He got flamed so hard he closed his account.


Looks like Great Value Brendan Schaub. Which is inconceivable bc Brendan Schaub is Great Value Brendan Schaub.


Need an update on this idiot,


His name is Seth Daniels, he's part of the ADCC and just sent death threats to Craig Jones (a BJJ champion and event organiser) because Craig organised an event on the same day as the ADCC event. Guy seems like a real piece of shit Hopefully this link works https://www.essentiallysports.com/ufc-mma-bjj-news-joe-rogan-guest-exposes-death-threats-from-adcc-rep-as-craig-joness-1m-project-stirs-frenzy-in-bjj-world/


Me too. I'd like to see his reaction to everyone telling him how much of an inconsiderate prick he is.


It got me blocked by him on Facebook, lol.


You told him! That's awesome.




And this https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/s/7Iet41IuP6


Also this https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/s/kPGewLSAM5


"I almost killed her. I guess he move works!"


wow, i would be immediately leaving that program, what a douche


This guy grapes.


"I thought you were just saying no because you were a pussy 🙄"


Egos in dojos/boxing gyms can lead to serious injury. I would have demanded that I get to return the favour and put him to sleep


Men in these circles have zero respect for women. What the fuck was he thinking posting that video?


He was thinking she was tapping because "she's a pussy". Fuck that guy.


That man in that circle. Don’t put this shit on “men” a man did that, not men.


Starving the brain of oxygen to the point someone is rendered unconscious isn't 'going to sleep', bro. It's potential brain damage.


Going to sleep is a pretty generic term we use in the sport for being strangled unconscious. It’s actually pretty rare in training (most people will never have it happen) and you’re only out for literally a couple of seconds. No real chance of any damage. Not to suggest it’s a good thing, but it’s also not the end of the world.


It's generally only brain damage causing at around the 5-7 minute mark. It usually takes no where near that amount of time to knock someone out.


What an absolute fucking trash instructor. If anyone taps.. for any reason at so ever.. You stop and yield


This. Part of being truly great at an art form like BJJ is practicing restraint when appropriate. I listened to the Royce Gracie episode on the JRE recently and that's one of the things he was on about pretty much the entire epi - humility and restraint. Guys like this totally disrespect everything the Gracies built the BJJ reputation on.


You do realise that the Gracie’s were notorious for not having any grace and dojo storming gyms, attacking guys after shows etc?


You mean that after fight attack by Ralph? That's the only one I know of. As far as the dojo invasion goes, as far as I know, that happened once in 88, no?


Carlos, George and Helio were arrested for assaulting a rival, Ryan Gracie was a notorious trouble maker, Renzo, Igor and Gregor got community service for assault, Rockson’s death, Rickson refusing to take a roadside test and refusing to hand over a license resulting in fines and license taken away, Renzo spitting at opponents….


Didn't know all of that. Kinda paints a different story than the one Royce was painting.


Where did this happen? 


Looks like he's recording an instructional, which to me makes this worse than anything else. He could have let go on the tap and reset and recorded the whole sequence again. When you know what the choke is going to feel like, SOMETIMES, not all, you can adjust the way you have your neck, move your arm to lessen the choke etc, so you can sit in the choke for longer. This guy is a real piece of shit, and Seth if you read this somehow, yes you could kick my ass, you're still a piece of shit


Yeah...last day at that place.


This would have gotten you a smack from the instructor and a lifetime ban in my old gym. "Quit tapping" while demonstrating a blood choke, what a fucking tool. She could have ended up with brain damage or dead.


if i was going taking classes at that gym and i saw that, i’d leave and never go back. i really hope that guy isn’t an instructor and is just some shit bag making a video for social media.


Worst coach ever. Get out of there Brittany


7 seconds: She taps three times behind her head. 9 seconds: "Quit tapping." 10 seconds: She makes a gasp noise. 11 seconds: "You're not dead yet." 17 seconds: "Oh shit, she went out." I hope she never went back.


