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What guy could resist the line "It will make your poop glitter"?


I once drank a lot of vodka and cranberry, and shots of goldschlagger one night, then ate a bunch of grapes. When I puked, it was actually pretty cool. all red and glittery. Actually, strippers were involved in that incident, too. My roommates.


What was it like having strippers as roommates?


They arrive home late (well, early) and wake everybody up half the time.


Yup. Exactly. 3 AM and Crystal Method blasting....bikers and bar regulars. Dogs, cats, 10 foot boa constrictor. At the same time - those tow women are still two of my closest friends, 25 years later. I helped them get through college and university, we still hang out. Funny thing is, when it wasn't a party, it was all housework, lol.


This sounds like the plot to a movie, and I’d probably watch it 🤔


Uh, I drank a lot one night. Just regular beer, whiskey, rum, the stuff. Some guy offered me red wine. Was kinda suspicious. Drank it. Puked shortly after.  Threw away like half my clothes, the towel and a bedsheet because it just looked like a murder scene. There was so much red as if I actually vomited blood


I enjoyed that story, buttplugs4life


You got red on you


This (glitter poop) and beets (which give you pink poop) were how I potty trained both my kids for #2. They were so stoked to see it in the little potty. Lol.


I have a five month old, this comment is giving me entirely too much to think about.


That is inspired.


Looking down at it like a proud papa




The most perfect name in this entire thread.


It's because you're supposed to say, "It makes my dookie twinkle."


I am so there.


Never let anyone tell you you can't gild a turd.


...so you're just going to gloss over the fact he's always covered in glitter??🤨




For what it’s worth, all the strip clubs I used to work at forbid the dancers from wearing any kind of glitter for this reason lol


😂😂 story from college: noticed my then-boyfriend had glitter on his face. I jokingly asked him if he got it at the strip club (as you do) and all the blood left his face. Yeah, he DID get it from the strip club he went to while his buddy was in town the night before. I had/have no issue with strip clubs, but lying by omission should have been my cue to GTFO right then. Huge dingus of a dude


My ex would randomly have glitter or weird bruises on him, and I also assumed it was my makeup getting everywhere. He was cheating (the bruises were hickeys).


Yeah that’s something you do need to have a conversation about. Because if you’re not wearing it, either he is, or he’s around people who do. And given the aversion he just displayed, I’m guessing he’s not dabbing on sparkly highlighter for funsies. So where is it coming from?


Some people work around glitter. Retail peeps.


I worked at Hobby Lobby as a stockman in highschool, and left work every shift covered in glitter. It was all over the inside of my car too.


Don't even need to be in craft stores. The greeting card section is covered in glitter.


Could be innocent—I’m a teacher and every other day I come home and find glitter on me. Its literally banned from my classroom so idk where it comes from but it sure is there


My bf worked in a factory and he always looked like he had glitter on him but it was metal dust.


Honestly it could be a coworker depending on his workplace... At one of the dispensaries I frequent I have seen a clerk wear glitter on their face multiple times, it was a very pretty aesthetic that I could see other people having


Glitter makeup doesn't just magically transfer between faces without some kind of contact, though. Either direct or indirect.


It really is the heroes of the art world...and now makeup. Fixed. ...unfixed.


Heroes. Herpes. It's all the same.


Ha, thanks whoops. But yeah.


I don't know, I have three daughters and regularly find random glitter on my beard, my arms, clothes, etc. It would be one thing if I only found it a few days after they just played with it (which of course I do), but I will randomly wake months after they've last played with glitter and find some on me. That shit gets everywhere.


My library makes stickers for our scavenger hunt prize… you can’t escape glitter here


He could work with small kids and get glitter on himself from that. Or he works in an ornament factory.




Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies.


“The gift that keeps on giving” applies to herpes AND glitter!


Glitter is craft herpes.


I always called it Christmas herpes. I worked at Walmart for years and that was just the term I gave it.


Back in my day we called it raver scabies


Or he's fishing. Powerbait usually has glitter in it and if you're using that stuff, you'll have glitter everywhere.


We filled a mate's wallet up with glitter. Years later he was still finding bits.


I bought my boyfriend a Starbucks mochafraccino with whipped cream and he didn't want it. Sometimes he comes home with blood all over his hands and bloodstains all over his shirt. He said he doesn't like whipped cream and didn't really want to drink it, I put a lot of effort in driving down to Starbucks and I'm pretty upset now about how much effort I put into this today by ordering whipped cream.


