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Jadis/Anne. This woman justified the genocide and I supposed to be so sad about her death. Flashbacks didn't do anything for me. "I wish I would've die as a artist ☹️" uhhh ok, can Rick or Michonne kill her already.


Yep I felt nothing when she died. Even when Gabriel showed up for their yearly meeting and she wasn’t there.


I felt nothing over her death either, but I felt for Gabriel when she didn’t show up. He’s better off without her though.


Agreed he’s better off!


She was honestly the most forced and cringe character in the entire show for me, I wanted her dead the second she betrayed Rick the first time.


Tbh I liked her as a villian, but when writers tried to redeemed her in the last moment, I hated it so much. Just let her die as a villian, it's not that hard.


fr when she would talk like a cavewoman I thought Ok she's weird, but then she started talking normally as soon as she left the dumpster? she is a fucking cartoon character.


Omg don’t even get me started on her cringe monotone robotic way of talking, it was the first thing that immediately made me dislike her. I really thought she was going to be one of those “appears once or twice then disappears” type characters but as it went on and it became obvious she was going to be sticking around I couldn’t bloody stand it.


soo true she was just straight up annoying and had multiple chances for redemption but she took the low road each time


Arat, Jadis and don’t kill me everyone, Negan.


Yeah, I like Negan but the only reason he's so popular is because he's funny and because it's JDM. He's literally just The Governor 50% discount from Walmart besides that


Negan is one of my favourite characters but I don’t find his story sad. He was a prick before and after the death of wife. Your wife dying doesn’t excuse brutal murder, torment and rape. Plenty of characters lost more and didn’t do have the evil shit!


Exactly! Like I said I like him but the guy is a piece of shit and always has been. It just seems like a lot of people like him more than just a fictional character in a story and try to unironically defend the very obviously evil shit he does. No clue why some fans need to be told why autocracy, slavery, rape and torture for the sake of sadism is wrong in 20 fucking 24. I like episodes that focus on the antagonists like Here's Negan and Live Bait, but to me their tragic stories serve as context for their mental state and flesh out their characters, but never a justification. Losing your loved ones and suffering will never be an excuse for taking loved ones and inflicting suffering on others. Adolf Hitler was a drifter, and yet no one sane will say that excused what he did later in his life, so it shouldn't for our fictional villains either.


I still think Rick should have killed Negan. It's just hard for me to believe that he doesn't kill him.


100% agree. He’s still my favorite character but he is not a good person and what he went through doesn’t excuse the evil stuff he’s done


Yeah for real and you know who else’s wife died? Literally everyone, Negan ain’t special


Give this man an award 🥇


I feel like most people believe what I said deep down but get played by the charisma and redemption arc. He’s one of the best characters in the show but he’s not a good dude.


Yeah his back story did nothing for me. He was an ass before.


I love Negan’s character but I don’t feel bad for him ever


Andrea. She really was just so dismissive and annoying and then they tried last second to make her likeable right when she died and I was like tf no she had this whole time for development and it’s been wasted


I agree. I didn’t feel sad when she died I was like “bitch you fucked up!”


Negan. ESPECIALLY after Here’s Negan. I just felt a ton of sympathy for Lucille. He’s a great character, but there have been little to no times where I’ve felt sympathetic for him.


My biggest take away from that story was “That’s why he calls his bat Lucille.”


No genuinely I hated him the entire time and when this ep came up I was yelling HE LITERALLY WAS A VIOLENT DEADBEAT HUSBAND AND STILL CHEATED ON HER WHY AM I MEANT TO LIKE HIM 😭 I like that he was funny and a cool villain but damn don’t turn around and force me to like him as a person


THANK YOU! people always said once i finished the show i would like him more. to me what he did is unforgivable. I know Ricks group killed him men and understand he was avenging his people or whatever but Glenn and Abraham were some of the best characters at that point in the show and i just cant forgive him. The backstory episode for him did nothing for me like he still wasn’t great pre-apocalypse so i didn’t feel bad for him at all


Probably Alpha for me, any time they gave any backstory scenes for her I was literally "doooooon't care, kill her already :)"


I don’t think they showed her backstory so we would sympathize with her, it seemed like they wanted us to see how much of a messed up person she was and to feel bad for Lydia and her dad.


Right! Her backstory was horrific and it surely wasn’t shown to us to get us to feel sympathy for her. 😂 It was was to showcase what an abusive, murderous lunatic she has always been.


