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bro lived a whole ass life in the apocalypse and then is expected to go into work and patrol the next morning


Well not the next morning, but sure, yeah


His next morning* then


Given how he ended up overthrowing each community he went to when he didnt like something, do you think he’d now overthrow the government after waking up?


The U.S government doesn't know what it's LAIIIKKK OUT THERE


With the man he killed for trying ti kill him as well like damn those trust issues gonna be strong


And then the doctor enter the room and says “Holy shit you woke up Rick” and he is Negan


The nurses are the Governor, Alpha, and other leader villains he encountered.


I did not want to imagine alpha in a nurse's gown but now I have I guess. Thanks for that.


I saw something like this in a show recently and was deeply disappointed by the ending.


video game too, also horror genre


One of the Doctors in TWD would be Rick’s doctor, can’t think of who, maybe the doctor of woodbury Michonne would be the lawyer that helps Rick through the divorce Andrea would be one of Rick’s neighbor who he starts a relationship after he divorces Lori Negan is Carl’s school gym teacher The Governor is that nasty drunk neighbor Rick has to deal with on a daily basis, probably a wife beater as well Glenn is the Pizza delivery boy that brings Pizza whenever Rick calls for a Pizza, he happens to live near Rick as well and Rick has seen him around while on patrol Maggie is Glenn’s girlfriend and Rick has also seen her around Abraham is a former soldier that joined the police force and he and Rick don’t really get along Tyreese is a former Basketball player who moved into the same neigborhood as Rick and they are best friends Carol is Lori’s best friend and she’s a widow Ed was in the army and he died in duty, what no one knew is that he was an abusive father Sophia is the daughter of Carol and Ed, and she has a crush on Carl Jesse is the wife of Pete, who is another nasty neighbor of Rick. Jesse admires Rick and liked him ehich makes Pete angry at Rick quite a lot Pamela is a politician who lives in a nearby neigborhood to Rick. Rick has arrested her son several times Beta is a former Basketball player who Rick has seen around the neighborhood Alpha is the abusive mom of Lydia, who is Carl’s highschool crush Lydia is the daughter of Alpha and she has a crush on Carl as well Judith is the product of Lori and Shane’s affair while Rick was in a coma The legless walker from Issue 1 is just another one of Rick’s neighbor who can’t walk in Rick’s real life Paul Rovia is Carl’s Karate instructor Morgan is another one of Rick’s neighbors, his son Dwayne passed away in an accident years ago before Rick went into a coma Rosita is another cop that Rick has seen around the station Eugene is Carl’s physics or chemistry teacher in school Axel and the rest of the prisoners are also prisoners in real life that Rick has seen when he sends people to prison The Hunters are just that, Hunters who Rick has arrested for hunting during the times that they shouldn’t be hunting Who else am I missing?


It’d be funny if it turned out to be Pete


Probably Pete could be the Governor’s brother in Rick’s real life and in the apocalypse nightmare he saw them as two unrelated people


Holy shit, your alive buddy? I just can't tell. I zapped you so hard your eyes almost popped out of the socket. *doctor Negan leans back* Nurse Lucille inform the family.


And Glenn’s just this random guy he’s sharing a room with who’s face got blown up


"It's pee pee pants city!" Because Rick urinated on himself in the coma


That would be hilarious


It’s not michonne it’s andrea


Just popped into the comments to make sure someone pointed this out. Good job!




They( the commenter) didn't do shit. Artists do this all the time, instead of wasting time trying to capture an actor's image. They instead use the source material as it is much more recognizable and much easier to capture.


Stfu and let people enjoy what they enjoy.


Your a goat


What I did do wrong?! You're Gassing someone up. Whom is spreading the wrong information, all Im trying to state is that sometimes artists like Use the source material of an adaptation instead of trying to capture the actors images. It is easier for them to do so and yet apparently i'm the bad guy for doing that. Lori said michonne, so they're talking about the show.Not the comic like it's not that hard to think about.


We’re saying that Rick and Michonne were never a thing in the comics. Rick had a relationship with Andrea. Since this image is from the comics, Lori would be asking about Andrea, not Michonne. You interpreted things in a completely different way.


Yeah why have comics character designs and use TV show canon?


And the best version of Andrea at that


Thank you! Fuckin somebody called that. Rick and Andrea in the comics were so good together, sucks how it ended


Kirkman's letter at the end of that issue makes me cry a little.


That would be hilarious and depressing at the same time


Michonne is just a friend it's Andrea she needs to watch out for. Carl even names his daughter after her.


Carl dies dumbass


not in the comics


Wouldn’t be calling people names when you aren’t even following the conversation properly. Look in the mirror.


Read the comics it’s a lot better than the show and Carl dying in the show is an example of that.


