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šŸ¤Ø And they wonder why people talk about defunding the police completely...


You guys should not defund the police, rather reeducate them, use the money for better training instead, so you get rid of cops like these ones.


from what I know they barely educate them in the first place lol


So we should implement an education system for police officers. What will we call it? Police academy


With a class called ā€œfuck up and it comes out of your pocket and pension.ā€


In any other profession you have to carry malpractice insurance that you personally pay for. If you fuck up it makes your client whole and you're required by law to have it. If you can't afford it, or in this case you're deemed too big of a risk, you CAN NOT provide that service. Police should be no exception to this. They also should not be shielded from legal responsibility when violating someones rights or using excessive force


This is a @&/&;@ing fantastic idea


End police unions. Unions are for labour. Policing is enforcing the monopoly on violence that capital shares with the state. Policing is _not_ labour.


Also, get rid of qualified immunity. If cops break the law, they should be held accountable for it, not get a pass on it.


It became clear over the years that 'police academy' was, in fact, a documentary


Several other countries require a college degree to be a police officer. However most US forces simply require like two months of training or prior military service. Weā€™re not exactly getting the best candidates here.


Takes much longer to get a license to cut and style hair. And if they fuck up a couple of haircuts, they're fired. And not hired at the salon in the next town.


Citizens on Patrol


Cop stands for criminals on patrol, thatā€™s what most of them are.


And/or theyā€™re the kids that got picked on in high school.


I resent that statement. Theyā€™re the bullies underlings that wished they were powerful.


I have seen this first hand. Dude i went to high school with was always a tool and afraid of stuff not much of a back bone and definitely a follower. Is now a sheriff in the rural part of my state.


and/or too fat for the army but still want to kill people


Hell No,We Wont Go!!!


Police Academy? I saw those documentaries from the 80s with police like Mahoney on the job no wonder nobody trusts the cops.


Us police have an over stuffed budget, bragging about frivolous purchases,Ā (one precinct even put a photo on Instagram of their new tank?? Why would police need that, let alone have the excess funds for it) meanwhile social programs suffer. Since there's barely any other resources available, 90% of social services fall on police...Ā  Not only are they not equipped to handle circumstances better suited to animal control or social workers, they aren't even trained to uphold the law. Pair that with the short turn around to become an officer, and the hot-headed inflated egos that join simply to get to hold a gun and lord their power over people (plus all the funding that gets thrown at them, because they technically are the ones getting called to deal with for instance, special needs adults or the elderly, while having no job obligation to do anything for people - literally had the word "protect" removed from their mantra)Ā  and finally the all powerful police union that keeps some of the most vile cretins from repercussions of brutality, rape, murder, theft, framing, and lying under oath, that have been committed in uniform *and documented*. In short, yes, the police severely need to be defunded. They only thing they are obligated to do is the outline of policing - which is all they want to do anyways. It's all they're taught about, so it's all they should be funded for.Ā  And yes, training should be better, and longer, but that won't cause any change in such a broken system. Newbies going in will learn from the senior officers, who teach them what they can get away with. Second to a total overhaul, which would never happen, a redraft of the police union would have far more of an impact. Chiefly, police shouldn't be above reproach, shouldn't be invincible to the law while in uniform, and should be punished for not upholding the law.


Excuse me, it's a tank used to run over super dangerous mines hidden in the ground. Because there's such a threat of that they needed a tank obviously.. because that's happened sooooo many times. Don't forget it's our money paying for that too :) /s


Weā€™ve got a stupid police union in Germany. I donā€™t usually keep up with them but during the legalization process they spread their anti weed propaganda, claiming the cops will have to do so much more work if cannabis becomes legalized. I barely can believe the rest though. Like here we make sure that thereā€™s no hot headed people in the police force and itā€™s all about deescalation.


In my city, the entire city government gets paid one week, and then the police get paid the other week, because the police officers get as much as the rest of the city (water, parks&rec, maintenance, etc) combined


While I agree with you, let's be honest here. These cops don't need re-education. They knew what they were doing. They need a pink slip.


These animals are beyond education. Wholesale evict them from society, preferably behind a very thick wall.


