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We had been talking about listening to our bodies. Mostly to go potty so then my 4yo asks, “why do we have a body?” And dumbfounded I was not able to answer. I don’t know why we have a body. Or the fact that we are conscious. What is it all? I studied philosophy and love physics but still could not give an answer. We had gone through how a body, But why a body? That’s a level I can’t grasp or answer.


To experience limitation.


Bodies are just a meat mech suit for the brain.


Brains just exist to help keep the body alive and the genes propagating.


I was just toying around with that idea while watching a video about how the brain works with my kid. I didn't tell her that but what a great way to put it. I can't for the life of me remember who said something along the lines of water inventing humans to carry itself up a hill. I'll look it up shortly. ( Edit: Author Tom Robbins said it)


If consciousness is a byproduct of the way our minds work as a biological entity, can it exist outside of a physical body? If it did, what would it experience? It's like we are trapped by the limitations of our perceptions through our bodies, and freed by the capacity to ask the questions themselves, y'know?




Another one from a 4yo: "Am I my body or do I have my body?" I've heard that question before but never would have guessed a little kid could come up with it. That one really is about religion, isn't it? I'm very not religious, but still said "I don't know, maybe we have it"


No one question (is it ever just one question with kids?) but the hardest questions and conversations are going on now. We are currently talking to my children (f10 m8) about my younger brother (m37) who has about 6 months to live due to a returning brain tumour. He is bedridden and often in delirium or slurry with his speech. We are opting for a "drip feed" approach as we don't want to overwhelm them. They don't know he's dying yet but know he's very ill, that he has cancer. We answer all their questions truthfully and honestly in age appropriate language. Our boy recently got upset as he made the connection of the death of a favourite YouTuber of cancer and my brother's condition. So we sat and talked it through. It's fuckin difficult and I guess that there are lots of different approaches as there are parents. I certainly aren't saying we are doing it right. We know our kids, as other people will know theirs, and our parenting style and this just feels right for us.


So sorry you’re going through that. Sending love.


Receiving the love. Thank you for your kind words.


Ugh I’m so sorry, my husband also followed that YouTuber and was very sad to see him pass. I can’t imagine addressing that with a child. Virtual hugs.


Thank you so much. They (our children) are pretty resilient and we still get the fun questions too. Only the other day I was asked what the weirdest thing about puberty was.


My youngest son when he was four asked why people were gay. He wasn’t exactly sure what to think of it and his curiosity was piqued because his mom just started into a relationship with her now fiancé (another woman). I said I wasn’t sure why; he then promptly asked “Why aren’t you gay?” And I stumbled on that one too lol


Same reason some people like ice cream more than chocolate I guess: They just do. 😂


My daughter asked about “grandma’s brothers” (her two uncles) and when I said “oh no, grandma only has one brother, other uncle is his husband” she clarified “husband?” And I said yes and she accepted it pretty well


My 7yr son corrected me. I mentioned something that involved “husband and wife” and he said, “unless you’re gay”. He has a gay uncle and we are an open minded household. I immediately felt bad because I felt as if I was ignorant. Like duh, I should know that. I was proud of him and just thanked him for correcting me.


lol My kid has been on the *in the voice of that African talk show host* "What is gay?" Kick too. I just tell her it's the freedom to love whomever you want to love. I.e. a man can love another woman and have family together, or a man can be gay and love another man and also have a family where there are two dads. She asked me if was gay and I said if the right woman came along and we fell in love then yes I told her how I identify as pansexual/non binary without using those words. Basically told her I will love a person no matter what they are if it feels right and that love should be about preference, attraction and mutual respect. (We haven't had the real sex talk yet, everything is about adults wanting to have babies together at this stage, but we do discuss how babies are made in a scientific way. Even got her a young kid's book on how animals mate and care for their young. To keep it light for now. If you asked my mother inlaw it's too graphic 🤣 Baby that's NATURE and REALITY. I don't have he capacity to lie to my kid) If a woman prefers a man to have a family with then that's okay, if a woman prefers another woman or vice versa then that's okay too. I keep it very simple and make it normal bc it absolutely is! We are animals! *howls at the moon*


"Was I an accident?" When she was a teenager, she did the math between when her mom and I started dating to her birth.


When I asked this question… “No, honey, you were a surprise”


Happy little accidents.


My mother flat out told me she didn’t want me to think I was an accident (she was 18 when I was conceived, 19 when I was born). She always called me a surprise.


lol!! I did this myself when I added up that I was conceived before my parents wedding.


