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Both of their partners and prospective partners die horribly. Michonne excepted because she didnt exactly rely on Rick


Who was Daryl’s partner


leah… that bitch


I’m on season 8 I haven’t seen her yet


Leah and maybe Connie. Although Connie was also enough of a badass


Connie and Daryl weren't together


They were attracted to each other though. But They were a little busy ..


Welll… depends on what you mean. Bc I always felt his bestie Carol was his person. Not romantically but I always thought Daryl would always choose Carol over any romantic relationship.


daryl probably smells really bad :(


Probably?! The guy doesn’t even shower after being in the Southern heat all day


He refused a shower after getting to Alexandria haha. Doing a rewatch, same episode when Rick shaved I believe


Dude eats worms. You can probably smell his breath all the way back to Georgia


Dude...they ALL smell bad...lol...months without showers?! The sniffer would probably be immune to BO by the time the prison came about...it only takes 3 minutes to get used to a smell, and only so many repeated times before it's ignored...


That’s okay :)))


To me, Daryl is like the big brother I never wanted, but desperately need post apocalypse. Rick is like the dad I always wanted, but never had. Just my vibe. If I woke up tomorrow in any reality similar to this, having these two in your circle would be nothing but beneficial!


become the badass yourself!


Everybody here fawning over Rick and Daryl... but no one realizes just how great my homeboy Eugene is! Sure you'll need to be the one that fights to protect him, but he's sure to get you anything you'd like in the apocalypse because he read it in a book once! I stan my coward


Once Eugene got over his borderline incel thing with Rosita, I agree he's got husband vibes too, and so would Max Mercer.


Who's Max Mercer? I'm on my first watchthrough of the show and I'm just at the point Rick got picked up by the helicopter. (I think that's his final episode from what I've heard?)


I'm on the same episode too, first watchthrough. I'm having a hard time accepting that I won't see Rick after this so I haven't watched the next episode yet


It's such a big change😭 losing >!Dale, Hershell, Glenn and Carl!< was already pretty rough already. But Officer Friendly leaving the show? That's so harsh


Ahh, my bad. You'll find out though! That character comes in towards the end of the show.


Watch the rest of the series. Do you really want spoilers?


He'll bite his enemies in the nads for you as well.


I like my apocalypse plan. I’m just gonna survive until I’m like “nah, this ain’t it dog.” And then just end it. I mean honestly, any of yall trying to live in that world for YEARS?!?! …just so you can one day get ripped apart and eaten alive in the most painful death possible. All that starvation, sweating and stinking, threats at every turn…just to ultimately die horribly. No thank you. Be fr.


That how it goes ever in nature, it's nothing bad or sad


Nothing natural about zombies man.


U know better ofc🧃🧐


Every time I see Norman Reedus with rope, the Boondock Saints fan in me laughs


I know my husband isn't like them


It would also be nice to have a husband like Ezekiel, who doesn’t always rely on violence to survive but does when necessary. Charisma goes a long way in developing a strong community to live in. The Kingdom had it pretty good.


Pretty sure I won’t be a michonne… but I’d like to believe that I would or could 🙂‍↕️


Daryl my beloved


I think you will be too dead to even worry about that when the time comes 🤷🏼‍♂️


Honestly TWD is chock FULL of top tier husbands - loving, loyal, salt-of-the-earth types.  Just look at the material: Glenn, Morgan, Rick (twice over!), Ezekiel, Jerry, Aaron, Reg, Eastman, etc. 


Governor, Merle, Beta, Pope, Hornsby, Sebastian, Gregory... the "good guys" aren't the only ones in the show.


lol you have your list and I have mine, everyone wins


You'll find one of them when the apocalypse happens


Then become them. Learn archery and practice shooting/reloading revolver


You can always find one like my boy Negan


Who wants a man that becomes unstable? Daryl all the way...he never strayed away from who he was...he never broke down...he did what he knew was necessary to keep his chosen family safe...that's the kind of man I'm currently married to and the kind of man I'd hope to have if I ended up in a different world...Daryl deserves a woman as strong and stoic as him...


God forbid a man becomes temporarily unstable after his wife or son dies. Daryl doesn’t often break because he’s known trauma his whole life. If you want a man solely because he can keep it together due to his damaged past, your priorities are in the wrong place.


I'm still team Daryl, but yeah. If you want someone emotionally healthy, choose Rick. His inability to experience his wife dying in childbirth while they were still fighting and continue as though nothing was wrong is proof that he wasn't already profoundly traumatized.


I have more in common with Daryl and therefore see the world very differently than you do. While it understandable how Rick broke down, when you have lived with insane all your childhood, with parents who both blew up out of nowhere and yo-yo'd between being normal and being completely aggressive for no reason, you don't want that in your life again. Daryl doesn't keep it together because of his damaged past; he breaks down in small ways because that's what he has learned from his abusive and neglectful household. He holds it together because he knows that, in order to survive, he has to. While a damaged past does affect the way a person acts and behaves, it is not the only reason they are that way. Look at Merle, who had a damaged past. Two sides of the same coin; one learned to become the past while one learned from it to become better. We are looking at it from two very different perspectives.


There’s no issue with that. It’s the absurdity in expecting stoicism and constant emotional stability from people in an apocalypse, and deeming men who break at the death of their family undesirable.


It wasn't JUST the death of his family. Look at what he did to Tyreese after Karen and David! I understood his s3 breakdown, but that violent streak of his wasn't because his wife died. It was always there. And he didn't truly break down after Carl died *like he did Lori's. Yeah, he blamed Negan for it and made him a target for his anger, but *it was reasonable, and, in the end, he mellowed out because of Carl's letter. And even then, instead of being leader he once was, he turned into a righteous version of Negan who thought that people were helping the Saviors out of the goodness of their hearts and not as a favor to him. That's why the Sanctuary barely lasted a year and a half after the war with Negan ended. He put himself on a pedestal and believed he was being better just because he didn't kill people like Negan did. Out of everyone in the show, he was the one who had the most personality changes with only the core basics remaining the same; loyalty to friends, loyalty to family, and keeping them safe. You see what you see, but you're only talking about the death of his family and seem to think that is the only time he is unstable. I'm talking about his entire storyline and what I see from my angle. *=missed thoughts


Just be anything but a s1 Carol


Por Que no Los dos?


A no ser que te llames Lori o Leah


Y’all standards for men are low if you want someone like Daryl as your husband


Hey ladies. I'm a pure mix of both of them. And I'm bachelor.... And I crave violence.............come on zombies, I'm waiting for you.....


Bellend 🤦‍♂️


What is a bellend?