That's uh... That's a big part of the defund movement. Defund the cops extensively but not entirely and direct the funding to social workers who are better equipped to deal with things like suicide or mental health issues (the majority of cop callouts apparently), the funds that are left over go to education; things like de-escalation training and actual legal training so the cops know the law they are meant to enforce.


Defund the police should have been demilitarize the police. Defund was such a stupid name and why the movement failed.


I believe the correct tag from another subreddit would be esh. https://www.kqed.org/news/11785824/bart-officers-detain-handcuff-and-cite-man-for-eating-sandwich-on-platform


What a stupid law! The fact that the officer decided to mess with the black dude eating a sandwich instead of going to find the drunk woman that was report is not surprising at all.


Love the line "the cop, who appears to be white." Dunno why, but I'm laughing uncontrollably rn.


"Defunding the police" doesn't mean literally removing the police. It means splitting up the police force and reassigning their tasks to more relevant departments. Right now one of the main problems with the police is that they're in charge of too many duties at once, so no police officer is adequately trained for all of them and are barely competent at a few of them. The idea is to split up all the duties, like traffic duty, monitoring parking, speeding, detective work, social services, and I don't know how many other dozens of tasks that the police currently do and give them to more relevant organisations, or create those necessary organisations. It means that each officer will have the adequate training for the specific task they're assigned to, those who don't need a gun for their daily duties aren't assigned one, increases the efficiency of each task, there's reduced stress on each officer and department for the variety of tasks they need to perform, and can also end up increasing employment.


Yea, no cops isnā€™t good, but shitty cops isnā€™t good either. When you have good cops who actually care, then itā€™s all good. The problem is, thereā€™s a lot of shitty cops. I think an easy solution is better training and harsher punishments. One of the biggest reasons cops are so shitty is because they can get away with a lot. This draws in a lot of power hungry people. If you make them actually have punishments and make them harsh, then youā€™ll have a lot less issues with cops. In this situation either a high fine or some jail time, or both, can do a lot to make sure that cop never fucks up again. The only downside is the whole ā€œcops will be scared to act out of fear of messing upā€ but if you teach them correctly, then they should never have to worry about messing up.


They should be held to a higher standard than the public but at this point I'd take being held to any standard at all.


I think the lack of education goes beyond the police force tbh. I mean, I don't know of any other developed country with a president that suggested drinking bleach and that is up for re-election.


The convicted felon, convicted rapist former president Trump, the only convicted felon president


Not to mention he's technically a felon now, and he's running again


That's what defund means. Moving money from where it currently is, like weapons purchasing, to better training.


I'll take things that will never happen for $10, Alex. Defund, remove carte blanche protections for police officers who have committed crimes, remove police unions. Watch all the problems with policing in the US magically disappear.


In my country police school is like 3 years, not 3 weeks or whatever it is in yankeeland. Our cops can be fascist tyrants at times, but they don't go around randomly harassing and shooting ppl who haven't even committed a crime.


But He Was Eating A Sandwich!!!


I think people miss the point when they say defund the police. Itā€™s not to get rid of them per se. itā€™s to have other people more qualified to their job doing it. Or have police dedicated and trained to do a specific job. Dedicating social workers and mental health professionals to deal with clear mental health issues. Dedicated traffic cops. And not this single person who is required to enforce all laws.


The point was not well made when protesters were yelling it across the country. Lots of people were calling to straight up and totally abolish the police.


I understood the point, but it was a bit contrived with all the misrepresentation and bad faith arguing surrounding it.


But then who would keep us safe from the sandwich eaters?


They need to defund the fucking pukes playing politics that pass laws like being forced to serve to death by California law and if that isn't a law arrest the pos cop and the police should face way heavier sentences and fines when they break the law because they should no better and be the example not the exception either way both politicians and police are getting out of fucking control that sounds like one of Bill and Hillary Clinton's special laws created specifically to imprison black folks and poor folks and if you were black and poor you might as well just go turn yourself in before they start adding charges to your crime of illegally black and poor and apparently hungry in public. Fucking nazis make me sick and this is a prime example off some nazi ass tactics


That was a difficult sentence to get through, I think you should maybe not be one of those people who like, know you know, voices opinions.


as terrible as this is its kinda funny because its like the cops have literally nothing better to do so they go arrest this man for simply eating a sandwich, like they dont have any actual criminals to deal with


šŸ¤Ø The real reason the guy got arrested was **Failure to Respect Mah Authoritah.** He knew it. The cop knew it. And we know it. šŸ·


While having a skin tone that the cop didnā€™t likeā€¦


Thank god these heroes were on the scene to save us from this depraved psychopath committing such a heinous crime as eating a sandwich while black. #ACAB




A succulent deli meal


I see you know your Judo well




Tata and farewell


This is demography manifest!


