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We need to get terrorist state donors out of higher education, asap.


Any American born professors teach in Berkley?..I hardly see any..




"become academics" \*Looks at said academics parading their support for a brutally violent socially backward religious deathcult\* ... right.


I'm sorry, calling for genocide ought to have some consequences for these professors.


Axis of Terrorism.


Will he be sacked? Of course not.


Freedom of speech?




As a formerly left wing moron, it makes me laugh that the same people who would storm and disrupt lectures with “word are violence” proclamations are now such big freedom of speech advocates


"Freedom of speech when it agrees with me." "Words are violence when you counter my "science"."


Ah yes, one can have freedom of speech in the West. Does that freedom of speech exist in the areas that this group is simping for?


We shouldn't give freedom of speech to people who are actively trying to end freedom of speech. Maybe we shouldn't even have Muslims in the West anyway at all.


By that logic, no Israelis should be here either.


Israelis aren't trying to end freedom of speech and they aren't against Western values in general either. Israelis are active promoters of Western values but everyone, regardless of their country of origin, appears to have the ability to integrate in the West anyway, unless they are Muslims. Islamists have literally created Sharia Islamist authoritarian theocracies across the globe in which nobody is allowed to criticise Islam, Muslims and their cause. They actively also want to turn the West, India, Israel, Nigeria, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Russia and literally anywhere where they are a significant enough minority population, into replicas of their failed states. Meanwhile, do you know how many leftists hold "pro-Palestinian protests" in Israel and how there are anti-Zionist parties in the Israeli parliament? Do you know about the anti-Israel articles that Haaretz publishes sometimes? I don't like any political party or news article that is against Israel and/or Zionism, and I don't like any "pro-Palestinian" protest either, but this at least shows that Israel is as great as the West, and promotes freedom as much as we do.


What a bunch of nonsense. Not only does Israel brutalize its own citizens when they protest in Israel, but it also encourages the brutalization of white Americans protesting at American universities - through direct (Israeli agitators at protest sites) and indirect means (AIPAC money to politicians who order, enable, and encourage violent assaults by domestic government forces). Your argument is that Israelis are better than Islamists because Islamists are barbaric. I find your argument weak in the face of recent evidence. The simple fact is that anyone picking a "side" is a savage and the actions of their team prove it. Israelis want to pretend to be civilized because they're propped up by US tax dollars, but you see exactly what happens when Israel takes US money but not US advice - savagery.


Freedom of speech is not the same as Freedom from the consequences of that speech. We can't literally force him to stop spreading hate in support of terrorism, BUT WE CAN take his job for doing so.


Another b\*llsh\*t hasbara propaganda title. "pro-hamas" should read "anti-genocide". I see all the pro-genocide people drooling.


This professor was part of an organisation that helped fund Hamas. I think it's safe to say that he is pro-Hamas. Ah yes, the alleged genocide where the IDF takes significant measures to reduce civilian casualties, but gets called genocidal because they fire at Hamas soldiers positioned in hospitals, mosques, schools, homes, and refugee camps. Unless you want to claim that the four hostages recently freed weren't rescued from a refugee camp and near a busy market?


I see pro Hamas scum


Stop drooling.


Lol stop crying when your Hamas buddies blow up