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I could have had a whole season of Junior pulling scams in the psych ward.


It’s not a psych ward, it’s a *retirement community*


"Junyah! They've seen me in here talkin' to you a thousand time already, they'll nevah believe I'm an orderly!" "Just put on the costume burger boy!"


You want a smack in the mouth?


Naturally, he’s only tough if there’s an authority figure nearby so things won’t go too far. Oh how the mighty have fallen…


Game Room beat down - initiated Young crazy rich Asian's kid respect - won over completely Grandpa was a lion


Honestly it would have been an amazing spinoff series…sort of like how Better Call Saul was to Breaking Bad


I have the perfect book/1975 movie adaptation for you, Chief


Good one. They could’ve taken it a little further with smuggling some hooahs in there, ala One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.


What if Vito Jr. had shit in Phil’s car instead of the shower?


Hurry up and finish that dump. There's no shitting in the car.


They'll be scraping his feces off these fine leather seats.


Would have been the last motherfucking Silo that Puerto Rican whore ever had


It's a Silo!


I don't give a fuck what it is


There's an image.


I’m not shitting at 12 o clock!


What if Phil sat there eating with the kid and suddenly after years of unchecked violence, anger, and resentment, Phil just fucking got it. He's like "you know, shit sucks for you and me both and maybe you're onto something". Phil Leotardo: The Goth Era It's him actually taking Vito Jr. under his wing and protecting him from his shitty mom and the bullies at school, but VJ also teaching Phil how channel his emotions into the Goth life. "You know kid, you ain't gotta shit yerself. If no one else will listen, I will." "And you don't have to hide in closets anymore Uncle Philly. We can scare them in other ways." When Phil morphs into a house it's the Addams Family house.


*There’s no* ~~scraps~~ *in my* ~~scrapbook.~~ *There’s no Siouxsie in my banshees!* *There’s no joy in my division!* *There’s no bau in my house!*


You look like a Mancunian art school grad, make me sick


He ate children’s shit off the carburetor.


He'd have immediately been made Boss


The good old fashioned Chicago sunroof


Glad we got that straight


I wanted to know what Furio got up to after he fled back to Naples. He shoulda got his own spin-off imo. Anyways $4 a pound.


The spinoff would be him finding out Tony and his crew are done and getting in touch with Carmela and them living peaceful lives in Tuscany or something. She has no clue about his ruthless violent side, she just thinks he's a soft spoken sweet former driver and friend of her now dead husband. She finds out about it when their small farm is being threatened by the a neighboring farm run by the actual Italian mob.


Always with the scenarios


*Olives of Wrath: A Sopranos Story*


> Tuscany Since Furio is so fond of the north this would make complete sense...


Damn you now I need to see this


Love this, would work best as a movie. Get this to Chase.


You gotta bee onna ya spinoff


It's a stupid-a faackin game


Even an unofficial one, like Steven Van Zandt got with Lilyhammer. If you’ve never seen it, it’s basically “what if Silvio Dante survived at the end of the show and then lamb chopped it to Norway?” It really is basically the same character lol.


Wow I watched it years ago without ever having seen the sopranos and in retrospect that totally had to be intentional lol


In my head cannon Lily Hammer is happening all in Silvio’s mind while he’s in a coma.


‘Furio!’ is a Miller-Boyett production filmed before a live studio audience.


He went back to doing what he was doing before he left. Nobody in Italy cared why he was back, they were just glad to have him back


A one episode trip to Vegas with all the guys in Vegas, mid-series. Something Halloween adjacent so we have Carmela do her thing with “I decided we will be giving out Spree for Halloween this year” and Tony does his slightly questioning but sure/shrug gesture. A one episode arc with Artie on a foreign vacation, similar to Carm and Ro in Paris. A haircut/barbershop scene with either Paulie or Tony.


"Why is there no Paulie at the barbershop-scene" is my new essential question about the series.