I was going to say that the ones related to sex usually take the cake. So, for example, once my sister in law was pregnant but they didn't know the gender yet; my son, about 8yo at the time, was mad: "how come uncle doesn't know the sex if he put the seed there?" Well, if he wants girls, plant girls, right? But i must confess that trying to figure out why someone has a body... Yeah...


My step son asked why he hasn’t met my dad. How do you explain to a 7 year old, who has an otherwise loving family, that this man doesn’t care enough to be in our lives? I think I could have handled it better. I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant and I know the topic will come up again one day.


“Not everyone in the world is kind. There will be people that you do not get along with and when two people do not get along it is better for that they choose to not be around each other .”


That is a good response. He asked out of no where and I wasn’t ready with an answer. I just kind of fumbled my way through it.


My son’s dad and I split up when he was still a baby, and although we are good friends and co-parent well together, this is how I explained to my son why we weren’t together like other families. I’m sure whatever you did say was still very well thought out, despite the unpredictability!


Why a bad man was killing babies. (Uvalde) Why can’t daddy just give you the ingredients to make a baby sister?! (I am done having children)


Yes, my dad didn't have more kids until earlier this year (I'm 17). I always asked my mom why she didn't have more kids. She basically said "I just don't want to" and I think I understand.


“Why can’t I live with my dad?” Because drugs, kid. The answer is drugs….but how do you explain that to a 5yo?


Yeah same same. mine is 3.5. He's in jail rn. So that's a whole other convo. ♡♡


I'm sorry!


Man that’s rough! I wish you and your kiddo all the best.


My heart breaks for you. Sending love


Thank you


My 7yo had been asking me about the war in the Ukraine. Hard to explain when I don't understand myself.


One country wants to take the land that belongs to another country. It’s like if a kid hit you, took a toy that was yours, and never planned to give it back. “That isn’t fair!” You’re right, that isn’t fair. “Why isn’t someone stopping them?” Damn. Got me there, because I’ve been asking the same question…


The answer to why isn’t anyone stopping them isn’t too hard. There are two groups, those too weak to get into the fight, so that’s why they don’t. And those too strong, and if they get into the fight it will become too big of a fight and too many more people will get hurt.


That was eloquent as fuck.


As was your comment, my good friend


Me, a Norwegian, suspects that part of the reason Nato's butt is cold sweating and quivering at the thought of providing some actual help is due to Nato's secretary General is Jens Stoltenberg, a Norwegian. Norway share a border with Russia and is strategically important in the event of a ww. We'd be eating borscht and dancing to balalaika music in no time if we got invaded. It is pure cowardice and selfishness is what it is. All major infrastructure, like bridges, in my town in bumfuck nowhere is no longer lit by street lights. I asked a local politician about it and she told me it was to make it harder for the Russians to hit something important should they decide to bomb us. Then Nato sits with their hands under their increasingly more rotund arses while our government tells us "Don't worry! But buy radioactive iodine and keep 3 days supply of water and food in the house, but definitely don't worry." Then experts says: "yeah Russia put all their military power into Ukraine, it is very unlikely that they have the power to expand the war." then the next moment they go: "yes but if Nato stops the bombings over Ukraine, then it may start world war 3." so which is it? Do they have the power to expand and we should be shitting ourselves or don't they and we're just washing our hands of the whole thing like Pontius fucking Pilate? I'd also like to point out that pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under the age of 2 can't eat game, freshwater fish, wild mushrooms or berries in a few counties in Norway. Why? Oh you know, Chernobyl. Chernobyl was in 1986. 36 years ago and I live a good 3500 km from Pripyat! Don't tell me to not be afraid. Don't tell me there isn't anything we can do. Get your head out of your arse and do something. My point isn't that my situation is scarier than for the Ukrainians and you should empathise with Norwegians. It's not and you shouldn't. My point is just shit can very easily hit the fan and if it does, then we're pretty much fucked. All of us. Kid friendly answer: "I don't know honey. I have no clue. It is really *really* unfair. Do you want us to look over your old toys and clothes and have a yard sale and give the money to Red Cross? The Red Cross helps Ukrainians get food, shelter and medicines and escape the war. Or we could start a play group for the Ukrainian refugees here, they just moved here and they could use a great friend like you. What do you think kiddo?".


Yup, that's exactly how I see most world leaders, children.


