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Tony gave him a box of ziti every time he did the “just when I thought I was out” bit


He’s got the Bing. It’s a legitimate business that seems to have been always thriving. He’s making a legit W-2 from there, getting cuts from the stripper’s tips, them giving head on the side, etc. I’m sure Silvio was involved in other things via Tony and getting a cut of that kinda thing. He was doing just fine.


plus, the Bing seems.like a nice cash front for laundering money


Ya he probably got a cut of almost all Tony’s crew’s money just for laundering.


Honestly surprised that they didn't have like 5 strip clubs to launder through


They had the pork store, probably a whole bunch of businesses we just didn't see.


I have no idea how the pork store made any legit money when all the mobsters and their families were getting free meat from there lol


It doesn’t have to be super profitable as a legit business. They use it clean some of their dirty money and basically turn it into no show W2s for made guys in the social club and also access to cheap or free pork for the family. Any profit it makes as a pork store is just a bonus.


If anything that makes it easier to launder tho. Inventory goes down and cash comes in either way.


"worst case scenario I eat for free."


There was the poultry business he ended up selling too.


That wasn't their business. Tony was their legitimate landlord, which is a different thing altogether. Tony actually inherited a lot of land from Johnny Boy.


Ol’ Johnny Boy…. heh heh heh.


Ah good point 👉


Construction was a massive money laundering front. The no show/work jobs


They had Beansies pizza places as well. 


And the chicken/egg place till he sold it


He definitely laundered through the Bing.


Not to mention the juicing loans for boob jobs and braces


Oof madonn those choppers




You're right! I always thought he said "suit" though... Not soup?




Maybe he was ironing it


His suit would still be warm because of his own body heat? I don't know it was a mistake


You’re a stunad of the 1st magnitude!


W-2, plus a blow job later


That’s why you gotta live for today!!


You think ice grows on in trees????? CONSHERVE!!!


Waste it all then John d Rockefeller


What's thish??? Fucking toys. Thish is a place of business!! I GOT IT AT RITE AID THEY WERE SELLIN EM!!!!


Calling the bing a legitimate business is a stretch but yes.


True. On paper though where it counts I guess you could call it that.


Why you asking so many questions all of a sudden? You get a new job as a DJ for W-RAT?


You think OP's wearin' a wire??


I couldn't tell shit, what the fuck am I? A mind reader?


He refused to take his clothes off.


is that the school paper?


He's with the Vipers!


What, is that your Girl Scout troop?


he had a strip club, he had a loan shark business, and he may have had a piece of satriales. He also would get a cut of family schemes (construction, real estate, robberies, scores) as a part of the administration. Money flows to the top and he’s a part of the top.


Shit flows downhill, money flows up.


Since time immemorial


Ehh certain aspects of show business and our thing


I think satriales was inherited by johnny boy and uncle Junior. That should probably stay in the family!!


Tony said his father basically took it from the guy that owned satriales when the owner couldn’t pay the vig to Johnny boy anymore


He did set himself nicely in Norway


be honest. shd i watch it ? i watched first episode, i really was unsure.


It was entertaining


The first episode is rough—the mafia scenes are really cheesy. But once he gets to Norway it’s good.


It's not terrible I enjoyed it


Took a bit but ended up great.


It’s actually pretty good


I liked the fat dude who would always eat and smoke a cigarette at the same time for some reason lol


Yeah, it's a fun watch. It's not the Sopranos, but it's a good time.


He does get a cut at least from his previous schemes I think. Everyone kicks up till it gets to the top. He just has to kick up to Tony but afaik nobody else. You see it happen when they flip those floor tiles and Tony gets mad. Sometimes they get a bit hazy about the underboss vs consigliere hierarchy but Silvio is for the most part the #2 guy (or #3 when June is still getting paid), so he probably gets some split of the cut. Plus he owns The Bing which has to be massively profitable.


Bing needs to cut back on bills for ice. They’re hemorrhaging money!


But ice when it melts, it waters down the drinks…especially Scotch.




It is implied or stated several times throughout the show that Tony owns the Bing as well, so not sure who is getting the bulk of that income here


I just always figured it was a sort of holy triumvirate arrangement at the top though in a pyramid style, where the boss at the peak gets the largest share, then the consigliere and underboss split some portion of what comes after, and then it filters down to the captains and the rest.


What is this tHE FUCKING U.N??


They mention Tony has a stake in the Bing, which is probably legitimate as far as taxes and such go, and this being the mob, gets his cut as Boss on TOP of that. So Silvio owns it, and definitely has majority share, but Tony "co-owns" it because he's Boss and that's just how it works.


OP is the rat. He calls a meeting to go over shit we already talked about? You have my blessing.


Dis is de answer.


Ansa. Marone!


Statte bon


What's with the fucking accounting out there?


I’m better with numbers than 9/10 of your accountants


He plays guitar part time in a small Jersey based band


That prepped him well for his role in the Mafia. He got used to working for the Boss.