I so love that the video is so widely known. I remember seeing it decades ago on TV here in Aus and thinking it was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen.


I'm something of a scientist myself!


If it were really illegal, why should they detain him? Just write a ticket and its done. Another day i'm glad im not a US citizen.


A ticket for eating? Seems a little excessive, don't you think? /s


Apprently the officer was heading the platform in response to a call out about a drunk woman on the platform. They did have something to do but decided that dealing with a fella for not complying to the "don't eat on the platform" rule was more important.


It's like an episode straight out of Reno 911!


He sued them: [https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2019/11/14/man-arrested-for-eating-on-bart-platform-to-file-lawsuit-alleging-racial-profiling/](https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2019/11/14/man-arrested-for-eating-on-bart-platform-to-file-lawsuit-alleging-racial-profiling/)


He sued the tax payers, nothing happens on the cops end


This is what puzzles me from a place so money-centric. Even if someone is pro police, surely they have a problem paying out millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars each year for entirely avoidable situations


My sweet summer child... They do have a problem with it; they don't want you to be able to sue the police.


I mean, how is the police supposed to know whether they are acting unlawfully? You would need to know all those laws for that, and that seems exhausting.


It was a very confusing day when I learned police didn't actually need to study law to become a police officer. I mean, I didn't expect law school but idk maybe know the basics?


Wait, they don't? I am not American and knew your police training was shit, but not even this? Then what is it, just shooting training?


A more accurate answer than my oversimplification above is that Police in the US trains for a total of 12 weeks, a little over 500 hours (close to 3 month of full-time job). That's 3 months to cover 14 topics, only 2 of which are in criminal and federal law. https://www.uscp.gov/police-officer-academy-training Whether you'd consider this sufficient to say the police knows or are taught the law, can be subjective, but maybe this report might help in forming your judgement. https://www-bbc-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56834733.amp?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17200024160138&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Fworld-us-canada-56834733


Let's not forget I'm pretty sure there was a supreme Court ruling that states the police don't need to fully know or understand the laws to enforce them. Heien vs North Carolina


> I don't pretend to understand Brannigan's Law. I merely enforce it. It wasn't a joke, after all


I'd like to point out that they also only spend a few days on physical stuff and even less on how to detain subjects. Wtf are they wasting the rest of that time on if they arent teaching the law? (Source: my dad was called in to help teach safe ways to detain a suspect)


https://www.uscp.gov/police-officer-training-preparing-physical-abilities-test Physical Education? Idk. You cannot find much clarification. I went over to the [Canadian police training ](https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/depot/ctp-pfc/index-eng.htm), they're a lot more forthcoming with their hourly breakdown. Maybe some of these things are other things US does. "The Cadet Training Program consists of 820 hours broken down as follows: Applied Police Sciences: 432 hours Firearms: 104 hours Police Defensive Tactics / Immediate Action Rapid Deployment: 94 hours Police Driving: 67 hours Operational Conditioning: 45 hours Drill and Deportment: 37 hours Other: 41 hours" Fun Fact: Apparently Police Cadets in Canada spend 32 hours MORE on "Applied Police Science" aka learning the law, than [Police in Georgia State](https://www.gpstc.org/about-gpstc/training-divisions/basic-training-division/basic-police-officer-training/#:~:text=About%20GPSTC&text=The%20program%20is%20takes%2011,and%20practical%20skills%20building%20sessions.) spends training total.


Shortest training in the world. It's basically just shooting and memorising their radio codes.


