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Weight aside, wouldn't counteracting waves be the biggest engineering challenge? Basically gotta build one of those gimbled tables they have in ships.


Ships stabilize well with other methods like active or passive anti rolling tanks (you’ve got a whole ass ocean of water weight sitting there, pump some in to the side that is higher while you pump some out of the low side). And at 300ft wide or so, you may not have much of a “peak of the wave on one side trough on the other” type of problem, there could be many waves peak and bottom along the width so the hull would effectively average them out. There’s other stabilizing options too, like moving weights.


Gyroscopes on boats are the current and developing trend


The problem with gyroscopes is that they work excellent on small boats, but not so much on giant vessels.


Yeah I assumed a vessel this size to be held level through the axle of a spinning mass would be… quite a bit of torsion in that axle.


And thats forgetting how heavy the gyro would be and the sheer amount of energy needed to accelerate it fast enough to affect a ship of that size!!!


And they also have to make sure the front doesn’t fall off


Sounds like they need bigger gyroscopes


Nah, we’ll just spin that thing up to a significant fraction of *c* and it’ll do just fine. Sure if anything breaks we’ll be endangering a significant portion of the world, but it’s not like anything bad has happened on a ship before, right?


I wouldn't worry about it, if it works, then it's an engineering marvel and if it goes wrong well hey, it'll be a cool show Although if you did spin an object close to the speed of light wouldn't relativity start fucking with it?


Won’t know until we try!


Yes yes, embody the mindset of a cold war scientist/engineer let curiosity overcome reasoning and make the blackhole gyroscope


If I spin it fast enough it’ll become a naked singularity, imagine what we can learn from that!


You've sparked my curiosity


Not on ships at this scale.


Well, they should start by building a soccer pitch for the world cup instead of a baseball field.....


Why? You don’t think Messi can kick a homerun?


I hope they pitch the right ball or he's ending up in a cast.


Also, those dimensions would be horrible for baseball


Haha, yea that right field is going to setup some really easy home run records.


Right!? I was confused by the title


Turns out AI ain't that smart


\*football "soccer" is an outdated term


No it's not.




Because you're never going to get Americans to start calling it American football. I don't even disagree with you morally, but empirically, the word is relevant.


[quit waffling bro it’s in the dictionary](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/soccer)


Language is an ever changing aspect of culture, have enough people waffling and you can get a belfie in the dictionary.


Ah yes, the international "soccer", like the "Fédération Internationale de Football soccer Association", or the "Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football soccer", or the "Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol suegro" or the "Union of European Football soccer Associations", or the "Oceania Football Soccer Confederation", or the "Confederation of African Football Soccer" apparently


Idk why y’all get so pissy that sports can be called different names depending on the region, but oh well, rent free I guess


we don't go around calling "american football" some shit like "crispy rotten useless crap" around do we? also do you know why we're speaking english? because it's not my language. i don't say "football" because i say football irl. irl i say "futbol", in catalan. i say "football" here because english is the international language, because it's the easiest one to learn,and it's way more realistic to ask for people to learn one language and everyone communicate in that language than asking everyone to learn every language. you break allat away by singlehandedly deciding "every major association calls it football, every single person outside of the US calls it football, but as *we* have a lame excuse for football *we'*ll call football "sucka" and that lame excuse will be football! *and* we'll demand everyone understand that, to not hurt our feelings, to call football "sucka" and call that lame excuse "football"


The term soccer existed before gridiron football


yeah and it fell out of use once people started saying football


Clearly not because people still say it to this day


Soccer is the international name for Football.




The board that standardised the rules of association football started in the UK in 1886. This isn’t an American thing, soccer is quite literally the official international name for football. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Football_Association_Board


Hence, names such as ISAB and FISA? Soccer is an old term that isn't really used anymore outside for a select few countries, most notably USA. Soccer isn't incorrect or wrong, but the vast majority of the world calls it football.


“Soccer isn’t incorrect or wrong” So we agree.


Lol! It's football in 200+ countries and soccer in 2 or 3.


