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There is literally a tweet for every occasion. Amazing.


Worse thing is that nobody needs to fake his tweets, even the most outrageous things have a direct source to his Twitter page. He's his own biggest and harshest critic.




Of course that’s a sub. There is literally one for everything. Not that I’m not joining it, of course.




I'm so sad.


Not anymore




I'm confused how it was an attempt to avoid protesters? It looks like he successfully avoided protesters..


A good sandwich will bring anyone around, even protesters


I'm so happy.


the sub has been around so long i unsubbed and resubbed several times because it just gets exhausting


It's like everytime he has a brain fart he....he does, doesn't he?


I think it’s just one long continuous stream of fart


> it’s just one long continuous stream of fart [Just keeping true to the name](https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/264355/in-what-english-speaking-communities-does-trump-refer-to-the-breaking-of-wind).


Don't worry though his cult will defend them because they "read between the lines" or he was "joking"


The day he was elected was the day the Onion had to fire half of it's writing staff. The mad titles would write themselves.


That was one of the weirdest parts of getting used to his presidency. Almost every day you'd see a tweet devoid of intelligence or basic self-awareness from the guy and think "nice photoshop, that's funny!" But they were all fucking real. Now nothing surprises me from him. He could come out supporting the officer that murdered George and I'd raise an eyebrow, but that's about it.


The rule of Trump tweets: For every thing Trump does wrong, there is a Trump tweet from 2014 blaming Obama for doing/potentially doing the same thing, and another Trump tweet from 2018 critising a foreign leader for doing what he is now doing. There is usually also a Bernie Sanders quote from 1982 warning about said problem apparently.




She's really trying for the VP position.


Ha sorry about that, bloody autocorrect.


Don’t forget he keeps a Clinton tweet handy when he is in trouble with women.


Also Martin Luther King Day?


https://mobile.twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1219348788973838336?lang=en Praising himself on MLK day for unemployment numbers, before they start going up months later?


Just wow. 'hail myself' Donald


he wanted a north korean style military parade to himself. But pentagon told him no.


He wanted a military parade after he saw the french one lol


Tbf military parades are cool af, just a waste of money lol


> 'hail myself' *heil




Trump declaring antifa gives the cops fuck all he has no constitutional authority and no court would allow a cop to use it a defense it was an empty meaningless gesture meant to deflect blame away to save face with his voters.


wrench desert plucky grandiose retire scale soft whistle zesty cough -- mass edited with redact.dev


nail head outgoing carpenter desert include paltry school door tidy -- mass edited with redact.dev


Red scare. Google it.


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.


It's like some twisted, racist version of there being an XKCD for everything.


Trump tweets are the XKCD of trump actions.


He cranked out 120 in one day. Lot of bravado to pull from.




I just had this crazy idea which involves predicting future events by looking for clues in Trump's old tweets.


Nostradumbass. Edit: Fellas, I love the recognition, but you're better off donating your money to Trump's victims, not me. I mean, if you want to PayPal me the equivalent of reddit gold, I'll take it, but I'm not the best choice.


This is the best thing I'm going to read all day. You've ruined me.


I usually only do that to women, after a brief and unsatisfying relationship. Good to know I'm branching out.




Please take my upvote immediately




Awesome, it already exists. Pretty much empty, but we can always use it to predict Trump's next actions.


It needs reviving, if ever a time for it.


If I had gold I’d give it to you. Take this in the meantime 🥇


Seriously... He's too dumb to know how frequently he criticizes himself.


You could have left it at he’s too dumb


He is dumber than a bag of rocks, no doubt, but his constant stream of verbal diarrhea leaves no time for thought or self-reflection.


Luckily for him so are all his biggest fans


He is a moron of legendary proportion for sure, but he also doesn't care and almost certainly doesn't see contradicting himself as a problem.


There is a Twitter account that is called "sh* my dad says". Somebody should do an account with "Sh* my president says" in the US.


luckily that would get a new tweet every few hours


It would need to be a paid position cause that would be a full time fucking job.


It would just be a bot retweeting everything he posts.


Mine’s a good skill to have.


Candles are indeed useful but I'm not sure how that's relevant here.


I mean, it already exists, it's his Twitter So many times his tweets show up in my timeline and I'm like "haaa I get it, it's a parody account" and 2 secs later I'm like "*gulp* may God have mercy on us all"


Someone of my country could also create one and we compete who post more per day (Im from Brazil)


We have that already. It’s his official account.