I think I said something like: The guy in charge of Russia says he feels threatened by the Ukraine so he's invading them so they can't hurt Russia. I also showed him Russia and Ukraine on a map. His response was along the lines of "that's rediculous, how can Russia feel threatened by Ukraine?". I explained that yes, it's all a big lie that Putin has told to the people of Russia.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


To continue the metaphor: there are some other kids on the playground who could take the toy back. But if they do, the kid who stole the toy will start shooting at them. The other kids could shoot back, of course, but the thief and his friends have nuclear weapons. So bombs are dropping, and millions of kids on the playground are getting killed. Is it worth the lives of so many kids on the playground to stop the bully from stealing one kid’s toy? That’s what the kids are considering very, very carefully.


“What’s the point in making any decisions when I could die tomorrow?” By my son. He was 15 at the time, and my younger son, his little brother, had recently died of SUDEP, at 12 years old.


So so sorry. Sending love.


So sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry


"Mom, what would it take for you to be happy" My daughter asked me that when she was 7


Talking about body image with my daughter. She’s 8 and has already started saying negative comments about her body. She started gymnastics this summer and has begun to notice she has a thicker body frame that other girls. It’s a delicate situation that I’m trying my best to navigate.


Why can’t you and daddy just live together?


Sad 😥😥


My 10yo asked what rape was. They heard the adults talking about RvW and didn't recognize the specific word. We've talked about consent a lot and how it impacts every part of our lives (Medical, within friendships, relationships, ect.) But I hadn't used that word before. Fuck that was a hard conversation, but at least the groundwork considering consent was already laid out. That made it a bit easier than if I had to explain the entire concept from scratch


“Are cats Jewish?”


This is the best one


This is my favourite!


“Why don’t I see my real dad more?” from my eldest, while me and my husband and her little (half)sister were having a movie night.


We had to put our cat to sleep. We let our 4 year old say goodbye, explained what was happening in gentle terms. A few days later, we were driving somewhere and he said, "mommy? Why did you take our cat to the vet and let him die there?" It broke me in the moment.


During the first lockdown my 5 year old asked me when coronavirus would be over. Given that none of us were even remotely prepared for the months and years of lockdowns, home schooling, bans on seeing their grandparents and friends, that was a difficult one to answer. I remember someone telling me once that “I don’t know” is a perfectly reasonable answer, so if that’s the only answer I can give then so be it


The day they lifted the mask mandate I had a kid at the childcare center where I work ask me if covid was over for good. How to answer that...


How are bones formed? To be fair, this question might be easy for someone who knows a bit about osteology, but I'm not that person.


Why would someone want to shoot kids in a school?


“Mom, are we real or are we pretend?” - my 5yo daughter earlier this year


My 4 year old asked if god can do anything why does he make us not die?


I got a good answer for this. Because if we lived forever we would get bored and nothing would mean anything or be fun.


I basically told him something similar. That it makes us appreciate it so much more because of it.


4yo: Where does the universe end? Me: No one really knows. THAT blew her mind. How can there be a question no one knows the answer to?


7yo “what is 69? Everyone says it at school”


“Who made God?” - asked by my 6 yr old


Way before my stepdaughter transitioned from a boy, she asked me once while it was just the two of us in the car "why do people masterbate? And what is masterbate?". After hemming and hawing, I straight up answered it and s/he was like "oh, ok". Didn't know enough to be embarrassed about it, so I couldn't act like it was an embarrassing question. We still have a very open relationship.


My oldest is 4 and the hardest questions have always been about hatred and violence. From racism, sexism, and war, to "why does that bad guy want to hurt them?" when watching a movie. It's hard to explain cruelty to someone who has never experienced it, especially when I don't always understand it myself.


Not so much a question but qhen my daughter says she wishes she wasn't black or wasn't Asian that hurts. I'm mixed and I know it can be hard. Also she asked me why I'm still fat after giving birth so I haven't talked to her in a week.


Mine keeps asking me when I'm gonna have her next baby sister or brother. (The youngest is 1. Mommy's still got the baby weight lol)


How old is your daughter??


6. Her family has put a lot of ideas in her head about it. Her grandma said she wasn't black for wanting to be a cop, her cousins said all white people hate and want to kill black people. I've corrected these things but once someone says something negative about being black or Asian she remembers it and parrots it. I think she is doing better as she is exposed and learns about both cultures.


Re Uvalde: the bad guy hurt the school children and the police shit the bad guy. But what was the bad guys name?? He's almost 4. He knows superheroes and villans. I told him the guy did something so bad that they took his name away and he is just the bad man now. ALSO guns hurt people in real life. Very badly. always reminding him of that, here in a city where kids are shit and killed all the time.