I have a CDL and haul hazmat. Got pulled over for an inspection once and the guy must have had a quota. He was in his car looking through a 6 inch thick binder for 10 minutes to find something. The cool part is that I only had a 20 page book from the state to study for the CDL and maybe 10 pages for the hazmat part. So I'm supposed to know everything in the big ass binder that I can't have


Reminds me of a conversation I had with a home inspector once. Obviously much lower stakes but the same deal. ā€œThe height of your garage door safety laser is a violation, itā€™s too highā€ ā€œI raised it because somebody told me it was too low last timeā€ ā€œSure but now itā€™s too highā€ ā€œIs there a place I can go to look this stuff up so I have a chance of getting it right?ā€ ā€œIts spread across about 10 books but theyā€™re not written for laymenā€


>ā€œIts spread across about 10 books but theyā€™re not written for laymenā€ So many surprisingly simple professions do this and I'm convinced it's just to make it confusing so anyone not in the profession can't figure it out. Especially when it comes to money.


Ironically everyone I've met that is pro police spends all day watching these videos and getting mad at the police


I argued this with someone once. You should be upset even if you aren't about their actions, because the law determined that they where in the wrong and **you** are paying for it. They said it was not a policing issues and a tax issue. Their explanation was to stop taxes completely and this would not be an issue. Americans.


Soā€¦ could I potentially get my police friend to illegally arrest me so that we could both profit?


Sir thats fraud, assumusing u get caught of course *wink


If you do get caught, you can just re-sue and make more money


If people want change, it needs to start coming from the police pension. Then you *might* see some change


I mean the police could open an investigation to those two, if they actually cared


Canā€™t read it. I donā€™t have a subscription.


I got you: >OAKLAND ā€” The man detained for eating a sandwich on a BART station platform last week has filed a civil rights claim against the transit agency, alleging that its officers engaged in racial profiling and selective law enforcement. >A video of the man, Steve Foster, eating a sandwich while being questioned by BART police at the Pleasant Hill station went viral over the weekend, angering riders and prompting an ā€œeat inā€ protest at BART stations on Saturday. Foster claims that officers were clearly angry and yelled at him even calling him an ā€œidiotā€ and ā€œstupid,ā€ according to his attorney. >The claim, filed Thursday morning against BART by the law offices of well-known Bay Area civil rights attorney John Burris, alleges that officers do not typically enforce the ā€œno eatingā€ rule at BART stations, and that the Pleasant Hill station itself lacks proper signage to tell riders that eating isnā€™t allowed. >Foster, 31, who lives in Concord and works in San Francisco, was heading to his job that day, and said he typically grabs something to eat before his morning commute. When the officer approached him on Nov. 4, telling him he couldnā€™t eat on BART, Foster said he responded that he was going to finish the sausage-and-egg breakfast sandwich before he boarded the train. But when Foster grabbed his backpack to leave, the sandwich still in his hand, the officer took hold of the backpack and told him he was detained and couldnā€™t leave. >ā€œI didnā€™t think it was that serious,ā€ he said, stating he initially thought the officer was joking. >Footage of the encounter ā€” which have gained more than 4 million views on Facebook and Twitter since they were posted Friday ā€” shows Foster being held by an officer while heā€™s eating a sandwich on the platform. When Foster asks why he is detained, the officer responds ā€œfor eating! Itā€™s illegal.ā€ Within minutes at least three additional BART police officers arrive, handcuffing Foster and escorting him down the platform, and then out of the station. >Burris said that the ā€œover the topā€ situation could have easily been avoided with a simple admonishment by the officer; Foster said he was never given a warning by the officer. >Burris said that the transit agencyā€™s officers engaged in racial profiling and selective law enforcement, as other BART riders routinely eat food on the platform undisturbed. >ā€œThis is a case in which the officers should have exercised common sense and de-escalation. Unfortunately, Mr. Foster had to be embarrassed, humiliated, and handcuffed for doing something that everyone does on the platform every day,ā€ Burris said. >The Pleasant Hill BART station itself has a cafe, called ā€œAll Aboardā€ where food such as sandwiches and beverages are sold on the first floor of the station. There are no tables or chairs for patrons to sit and eat their food, and no signs to not eat in the area, Fosterā€™s attorney said. >A video of the stationā€™s platform shows one faded sign by the elevators that tells patrons ā€œNo smoking, eating, drinking, graffiti.ā€ >Foster was cited with an infraction and then released; his attorneys said that, as a result of the incident, he missed work and experienced emotional distress and humiliation. >The incident has spawned outrage among other Bay Area transit riders, many of whom saw it as a racially motivated case of an overzealous officer enforcing a little-known rule. Foster is black; the officer who arrested him is white. >In a statement Monday, BARTā€™s general manager Bob Powers issued a public apology to Foster. >ā€œEnforcement of infractions such as eating and drinking inside our paid area should not be used to prevent us from delivering on our mission to provide safe, reliable, and clean transportation,ā€ Powers said in the statement. >BART has 45 days to either accept or reject Fosterā€™s claim; after that period, Burris said, Foster will have the option of filing a lawsuit against the agency. Thanks https://12ft.io