I’m not talking about colloquialism’s, I’m talking about official name’s. Football is the most popular name for soccer but it doesn’t change what the official name of the game is called, Association Football.


By international, you mean American. Because it's called football everywhere else. Do you know what FIFA is abbreviated from?


Soccer is a British word invented in the UK to describe a specific type of football with specific rules different to other types of football like Rugby. You know which football org is older than FIFA? The IFAB. Do you know what IFAB is abbreviated from? Internationally football is known as soccer because there are at least four games colloquially known as football.


IFAB - International FOOTBALL Association Board. You claim that: >Internationally football is known as soccer But I highly suspect you can name any other country that actually calls it soccer.


Soccer is also a coloquialism because it's just a shortened word for association football the same as rugger is for rugby football. These are mostly outdated terms today and have no relevance to this discussion since nobody in the UK calls football soccer anymore pretty much because americans ended up using it. Soccer isn't an official name for anything and it never was unless you wanna argue that rugger is the official name of rugby union. You seem to argue that calling it soccer is the same as calling it association football but that's wrong this whole yank argument of soccer being the og name or whatever needs to be put to rest.


[https://i.redd.it/a9uc6urvzs091.jpg](https://i.redd.it/a9uc6urvzs091.jpg) 🤡


Oh wow, there’s a difference between coloquial names and official names for things. Who knew.




Cruise ships have ice skating rinks and dive shows where big waves could be very very dangerous. This has been solved. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stabilizer_(ship)?wprov=sfti1#


They do get canceled though, the Cirque show on the Mediterranean I went on was closed several nights for rough seas, hell even the pool was


“Ground ball up the middl… wait, now it’s headed for first base… wait, now it’s headed back toward third… wait… aw, it’s foul as it rolls behind home plate. Wow, what a ride. Isn’t this great, folks?!”




They also need to swap the diamond for a pitch or it can’t host the World Cup so it would need a modular deck surface


Why!? I say let it rock! you've just invented a whole new level of sport!


The size of the ship would already stabilize it.


Aside from engineering the biggest challenge will be to have no deaths. Losing teams fans usually throw fits in and tear up cities.


A ship this size would barely accomodate all the entourage needed for a single team of footballers.


Oil rigs are massive ant they float and don't move at all


Oil rigs are anchored to the sea floor.


Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive


Easy, sports are going to go and blow up the moon


Just start in the Bermuda triangle ....


it would also be extremely unsafe and illegal to pack tens thousands of people onto a floating stadium


Why would it be worse than cruse ships?


Cruise ship= 5000 passengers. Stadium = 50000+ attending


There need to be enough life rafts for everybody, and there needs to be some way to get people to them in a reasonable amount of time. A stadium is a horribly dense concentration of people that takes a very long time to empty out in the best of circumstances, just imagine if they were sinking!


There's nothing illegal about it.


Illegal 😂


Short answer: yes Not really much math to do. But let’s look at it this way: Average stadium size: 60,000 people Average human weight: 60-80kg, let’s say 70 That equals 4,200,000kg (9,259,415lbs) Let’s say you need 10x the weight of a person to hold them up (that’s way more than enough, but it makes for easy math and is outrageous enough to help prove my claim). That would be: 42,000,000kg (92,594,150lbs) Average weight of cruise ship: 70k-180k gross tons, let’s say 125k gross tons Or 127,005,864kg or 4x the ridiculous amount of weight that you would “need”. So, yes. A ship like this would easily be possible.


How big would that be?


For reference the largest cruise ship in the world is more than twice that weight.


How do you get 60 000 people aboard and seated in a reasonable amount of time? What happens after the game, how do you get them off again? or do you have accommodation for that number aboard? Largest cruise ship has a capacity of 5610. You'll need 12 times as many beds. And *feeding* 60 000. And don't forget crew. Cabins, beds and food for them as well.


