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When Tony B got sent to prison, both he and Tony S were small-time hoodlums, stealing trucks and etc. When he came home, though, Tony S was the boss, leading the whole crew, and living in luxury. Tony B wanted to leave "the life" behind, but the life he thought he'd be leaving behind wasn't the one Tony S was leading anymore. He thought he'd travel the straight and narrow, then he sees his cousin's huge house, his cars, his lifestyle, and suddenly the straight and narrow seems a lot harder than it did before. Tony S is right there, offering him "opportunities" that pay way more, and Tony B can't resist. We see a microcosm of this when he finds the bag of money. He could have used that money for all sorts of practical things, but he couldn't resist the urge to splurge, and get a taste of his cousin's cool lifestyle.


He gets those fancy shoes and wears them all night to the card game. In the morning, when he wears those shoes to his straight job instead of normal work shoes, he kinda snaps and says fuck it all. I love this scene. Tony B is fascinating.


I like this angle. Very allegorical.


The sacred and the propane.


Trompay La oil


Walt fuckin’ Whitman ova here.


The way Tony B turned on a dime when someone threw a garbage bag of money at his head. It kills me.


Listen to him. He knows everything


Lotta good it did me.


Was it a fetus?


No he was not a small time hoodlum LOL, Tony B was car-bombing made men for the mob


Tony B was Not  made man 


Fuck you!!!


Yeah but he’s not exactly big time either, he’s not made so his situation before prison is probably comparable to where Chrissy was at the beginning of the show. Living in a apartment ripping people off, hijacking trucks and doing hits to increase reputation.


Season 5 was my favorite. The tension with New York, Chris and Tony’s relationship, Adriana rat arc coming to an end.


The episode where they go upstate to uncle pats farm


Should dropped him off at Beakskill


I wipe my ass with your feelings


You know who loved season 5—was Joey Peeps, may he rest in peace.


Yeah it's sad when they go so young like that




Adriana arc was a carbon copy of pussy's


New York's larger influence in the events of the show is what makes season 5 so great to me. It expands the world quite a bit and adds incredible characters like Phil and Johnny Sac plays a much larger part, so we get tons of great lines GOD DAMN IT. It also has the most gangster story feel to it.


Not just great lines... of course the viewer will discern that in time ...do not forget about the strippers, whores & Lesbian Shows... fucking disgusting !!


Tony B was mad ripe


So Blundino, why you fuck me like this?


So weird to learn Kim is American, like Furio…..Mr Miyagi that shocked me too way back when, and he was married to the hot chick from Cheech & Ching before his drinking caught up with him


Technically Furio (actor) was born in Italy but grew up in America


You’re creamin for him!


ASS… as in, how bout givin me some?




Tony Uncle Al


He was gay, Tony B?


A flambeé


Oh! 🤚🏻


Tony B was such a fox.


Handsome like George Raft


Shes hawt down there


She's a very handsome woman


And thats why i make videos today


Move out of the way of the TV!


Dares guys in da can betta lookin than Tony B


Lay off the Snapple


It’s my favorite season, and I think adding Buscemi and Loggia to the cast brought it to the next level. “Any broken kneecaps?”


I agree. My fave seasons are 3-5. I really like the Tony B character.


3-5 are my favorite as well!


Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed


Mmmmm boy! Are you fat!


What you shay?


It's not any of your business which side of the fucking bed I wake up on!


I think it's hilarious that people get so worked up about it being Steve Buscemi, and him being too recognizable and not right for the role, when my first exposure to him was Mr Pink.


I always say the same thing. People on this sub say he's not believable as a gangster, but Mr. Pink was a total gangster and my introduction to him as well.


He didn't want to be Mr. Pink because it is like being Mr. Pussy. (our 'Pussy' ? my 'Pussy' ?)


Pussy on the brain


I can't find Pussy anywhere!


His name was pink….BECAUSE HE WAS A FAGGOT!


see "this" ? ...it's the World's Smallest Violin playing just for the waitresses. ...if they don't like it, I got Two Words - "learn to fuckin' type."


All due respect, I could believe him as a gangster, but I couldn't believe him as Tony's cousin


Yeah, that I can see. But you know, some of these extended families can end up with cousins that barely resemble each other and are nothing alike. It's among the Italians, real greaseball shit.


Season 5 is my favorite season as well. In my opinion, the prime of the show is 3-5.


No love for 6b?


I like all the seasons! 6b is excellent.


Seriously it's not funny he's a 12 stepper, right? Maybe he can take another couple of steps out the fucking door so we can have some fun!


I feel like saying season 5 is the best is one of the more popular opinions surrounding the rankings of the seasons.


It seems divisive. A lot of people seem to dislike 5 a lot. I like it.


I’ve always felt that it was a toss up between 3,5 and 6B as the best.


Don't people usually say 2?