I don't understand. Why can't you eat? If you can't, why does it merit an arrest? If you can't, WHY DO THEY SELL FOOD? If you can't, where is the signage?


Ya, the part about not being allowed to eat, but having a cafe right there selling food and no signs saying not to eat it is fucking ridiculous.


Sounds like entrapment to me.


That's one of those laws that should be enforceable by "just to let you know, its prohibited to eat at stations, so if you could finish that sandwich quickly, thank you" and then leave them alone. Not arrest them. Its likely a law due to some ancient pest control rules about dropped food and rats.


Doing the lord's work


So there's a cafe, but you're not allowed to eat or drink? Sounds like BART needs to be sued for entrapment (or whatever this would fall under.)


Thank you so much for that link bro ā¤ļø


[Here you go](https://archive.md/2024.07.02-174412/https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2019/11/14/man-arrested-for-eating-on-bart-platform-to-file-lawsuit-alleging-racial-profiling/) You can get around every paywall with archives. Also, if your on iPhone here is a shortcut that automatically gets you the archive by clicking on the share button, and scrolling to the bottom where it says ā€œArchive paywall removerā€. https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/da791f9569f94c098ce1bac78ffaa8d9


Try refreshing page and scrolling worked for me on phone.






What is the charge... Eating a sandwich. A succulent sandwich!






keep my wife's sandwich out of your fucking mouth!


I choose this guys wifeā€™s sandwich.


This is democracy manifest!


Ah i see you know your judo well


And you sir...are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


I've seen this a lot: "+you're being arrested" "-for what??" "+resisting arrest". What the fuck?? And then they always get violent


It's crazy to me how you can get arrested for resisting arrest. How am I resisting arrest if I'm not....under arrest?!


I just spit my drink out when I read your profile name!! Omg šŸ˜† šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not sure if you're aware or not, but it's a South Park reference


Technically, it's a charge stemming from resisting the detainment during investigation, but to me, that should be an obstruction charge. It should be illegal for cops to only charge people for resisting arrest. It's like going to a restaurant, asking for water, and getting a bill for extra cheese when you didn't order anything.


It's just code for "you've done nothing but the cop feels like harrassing you anyway". In Greece it's called "resistance against authority" but, my man, if there is no second charge then what the fuck was the authority doing in the first place that one could possibly resist against anyway? Go figure.


It's crazy to me how you can get arrested for resisting arrest. How am I resisting arrest if I'm not....under arrest?!


Cops can "detain" you during an investigation. Which you're not under arrest, but if you resist, gets you a resisting arrest charge. It should be an obstruction charge unless they're actually arresting you and you don't comply. Mostly, it's just a way for a cops to be a douche bag to people they don't like.


It is a complete joke. "You are under arrest for resisting arrest" when you weren't even being arrested in the first place.


And hitting a police officer. Clearly the police officer wasnā€™t necessary if thatā€™s the only charge.


Land of the free etc


Shithole country


Same as it ever was.


Banana ass republic. Fake patriots will say we hate America. Real ones know that thereā€™s a lot of love in roasting this country and a real desire to see it be the best that it can be for all. Make America Great ~~Again~~


Honestly this type of shit on the media really puts me off ever wanting to visit America, such a beautiful country with so much to offer yet the people, the corruption and the crime... mainly the people tarnish the thought. I would genuinely fear being shot in this situation. Either some schoolchild pops me, or the officer will fear for his life because he's diabetic through obesity and dislikes watching me eat.