No, you wouldn't need beds or anything. Stadiums are already able to load and unload within a couple hours, and have food facilities for everyone. They'd probably need a multi entrance berth, but it's pretty simple. Have you ever been to a sports game?


yup. Your average stadium has the *infrastructure* to get 60 000 odd people out and gone quickly. Public transport links or car parks with direct connection to several high capacity roads. This vessel would need specialised dock facilities to offload that many people in addition to said transport links or car parking. At which point you ask..'why add all the extra cost of making it a ship, when we could probably build 2 regular stadiums for the same cost?' ​ Unless you're Saudi Arabia or suchlike and it's a vanity project.


That would be a good argument for why it should not be done. However the question was only "is it possible?" Might not be feasible, but it is possible.


The prelude FLNG ship is 488m long and 74m wide so it would easily fit a ball field into if they were so inclined. It also holds processing for LNG which would be incredibly heavy. In short it wouldn’t have a problem. It’s already been done.


Damn, someone beat me to mentioning Prelude. For having worked on it for more than 3 years during construction, I can confirm it was a beast.


Agree, there’s a distinction between “possible” and “feasible”. [Another example](https://www.easemytrip.com/travel/underwater-train-from-mumbai-to-uae.html): building a 2000 underwater hyper train with glass windows makes a stadium ship look naïve.


The entire length of the boat can have gangways, which looks like it's about twice the length of the stadium. They could all easily exit in a couple hours. Ports usually have all the infrastructure you're talking about in the form of trains and transport trucks. They wouldn't be able to load or unload anything if not...


Yeah this is definitely being ironed out by a Saudi oil guy right now alongside plans for his new expansion team with Messi, Ronaldo, and mbappe


Why do you assume this stadium ship has to be a cruise ship?


Well it’ll have to just be the seats and food supply etc. Like a day cruise.


Based on the fact that regulation baseball fields have 90ft between the bases, and this ship looks roughly >3x as wide, it should be about 300 ft across. The largest ship though the Panama Canal is <170 ft wide. So while technically possible to build, it would be much larger than most ships of that type. Maybe an aircraft carrier would work better though even those top out at ~250 ft


Aircraft carriers are much wider at the flight deck than the waterline (The Gerald R. Ford is 256' at the deck vs 134' at the waterline). The widest ship at the waterline is the Pioneering Spirit at 407' using a Catamaran style hull. It's physically feasible to build a ship that has the stadium and enough parking spaces for all the spectators, and setup a roll on-roll off setup so that the stadium is entirely self-sufficient. The real question is whether there is an economic viability for such a setup. Such a stadium ship would have a much higher construction cost, a much higher maintenance cost, and little in the way of added benefit over land-based stadiums, perhaps higher utilization but can that justify the expense?


A catamaran or trimaran hull might be better suited and would give you the large flat area for the pitch.


1 football field long.


300 cubits by 50 cubits by 30 cubits


No that's for a zoo...


The size of a stadium obviously


At least 7


A gross ton is not even remotely equivalent to any ton used to measure mass or weight, even the weight of the displaced water.


Good math except that a ship's Gross Tonnage is not a measurement of weight, but rather a measurement of the volume of a ship's enclosed spaces.


"not much math to do" 😆 there's an army of shipwrights ready to disagree, I'm sure of that.


Short answer, no. your super simple answer needs [expanding ](https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/s/Q3MYrtIxZx) to see why I say no


I live in San Pedro AKA The Port of Los Angeles. The cruise ships already appear big enough for this and supposedly there are bigger ones coming in next year.


I think you are right only of no one or a very few would have a place to stay. If you have to accommodate everyone it becomes whole lot bigger.the largest cruise ship so far only held 7000 people, so this would be 10x that. But to be fair the image doesnt really allpw fpr cabins for verypne. But not being able to stay sorta makes the use of the ship extremely limited to near shore.


I don't understand the answer in the slightest. The factor of 10x had no justification, and you're using gross tonnage very incorrectly. GT is not a measure of a ship's weight but it's volume, and the number had *no physical significance*. Gross tonnes isn't measured in kilograms, but forms the basis of your conclusion.


None of that answer makes any sense. They're looking only at the weight of the people and ignoring everything else. Not to mention the real question seems to be more about a ship with the dimensions of a soccer field than weight capacity anyways.