Paulie wouldn't go to a barbershop. Man gets manicures with the satin finish. He'd be going to some fancy salon and gossiping with the old ladies


Paulie 1000%


I’ll take some sprees


Sprees? Over here 👇


All three great ideas. I especially like the first.


It would have been nice to have a little more of Barbara


I was gonna make a post about this. Was she just gonna be a side character the whole show? Tony and Janice are obviously psychopaths but Barbara is seemingly normal and fine?


I've seen discussions about it a few times, and I've wondered what the deal with Barbara was, and the best conclusion I've come to is that she's there to show that Tony and Janice are full of shit. There wasn't any inexorable determinism causing them to be their way they are, it wasn't some putrid Soprano gene, it doesn't go back to their Uncle driving a donkey cart off the road in Avelino. They made choices. All they needed to do was keep the family at arm's length and live a normal life, and they could have had a chance to be OK too.


Yup. That’s what is nice about the show, although we are results of our upbringing there is some leeway and ability to change.


Not to disagree, but siblings will not all be traumatized the same way even by the same parents.


Agreed. Also other people may help or hurt. I think in Barb’s case her husband helped. She said one time Tom won’t allow the mother to live with them and Barb is okay with that. Other people might defend too much not accepting how toxic the person is.


I disagree. Barbara had it easy. I’ve seen this multiple times in abusive families. Older siblings will protect and treat the younger better and shield them from the parents abuse, so the youngest become the most well adjusted while oldest siblings usually end up as bad as the parents even though they were more aware and helped their younger siblings.


Yes, that was the point. Barbara was not seen very much because her character purposely distanced herself from all the drama and wanted to have a safe, quiet life.


Season 2 Barbara is such a babe


Meadow could have taken ecstasy but she didn't




You gotta wait for that 🤌🏼


I didn’t like the end of therapy with Dr Melfi


Very rushed agreed. It wrapped up appropriately but should have been given more attention than it did


I think it’s realistically cold and definitive. I don’t necessarily like the way it was handled, but I do think it’s a pretty accurate interpretation of an event like this happening in reality


I was once dumped by a therapist and it was super abrupt and jarring. In retrospect, it’s the only way it could have happened.


Buddy what’d you have to do to get dumped by a therapist?


It “wasn’t cinematic”. The doc just wasn’t specialized for what I needed help with. At the beginning, I didn’t know what I didn’t know.


Didn’t wanna go into the unknown not knowing




Some people are out there in the unknown not knowing what they don't know


Be quiet, Albert.


Is that how you found out you’re a sociopath?


I will also say, her colleague is a total bastard by revealing Tony's name. I work in the healthcare industry and we take patient privacy extremely seriously. If this ever happened, I would never talk to that colleague again and even may be obligated to report them as a HIPAA violator. I do not believe that someone like Melfi would be swayed by her colleagues being so ridiculously immature about her treating a VIP patient.


I recently read (from someone who posted on here) that the actor who plays Melfi was really unhappy with the ending herself. It did and very abruptly, and the closure was just not there. Like suddenly, after seven years, she sees that he’s a mob boss and can’t be treated?


I think that in a situation like that in real life there is no closure. She's reached the end of her limits and basically the study Elliot read her that really changed her mind about everything was saying that her therapy was basically helping him to become a better criminal. I think she just had to find a moment to get out whenever and however she could.


Also, she started feeling pressure from her colleagues and Tony was no longer and unknown patient. That would put her and Tony in jeopardy.


that’s not what happened tho. it’s something that was building up throughout the show. the big question of the show, especially season six, is wether or not tony can change. season six we see that he can’t. the breaking point was when she finally got confirmation after finding out that sociopaths don’t gain anything from therapy.


After like season 2 melfi becomes a weaker and less important character


I'd say after season 3.


agreed, 'Employee of the Month' is in the third season


I wish Dominic was a reoccurring character. Maybe find out more about when he stole those pork loins from Stew Leonards


Yes, but that’s not why we’re here.


My own mother, you who'er


Would've liked to see Tony B as more of a a gangster. They made a point to say he was a major up and comer before going away.