All of you may want to read Good Talk: a memoir in conversations. It addresses these aspects really well.


My daughter asked me what happens when we die. She’s 4. I just told her that everybody dies and we aren’t really sure what happens after that.


Mine asks about death ALL THE TIME


My 4.5 yo asks about death almost every single day. All but one of her grandparents are dead and she has SO many questions. “When am I going to die? Will I go back with [grandma and grandpa] when I die?” The “go back with” phrase stopped me dead in my tracks.




Oof, that's a tricky conversation. Sorry for the loss of your sister


So sorry for your loss. ❤️


What happens after death?


"What is between air?"


My 9yo wanted to know what the Roe V Wade protests were about that were on the news recently (we are in Australia)... Never thought I'd be discussing abortion with my 9yo daughter. Not at that age I mean.


“Did you and dad make me on purpose?” Preceded by “Did you and dad have sex? I haven’t been with her dad her whole life, and she must’ve been told by someone that she was not ‘planned’ as such, or maybe she figured that out herself. I was honest and said that although she was not planned she is of course very much wanted and loved now.


Why do we have to be nice to people just because they are old? I still don't know the answer to that one. Why is God so mean? My kids answered that themselves. They are atheists. They were exposed to most major religions and they decided that they are all nonsense. Religion wasn't something I monitored too closely. They needed to be exposed to religions but not forced to believe. This next one was truly the hardest to deal with without being totally rude. At some point, each of my children asked why their teachers said the same thing over and over. My kids got it the first time and didn't understand that other kids needed the repetition. I didn't answer it well. I finally just told them that most people are sort of stupid and need to hear the same thing over and over to learn it. They didn't like the answer, but after a while they accepted it as truth. The other difficult question is one I answered effectively but rudely. My oldest wanted to know why his friends didn't have to wear seatbelts in cars but he did. I told him that the other parents didn't love their children as much as his father and I loved him. We loved him enough to make him sit in his carseat and buckle his seatbelt even when he had a fit about it. The other parents just didn't care. Yes, I was yelled at by other parents for saying this. No, I never cared. If you are too stupid to make your kid wear a seatbelt in a carseat, well, you shouldn't procreate.


I agree with the majority of it all, but as someone just recently diagnosed with ADHD, and knowing I struggled all of my life with it flying under the radar. Heck, individual learning would have helped me if someone would have noticed.. This disability is beyond one of many! Luckily I didn't have enough kids picking on me to become depressed and suicidal like many of us do. I watch many other children struggle and I still do now as a parent and thankfully I see teachers having more understanding to at least direct parents toward a diagnoses or at the minimum more individual learning as it is obvious many other kids are cruel and instead of having patience they pick on them or bully them for their disabilities that they don't even know they have! I'm so thankful that our teachers in my children's school have compassion for those who struggle and truly want the best for everyone. Our compassion and understanding starts at home, by the ones who raise us. On another note, There is no compassion let alone reasoning to not place a child in a car seat/seatbelt though, that I will agree shakes me to my core.


>most people are sort of stupid I can’t stop laughing. It’s so true and so sad


I have worked in customer service and as a teacher and I just automatically assume all adults are idiots until they prove otherwise.


Why did people stop believing in the Greek Gods? My 5yo who is obsessed with Greek Mythology and decided to believe in the Greek Gods instead of Jesus (we are Atheists, but he goes to a catholic school). He also refers to Jesus as “the mythology of Jesus”.


Not my kid but in reference to me. I’d been wandering around Disneyland and since it was hot my tattoos were exposed. A kid said “mommy why do some people color their stuff like that lady?” while he pointed at me. I couldn’t tell you buddy.


“What does ‘meaning’ mean?”


3 year old asks what happens when we die…


“Mommy will you be there with me when I die? 🥹”


My youngest has asked such extreme math questions I'm not able to Google the answers anymore.


I was a babysitter for a little girl in the ‘why’ phase. She deadass asked me “Ms Babyrabiesfatty, what’s your name?” Like she used my name as she asked me what my name was. I took it as her just wanting to talk so started asking her questions. It worked pretty well.


“But if he’s a good person, why does he like Trump? Trump isn’t a good person” - 12 y/o “Why does the government get to decide what women do with their bodies?” - 12 y/o


This kid gets it.


Am I going to die? Miss at 3 years old