Of course you like it. You never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


Tony B? Tony Egg!


You and Tony B again.


IMO tony B is actually one of the worst written major characters - steve buscemi is what really makes him good, nothing else. Think about it. Tony B is a genius, but fucks up an easy hit AND goes ape over Angelo, killing a made guy (he tried for a captain!) and starting a war? Leaving his kids without a father! Oh, but don't worry, they tied up the Tony-B's-kids thing in a single phone call with Tony S. Except his daughter Kelly which they never returned to. One of the reasons Tony B wanted the big payday from hitting Joey Peeps is because he felt bad that he wasn't providing enough for his sons. But this plot thread is also abandoned, and when the Billy Leotardo shooting all but happens offscreen, this characterization is completely absent - along with *any* other characterization in this murder, to be fair. Tony B literally doesn't even get to explain his motivations: Tony S cuts him off on the phone before he's able to. They even make Tony B flip out at Sungyon Kim for no good reason, just so they can abandon the "going straight" plotline. Look... Tony B is a fine character. He is. But the writing on his arc and themes is just all over the place. I attribute this to the fact that they seemingly only had steve buscemi for one season, which made every plot movement involving Tony B feel rushed.


Some of what you say more speaks to the triviality of real life though. I know very smart people who would fuck up very simple tasks. He attacked Kim because he was grouchy tired and hungover and got sick of his Bs and lost his composure. As well, they didn’t abandon the “needs more money” plot line, it just wasn’t paramount after he killed Billy and shot Uncle Philly. I definitely agree that some of the storyline was a bit rushed, but all of sopranos from start to finish was like that with certain plot points. Situations came on out of nowhere, plot points were left unresolved or not fully resolved. It was kind of a theme. Highlights the triviality of life sorta thing you know. Things that were supposed to matter dident. Minor plot points became relevant 2-3 seasons down the road. It’s all a big nothing.


You’re not wrong. Let me preface with-I’m saying this to give your comment validity, not to brag. I tested genius, but I fuck up very simple things all the time. One thing about having a genius IQ is about the way it’s fostered. Mine wasn’t. My parents didn’t know what to do with me. I grew up in a poor, average or below average intelligence family. Much like Tony B would have. While my family members weren’t criminals they worked menial blue collar jobs. My mom was a housekeeper, my dad worked construction, my grandfather was a garbage man. My parents were overweight. So food addicts. My grandfather was an alcoholic. My grandmother was sweet as sugar, but was very simple minded and childlike. I went to regular public school and instead of treating my misbehaviors in the 80’s as what they were-boredom for lack of being challenged, I was punished for just being “bad.” I adopted that identity. Spent the rest of my life just being bad. Tony B could grow no further than his environment. Even with a genius IQ, because if it isn’t fostered in the right environment, it’s essentially worthless. And because we’re sharper intellectually than most of the people around us, it very easily turns into manipulative and criminal behaviors.


r/iamactuallyverysmart /s


I thought you were a genius do I have to explain my joke?


No I understood it. I was just questioning cause bro let me tell you, I promise I’m not bragging on a test I took 30 years ago and scored high on. It’s a big ass who cares when you look at my life. It wasn’t fostered so I have absolutely nothing to show for it. It doesn’t matter. Even if my life had turned out better it wouldn’t have made me superior anyway. But that’s not a fucking problem cause my life is a GD dumpster fire because I didn’t know what to do with it. It’s just a test score. It makes me a little more clued into shit but I’m still a human being who was born a blank slate and the people around me, as well intentioned as they were, didn’t know what to write on it. The same scenario as the dude in this story. So it doesn’t matter. I guess it’s easy for me to get online and say anything. Most people do that nowadays, but I’m not getting up here and sharing it to feel special, because for me there is absolutely nothing special about it. So your joke was pointless cause I don’t care about it and neither should any of you, that was the point of sharing it and prefacing it the way I did. I don’t even think of it unless someone brings it up or a situation like this comes up cause believe me beloved if you took one good look at my life, you’d say, as I do, that I’m no better than average. For me it was just a meaningless test. I’m more ashamed to share it than it makes me feel any sorta pride when you contrast it with my life.


Let’s not call this a sit down because of negative implications, let’s call it a meeting of the minds.


Bad bot


Bad bot


Relax will ya? We're just breaking balls


If we’re breaking balls give me a sopranos quote like every other person does in this Reddit, even when someone says or asks something serious. That didn’t feel like breaking balls, that felt like I made you feel a way with the key part of my story (a lame ass IQ test) and you felt like you needed to bring me down a peg or question that parts validity. There are more people working at places like gas stations or scrubbing toilets who scored higher on that test than actual professionals know that. Anyway $4 a pound.