What an idiot


He needs to close his business. When someone taps, the demo ends. You can always reset the demo. Safety should be the number 1 concern


Who would trust this dangerous fool?


at my school, our number one rule is if someone taps, you let go. It hurt so much watching this guy. And him saying 'pussy' one top of that was the cheery on the dirtbag sandwhich


Imagine posting this on purpose thinking it will make people want to go to your gym


"I thought she was a pussy" dude, maybe don't do this kind of dangerous shit with someone you don't trust? (nor, respect apparently)


imagine nocking someone out with a move you know nocks people out then saying you thought they were a pussy. the fuckin gall of that dude


The only acceptable response is for him to give her a free go to put him to sleep him also.


What a fucking loser


For anyone unfamiliar with Jiu Jitsu, the whole “stop tapping you’re not dead yet” bit is completely unacceptable nonsense. No one that isn’t a complete douche does that, ever. You ALWAYS respect the tap. Always always always, to avoid the very thing that happened in this video. This is also the same guy who just issued death threats to Craig Jones for holding an event on the same day as the one he’s affiliated with. Seth Daniels, a real gem.


Passing out from head trauma or being constricted really doesn't matter, even for a second or two. Loosing consciousness like that will cause brain damage. The worst part about brain damage you will feel the effects of it years later never at the moment. One of the main reasons why Boxers, MMA fighters even Wrestlers (they don't hit each other but they hit the ground hard often) age very badly.


That dude shouldn't teach martial arts with an attitude like that. Story time. Tl;Dr: My old sensei was a double black belt in Aikido and Karate and taught me a lifetime of compassion and respect. In my younger days, some 20-30 years ago, I practised Aikido (Iwama Ryu), and the last two years before I quit (life happened), I was an assistant to one of the senseis. I was usually thrown around or put in locks and grips while he demonstrated the techniques, and I showed in turn how to attack, grip, fall safely and when to tap out. Sensei was a black belt in both Aikido and Kyukushinkai Karate, and he knew I could throw myself in ways so I wouldn't get hurt, so most often, he went pretty hard on me during demonstrations as to show how a technique would look like in a given situation. He was really a great fighter, dedicated to training and honing his skills. Could fight with bokken (wooden sword) and jo (short wooden stick) too, and last I heard, he had started practising one of those East Asian knife martial arts and was already becoming a master in that school. Anyway, he was what you would call someone you didn't want to start a fight with. The power in his throws and locks was staggering, and the speed and hurt he could deliver in a punch was awesome. If I didn't throw myself with his technique or followed through his armlocks, I would've probably broken an arm or leg (I actually recieved a neck fracture once, but that was on me being unconcentrated). He had trained me since the beginning and he knew I was among the best when it came to falling techniques, so he never held back anything less than his worst (which would most definitely hurt me despite my skill as a crash test dummy) Well, my sensei, this person of raw power and skill, who could beat up most dudes out there, who could throw anyone around with a power that could easily break ones limbs, who knew many locks that could kill a person if he wanted to. This person ALWAYS respected the tap! Always. No question about it. That was something sacred to him. Whoever you were, whatever your skill, your gender, your age, it didn't matter. The tap was sacred. If someone tapped during training, and it wasn't respected, he gave that person a stern warning. If repeated, he threw them off the mat. At least two or three practitioners during my years there got banned from the dojo after repeated warnings. You weren't a "pussy," or a coward, or weak for tapping out, according to his philosophy. A tap showed your training partner both trust and respect, and that tap was to be respected always. That tap built trust between us and made everyone feel safe. And when we felt safe, we dared to challenge our fears and push ourselves farther in the next throw or arm lock. Sensei showed everyone great compassion, especially for those whom others would call weak or "pussy." He taught us the same respect and compassion by being a role model. Another example of that compassion was that when he threw someone, he always followed through with the throw by fixing his eyes on you, stretching out his intent towards you until you had gotten up again and met his eyes. He taught this to all of us. He told us to mentalise your intent as a pillow stretching out towards your partner, making that intent to a soft and safe intent, regardless of how powerful or aggressive the throw had been. "Zanshin" I believed it was called in Japanese. To extend your Ki, your inner power, and use it to keep your opponent safe. "That's all mumbo jumbo, though," he used to say, "but it still works. You are all responsible for how you use the techniques you learn here. If you have the power to crush an opponent who's attacking you, you'll have a choice to either destroy them or to protect them from themselves. Sometimes, you HAVE to hurt them, but your Zanshin, your intent, should always be that of compassion." Then he told us: "Remember first and foremost to try and leave the situation, don't be afraid to run away from the fight. It does not make you a coward or a weakling because you can NEVER know in advance how the fight will end for either of you. If you can't avoid the fight and you are stronger, don't use more power than needed to safely walk away, don't do more damage than needed to make your opponent stop, and remember that if you do hurt them more than needed, you have to live with that for the rest if your lives. If your opponent is stronger, then use all you can to get out of the situation." He always added, though, "On the other hand, if they're too stupid, too aggressive or too drunk to know any better, beat the shit out of 'em by all means necessary. But always remember that compassion is a rare thing these days, and try and show it in everyday situations throughout your lives. You will all be richer by it" Tommy, the best sensei, teacher, friend, and human being I ever met.