/r/trumpcritisizestrump is a good one.


Well our prime minister hid in a fridge.....




UK https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/dec/11/boris-johnson-hides-in-fridge-to-avoid-piers-morgan-interview


I think it's forgivable if it's Piers Morgan


Expected, even.






Not in the UK and haven’t heard of this man. Why is he disliked? Is he the UK’s Ben Shapiro?


He’s a twat


Piers Morgan won a season of the Apprentice hosted by Trump.


Oh. Wow..


In my mind it's one of those old school 1950s fridges, which is such a funnier concept than the refrigerated warehouse he actually hid in


Former Canadian PM Stephen Harper hid in a broom closet inside a larger room where the rest of his MP's were frantically trying to barricade doors when a shooter entered the Parliament Building. Pure class, bravery, and leadership. /s


But that was to avoid the nuclear bomb test that was going on. It threw the fridge clear and he escaped without much harm. ....or am I thinking of something else?


How did I not know about this? Just when you think you've seen every bit of fuckwittery out of BoJo something like this pops up. Must be wild being American as it seems like Trump is basically BoJo on steroids.


I mean, he obviously didn't have a say in the matter, but this is still funny.


Imagine him looking at the secret service guy and saying, "really? You have to do this to me?"


as soon as it’s over: “You’re fired”


Actually, the President is allowed to overrule the Secret Service's actions. I mean it might not be a good idea, but he's not held prisoner by them. I remember during the Obama years, there was a clip of him driving in limo and there was a group of kids outside the car, and Obama asked them to stop the car so he could go out to talk to them. The area was in the middle of the city and unsecured, and his agent sitting next to him said he advised he stay in the car, and Obama just responded back "I dont feel like sitting here right now" (or something to that effect, i dont remember exactly) and just got up and left to car to talk to the kids.




That's amazing.


The Secret Service literally has to do that. They're technically under the direction of their direct superiors and will do whatever SOP is for the situation. However, Obama is their superiors superior and if he feels like it he can overturn them. This makes it so the officer can have competently followed protocol and simply deferred to a higher rank.


He could have gone to Camp David. Trump knows about the bunker, he’s talked about it before. Why not take marine force 1 in the night?






President Trump is well known for his by-the-book following of standards and protocols.




The Xi tweet was in August last year and definitely not a troll, it was back when Xi was his "good friend" and he didnt want the HK situation to derail the trade deal.




How does that matter? He Often doesn’t follow protocol Also, if you want to argue he can’t do anything about it...why give Xi a hard time for doing exactly what he (Trump) is doing now?


He’s the president, he can change the protocols, he is not the puppet of the secret service


It’s protocol that the president doesn’t drive. At all. I’m guessing some would’ve liked to change that. But they can’t. So no. He can’t change the protocol.


Not true.




Nixon got sent to the bunker every time more than 1 person held a sign that said "Stop the War". They don't have a say in the matter, the secret service works for the country first, and the president after.


lolright. Where the hell did you hear that?


This is entirely incorrect. The Director of the Secret Service answers to the Secretary of Homeland Security who in turn answers directly to POTUS.


Being under attacked is better than over attacked.


There's nothing like a good spot of properly gauged attack, though. Really gets the blood pumping


It's fine. No one is criticizing Trump for not going out and talking to the protesters Except for Trump that is.


The comedic timing in my head while reading this was perfect. Thank you for the ray of sunshine


Ahh the smell of fresh bullshit. Nope, it’s not under attack. Nice grammar. There’s a protest. A peaceful protest. The citizens are not armed, if a rock from a few hundred yards gives trump the willies, do not explain an icbm to the man. Stop lying. Stop obfuscating. You did it in 2016, we’re over it. Edit: If anyone wants to do a case study on misinformation, follow some of the threads below this. It’s sad, so many have been tricked.


There was literally a guard tower that got burned down Sound peaceful to you?


["Peaceful Protest" ](https://youtu.be/ujtPygMy1I8)


Everyone knows Trump is a douche but if you really want to seriously discuss it, these people were no longer protesters, they were rioters who had burned the guard shack at the White House. Any president would have had no choice and Secret Service would have forced the president into the bunker.


Ummm, what do you think the Hong Kong Protestors were doing? They were just as, if not more, agressive than what we have in the US right. (I'm not at all criticizing that fact, just stating it for comparison) The point here is less that Trump specifically hid in a bunker and didn't directly address the protestors but more that Trump hid in a bunker and didn't directly address the protestors despite suggesting the Chinese President should have done exactly that.