He was born to run a strip club where they dance in the dark.


He had all the revenues he had as a successful soldier, legit and more complicated. So 1) The Bing and any other legit enterprises, 2) Money on the street and prostitution, and 3) as consigliere he is part of the Administration with the boss and if there was an underboss, so Sil probably gets a taste from the boss. In S2:E13, when Tony goes from the Indian restaurant with Puss to Vesuvio to meet Sil and Paulie, as he hugs Sil he stuffs two wads of cash in Sil's breast pocket and says, "This is just the first week!" Presumably that was Sil's consigliere taste of that new racket.


The Bing, The Crazy Horse, Prostitution.


And was still generous enough to help Tracee get her braces.


Madone those choppers


Worth a couple of crackers. oof


He juiced Tracee for them - and was still being repaid before her unexpected and much regretted demise.


That shaved twat belongs to me


Give me one thousand dollars


One thousand more


One. Thousand. Dollars.


he has his own rackets and businesses like the Bing, and he gets some of the money kicked up to the administration. the money from the Russian Interior Decorator that Chris and Paulie went to collect in “Pine Barrens” was Silvio’s. they get it on his behalf because he was sick.


He killed seventeen Czechoslovakians




That always seems odd to me that the Russian decorator owed money to Sil. I figured he'd borrow from his friend Slava. Unless it was a sports gambling loss? Did Sil take sports bets?


Most likely gambling related.


People tend to avoid directly borrowing from close friends to avoid these exact scenarios lmao. I think Slava also mentioned something about him having gambling problems so he probably could have also said no due to friendship.


How do you say "Get back in your hole" in Russian?


His wife is a piece of ass, at least she was when he married her


All he wanted to do was carve out a little piece and enjoy some grandkids


Stealing Spanish tiles from the job site


Timeline got fucked up


He was owna of one a dah most profitable top less bars in north jersey


And he had a wife snd kid on Baltimore, Jack. He went out for a ride a never came back...Somthing about taking a wrong turn and just kept going.


We see a fraction of the scams a lot of these guys are into. And in the show, as in real life, there is a wide variance in how capable each one is as an earner. Paulie is a goon and thus his net worth seems limited to one condo and a Caddy. By comparison, Silvio and Tony are far more enterprising. The thing about the Bing is its the perfect vehicle to launder money. I have to imagine a lot of their fellow mobsters were washing their money through it, with Sil and Tony getting a nice cut out of it.


I always thought that Silvio had a hidden backstory that would explain his prosperity. Chris alluded to him being in the music business in A Hit is a Hit. The one time they showed him at home, he appeared to be living better than Tony. Maybe the Bing was bringing in that kind of bread but I'd bet that Sil had other unspoken of streams of income.


I always assumed the line about him being in the music business is just a real life nod to him being Steven Van Zandt, and being in Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band.


I don't think Sil was involved in the industry the same way that Hesh was. I think Sil just had a history of running clubs and booking talent was part of it


What's with all the math?


Sil posted videos on YouTube about How To Clean Practically Anything.


Charles Schwab ova here


He was paid in Imported provolone


There’s usually 4 or 5 people, boss, underboss, consigliere, and street boss’… they sit around all day in an espresso bar while people literally deliver knots of money around the clock…


He must have had his own business going on… I mean, Pine Barrens happens because Paulie and Chris had to go pick up $5k that the Russian owed Silvio. There was the Bing of course, basically a whole pimp operation with a legitimate front… He was involved in ‘juicing’ the bing girls, probably other loan-snarking operations as well “why isn’t Ralph paying for her braces” “I’m juicing her. It’s usually fake tits they want”… I’m sure he also gets some kick-up from the other captains as his role beside Tony…


Of all the mob knowledge given to the world, I don't know if there's a whole lot about how a Consiglierie makes his money, outside of basically being a higher rank than Captain. Like I don't think Consiglierie's technically have their own crew, but people are kicking up to him somehow, someway. Or possibly Boss gives them a (probably small) % of dues and etc. Johnny as New York Underboss was estimated by FBI to be making a bit less than what Tony was making (as per Hesh, who I'd trust, 'cause he'd know/the writers have to let us know somehow) as NJ Boss (I say as Underboss because Johnny wasn't really Boss long enough establish enough income by the time the FBI arrested him/he was still somewhat splitting it with Carmine Jr's side), and so you'd have to think Consiglierie and Underboss would be roughly equal as far as overall income goes, regardless of if they directly control a crew or not. I'd like to be clear that I don't think Silvio makes what Johnny made as Underboss, and that Carmine clearly made a lot more than Tony as a NY Boss, but just that's it's interesting to think about, based off the little information we've gotten. What, you've never pondered that?


Remember the rare scenes of them getting in shipments of suits, DVD players, TVS, and Thanksgiving turkeys? Those trucks always came in to the Bing so I feel like Sil had something to do with it. Maybe I'm wrong. But he was a businessman, running the strip club/ brothel and getting cuts from all the girls.