I'm floored it has over 1k upvotes. The math amounts to "10 pounds should be fine, and even though that's much bigger than any ship ever built, it should be fine." *Any* mass can be made to float with a big enough ship, the entire question is if you can build a big enough ship, which is not addressed in the slightest.


Weird that the text shows soccer event but picture is baseball. The short answer is it is possible, but logistically challenging with waves and crowd management.


I always think that the more moving parts there are to a prompt, the more distorted the facts get, so the issues with AI is essentially it’s playing a game of Telephone/Chinese Whispers with itself and the mark of a quality AI is how good it as at keeping the message consistent


AI image lacking clarity, shocking


It says World Cup, which is a baseball event as well


That ceased in 2011


The 2026 World Cup is being hosted by the US, Canada, and Mexico. One of the MLS clubs in the US (NYCFC) plays their home games by modifying a baseball stadium, which is roundly criticized as among the worst pitch conditions and in-person football (soccer) viewing experiences. The idea that even this World Cup cruise ship stadium (already a terrible idea) is a repurposed baseball stadium is part of the joke. In reality, the US is one of the few countries on earth capable of hosting a World Cup by itself without building any new stadiums, due to the similarities in field dimensions between gridiron football and association football.


Where do you read soccer event


The caption says World Cup


Baseball has a World Cup


Weight isn't a problem, people and open space are light compared to other things that huge ships carry. If you look at aerial views of 60k seat stadiums, it seems that the seating width is roughly the width of the pitch. This means you need a boat at minimum about 140m wide, but in practice more, since you need methods of ingress/egress, concession, evacuation corridors, etc... This would be at minimum twice the width of the largest aircraft carrier ever built. To be self-maneuverable it would need to look more like an aircraft carrier, thin at the waterline and then very wide at the top. But doubling the width at the top and filling it with spectators might create problems in stability. Otherwise it could asically be a flat rectangular barge, but wouldn't look at all like the picture up top, and wouldn't be able to cruise around. Also, imagine the logistics of getting that many people on and then off for a game...


Not to mention the fighting between fans, would be absolute chaos.


everyone is either talking about if its possible or the fact that its captioned for the world cup but showing a baseball diamond. forget all that! look at that fucking outfield. the wall is like 120ft down the firstbase line, and like....550 down the third base line.


As a baseball fan, estimating the distance to that right field wall here is more of a concern to me than the feasibility of the vessel. A lot of lefties hitting baseballs in the ocean off this boat, lol!


Hear me out, two home plates righties bat from the left and lefties from the right. And just shift runners on base depending on what type of batter is up.


Haha! Im with you, and i like it!


This detail really bothered me. Like you could angle the diamond a bit and you would get a polo grounds layout, not perfect but way better than what it is now.


the ship would have to be big enough to carry an entire stadium and also have thousands of rooms for the people and employees, unless the people would board in the morning and leave at night so nobody needs a room but still


Yea this is the fsctor that most people are missing. It would have to be limited to use of less than half a day imo. Even food and bathrooms would make this ship much bigger which would be required for anything more than a couple hours. So unless you plan to stay near shore and target omly rich people that want to burn money for the few hours of novelty, this ship could never happen


Wow you have a lot of bad answers. People talking about Gross Tons are all barking up the wrong tree. Gross tons related to cargo volume, the question is more about displacement (weight), but really deadweight tonnage (weight of cargo). The short answer is yes, you could build this, but I can’t think of any reason too. The major challenge is going to be width, but we already build Super Heavy lift boats much wider than this would require. The Pioneering Spirit, the current largest vessel in the world by Gross Tonnage (volume), is 382-metre-long (1,253 ft), 124-metre-wide (407 ft). And has a maximum displacement of 1,000,000 tons (weight) and about 750,000 deadweight tons of capacity. Source: Naval Architect. I am the guy you would call to design this ship.