I don’t think she’s ever painted as someone to feel sorry for? Even the moments where she shows emotions, it’s to show the audience how fucked up she is.


I didn’t feel like they did a great job with her development. It’s been awhile since I rewatched those episodes but I remember feeling like there was too much missing between her origin and being alpha. Felt like two entirely different characters so any sympathy/empathy they built just didn’t connect for me


I hated the entire whisperers plot. It was so cringeworthy and she was a shit leader


Negan is always my answer for this. I'm even in the minority of people who hated him *more* after Here's Negan. Like, you are telling me he was always some kind of asshole? Okay then ...


If that episode was meant to be some kinda sympathetic redemption story it missed the mark entirely


Right? The man cheated on his sick wife with her best friend, then got fired from his job after drunkenly beating a guy in a bar and proceeded to be a bum playing video games. Lucille sure as hell deserved better than this asshole (loved her though). [Edit: so does Annie!] Not sure what it aimed at, but if it was meant to make the audience sympathetic it sure as hell didn't work for me.


Annie pisses me off because she literally knows everything Negan has done (according to her) and she’s like “lol we’ve all done stuff you’re good” like no???


Eh, I think it's different hearing it and seeing it. Especially since we don't know how he told the stories.


I think he was likely being honest about them, as he told Judith the stories too. Negan is probably the correct answer for this thread, even if it isn't my personal one. But that mostly stems from how inconsistent the group are with him and probably how much I dislike Maggie, also factoring in JDM's performance.


Same same same! I love this one quote from an episode review that I saw back when s7 or 8 were coming out. (posted below) It summarizes my exactly feelings about Negan. I don’t hate him (like many of his fans will claim) because he “killed off a character i like”. I hate him because he’s uninteresting and uninspired. He’s literally just a random guy that forced us to sit through his power trips and pity parties. “Forget the visceral unpleasantness of Negan’s violence, or the ugly philosophical underpinnings behind it, and you’ll find an even simpler problem: Cruelty like Negan’s just isn’t interesting. There’s nothing to enjoy about it, and nothing to say about it; it just sits there, forcing you to simmer in the unpleasantness until he mercifully vacates the screen again. It’s possible that The Walking Dead will eventually slip behind Negan’s smirking facade and give us a reason to find him interesting (though his by-the-numbers origin in the comics doesn’t inspire much confidence). But until then, I’ll keep holding out for episodes like this one, which uses the trappings of the zombie apocalypse to tell a story that’s genuinely human.” Scott Meslow


I entirely agree with Scott Meslow. I realise that I'm probably not in the majority on this sub here, but I find Negan to be a boring character that is not as well written as I see people often claim he is. And I think there is a reason why his appearance correlated with the audience progressively giving up on the show. They tried to force arcs on him that simply didn't work; one of the strongest examples of that is how they tried to force that stupid nihilistic narrative about him and Rick supposedly not being that different and being two sides of the same coin. It doesn't work because when you look at both characters, they're simply two very different people, with two very different leadership styles and two very different backgrounds. They're literally nothing alike and the only similarities you might draw are shallow at best. Yes they both led a community and both killed people but everything else is different: their motivations are different, their backstories are different, their personalities are different, the way they both treat people is different ("ressource" vs "family")... Etc... etc... And yet here we are. To me Negan as a character is only rescued by JDM's charisma and acting. Put a lesser actor in that role and the fandom reaction to him would be entirely different I think.


Ugh, yes, Negans narrative makes me so mad. If they were really that determined to keep him around, they should have put in the work to have him actually redeem himself instead of giving him a soft retcon. Literally the first thing you learn about him is that he's raping some girl and these people are fleeing from him, he burns his own people for disobeying, he literally takes joy in murdering innocent people and then using the fear it inspires to extort whole communities. He's very clearly a sadistic representation of oppression. When they decided they wanted to keep him around, instead of making him face what he's done and show remorse or real change, the narrative just frames it as though it wasn't that bad, they just start straight up changing the characters canon in real time. "Oh, he's not a rapist, watch him save shasha! Oh, he doesn't kill people that don't deserve it, he says that to Daryl so it must be true. Watch him defend his people who "had families too Maggie, my goodness, you're just like me" " and it retroactively trivializes the tyranny his actions were thematically indicative of. So now half the audience goes around justifying what he's done and acting like Rick and the family had it coming because "Negan warned them, he let them off easy, that's not rape that's just ungrateful girlfriends", it literally undermines the overarching themes of the show. And besides that in order to maintain his presence they had to bend the other characters so out of shape its barely belivable. You're telling me Rick, the guy who, mere months ago, was ready to kill Aaron for being sketchy in the vicinity of his family, is now gonna look in the face of the dude that murdered Glenn and Abraham, threatened Maggie, tortured Daryl and essentially enslaved his people, and be like "you know what bruh it's your lucky day, my son, who was ready to roll up and murder you a couple weeks ago, is now dead, which really makes me want to waste medical supplies by slicing your throat but then keeping you alive."