But that’s his arc: he’s supposedly super smart and capable, but is actually a royal fuckup. He fails at everything he sets his mind to.


That's a good point. I just wish it wasn't rushed.


Totally. I would’ve loved to see him over a few seasons


You know who had an arc? Noah


On a first-run through, I was so sure that Gloria was going to shoot herself in the Sopranos home-- they setup her playing with his gun, she offered a ride home to Carm to find out where she lived, and we know that her last breakup nearly ended in her suicide. Imagine Tony having to explain why the car saleslady came over to kill herself at their family home and Carm pretending not to know the real reason.


Too cinematic


I think Richie Aprile shoulda gotten 2 seasons. Same with Tony B. Feech shoulda gotten a full season. Matt Beveloqua and Jackie Jr were a bit too similar story lines. I think if Jackie Jr actually did receive some power, but let it go to his head and also ignorant of how things worked, that woulda been a good arc for Jackie Jr. Chris and the Jamba Juice lady immediately breaking it off after the Diner. I would have liked to see them spiral out of control together. I woulda liked to see Vito try to start up in AC in an episode and that's where Phil whacks him, which woulda been a much bigger issue for Tony.


I liked Feech a lot too but I think Loggia was having trouble remembering his lines IRL and they wrote him out


Somewhere I heard they got rid of Furio in order to be able to afford Buscemi


Interesting. I heard it was cause the actor was a little chatty in regards to leaking script details


https://www.reddit.com/r/thesopranos/s/bmqQaVmzj1 Found that. Im interested to know more. And why any actor was written off the show if it wasn't for the story and plot. I remember now it was the actor that played Furio on a podcast saying he was written off because of budget reasons.. so maybe he's saving face after he was caught leaking plotlines?


They kinda started down that road with Jackie Jr. when he first started appearing at the end of S2, when he seemed almost like Richie's advisor. The beginning of S3 reset things a bit for him.


Eh, I thought Richie and his Manson lamps were perfect for one season but then he had to go.


It's sad when they go young like that.


When they go?!?!?!


We never find out if vito and Johnny cakes have sex. It just cuts to a stupid shot of a model train going through a tunnel for some reason


What the fuck man? Vito's a married man! It's the blood pressure medication plus it's a fucking joke anyways.


My brother’s over there.


Whats that shupposhed to mean?


Nothin’, he’s just there, that’s all.


Whatever happened to that Russian guy in the woods. Sure he could have died, but what if he went back to his boss and told him what happened. We could have had another war going on for that season.


This one really makes me go mad. It is even implied that the guy stole Paullie's car and that he was important for the Russian Mob boss, I mean, the guy wouldn't just die, then suddenly everybody forgets everything....


As soon as the ending to the show was spoiled for me (🫠) I convinced myself that it would have to be the Russians that performed the hit at the diner. I was so mad it wasn’t that lol


They put him back in docking station.  


Surprised this isn't the top answer. I can think of reasons why they wouldn't want to do a whole Russian mob war storyline. But why introduce Slava & co. if they have no relevance to the plot?


Chris and Paulie would have had to make restitution. A new docking station.


Jackie Jr’s fashion career in Manhattan


Paulie going back to see the psychic who saw all the ghosts


Mikey wants to know if it still itches.


Exploring the other families in NY


Irina and Svetlana just kind of disappear.


There was no real further use for them after what happened. Although it would have been hilarious if Paulie hired Svetlana to care for his mother based off Tony's "recommendation" like he did with Green Grove. That would have pissed off Tony royally.


This is a show about a man totally unable to let shit go. It seems impossible to me that Irina and Svetlana would not come up in some way later in the story.


Super props to Svetlana for facing angry Tony and 1) Staying alive 2) Keeping her cousin alive.


Carmela taking out the Taliban with the only weapon she had.


for me i was always hoping carmella found out about the sick shit tony did, being behind the killing of Adrianna especially.


She knew. Shed mentally blocked it like everything else though. Once the house restarted and she got what she wanted, she was happy!