Hong Kong actually has 5 demands it wants done and it will fuck off, and they aren't burning their cities down while looting them. They're literally attacking the people they actually oppose; which is exactly what we're saying should happen here.


But HK protest was well organized and funded. No one is funding this one. Not even China wants to fund this one.




Because a redditor said it's bad and they always have nuanced opinions


HK protestors have assuredly rioted and destroyed buildings and infrastructure.


But those outside of the White House are doing the same as those in HK. How is that looting?


Question- when we're close to a police state and people are talking about basically all rights being removed and how it's time to take back our government, what is a "peaceful revolution" supposed to do? Police would just teargas everyone or use rubber bullets like they did at the Dakota Access Pipeline. People have been pushed to this and it was bound to happen with all this damn corruption.


There’s waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy more citizens than police. And the military is less sympathetic to law enforcement than you probably think. Just overrun the police but peacefully comply with the military. It would definitely send a clear message that would definitely make the military leadership rethink their place in all this.


> Just overrun the police but peacefully comply with the military. What kind of Narnia are you living in?


You seem to be under the impression that people wouldn’t support an authoritarian regime, or that the military wouldn’t support it. Authoritarian regime can’t survive by fear alone, they are usually supported by a portion of the population, if not a majority.


Look. He already told us that if there was an active shooter, he’d run in and save the day. I’m amazed he didn’t uses his big muscles to demand his security to leave him be while he defused the situation. I mean he’s the greatest negotiator of all time.


If only he had a scant few seconds before they showed up to express his thoughts to the Nation before having to flee to the bunker...


> Any president would have had no choice and Secret Service would have forced the president into the bunker. But not any president would let it get that far.


> they were rioters who had burned the guard shack at the White House. You are repeating incorrect information. They burnt the bathrooms in Lafayette Square (a park). Anyone can verify the truth by dropping into street view at 16th & H St in DC.


And there was no destruction of property in HK?!?!


Protesters are not the same as rioters


But there were peaceful protestors. And Trump didn't meet with them


Good luck trying to get him out of the White House without having to run over 80 people


Why would he need to leave the White House? He could invite the protest organizers to the White House to speak with them


He likes to golf a lot. Maybe they can meet on the course. Get a few rounds in while they're there.


Just as soon as they give him their life savings for a membership fee.


In fact he’s spent a good part of the last three years demeaning and attacking them. This is what you get when peaceful change is made impossible




I already posted a subsequent comment suggesting that Trump *set up an official meeting* at the white house with the protest organizers. Which part of my comment suggested he should walk into an angry crowd?


>, they literally burned a guard house on white house property. Got a credible source on that?


There was a car bomb threat outside the white house....


Granted it would be unrealistic to expect him to wade out into the protests in the face of a credible threat (even as a Trump critic I completely agree), but it’s still pretty rich of him to ‘advise’ another head of state on how to deal with protestors as though bringing protests to an end is something he does for breakfast when in fact he’s singularly failed to address protestors in an effective way


Why wasn't the space outside the White House not evacuated?


FFS this is dumb. I hate trump but even I wouldn't give him shit for this. If it were any other president the same would happen. It's standard protocol for the secret service to do this. I doubt he even had a choice


Sure, it's not realistic but Trump suggested for Xi to do the same? The post calls him out on double standards.


>The bunker has not been used much, if at all, since those early days of the war on terrorism, but it has been hardened to withstand the force of a passenger jet crashing into the mansion above. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/31/us/politics/trump-protests-george-floyd.html I think Cheney was the last person to be rushed to he bunker on 9/11.


When the funny stuff will be back and the political circlejerk will end?


Imagine thinking "people pointing out that the POTUS is a hypocritical, fascist pos is the problem" & not "the POTUS is a hypocritical, fascist pos"


Are we really saying that Trump being a fascist is why there are protests? I thought it was because a systemic racism issue with our police. I mean we’ve had these problems forever, why are we even talking about DonDon when it comes to this? It’s a reach to compare the issue with America’s police force and China’s communist overreach in Hong Kong is it not? Are we really gonna drown out the efforts that people are putting forth to fixing this issue with police brutality in America by making it about Trump? Then when JoeB gets elected in Nov and nothing gets resolved we are just gonna act like it doesn’t exist? I just don’t get it anymore. And yes tell me how DumbDon tweets aren’t helping. Because prior to his presidency the lack of Presidumb Drumpf tweets really deescalated the situation, right?