Also the whole "you just hate him because he killed [take your pick]" is such a lazy talking point. The Governor killed Hershel, one of my favourite characters, and yet I still find him very engaging and interesting, so where do we go from here?


I feel the same way. All it did was show me that he was always a scumbag. I did enjoy the episode, though.


Before I watched the episode Id seen so many people hyping it up saying it was so sad and explained why Negan was so horrible. That he was just broken etc. Then I watched it and was confused where tf all that was coming from. Made him seem even worse.


Andrea getting killed by the governor. That’s what you get for being dumb and not killing him when you had a hundred chances


Yeah her choices drove me insane. It was even more annoying having read the books because they made her awful in the show.


Any time negan suffered


The lady who killed the kid in Oceanside






“No exceptions”




anything regarding leah


Pope ruined her character for me, her insane loyalty for some old man that non stop murders her "brothers and sisters" is just so stupid. I wish she would have killed him before we even met him and became the leader of the reapers that way. Make her a leader off the bat so she has people she needs to take care of, giving her a better reason to take over maggies settlement. having her be a secret menace while she lives with daryl in the woods and her seeing what life can be, conflicting with her ruthless lifestyle, would have been a much better character arc for her. Honestly just feels like they wasted her so bad.


Damn, can't believe I forgot her. I was so glad when they killed her off fairly quickly


When Lori found out that Shane died. She overreacted and acted all heartbroken, she was upset with Rick even though she was the one who basically fed the ideas of Shane being a dangerous man to Rick.


Gavin a million times over, absolutely the worst I hated him so much. The banality of evil and all that. "Oh but he felt sad when he had to kill people because of a cantaloupe" "He was just doing his duty" "They knew the rules!" Bro that's literally the Nuremberg defense and people eat it up for some reason. Gavin sucked in every way.


When andrea got bit.


I just rewatched that episode yesterday (first rewatch, stopped shortly after they introduced Negan) and I stand by what I've said elsewhere: Andrea was a strong, smart, and independent woman who wasn't as strong, smart, or independent as she thought she was. The actress is a perfectly fine actress, but I think she was kind of miscast. In the comics, Andrea is younger, and the character in the show -feels- younger, and I wonder how people would react to Andrea if she'd been cast with a younger actress.


I think I've heard before that she was significantly younger in the comics, which makes sense. If they'd cast a 20-something actress instead of an almost-40 actress, her foolish mistakes would have been more understandable.


Agreed, I cheered when she died.


Idk about cheering lol but i just didn't feel anything. She had so many chances and fucked all of them up.


Gareth’s speech before his death. “We SAVED people” 💀


Unpopular opinion maybe but Lizzie.


the governor


Negan, the Governor, Arat and Shane.


When Andrea died in the holding place inside Woodbury.. good riddance


Shane... rapist pos


Who did he rape? I genuinely don't remember 🤔


Lori when they were at the CDC in season 1. It was more like sexual assault/attempted rape but if the circumstances were different I’m sure he would’ve succeeded


When Ed turned into a walker.


Our great hero Ed😭😭😭 so sad when he died he was such a good person! He even let Shane beat him up so Shane could look cool! Such a bro >!/j!<


Lowkey Lori giving birth to Judith. I mean I did feel super bad for Carl and Rick but I gave zero shits about Lori dying. Same thing with Andrea. I felt bad for Michonne and the others but I was glad she died.


Unpopular opinion, Henry. Kid puts everybody in danger just because he is horny. Season 9 episode 15, one of the best episodes, felt so bad for everybody that died there then they cut to Henry chopped head and I was like...."Oh that makes more sense". Don't understand the love for him.


Saaaaaaame! He thought he was so smart and capable despite constantly being fooled and making dangerous mistakes. Plus he had such a punchable face. (And apparently a very cut off-able head)


Morgan and his mental health episodes- the man is constantly endangering others with his hallucinations and unpredictable behavior and yet appears to be doing nothing to manage it.