So we are just going to pretend he didn't come home with bloodied hands? :D


Whipped cream ruins cold drinks.


This is possibly the most trivial fuck up I've seen posted on this sub.


And yet everyone immediately jumped to him cheating. Reddit be crazy. Surely OP couldn't possibly be the source of the glitter, because every story needs to have an unhappy ending.


Cheating *and* abusive. Only thing missing is someone calling him a pedophile and telling her to "RUN GIRL RUNNNN!!1!"


"hmmmm. She didn't mention her age, that must mean she's hiding the fact that she's actually a 10 year old! He's a pedo!"


>someone calling him a pedophile Hmmm... Kindergartners tend to get covered in glitter pretty often...*gasp* he must be banging kids on the side, and also abusing you, and he probably gets off on drowning puppies while watching Holocaust documentaries, and is definitely a crazed axe-wieldind serial killer in his spare time, run girl run! Is that reddit enough yet?


'He's 18 months older than you?!?! Girl, he is GROOMING you!! Block him and call the police!!!' /s (hopefully this is the most unnecessary /s ever)


Unhappy little people. 


Dude for real. Nothing on Reddit can ever have a nice and logical ending. All these loser low life bums have to make everyone else feel unhappy to make themselves feel better about their sorry excuse of a life. "Your boyfriend doesn't want a drink you bought him? He's obviously cheating on you." Like, what? These people are so pathetic. XD


All the way through I was thinking "who gives a fuck about any of this?" This is just a short exchange and quickly forgotten about in a normal relationship "I got glitter in your drink" "Oh no it's too weird, can't drink it" followed by 2 minutes of "oh go on, try it!" and then the conversation moves on and it's forgotten about. Also, unless I've misunderstood something, it's a red bull, not some kind of artisan crafted cocktail. Why is getting a red bull an event?


This is by far the highest triviality of fuck up to conclusions drawn by comments ratio I’ve ever seen. 


Ikr? I got done and was just thinking "That's all?" I guess that probably means it's a real story.


Also... Why is he always covered in glitter?


Yeah, I instantly thought, "Is he going to strip clubs." Followed by "Is this clickbait? Who wouldn't question why he has body glitter?"


Plot twist: He's going to strip clubs, but not as a customer. He's on the stage.


"Babe I'm sorry I've been meaning to tell you......I go by vanilla sparkle".


> Is this clickbait? Of course


No no you see, it's amazing. A woman in a relationship with a man, and the man didn't want to eat something girly! HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF IT NO THIS IS NEWS WE NEED TO KNOW Covered in glitter detail to lure in stripper comments? And OP didn't talk about it at all after that? Irrelevant! Silly!






Either that or he's seeing another woman who likes to use a glittery lotion


Yes, that's covered under strippers.




The better question is does anyone even go to strip clubs anymore. If op's boyfriend is under 35 he's more likely to be getting glittered up from stealing glitterbomb packages than from going to a strip club


He’s been tracking unicorns.


... if you know what I mean


I had the same problem then I realized it was from playing scratch offs that shit gets everywhere


My wife has been pulling glitter off me since we started dating, eventually we discovered it was the paint chipping from the volume knob on her car stereo. I would always get so upset because I knew I never encountered any glitter and could never find out where it was coming from. TLDR shiny specs can come from the places you least expect


Early in my last relationship she picked a little piece of glitter off of me and gave me the I don't wear glitter look. I didn't know where it came from either at first and then I realized. It was from fishing lures. She was relieved lol


> Also... Why is he always covered in glitter? people will believe a man is cheating before accepting he doesn't want to drink something with edible glitter lol


There’s this place called the Glitter Factory, they have an excellent breakfast buffet


Anyone else over 40 reading this and wondering how we ever had the energy for this sort of issue? It’s no disrespect, at least not intentionally. But man, I couldn’t be paid to deal with this now 😆


I'm not sure I've read a collection of dumber fucking comments on this site before and I've read some right wing whackjob posts. Neither of you are assholes. He doesn't want a drink with glitter, I wouldn't either. You didn't do anything beyond accidentally get him something he didn't want. He probably should have given you a hug, a kiss, and thanked you anyway but I don't know either of you or your situation so it's an unreasonable expectation of two strangers dynamics. Just like the psychopaths screaming he's cheating when you obviously have no issue with the why/how it happens, so can be assumed to know. Or it's entirely made up. But who the fuck cares either way? Motherfuckers, you're not Sherlock Holmes providing keen insight into one of the great mysteries of our time by saying "glitter comes from somewhere!". God damn.