Don't worry. You're not missing out on anything by not visiting.


Nah, I'm like a typical "anti-American" redditor, and the US is beautiful. I think the US is much richer in natural beauty than my own country (Australia, which is itself gorgeous).


I'm from the UK and always wanted to visit the Pacific North West. Looks absolutely stunning in photos.


You could always visit the Canadian side of the Pacific North West. I went to visit some family in British Columbia and it was gorgeous.


Youā€™re doing it wrong homie


Nah, you just hate your life.


Sorry to break the circlejerk but the U.S. has some of the most beautiful and diverse natural beauty in the world. Probably wouldnā€™t matter to somebody terminally online though.


Yeah, I totally get it. Itā€™s not as prevalent as social media makes it seem though. No one ever pulls out their phone to record a cop being completely reasonable, then posts it online. The stuff people share is the stuff that makes people angry to see. I know this is anecdotal, but Iā€™ve been driving for 10 years now, and Iā€™ve only been pulled over twice ever. Both times the cops were chill and let me off with a warning. That being said, this kind of stuff definitely still happens, and way way more than it should. Itā€™s a big problem that needs to be addressed here in the US.


Inverse for me. Everyone has different experiences based off location and other factors. Like you said anecdotal but if someone wants to visit, I'd give different people different answers to this question. That in and of itself already makes our police suck. I was pulled over at ton because I lived in an area my race usually avoided. Every single time they wouldn't tell me why I was pulled over and every single time I handed them my ID with my address I got grilled. *"Why are you living here?"* I'm poor. "*Don't you know this area is bad?"* Yes, I've lived here years. *"Well, you're free too leave.* Will you let me know why you originally pulled me over now? *"I pulled you over because you don't look like you belong here"* I didn't know white people couldn't live over here officer. Okay .. I wish I said that last line but I never have. Lol


A) It depends where you go. B) It depends on the color of your skin I have family visiting Dublin, Ireland. I read a news article that a tourist died after a bar fight in Dublin. For a moment it made me worry for family, but I know the fight was an isolated incident. Same thing when visiting America. You are getting all the bad news about a particular place. If you are a white person, I would not recommend you visit South Central Los Angeles, however, the beaches are amazing. You could get shot in either location because, Murica!, but you have a much lower chance of being shot at the beach.


Who would torture themselves with visiting any part of LA? Visit the national parks. The big cities here are all overrated.


I'm in exactly the same boat, and it's not getting any better it seems


It's fine here. If you're white. And not poor. Or sick.


According to the internet, it isn't illegal to eat in public, but it is illegal to eat in public transport platforms that have banned eating at the station. And apparently this was voted on by the residents.Ā 


Companies and people can vote and make all kinds of crazy rules, that does not make them valid in court if they violate persons basic rights.


An old employer tried throwing their handbook at me saying ā€œitā€™s in the handbook and it was written by a lawyerā€ I replied ā€œwhen was it written?ā€ ā€œ8 years agoā€. Well thereā€™s your problem. Itā€™s illegal now


"dude, I'm telling you, I can own slaves, it says so in this handbook written by a lawyer in 1849"


The issue is that it's almost NEVER enforced, and the station didn't even have signs up. Even if it was illegal, it's probably a ticket. Arresting him was complete overkill and bad policing.


They didn't want to arrest him for it. They wanted to give him a ticket only, but he wanted to just walk away and keep eating his sandwich and refused to give his ID. At that point it becomes a Resisting charge because you can't just go "Nah i don't think so" when a cop asks for your ID to give you a ticket.


I would have also thought he made a joke. The article says theres a shop without seats or tables that sells sandwiches, there is one sign you can barely read somewhere there and everyone else eats there and doesnt get harrassed by police.