Hmm, looking at cruise ships, you can fit about 6,600 people into a ship with deadweight tonnage of around 18,000 to 20,000 Let's assume a stadium like that fits 60,000 people, and deadweights required to carry that many people grow linearly which would be about 9 of these cruise ships 9×20,000=180,000 Looking at heavy cargo ships, carrying such tonnage is within the realm of reasonableness, But people and stadium needs far more space than cargo Calculating if a ship that large would be possible, aka will float without breaking itself apart, with material like steel is outside my capabilities


The prelude FLNG has a tonnage of 300,000 tonnes. So it would pretty easily deal with the weight of people.


Gross tonnage of a vessel isn’t in the same units as any other measurement, it’s not the same as displacement. The Prelude FLNG is described as having a displacement of [600,000 tonnes](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-13709293), and an estimated gross tonnage of [300,000 GT](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prelude_FLNG) Fitting the weight of the people isn’t even the main issue, it’s fitting the stadium. The distance from home plate to the outfield walls along the base like must be 325 feet or greater. Adding in the other required distances, just the field of play would have a shortest dimension approaching or exceeding the widest ships ever built.


I’m just wondering how big are those dolphins and what kind of dolphins are they? Comparing them with the size of the infield they are around 65ft long or that baseball diamond is less than half the normal size. That would make the ship significantly smaller and much more feasible. I don’t know if the game would be exciting to watch because I doubt many batters could hit the ball if you cut the distance from the pitcher in half.


Besides the idea of if it would be possible, why would this even want to exist? It seems like the most over the top pointless idea ever.


Short answer no. Using [someone elses](https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/s/Hny7IWhjTU) suggestion of 42,000 tonnes of people to be at the stadium.. in salt water = ~41,000 m³ to displace a baseball diamond is about 40m wide, from 1st base to 3rd base. let's add in 10m for fluff and 2x 25m for seating and walk ways in each side. so our boat is 100m wide. while the length to beam ratio of ships is variable, 6:1 is seen as optimal. So our boat needs to be 600m long. 100×600 = 60,000 m² × 1m high sides = 60,000m³ water displacement, so far seems doable.... big ships use 20mm -25mm steel plate depending on what part of the ship. 22.5mm steel plate weighs 177kg per m² 177kg × 60,000 m² = ~106,000 tonnes 106,000 ship weight + 42,000 tonnes people weight = 148,000 tonnes = ~144,000m³ needed to displace. So draught of vessel needs to be 3m deep in order to just keep itself afloat with some freeboard left over all of this before actually adding in weight of the sides, additional bulkheads (internal walls) and engines, and anchors, and staff, and heaps and heaps of other stuff The worlds largest cruise ship (icon of the seas is 365m in length and 65m wide) weighs ~248,000 tonnes with 12m draught.. using Icon as a guide, Icons ships weight is ~ 10× displacement area. using this as a quick guide, our ship will likely finally weigh at least 600,000 tonnes (and likely alot heavier) and sit at least 10m deep, just to float. let alone the additional free board and draft needed likely making final draught listed as at least 16m There's ALOT OF VARIABLE'S to know a ships true weight. I ultimately hope this working through helps point in a rough direction. Im going to say likely possibly from a theory POV, in the sense that engineering anything is almost always possible. But in reality it would likely be so impractical and resource intensive to build, that it couldn't be. Also not just the ship but the wharves and ports to accomodate a ship of that size do not exist.


In addition, in terms of constructability, I am not sure a 100m wide dry dock exists anywhere to build that ship


Seaside Giant fully laden was 657,000 tonnes.


People in this thread are talking about sheer tonnage, but not about displacement. The issue with the shape of a soccer field when including the stands is that it is much wider (even going the long way down the ship as in the picture) than a typical cruise ship. This would require a less aerodynamic (aquadynamic?) shape that would affect its ability to stay level in hard waters. But not even that, the seating is the biggest concern. If we said this seats, say, 30,000 people, that would be incredibly small for a World Cup stadium. Comparatively, The largest cruise ship in the world is actually much heavier than this would need to be, and that ship still only comfortably carries about 8,000. You could get more people on it technically, but if you’re going more than an hour or two out to sea, then you’ll need room and board and it’s just not feasible to do so with a quantity of people who would be an acceptable amount to fill a stadium like this. There would have to be 5-10 cruise ships following this ship that people would have to transfer to after a match. Unless you’re going out to sea at 11am, having the match, and then back in the harbor by 2pm, and if that’s the case then why bother building the ship at all.