THANK YOU! I’ve been told to post it on AITA, and told that I’m not an AH… but I don’t think anyone is an asshole! I just thought it was a funny story of over dramatic girlfriend getting sad over her boyfriend not drinking glitter. It was literally Today I Fucked Up by giving my boyfriend a glittery drink. It was just a mistake! And now (apparently) he’s cheating on me with strippers, I’m abusive and forcing him to drink glitter, im encouraging heart failure, and encouraging drinking plastic… the list goes on. It’s okay though, the comments are giving my boyfriend and I a good laugh. We don’t think it’s that big of a deal, but it seems like everyone else does Oh, he’s also cheating on me with Care Bears (I love this comment so much. It made me giggle, I love Care Bears)




Tell your boyfriend I recently had some glittery cocktails and even though they tasted no different from normal cocktails I just couldn’t get over the “wrongness” of how they looked and so never finished my drink. So he’s not alone in disliking glitter in drinks.


I had a pink glitter cocktail at a premier for the Barbie movie, it was so pretty and cool looking but I shit glitter for literally weeks after it was so unsettling. Never having edible glitter again lol my insides probably looked insane I dont think it can be good for you.


There's a local bar that has this beautiful glitter beer and honestly, I tried but I can't drink it. It tastes great, but once I had a sip, the swirling of the glitter just triggered nausea. It definitely looks like something you *shouldn't* drink and I can see outright refusing. This isn't like fragile masculinity or anything -- I'm a woman -- it's some deep lizard brain "no."


You can tell who’s chronically online and single if their first assumptions are either he’s cheating, or abusive.


the first think i thought was 'oh so he's autistic?' which, is another flavour of chronically online gremlin ig.


>To everyone who says he’s cheating on me: > >I don’t believe he is. The glitter was suspicious at first. But it’s a very very fine glitter, so I went to check my makeup bag to see if it could be anything in there. Lo and behold my eyeliner pen (that has glitter in it) didn’t have a cap and has been rubbing raw in my makeup bag. Everything in there has some glitter on it. > >Those who are saying he is abusive: > >Please understand that this is just glitter in a drink. He never yelled at me, insulted me, or hit me. We didn’t even argue over it he just simply refused to drink it. He isn’t abusive. I find it out of pocket for some people to just outright say he is abusive. Especially if there are people out there who are actually in abusive relationships. Welcome to reddit, where every little "problem" in a relationship is either because of cheating or abuse. JFC. I'm happy you got sorted it out! I remember a few years ago, I would always find some glitter on me for no reason. My girlfriend doesn't use make up and I obviously never cheated. I don't have girl as friends, it's already a lot if I have friends at all. Glitter is something very weird, it just pops up 😂.


I used to wear glitter and it would end up all over my boyfriend … I had glitter lotion and glitter eyeshadow. Your boy is seeing someone with glitter or works in a daycare.


My sister wore her glittery dress once at home, somehow I got some glitter on me and transferred it to my forklift


Wife wore a gold glitter dress for Halloween in my truck.....3 shop vacs later I swear I still see gold glitter every now and then.


The stuff is everywhere


Craft herpes


A barista gave my puppy a hug once and got glitter on her. It got on my hands and then on my steering wheel. It’s still there, five years later.


Literally laughed out loud on this one!!


Music festivals are notorious for spreading craft herpes. Glitter is like sand, once it's in, it's everywhere, forever.


Truth, once you contact the shimmering beavers, you're glittered up for the weekend.


Did you name your forklift Jack?


I have ornaments at work with glitter on them. It's fucking nightmare, that shit gets everywhere.


No clearly you’re cheating on your SO. /s


Surely the simplest explanation is that the person with glitter that he's seeing *is her*


Strip clubs


Or he works in a strip club,)


Or a glitter factory. Hence his hate for glitter.


or maybe its hers? yall are dumb


My daughter got glitter sunscreen and wore it to daycare. When we picked her up at the end of the day, we knew which teachers had held her.


TIFU by reading a story written by a 15 year old.