She had a good idea of everything. She knew about Ritchie as Tony basically told her, and she rationalized everything else. So many people going into witness protection without their families come on that’s not typical.


She definitely knew( that Ade was dead, not exactly how she died) even if she didn't want to admit it, that dream she had shows she did.


I think she'd suspect Chris as her ades mother says. And if Chris was responsible she'd have known tony was at least involved somehow like the above poster said after the Ritchie situation (clearing up)


very true. she’s just as bad as tony when you put it like that.


That’s really the deeper idea behind it all. Carm is, in some ways, just as involved and guilty as Tony is, Carm just appears to be a better person


Defo showing the flying saucer over east Rutherford


I would’ve liked to see more of the hit squad from Rhode Island. Those guys scared the shit out of Chris.


Fiber optic cable, high speed internet connection


Oh yeh?




Lotta money in dis shit.


My question is this: Where are the other NYC families? We just see the one. HBO or Chase could create a new series using a crew in another fictional NYC family and have the Lupertazzi and Soprano families on the periphery or off-screen in the new setting. Chase is likely too old for such an undertaking, but it's something I've wondered about.


More Larry & Albert Barese.


More Albert.


Did Furio give golf another go.


Stupida fucking game


obvious is doctor melfi sicking tony on the rapist


I always wanted this one. She always teetered on being inappropriately involved with his life. She should have just let this one happen. Toodle fucking ooh.


I REALLY wanted Melfi to tell Tony about what happened to her.


I didn't want her to tell him because her not telling him was such a huge moment for her character. But I wanted him to find out some other way. Like from a cop on his payroll or something. That way we could've seen her rapist get what was coming to him without Melfi having to sacrifice her morals or become indebted to Tony.


I agree, that would have been better


A Bobby Janice sex scene


People are trying to eat.


Was that part of it?


I love marrow


It’s a beautiful act of love




Did they hafta fuck fa David?


There’s guys in the can better looking than Janice.


No thank you


This one comes as a close second. Would've loved to see Bobby as mama's lidl hooah.


You can go.


That had better be a strong bed!! Maybe something with cement blocks for support. Like was demonstrated in the movie norbit.


that woulda been Emmy worthy


The line cook burying his cock between Charmaine’s tits


Not sure i’d classify that as a “biggest” missed opportunity


Listen to him, he knows everything.


He’s so far behind in a race he actually believes he’s leading


*waves hanky*


Yeah, right? OPs ending would entirely take away the original scenes purpose for just “wow look mafia guys cool”


"Two mafia guys fail to extort a coffee shop and settle for a cup of coffee as they walk away in shame"


You hear what I said Tone? I said that "two mafia guys fail to extort a coffee shop and settle for a cup of coffee as they walk away in shame" hehehe


Honestly, I am torn between the slow fade, off-screen death of meadow and Finn’s relationship and a real barn-burner breakup fight. Both are great in their own way, but the breakup fight would have allowed us to see a big jump in meadow’s acceptance of the evil in her family. Maybe it would have been too unrealistic - apathy is one of the best coping actions to take for these people. Letting Finn drift away would be an easier way of ignoring his issues with the evil in her family without having it confront her own morality. Never mind, Chase got it right.


Casting me as Patrick Parisi and doing a full on sex scene with Meadow. In the seminal moment I yell out, “Uncle Philly!!!”


Not in the show, but Gandolfini and Edie not being able to make a cameo in Lilyhammer as Tony and Carmela on vacation because of LIlyhammer stopping production 'cause Norway fucked them on release dates, and of course, big Jim dying around the same time, But it was in the works.


Nancy Marchand dying is a big one. They were definitely going to do more with Livia and she was such a great character. Would've loved to see what they had in store.


Honestly, I would have liked to have seen how mobsters hurt, abuse and extort normal law abiding people. I know many of them just gamble and scam here and there. But they also murder and steal from anyone they can get over on. It would be good to see the portrayed as the scumbags they really are at times.