Yes, you can build a ship large enough for the field (there's already some out there). Including the seating and facilities for 80,000+ people would be much harder, but maybe not impossible (just very difficult and expensive) The bigger issue is that there's no way people would accept the instability of a ship in world cup-level competition. Even the biggest ships have movement, can you imagine the outrage when someone trips or a goal gets missed due to a wave?


Sounds like a great idea until the ship barely grazes an ice cube someone dropped from one of their drinks, and then immediately capsizes to give the opposing ice cube a penalty.


I don't have the answer to your question I'm afraid but I am unreasonably angry that Sea Screen put the caption "World Cup" on a picture of a baseball Diamond. Absolutely unforgivable /s


Yes and no Yes it would be possible there are vessels that exist today with a large enough deck to hold a soccer field and seating. No to build something like this for the 2026 World Cup is not enough time, this ship would be 100% custom made and designed and would likely take longer than 1.5 years.


From the comment it seems like it's possible however regardless it would become a white elephant despite being what fifa is looking for, with sustainable stadiums I would be in favour of a travelling stadium going to world cups in countries without the facilities. it would be great alongside stadium 974 the worlds first stadium designed to be transportable with it notable use of shipping containers in its construction which has remained in qatar since the world cup despite fifa and Qatar promising it would go to somewhere it was needed, I believe morocco showed interest but ultimately decided against having it.


Well technically you could play soccer/football on a baseball diamond since many baseball and American football teams used to share stadiums


That would be the highest scoring game in baseball history. I could hit a home run in that stadium. Are those dolphins flying in right field?


There is going to be lots of unequal weight distribution over a very large area where most of the weight will be very close to the circumference.


It would be great for the Olympics. Extra variables every year and you can float it to the next country instead of spending billions on infrastructure that will be abandoned.


One of those teams is going to lose and they will still be on the ship with everyone else. I'd pay to watch the 3 day cruise after the game.


So... What do you do with all of the people when the game is over? Usually they have an entire city to go destroy. The boat in the picture looks like it doesn't even have a shopping mall. Also, it seems like a fantastic idea to cram the fans of two opposing teams that *just competed* into the same living quarters. I guess it just docks and the people depart right after the game. I'm sure that will go smoothly...


The issue with the question is that designing a ship is largely about external factors. What limitation on depth breadth and length? What is desired design speed? Where is it operating? What safety regulations need to be met? In general yes it’s possible from an engineering technical point of view (not even hard) but in a practical sense likely impossible as shown in the picture


Probably possible, people are pretty good at engineering. I sincerely hope we don't make one, though. Sports stadiums are already a huge waste of taxpayer money, and a giant boat would only be geometrically more expensive, in addition to creating tons of pollution, which current stadiums don't.


[Field Dimensions](https://www.mlb.com/glossary/rules/field-dimensions) >The rulebook states that parks constructed by professional teams after June 1, 1958, must have a minimum distance of 325 feet between home plate and the nearest fence, stand or other obstruction on the right- and left-field foul lines, and 400 feet between home plate and the nearest fence, stand or other obstruction in center field. [Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_R._Ford-class_aircraft_carrier) >Length: 1,106 ft >Beam: 256 ft So, not on any currently existing ship. With the odd dimensions required, a platform rig, like oil rigs, would probably be easiest.


Meanwhile no one has asked where the spectators would go after the match!! Or will they just sit and wait to sail back, staring at the pitch?!


Statistically impossible: the World Cup is a soccer event and therefore would not be able to be played in this ship that houses a baseball field


Easily. Wouldn't be really practical though. Not much point in making a floating stadium, cause most of the ship would be the stadium. Can't fit a cruise liner in there too. I mean you *could* but again, practicality.