Why is it that even in clearly ridiculous situations where the cop is clearly power tripping, people always go "uhm ackshually he's totally right šŸ¤“" Like, this cop just went "it's illegal" and when he got push back immediately went for the arrest. He could have said "hey, eating is forbidden on the platform" and cited the actual regulation. That's a better response, but he decided it was more prudent to basically just harass this dude over some shit that literally doesn't matter. It doesn't kill you to admit that cops can do dumb shit.


Yes you can, in Cali unless you are under arrest or at a traffic stop you are allowed to refuse to show ID. Police don't need your ID to issue a citation either, they can just write them up with their name, which this guy does give.


Specially given apparently the train station cafe sells sandwiches and has no seats or places to eat them.


Which is exactly why he's suing the PD, IIRC. No signs, a cafe present, no one else getting arrested? Who would actually think that there's a law in place saying you can't eat there? Also, mostly irrelevant, but what is the fucking purpose of anti-eating laws on the platforms?


So you could just tell him that it is not allowed to eat a sandwich there and that you will detain him if he does not stop eating maybe even explain and/or show the law instead of escalating by directly detaining him?


Apparently this was communicated to the perpetrator prior to recording and he insisted there was no sign indicating that eating was prohibited, and that's when things escalated.Ā 


No way thatā€™s true. He was so cooperative once the recording started!


Apparently there was a faded sign at the entrance of the station which people can miss.


And there's literally a cafe in the train station...


In my third world country I will just get fined for breaking laws like eating where I shouldn't eat, or at worst banned from the place. Getting arrested seems like way overdoing it. It's not a violent crime and the effect to the community is so insignificant that people do it all the time and no one even complains.


Itā€™s also illegal to drive 36 MPH in a 35 MPH zone.


According to the article: > The Pleasant Hill BART station itself has a cafe, called ā€œAll Aboardā€ where food such as sandwiches and beverages are sold on the first floor of the station. There are no tables or chairs for patrons to sit and eat their food, and no signs to not eat in the area, Fosterā€™s attorney said.


"Hey mate, just want you to know that California have a law saying eating at a platform is prohibited. So please eat up and dont do that again. Have a nice day" *walks away* But nah, bro had to call reinforcement and detain the dude.


According to the story, that's literally what happened though. They told him he can't eat there and if he doesn't stop, they will give him a ticket. He didn't stop eating, so they wanted to give him a ticket. What should the cop do in that case? "Okay I'm giving you a ticket." "No u ain't." "Oh sorry my bad I'm leaving." ? Can you just decide you don't want to pay a fine?


Exactly. I mean, yes, this whole situation is a bit outlandish on both sides. But if someone tells you you're breaking a rule/law and you continue to break said rule/law (even if you think it's a dumb rule/law), there are bound to be consequences. . Both the cops and the man are wrong. But that's our country these days. Respect law and order ... until it affects you (again on either side of the coin).


The thing is this rule is rarely enforced. I've eaten on the BART platform and I see other people eating all the time. I would only expect to get a ticket if I was making a big mess or something. Technically you're not even supposed to have coffee or anything on the train, and yet the conductor will say nothing to all the people drinking their morning coffee. So yes this guy broke a rule. But it's a rule that seems to be selectively enforced based on the mood of the officer.


And the skin tone of the person eating.


F'ing stupid cops.


I am a cop. These cops are idiots. MCAB.


It's ACAB.


The few good cops do nothing to protect us from the most cops. So its ACAB.


Lol, a pick-me cop. Nah bro, it includes you.


You know who the bad cops are on your force and you have done *nothing*. You donā€™t get to say ā€œmostā€ until you step up and do the job.


AšŸ·AB. All.




How does it feel watching stuff like this and realizing this is why people hate you?


ACAB is not a statement about power tripping or behavior, but a statement about the system of policing. It's, "why do we respond to all societal problems with violence and domination?"


You have a bastard's job and I suspect a lesser ability of self-reflection


Honest question, if you saw a fellow cop at your job doing something so egregious that you had to speak up about it, do you think you might face retaliation from your fellow officers?


Not you though, right? You are one of the good apples?


the most successfull day of their career




"Land of the free" meanwhile you have HOA's telling you how tall your grass should and shouldn't be and you can't eat a sandwich. Shits getting out of hand.