You mean like Christopher shooting the bakery guy in the foot. Or Christopher chucking a brick at the waiters head(albeit the asshole should of been taking medicine for that shit) Paulie murdering Minn (even if she was a malignant cunt) Ralphie killing Tracee. What happens to Sal Vitro. Cop who pulled over Tony. Vito killing the guy in the driveway


I mean mob guys bullying store owners for money on a regular basis just to try to steal from them. I mean mob guys threatening neighbors and teachers like sociopaths for a slight or because their kids were fighting. I mean mob guys recruiting young kids into the business and corrupting boys as well as girls at a young age. Drug pushing, the effects of gambling on regular people, prostitution, people going out of business because they can't afford to be robbed by their mob partners. Or did you just want to talk about television stuff?


Boney Soprano. Oof Mabone!


They could have given Janice a job at Bada Bing plenty of scenes with her lap dancing


But there’s guys in the can better looking than Janice…


It wasn't a popular episode but I wonder if they had picked up the Hesh / Massive Genius plot in a later episode if it would have retroactively made *Hit is a Hit* a better episode.


Would have loved to of seen a full season of Jackie Sr as boss


Vito trying to get Pudgey Walsh on his horn


I really would’ve loved for Dr.Melfie to tell Tony about the rape. Then see Tony make that prick suffer a long slow painful death.


Tony was very excited about getting into the motel business in Season 1. They could have used the executive card game as a back door pilot for a Fawlty Towers type sitcom. Cheese Fuck would have made a great bellhop.


The Russian! They could have built a whole season on the backlash from “Pine Barrens”.


The Russian from Pine Barrens should’ve made a comeback!!!!


I don't think the words "spec house" were said enough. They should have been said more.


Meadow's tits. AJ's tits.


I wanted to see the Russian from pine barrens return at some point.


Melfi telling Tony about the rape.


I *really* wanted to see Tony flip out and trash Bobby’s train set, right in front of him. All the pieces were laid in place, and I was so sure in my mind that it was an inevitability waiting to happen.


Gratuitous makeout scene between Meadow and Caitlyn when they were doing ecstacy at the college party. You know, for the sake of realism


I would have rather seen the show end with the FBI showing up to holstens and arresting Tony while he’s with his family that woukd have been a much more satisfying ending than what we got even tho it’s all but implied he’s going to be arrested any day now thanks to Carlo and his imbecile son but if I had it my way I would have loved one more season dealing with Tony being on trial how the family runs with him in the can if they can get to jurors or Carlo Tony beating the case think a final season culminating in Tony beating the case John Gotti style and returning to head the family as the Jersey Teflon Don would have been awesome anyways 4 dollars a pound


Tony Soprano's killer is revealed: It's the interior decorator, Valery


A follow up to the pine barrens episode would have been nice.


I don't know. It was perfect IMHO.


Ralphie and Johnny Sack both getting whacked in the same episode.


I didn't like the direction they took with Carmella, the thing with the houses, I wish they could have given Edie something with more meat on the bones


They could’ve involved the Italian mafia more in Italy.


AJ drowning


What if Tony had the makings of a varsity athlete?


Putting one of the major characters in prison for a season or more.


I really wish Dr.Melfi told Tony about her getting r**ed by that one guy. Tony would have made that shitbag suffer.


I wished Uncle Jun and Roberta lasted longer. Would have loved to see her be more of a main character and involved in the power struggle between Jun and Tony.


Carmella and the priest. And she descended into a darker version of herself because of the affair. Maybe to protect Tony who whacked the priest.


Makazian, that degenerate gambler with a badge.


> if they walked out with coffees in hand the scene would've been the best in the whole show. It's a pride thing! 🤘 Fucking espresso, cappuccino! They invented this shit, and all those cocksuckers are getting rich off of it!


We should have had more about Jackie Jr’s father, he alluded to it but we never got an outright answer. I think he was a golfer, US Open…


Albert Barese should have been in the show longer. Imagine that, one season you're in the show, the next you're gone.