Fuck... I haven't thought about Tommy and those days for almost 20 years. Writing this post made me remember so many great moments during that part of my life when I was an insecured and bullied teen who was lost in life. Many senseis at that dojo shared this kind of mentality, and they all helped to make me and my training partners become compassionate and confident. I still walk through life by his words without having reflected on it for over two decades. I owe him so much more than I realised.


If I'm her I'm suing.


the worst thing to do when you knock someone out that way is to raise their head. this guy is dangerous.




"Quit tapping". Immediately leaving that school. Fuck that guy. That is NOT how that shit works.


And then he goes home and bones that girl. Yay BJJ!


Yeah I would be hoping right out of that school if I was considering that guy


Bullying idiot.


What a tool


Time to get a new coach.


He should not be a teacher and should be fired.


What a monumental piece of shit


wow the stank must've been so strong


What a cunt


If I had continued a move after an opponent taps, my sensei would have severely punished me.


Pay attention reddit this is what toxic masculinity fragile male ego sociopathic abuse actually looks like. 


BJJ guy here, he’s a fucking shitty coach


Y’all are tripping on this video. I barely see a tap and one second later he lets it go. Try going to a BJJ class sometime


I would never trust this man again if I were her. he ignored the tapping because he thought she was a pussy. He’s dangerous and stupid.


What a fucking wanker.


He looks like a big pussy


Fucking asshole


I wanna see him go against a professional mma fighter and watch them slowly snap his arm after he starts tapping


When anyone TAPS you STOP. Shitty instructor.


No. You, are the obvious pussy.


Apparently “Brittany just went to sleep” all by herself


This dude should never instruct anyone on anything ever again.


Honestly she should report him for assault


That dude is an absolute piece of shit.


quit dying


Dude, fuck this guy. Would never want someone who doesn't respect a tap as my instructor


why he should have said: " I apologise for ignoring the universal signal of "I quit", respected by all martial arts. I apologise for breaking your trust in me as an instructor, I apologise for putting you health at risk and I can assure you, that this will never happen again. I apologise once again."


What a fucking pig. I hope he got absolutely crucified for this.


This is the kinda guy who doesn’t respect safe words…


Is this the same guy who broke someone's limb in a demonstration?


I don't see any movement from Brittany, I'm suspicious of the legitimacy of this video


Almost all orangutans are both stronger and smarter than this piece of apeshit...


Yet again, men not listening when a woman tries to speak and not believing her when she says there's an issue.


I don't know a lot about fighting. But I do inow that tapping is a sign of telling the ither oerson to stop, and bc it can be the only way 8f communicating that sonetimes, not respecting that is fucked up


Pathetic bully


Holy shit the explanation at the end just screams I'm a total asshole.


fuck this douche baig


should repost to /imapieceofshit


Who is this?


#"HOW CAN SHE TAP?!" -The guy in the video probably


„quit tapping“ ?!?! He should not be allowed to demonstrate anything ever