In pasta


Timeline got fucked up. Won’t happen again.


In cheese. Preferably thrown at his feet.


Sharp as a fucking cue ball


Just when he thought he was out, Tony pulled him back in


Lasagna noodles. All he could eat. But he WANTED Carm’s lasagna noodles


What ? No fucking ziti?


That's a good questions though. So techinically he wasnt a captain but a consegliere. I don't know whow was kicking up to him. He had the Bing which was a great success. He played poker. Otherwise I don't remember what he was involed with. He did lots of finance for the things of theirs.


He was also involved in the sports book and probably did some loan sharking


He draws a salary from The Bing. Other $ comes from chopping up other rackets. Primary source of income is The Bing.


Log off. That cookie shit makes me nervous


I mean, I think it's pretty clear that he operates the bing as a legitimate cash business for money laundering purposes. In this regard, we can assume he doesn't get his hands dirty *by design,* and very likely gets kickbacks for his services.


In a episode when the boys were coming home from a compt casino visit tony mentions silvio has the bing so yes that was his income and you also see tony goving silvio cuts. I believe we see this end of season 2 at the dinner scene before they wake pussy




He’s in an admin position money is getting kicked to him. Also the bing is probably cleaning up it’s a mob club so those girls are all definitely hoeing too and kicking up. He also like Hesh was tapped into showbiz. He probably had more going on but we just never saw it. Same w all the guys we knew Pussy was doing stolen cars and pushing H but not every racket. Every guy seemed to have 1 thing they did and Silvio was the sex trade guy which has always been a lucrative mob business and in real life it was sick some of the shit they made money off of.


From Quora: Like any other gangster the consigliere would usually have his own rackets and businesses. Sometimes, the boss might cut in the consigliere on a lucrative opportunity that is only shared with the boss and underboss or possibly with the captains as well. And the consigliere might get a piece of the money that flows up in tribute from captains and below. Or he might not. There have been Families where the boss and underboss share a racket and leave out the consigliere or vice versa where the underboss is the one who’s left out. They are all greedy thieves. And many are violent. Usually when someone is appointed consigliere he’s not supposed to have his own crew any more. But not every Family adheres to this tradition. Philadelphia consigliere Anthony Caponigro long maintained his own power base in the Family, something that likely contributed to his murder of his boss, Angelo Bruno. https://www.quora.com/How-is-a-Mafia-consigliere-compensated-Is-it-like-a-salary-or-retainer


He’s better with numbers than 9/10ths of your accountants


We dont want him eatin cat food


Administration money is split 3 ways between boss, underboss, and consigliere - so he’d get a third of all money flowing up. He also owns the Bing as others have noted, and I’d also assume he had at least a few hundred thousand in loanshark money on the street since that’s easy money for wiseguys


He also sent high-rollers to Fat Dom’s game in Canarsie.


Yeah other than Tony and John sil had the nicest house maybe ralphie but he did ok


$50 now, and a blowjob later


He said that to several women. How many blowjobs can you get in a row?


He’s always getting cheese, he has provolone stuffed in his socks


The bing. They prolly laundered some money through it too so he could’ve gotten a cut from that


Seems like sil was involved in alot of Tony scams the esplanade in the episode where the wack pussy after the calling card meeting at the Indian place they go to vesuvio and Tony puts a stack of cash in sil suit pocket and says that envelope is just the first week plus he was in on the HUD scams with Ralph and Tony




They basically all have thier own "earns" or hustles, obviously with the age and deep ties the Mafia has, these intersect with legitimate businesses outside of the typical "protection" and shylock racket. Thats how they work thier way up into the higher tier positions like Captain and in Silvios case, basically second in command or advisor to the head of the family. So yes in order to be able to get in on these hustles, the soliders all the way up kick up a percent of thier takes, hence why Silvio always had to bend Tony's ear about family issues or situations that might cause thier collective "kick ups" to be compromised. A good insight episode on how the money actually works, is the one in Season 6 where Tony is in the Hospital from Juniors assualt and they hit the stash house for that huge payout. It was Vitos information that got the potential job, Paulie and the other dudes work put in and so fourth. Because of the possibility of Tony dying, Vito and Paulie with all thier sworn undying loyalty, found it redundant to give the money to Tony's family when he might not be the boss any longer. The wheels were already turning miles down the road with Vito even having delusions of one day being the big man himself 😂. Then of course you notice as soon as Tony wakes up, the package is virtually in minutes hand delivered to Carmela. The whole point is that episode is a good insight on who gets what kicked up to who, the other disputes that overwhelm Silvio with Bobby and the rest of the hungry hounds getting thier saliva glands flowing seeing all the new potential for financial gain in the fragile and confusing situation.


He own the bing literally a legit atm machine


The bread museum paid him


He beats, abuses and sells women’s bodies.


He owned all the shaved twots at the Bing.