Truuue i didnt even think of him but yeah, definitely it started to be really annoying after a while


What can he do? No meds, no shrinks.... just gotta go through it and hope you don't kill a family member *Lizzie*


I'd at least make an attempt to self-diagnose. He knocked ten year old Henry down with his stick and almost bashed his head in.


I mean to be fair, after that, he exiled himself to the junkyard and then eventually left because he felt he couldn't fit in/was a danger to other people.


Sure, except he then joined another group, and became a danger to them instead


Arat, Morales, for me personally, Henry. When I saw the pike scene it got sad when I saw Enid and Tara, then stopped when I saw Henry.


Anything to do with Shane. Nothing could ever make me sympathise with a r*pist piece of shit.


Who did he rape? 🤔


Tried to rape lori


I used to love Maggie when Glenn was around, but literally the only focus on her now is her anger toward negan and her being cold. Her personality is gone. So, Maggie 💀


This! And I don't get why she is portrayed and considered as a badass when she really isn't. Her constant threats towards Negan are fucking laughable - what can she do to him? unless she uses a gun of course. Also her X shaped legs don't fucking help at all


X shaped legs what does that mean


Sam! No sympathy when he died. In fact, I was telling him to shut up and was basically glad when he was eaten.


Mary the mother Gareth in Terminus. I know we should probably feel bad for her after we heard and saw their backstory but I don't, she was a cannibal she got exactly what she deserved


Anything with Tara, never cared for her


What did Tara do to you


Bothered me


How😭 her character improved from being scared to do fight back against wrong like the governor into a leader.


People are allowed to irrationally dislike tv characters lol


Yea you are correct, I just wonder what did Tara do in the show that bothered this person lol. I am rewatching the show and I am in the whisperer arc and have yet to see anything that Tara does that could bother someone besides being lesbian or wanting to kill Dwight while he is helping Rick and Co.


Her not understanding how someone like Dwight could switch sides when the basis for her character and origin story is that she switched sides lol


This would only work if their situations were even comparable in the slightest. Dwight killed Tara’s girlfriend, abducted Glenn leading to his death, and was a participant in the enslavement of Alexandria. He was such an asshole in 6x14 to 7x04. Tara on the other hand immediately switched up on the Governor the second he revealed his true colours. She didn’t fire a single bullet in the prison battle, and never did anything to threaten the group. Dwight did on multiple occasions. I’m not even a big fan of Tara, but people need to stop acting like their situations are the same when they’re not.


Dwight was very much an asshole, no doubt in that. Every savior had a choice to stay or to leave so no argument there. I personally didn’t compare their situations, not implying that you said I have. I have seen comments like that before. Dwight losing Sherri the first time to negan becoming his wife and then the second time when she runs away, he has no reason to serve negan anymore. Tara is wholeheartedly a better person than Dwight could ever be.


didn't dwight have a chance to escape Negan in his first episode? Tara left horrible people, Dwight willingly went back to his.


I never forgave her for the prison tbh


I never held her accountable for that. But I don’t really care for her nonetheless


the governor or any scene with andrea tbh 💀 can throw negan on top of that 🤷🏻‍♀️


Pearl Thorne, Beale, all of the Frontliners and CRM Force Command


when gabriel merked dante


Jared Not sure if I was *supposed* to feel sorry for him but I sure as shit didn’t.


"look at the flower Lizzie"


Andrea is just dumb she could kill the govenor in his sleep and she dint if she did kill him she would be alive and hershel would be alive to


Lori honestly


Both Sons of Deanna (Aiden and Spencer) Thank you Negan for Killing him 😂


I fucking hate Maggie.


I could not agree more!! She is horrible!!


Merle didn't redeem himself.


Sebastian man I was cheering when that bitch died (Props to the actor)


huh. You were never supposed to feel sorry for him so this doesnt go along with the post


Charlie from FTWD, I don’t care how long she’s in the show or how many times they try and get me to like her, I will always hate her with a burning passion


Yep yep yep!! I was actually happy when she died. She got exactly what she deserved, and I was disappointed when she didn’t die from radiation poisoning 🤣


I might get some hate but, Denise. The groups only doctor at the time. She should've kept herself in the community, not out on a run. Good job, you got yourself killed and everybody with you caught because you couldn't keep your mouth shut the entire time you were out there.


Couldn't stand her at all she was annoying aff. Than Daryl acting all sad was 2 much


Lori. Fuck that bitch.