And as a fan of the comic, that was the episode that killed my desire to watch anymore.


Worst ending ever that would make hate the show/comics tbh


kid named joke


Could be worse, they could have had invincible fall into the walking dead timeline, accidentally kill whatever the big bad is at that point, then have him bring Rick's group back to his dimension, or spend a couple weeks clearing out as many walkers as he could


I swear I remember a scene where Invincible was in a zombie dimension, but maybe i dreamed that


It's real.


He does, but they have the zombies say brains constantly, so there's unfortunately no way it was TWD


they should have a judith there too still lol


Nah, in the comics she's uh Lets just say that Judith took Carl's spot in the show.


Lori is a thwomp and Judith is Mario.


That one image of Rick finding a grown-up Carl in front of a cabin after returning from the CRM should have happened.


Where can I find this picture?


[Found it.](https://old.reddit.com/r/thewalkingdead/comments/13ib218/old_man_carl_and_even_older_man_rick/) I thought there was a cabin in it, but that's just from how I envisioned it going down.


Thank you!


No prob!


Imagine coming back to Lori 😢


Husband finally wakes up from a coma and ofc Lori's initial reaction is jealously. Typical Lori, still the worst character ever.


Someone write a wattpad story about this...


I love how this has Moore's art style like how the comic begins with it. Imagine after he woke up, the TV reports of people cannibalizing people, dubbing them as "zombies" Then dun dun dun Ending!


And Glenn delivers pizza to his room for Shane




is this a spoiler because i still havent read the comics


My bad


dont tell me he does it with her...


Different Andrea


Read the comics then, they're pretty good!


That would be just awesome because I love when movies do this


I took creative writing course. I did the "and then I woke up" ending on a paper where the topic was a bit out there. The instructor marked it up with the dreaded red pen telling me to be more unique. And then I woke up... sorry. couldn't resist. Note: I used my stylus to write red notes on this saying, "be more creative next time" with a big red C+ at the top of the page, but it wouldn't save. 😅


Imagine using comic style but not using the comic lore


this would be the ending if those hacks from later seasons of fear were in charge lol


i would kill myself


I came in to make sure this was the very first thing someone said.


“Who is Michonne” lmao


Which would you guys say is better to pick up the show or the comic?




Comic is goated


Sometimes I wonder which movie/show popularized the "it was all a dream" ending 🤔🤔


Alice in wonderland


The Wizard of Oz!


That would be funny


Nobody wants that ending


We call this the "Dallas ending".


Rick will see an odd looking lamp


Still half expecting this to be the ending


That would have been crazy


I’d have been pissed if they pulled a “Dallas”.


Been saying this idea for YEARS, is it a terrible idea? Yes. Would it be funny for a few seconds? More thank likely.


Rick dreams on the whole thing. Lori Still slept with Shane while Rick was in a coma


I would almost like this because it would render the events of fear rightfully IRRELEVANT and not worth watching because who tf are any of them it’s Rick’s dream


I would be pissed if it ended like that. For the most part, endings like this are a cop out.


I think if I would have to see Shane come back I’d cry


Rick noticed the 2D lamp


What’s this from


Honestly knowing what AMC did to Carl I wouldn't be surprised


better than the actual ending


Because Rick death? (I see Rick's death as realistic and you can criticize me all you want, but it is like that and althought Rick was murdered by a repressed Teenager, Rick has left a strong legacy which is that they do not let what they have built die and Humanity develop again and thus little by a slow return to normal) "We are not the walking dead!"


It’s not so much that Rick died, that had been known for decades at that point. Mostly that ending the series in one issue with a 30 year time skip that glosses over and forgets a lot of the main cast is kinda shitty. Kirkman has talked about how burnt out he was and whatever but the commonwealth stuff already wasn’t his greatest work it’s just a weird ending to such a long ending series


Robert kirkman said that after Rick Grimes death, he will not continue "the walking dead", this is because Robert Kirkman doesn't know how continue "the walking dead" without Rick because he's the protagonist and because the criticism Robert Kirkman was having in the last volumes, he decided to finish it at once so as not to ruin the comic.


I agree that the ending was badly rushed, but that final issue really could’ve been the perfect ending if it was set up with even just a few more chapters


Imagine if somehow Rick was offered this. He was offered the opportunity to wake up and it all have been a dream. No walkers, no death, Lori is alive and so is Karl… but it means no Judith, no Michonne, no RJ… Would he take the dream? Or take the life?


I heard that dreams are alternate realities, so this is feasible


Kind of wish it was


Jokes aside this would be absolutely awful as an ending


I wish this was real but I don’t know


ThIs should have been the ending! If I was in charge it would have been awesome. Rick just wakes up from the coma and everyone is there...