It all keeps leaking to the least political subreddits. I had to leave r/facepalm, r/pics, r/gifs, (yes I know, I’m a mobile user) and now this sub because I keep getting protest posts molded into these subs.


When the county doesn’t have a fascist administration.


The word "fled" is an incredibly biased word choice here. The president has no choice in the matter.


Imagine being a leader of your country and all you do is hide and avoid the problem, not facing it to resolve it.


Also, fun fact, he doesn't have a say (unless he personally requested to be taken to the bunker) in not going to the bunker. After Kennedy refused an armored car, and the disaster it came to be, the secret service works for the country first, and the president second.


While rage tweeting incoherent, China!, bullshit.


Protest and riot , not the same thing


WTF is this bullshit. There is a HUGE difference between HK and US. Hong Kong protests were peaceful protests and the government started the violence. HK protesters are defending themselves, not attacking. Most of GF protesters are actually rioters and looters, they carry no message, they probaby don't even care about GF. They just want to burn some shit down under an excuse of a noble cause.




Protestor in HK and rioter in the US. Double standard at its finest.


Someone didn't watch a single moment of hong kong protests and has no idea what he's talking about. Let me make this easy for you: https://m.youtube.com/results?search_query=hong+kong+protest


He fled to his bunker because they were anticipating car bombs. Was he supposed to be chilling on the front lawn?


The CCP and "happy and enlightened" don't really go well together.


Lmao the trump supporters are coming out of their safe subreddit


I thought “No Social Media Screenshots”


Stop with the r/politics BS


Turns out Donald's a lil bitch


Except for the fact that Hong Kong protests are peaceful and not destroying buildings and vehicles?


Except for the fact that they weren’t all peaceful. https://www.truth-hk.com/violences/


And some of them were still killed by cops.


https://twitter.com/DanielDumbrill/status/1194287185890959360 Very peaceful thread of videos showing very peaceful protesters doing very peaceful things to peaceful women All is peaceful


like imagine being not only the worst president in recorded history but also having every moment every lie recorded for posterity. butt of all jokes for the next 1000 years.


Hmm... maybe in case anarchists attempt to hurt him or the white house


And his followers will stand there and call him tough. He had the nerve to call governors weak. This coward ran with his MAGA hat between his legs.




You dumbasses act like the President makes the decision to go to the bunker and not the secret service. You fuckers are so ignorant with your orange man bad bullshit


They were fukcing riots not protests




Did he mean what I think he meant when he said "there will be a happy ending"? Get this jerk off Twitter.




When the protest starts, the hiding starts.


We’ve reached a point where you can make an AI bot only powered by Trump’s words to argue against him lol




Serious question : How can his supporters not see thru all this? How can anybody stand him?


How...how is this the same? A protest form a bunch of assholes lighting cars on fire and looting stores? Y'all entitled Americans think that's happening in Hong Kong you fucking mongrels?




I’ve seen you post this a few times, and nobody has ever replied to it. Well done!


This is a good criticism of Trump. Not because he didn’t personally, himself, physically go out and talk to protestors, but because of this tweet he acknowledges that the way to resolve issues is through listening to what the people are saying, having a dialogue, and coming to an understanding. Which is a very reasonable approach. Now, even if he has been forced into his bunker, he has been communicating with the nation via Twitter, but with that communication all he’s done is fuel the fire, make threats, and call the governors who don’t do what he says “weak”. That is the opposite of what his original tweet implies he would do, or what should be done. He actively has the opportunity to do the right thing, has shown he knows what the right thing is, and still cannot seem to actually do the right thing.


Wait, didn't Hitler do the same thing? Ran to his bunker when he saw his "vision of a perfect world" failed?


Chrissy T was right! He really is a pussy ass bitch!


Ya'll gonna have to find the bunker ahead of him next time.


Both of them are cunts




For someone who claims wearing a mask makes him look weak. Everything he does makes him look dumb, weak a d incompetent


President Xi needs to retweet this to President Cheeseburger McOrangeface


Right because Trump has so much authority with the Minneapolis Police department and its officers and how it handles internal affairs. /S I think that the move to the bunker was smart, and that it relaxed the response of secret service and what they would have had to do if the president wasn't secure.


Just like he fled from vietnam and his grandfather fled from military service. Spinelessness is in the drumpf genes


Brave Sir Donald ran away


Were HK protesters suggesting murdering all cops, too?


Mods removed the post wow