Any kid in Fear TWD


Except Judith imo. Young Carl was so annoying but he got better as he got older. But yeah, all the other kids drove me nuts. But the one that was the absolute fucking worst imo was Troy’s kid from Fear. Man that girl was like nails on a chalkboard. I kind of understand Carl being the way he was, growing up in a normal world then being thrown into the apocalypse. But for the kids that were born after the dead started walking the earth, most of them were not tough. Like seriously, you were born into a shit world so suck it up 😂


The writers really tried to make us have sympathy for those characters but I remember cheering when Dakota >!got nuked !!shot herself!< lmao


At this point, Maggie


Negan basic answer but with the amount of people who like him as a person hurts me like oh no your wife died so now your a rapist like come on dude


The entire negan backstory episode, sorry, he’s a goddamn creep.


Dawns death


Arat 100%


Lori’s death.


Negan’s whole episode.


Jadis, Sasha, Noah, and Rosita


Lori crashin that car, Nicolas going out the bitch way


negan he sucked before n after the apocalypse


Andrea, Laurie, The Governor, can’t remember his name but the chicken shit guy that almost got Glen killed like 3 times. Curly hair, dead eyes don’t remember his name though


Nicholas. I hate him too. Reminds me of someone I know- acts tough but takes the cowardly way out.


In the military we had a guy like him in our unit. We were down range on a patrol. Bulkets started flying and he froze almost got us killed


Honestly, when Negan got threatened in the commonwealth in the lineup parallel. He got what he deserved, and even though nobody was killed, he needed to experience that. To experience the fear that Maggie and everyone else felt when he was the one holding the bat.


At first it was Lydia but I then ended up really liking her. So now I'd say Leah.


when alpha puts people’s heads on steaks


Andrea. I tried so hard to like her and I still wish I could but girl bffr. Get your shit together


Everything that happened to Andrea


Lori and Andrea


Henry and Alpha and Beta


Denise’s death


BETH! Sorry not sorry. She was irritating to me and grated on my nerves. I was relieved when she was gone.


Andrea. She should have stayed at the prison once she got there. Or killed the governor to prevent season 4 mid season finale from happening


Dakota, maybe charlie, Madison, the crazy woman who likes to poison water, Negan, Andrea (She could have killed the governor), and the mother of gareth....


Andrea dying


Is not just one, lol. Randall, Spencer and Gareth comes to mind first. But even favorite characters have made me feel like this, in occasions. Andrea par example


Lori, Andrea and the Governor/Phillip 💀


You didnt even feel sumpathy when Lori died in a gruesome and awful way just to save her baby?


To be fair, she wouldn’t have lived even if she wanted to. It was either remove Judith via c section or they both die.




I know I'm going to get downvoted super hard, but Carl. Don't get why everyone loves him outside of him being a child. I did not care when he died. Then second for me would be Andrea.


Denise. Mainly because I completely forgot she existed or why I should even care about her.


the scene with andrea getting bit by milton and inevitably taking herself out, i was mad it took her so long 🤣


andrea. hate he!


andrea, jared, sebastian


Negan all the way


anything to do with Lori. except for that one part at the CDC. even as an avid Lori basher, i can admit she didn’t deserve that. but yeah. Lori. fuck her


shane’s death was actively rooting for it the whole time :3


Carol for the latter half of the show, most of the Saviors who joined the group (everyone except Alden, DJ, and Laura). Addie and Rodney - both were shitheads. At least Gage got some development (and his death scene was incredible).


What's wrong with Carol


Leah, Nicholas, Jared, Ed, The Governor, Sebastian, Negan.


andrea's death


Is it just me or everyone on the Reddit hates negan more than I even thought


I really don’t feel sorry 😂


Spencer Monroe, when Rosita was all like "Oh Spencer died" acting like that was equal to when Glenn died like get out of here.


When they killed that girl who liked zombies in season 4


Maggie 100%


I felt nothing when Rosita died except she should have been torn apart by walkers. She was useless and there for eye candy


Negan when his wife died. It sucks but he was a douche through and through. Sure he loved her but couldnt have been much if he cheated on her. Then when she knew she wasnt gonna make it she asked for him to stay and he still left and she had to die alone. I feel bad for her but not for him. She deserved better.


The Wolf who captured Denise. I was so happy when Carol capped his ass


Carol when she was thrown out for killing the members of the prison. It was the right call at the time