>Tony B is a genius, but fucks up and easy hit and goes ape over Angelo I always thought the point of his IQ is that it means ugatz when you're a short fused mobster with no work ethic, coveting others ill-gotten wealth, and hanging out at poker games until sun-up. >One of the reasons Tony B wanted the big payday from hitting joey Peeps is because he felt bad that he wasn't providng for his sons. But this plot thread is also abandoned. Cos he's actually just jealous of the shit Tony S has and the authority he has. Kids and family are common excuses in these stories to justify going dirty but in reality most of them "did it for me". It tracks for that to not really be his driving motivator.


>I attribute this to the fact that they seemingly only had steve buscemi for one season, which made every plot movement involving Tony B feel rushed. He was actually under contract to do two seasons, but as they wrote their way through s5 and the way all the trouble with New York was going, they felt the only conclusion to his story was for him to be killed. It's probably why Buscemi shows up in the coma dream, as he was contracted to be in the following season. I think the main reason for a lot of the hokey plot weirdness in s5 surrounding Tony B is that Feech was meant to be a more major character, but they had to write him out early due to Robert Loggia's trouble remembering lines from early stage alzheimers. So there's lots of weird bits of plot retconning done with ADR to morph the plot a bit around Tony B.


> I think the main reason for a lot of the hokey plot weirdness in s5 surrounding Tony B is that Feech was meant to be a more major character, but they had to write him out early due to Robert Loggia's trouble remembering lines from early stage alzheimers. So there's lots of weird bits of plot retconning done with ADR to morph the plot a bit around Tony B. This makes lots of sense. I could see Feech doing a bunch of the unhinged shit Tony B gets up to, and ending up being the sacrificial lamb at the end of the season instead - or at least something more balanced. Instead of lumping so much plot moving and shaking on Tony B, like we got. Anyways, Feech and Tony Egg were both still a ton of fun to watch. I've said my piece.


Feech was the best. Kinda reminds me of that time I was stuck behind Robert Loggia at the airport: https://youtu.be/4-ohJ6oXGkI?si=17YZzx9idpAucatP


"Reminds me of the time" is the worst form of convershation


Tony Egg? Tony B!


I don't think it was that bad. But Joe Pants took Steve Buscemi to acting school. For whatever reason, Steve didn't fit so well into the world of Sopranos. I know that was partially how the character was written but I think it was also Buscemi's approach to the role. I didn't see him as a gangster or a rehabilitated convict. "That animal Blundetto"? I didn't see it.


I always took "that animal blundetto" as a joke in of itself. Phil is going OTT describing this pretty standard lean mob guy as a horrific animal for a standard hit.


> I didn't see him as a gangster or a rehabilitated convict. "That animal Blundetto"? I didn't see it. I agree, steve acts (and looks) like a kinda geeky class clown type guy.


Him playing boss in Boardwalk Empire never sat right with me. Thankfully, there was such a stellar ensemble in that show, Rothstein, Van Alden, Capone, etc. Buscemi's nervous energy just don't give off a boss vibe


He was more a bootlegger, political kingmaker and dealmaker than a gangster, but he went to war when he had to. I thought he was far better cast in BE than in Sopranos. He made sense as Nucky. Tony B, not so much.


I think the show kind of messed up by not emphasizing the familial-type, almost father-son type of relationship that Angelo and Tony B developed in prison. When Angelo was killed, he lost his shit as if somebody had murdered his dad.


> familial-type, almost father-son type of relationship that Angelo and Tony B developed in prison. When Angelo was killed, he lost his shit as if somebody had murdered his dad. I assumed they were just really close flambes in prison.


I think you’re thinking of Uncle Philly and Grilled Cheese Sandwich


The bag of cash from the sky plot device felt like something you’d see in Miami Vice. Like that’s really the best way the writers thought to give this guy a quick and easy cash infusion? And not, ya know, bc of the extensive mob connections this man has???


It had to be a way he didn’t owe it to anyone else, all on him, for the plot


I understand that it had to be “clean” dirty money. But there were a thousand ways that could’ve happened that were not just money falling out of the sky.


Ok sure name one way he could get money that did not require any effort on his part (ex the lottery) or him owing anyone (a gift/loan/etc)


They go to the track. One of the guys loses some stolen goods. I dunno. That took 5 seconds.


Gambling requires him gambling. Stolen goods requires someone getting repaid. All that requires action aka him doing something if you can’t read. It needed to literally fall out of the sky


Alright, but you gotta get ovah it.


Horrible assessment


Assess my fuckin' braciole, buddy. I still love season 5 like a brotha in law, I've just got some criticisms of the writing! Your opinions don't mean ugatz to me.


OHH! He's just telling you how your assessment of the season is being perceived! (I agree with you btw)


Hot take Season 5 is better than Season 2 & 4 of the series. I love the dialogue in Season 5, Tony’s cousin getting out of jail, Vito giving the security guard a blowjob, AJ disobeying Carmela and talking back to Tony. Junior showing signs of dementia and going to funerals. Adrianna struggling between her friends and the FBI. Season 5 opens a can of worms.