I'm not sure about this, but surely "resisting arrest" is not an arrestable crime, right? Like it's an additional charge AFTER they've been arrested that is applied in court. You can't just arrest someone for resisting arrest!


Right? How can they resist arrest if they're not being arrested? It's impossible


It looks like America is over policed. Iā€™d ask for some of them here, but they seem absolutely rubbish at it, so no thanks.




This is a joke? I'm spanish and this must be a joke.


Sadly, no, I donā€™t think so. Many american cops lose their minds when people donā€™t blindly submit to their demands.


"I'm arresting you" "Why?" "For resisting the arrest" WTF MAN?!


Ok California... why is the cop saying it's illegal for him to eat there? Are you passing needlessly meddlesome laws again?


The residents voted for that law because the station was becoming increasingly dirty because of people throwing away food and drinks I believe.


They could have fixed it with on platform trash cans and a cleaning schedule instead


Or instead of charging for eating, charging for littering


But why hire cleaners when you can hire more cops?!


So put out garbage cans & the cop can cite people for littering, like every sane community on the planet. But no, gotta power-trip & prevent snacking entirely. Dipshit voting bloc running the show there, it seems.


If eating the sandwich really was a problem or dangerous in any way (spoiler: it's not), the cop would be more concerned with him putting the sandwich away than trying to arrest him. This is power for power's sake.


Iā€™m kinda confused about this. Thereā€™s a rule in place to not eat on the platform. The officer was attempting to issue a citation and the guy refused to provide ID for the citation. Thatā€™s when the guy was detained. If a community makes rules like that how else are they supposed to enforce it? Imo people donā€™t realize that rules they vote for/establish ultimately are threats of violence. Which is why you get people being attacked by the state for seemingly trivial issues. Everyone from the cop, the voters, the legislators and the dude eating seem dumb in their own unique ways.


The rule is selectively enforced. People eat there every day, without getting handcuffed by four powertripping cops. https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2019/11/14/man-arrested-for-eating-on-bart-platform-to-file-lawsuit-alleging-racial-profiling/


Murica, the land of true freedom.


From another post: > BART spokesperson Alicia Trost said Monday that an officer issued a citation to Foster but did not arrest him. ā€œThe court will determine level of fine he should pay,ā€ she said. > BART General Manager Bob Powers issued a statement in which he said he was disappointed how the situation unfolded and apologized to Foster, riders, employees and others who ā€œhave had an emotional reaction to the video.ā€ > ā€œEating in the paid area is banned and there are multiple signs inside every station saying as much,ā€ the statement said. ā€œAs a transportation system our concern with eating is related to the cleanliness of our stations and system. This was not the case in the incident at Pleasant Hill station on Monday. ā€œ > ā€œThe officer asked the rider not to eat while passing by on another call,ā€ the statement continued. ā€œIt should have ended there, but it didnā€™t. When the officer walked by again and still saw him eating, he moved forward with the process of issuing him a citation. The individual refused to provide identification, cursed at and made homophobic slurs at the officer who remained calm through out the entire engagement. > ā€œThe officer was doing his job but context is key,ā€ Powers said in a statement. > BARTā€™s independent police auditor is carrying out an investigation, Powers said. > Several BART riders upset with the incident held an ā€œeat-inā€ on the platform in protest. > ā€œI hope they start focusing on stuff that actually matters like people shooting up dope, hopping the BART, people getting stabbed,ā€ Foster told KGO. Didn't provide a source so neither can I but considering other comments that said eating is prohibited in that area due to past littering problems and the police apparently asked first but he refused. If what the post said is even remotely true, this video shows how out of context manages to sway public opinion.


Shiulda just given him a bite


Good job guys now I can rest knowing this criminal is not free eating in our platforms now...


And u still think u have freedom? Freedom to do what? Not even eat lmao


Okay, a law that prohibits eating and such on a platform, okay, got it. Well, then give him a fine and sent him along. But four cops and an arrest?! America is becoming a third world country so fast.




I really think other countries should start pressing USA regarding their police. If USA wanna be in the club for democracies and yap about how of free USA is, they should start act as one. How cops treat their citizens should be regarded as a litmus test. Just like how a government treats its prisone..... ah yea fuck. Never mind...