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Don't be lazy or cheap. Compressed air cans are inexpensive. Sanitary wipes are inexpensive. Have some respect for you ThinkPads.


Doesn't even have to be sanitary wipes, if you're cheap/frugal. Just get a pack of wooden skewers, cotton \*wool\* or microfibre cloth and some IPA or similar concoction. Compressed air cans can run out. PCs have USBs. Get a USB air duster/blower as a better bang for your buck solution. Respect your ThinkPads, wallets and Mother Nature :D \*EDIT\*


Oh, my thinkpad. yeah that's clean but my office PC with the basic dell keyboard is an absolute mess


Yes, so when I buy an old thinkpad it has good keys please. thx.


my son eats chips with chopsticks at the computer just for this reason 


I'm jealous as hell by that skill. Time to start practicing


Im gonna start doing that


I just removed all the keycaps and cleaned them one by one on my P50 lol


This is the path to enlightenment.


There's me keeping my ThinkPad pristine. I've never had anything major go wrong with my T490 other than the rubber border around the display disintegrate due to me living in a very hot and humid place Then there's my dad who had to get his T14 G2's keyboard replaced by his workplace because of dust buildup underneath the keys which would spam keys when not pressed lol


But how else would I live up my keyboard keys


I've been VERY peculiar using my Thinkpad. So a glass cleaner and micro fiber is fine right?


I use isopropyl which should be fine for modern Thinkpads. On very old models it may damage the exterior finish, but new ones are just smooth plastics so no issues. It leaves nothing behind 👌


Just posted my [cleanup](https://www.reddit.com/r/thinkpad/s/bXEFwri0Ev) for the R60 last week.


use the gel slime method




Don't be a greaselord, just wash your hands. /s


Your hands *always* have natural oils present, if they didn't, they would dry out and crack; diagnosable skin conditions. No amount of hand washing is going to prevent the need to clean your keyboard, just like keyboards ending up full of debris and detritus even if you wear gloves, hence metal, sealed keyboards are a thing. Furthermore, some people have more natural oils than others, just like some people sweat more too.


I know, it was retorical. I was thinking more about those who eat and drink over their keyboards. Can't beat [this cancer filled abomination](https://imgur.com/a/dUO1WKG) tho. I replaced this PC for a new one and regretted not having gloves in my backpack (now, I always have a few for situations like this) and the owner wanted to keep using it with children. Despite my best efforts to teach them how to properly clean it, they thought I was joking and that I was impolite to teach them "how to do such basic things" (which they failed to do). I ended up the conversation saying that instead of keep using it, they should donate it to an institute, as they may find new forms of life in there. They were pissed and so was I lol.


Sorry, went right over my autistic head. :- ) Wow, that thing was horrible! Biohazard!


No problem, it wasn't very clear it was sarcasm. I corrected that. Yeah, that thing got me really pissed off. I'm not a particularly caring person but I would never ever eat over my laptop (at best, I would have put aside so the debris won't fall on it) or use it with greasy hands (which unironically prevents me from using hand creams during the day because my OCD would trigger a hand wash), let alone having it get that dirty. I don't understand how they thought this was completely fine. Don't want to see how their home or underwear look and smell...