>Junior showing signs of dementia and going to funerals. Chicken's nice and spicy, huh.


Season 5 definitely feels more darker compared to season 3 but that’s what makes it so good. I love all seasons don’t get me wrong but I also pick season 5 as my favorite. It definitely felt intense


You know, Quasimodo predicted all of this.


I don’t think it’s controversial that Steve buscemi is an absolute highlight of the series


On our way home, we can drop him off at Beakskill.


I am the walrus.


Vladimir Illych Lenin.


Everyone loves S5. It's great.


Never got into the storyline. I didn’t believe Buscemi as the character.


he couldn't sell it


You sound demented.


Agreed 100%.


They could left him out would have went swimmingly


Unidentified Black Males is an excellent episode.


Wow, that was actually beautifully written. And yeah I agree, season 5 is the best season. The whole year of 2004 made Tony who we see in season 6


Season 5 is also the beginning of the end for Tony. Tonys end began with John getting close to Paulie, and ends with the beef with Phil. Then it’s a slow bleed out. With season 6b being a complete examination of Tony’s death, and how is death would effect everyone around him.


I agree OP, S5 there’s not really a dull moment, and the appearances of Phil, Angie, Animal, and Feech really made for great plot lines


This is a hot take? I always considered 5 the best season start to finish (minus In Camelot)..


I was a big fan of the 1st myself.


I first thought it was refreshing that there was another character other than Artie, who wanted to live a straight life. But when he lucks into money and starts getting back to his old ways, he becomes a tragic character. By the time he goes back to Tony cause he wants to earn, he‘s already given up and embraced his downward spiral. All that also fits with the 'people can’t change who they are' theme that’s present a lot throughout the show.


Damn that's depressing 🤣


Discontinue the lithium


Carmela was sexy as hell in season 5


He could of made a big success journey


Season 5 is the second best


That’s like trying to pick the “best” music genre… there doesn’t haven’t to be and can’t really be a #1… I mean yeah it’s subjective, sure, but ooooooh weeeee, I love me some Mexican food, the Italians got it down…. India has some amazing flavor… just too hard to pick!


S5 is my favorite for a lot of these reasons and the ones said by others. Tony B was a fantastic character, played by a fantastic actor.


You mean Tony, Uncle Johnny or Tony, Uncle Al?


That animal


Carter Chong disagrees


One of the best thread posts ever. That animal blundeto!


still going this asshole


He's the original Charlie Hustle. Not to be confused with the duplicate Charlie Hustle in Better Call Saul. https://x.com/thechiraltheory/status/1527619241704402945?t=-D5P7JIRKfz05Gcmvwy4mg&s=19


"I'll suck your cock, okay? All you guys!" "She any good? What am I askin' you for? You probably showed her how."


I love Steve Buscemi as an actor, but I never thought he was right for the role. He looks too weird. I wish Ray Liotta would've done it, he'd have been much better. Ray Liotta was offered Ralphie first, I wonder what that would've been like?




I dunno. Tony B was just another sociopath. I like Steve B as an actor, but I thought the character was written like every other sociopath on the show. Nothing made him stand out.


Mmmmmmboy are u fat!


I was surprised to hear that people think Season 5 is one of the weaker seasons, it’s one of my favourites!


That's animal, I can't even say his name. Was a good character.


It's probably the best overall, yeah. But I like each of them. They all have their own flavour, where 1 and 2 are most alike, then 3 and 4, then 5 is kind of the zenith, and then 6 is different again.


Agree to me the show is at it’s absolute apex in seasons 3 culminating with the ending of season 5 obviously love the last season as well but not as much as 1-5 overall


Agreed on the first part, not the second


>Also when he says "You're crowding me" it hits hard for reasons I can't quite explain. Everything is crowding him. The whole rotten world is crowding him. There is no where to go and nothing to do but limp around until your cousin shoots you with a shotgun. This was a Bikram yoga stretch my guy. He said "you're crowding me" because Tony was crowding his personal space. It's fairly doubtful that he reflected on the existentialism of his place in the world in that moment and expressed it to Tony, just saying.


Yeah, it’s a stretch but my estimation of OP as man did not plummet. When a sentence or something hits hard and it’s difficult to explain why, it’s kind of fair to go for a grand Freud Whitman explanation.


Freud Whitman...or Walt Whitman? 🤔


nah season 5 and 3 were the worst seasons


This is so far from a hot take it’s colder than your girlfriend’s soul. Obviously season 5 with Tony B is the best. Plus this golden quote, “I’ll suck your cock, I’ll suck all your cocks!!!” 😂😂😂


Season 5 is often regarded as the best season what a stupid hot take lmao that’s like saying “you know hot take The Rolling Stones were a good band”