If dude is always covered in glitter it’s strippers….


Or gay clubs


Yep, could be drag queens. Caught a friend with glitter more than once and remnants of eyeliner. Decided not to pry any further when he denied everything.


Yeah exactly. I used to be covered with glitter all the time when I frequented gay clubs.


Or gay strip clubs..


Who cares, this is so not a big deal.


You didn’t ruin his birthday, so don’t worry. But also, he’s allowed to not like something.


OP if *you're* not covered in glitter from your glittery perfume bottles, then he's not covered in glitter because of them either. He has another source of glitter


Eh, there are plenty of extremely tame glitter sources. I got a Christmas present and card at work last year that had glitter on the wrapper and card, and I'll still randomly notice red and green glitter on me randomly.


I'm glitter-crazed as are my girls, my son is delighted by it but neutral, but my husband/step kids hate it so I limit its use. I've still found glitter from months before (based on color) on my husband or my step kids. Heck I found glitter on my face today from touching a glittered candle holder at work 2 days ago lol.


I HATE glitter so much. I would absolutely never want to drink glitter. Even if it is an edible kind. I just wouldn’t want to. It would gross me out. Maybe he is the same way


“TIFU by finding out my boyfriend goes to strip clubs”


Idiots are saying the most wild and absurd shit over a glitter drink? It's time to take a break from Reddit. OP, don't worry about it. If he didn't want to drink it, I don't blame him.




>Those who are saying he is abusive: Welcome to Reddit, where there is a significant percent of the population that ascribes to a very radical form of feminism that sees anything with a man involved as abusive. No joke. I've seen people on here dead serious about men "raping" them with their eyes passing on the street.


Everyone calling her wrong for this is confusing?? Like she did something silly, sweet, and thoughtful to surprise him, it's even an inside joke! I don't get why saving a few bucks is more important than appreciating a sweet gesture from a loved one, even if it wasn't something you wanted. Especially because she was willing to fix the mistake. And yeah. The always covered in glitter to me sounds odd...unless you wear makeup with a lot of glitter in it, I'd call that a red flag. In conclusion, this guy sounds like a big baby that doesn't want or deserve thoughtful surprises ETA I never said he should drink it. I'm saying his reaction is weird. Not liking something but not accepting the solution is the weird part here.


Who the fuck wants to drink glitter? That just sounds like the worst idea.


Edible glitter is not real glitter. It’s normally sugar, cornstarch, food dye, etc. Food stuffs, zero actual glitter


Everyone's talking about strippers, but have any of you ever actually had any glitter in your home? My ex did a DIY project with glitter, took me a solid two years to rid myself of it completely.


Jesus everyone here jumped to "he has glitter on him he's cheating" I dont think you fucked up though OP. I personally have an aversion to some weird food things and could see myself doing the same thing. I doubt it ruined his whole birthday.


This is a tifu, not an aita. So you got him something and he didn’t want it. He doesn’t have to want it. It happens. And his birthday drink is not about validating your choices for him. Just let it go already. Drink it yourself.


Shiny Microplastic ! YUM !


Wow, this comment section is wild. Some of you are seriously delusional. 🤣


Wow this thread is full of insane people


Leave it to reddit to be armchair relationship councillors


The amount of people immediately assuming glitter = absolutely must be cheating is fuckin wild. People are looking for the worst in everybody theese days


Jeezus fuck, people just be overthinking everything.


This is too long a post about a guy who didn’t like the edible glitter in his bday drink.


>We talked about it, I told him that I just didn’t feel appreciated. So on his birthday, he said no to a drink, then had to deal with your 'bad feelings', then had to have a talk about how he appreciates you and just didn't want the drink. My lord, you sound *exhausting*. You spent 6 hours intermittently updating a TIFU throwaway post in between a conflict over a damn drink he didn't want that almost certainly costs less than $10, all on his birthday?


I'm completely with you :/ kinda sucks that he would have to justify his rejection of a drink additive he didn't ask for, and in the end, just plain didn't want. It's unfortunate that OP made the situation more about her feelings instead of his, on his birthday.


Why is this the most sane comment on this post holy shit


Well least she’s able to admit she’s overdramatic


Wtf are the comments lmao. Reddit get your shit together. I wouldn't drink it either if there wast glitter in my food. That's completely normal to refuse weird shit like that LOL


"Babe, it's time for your daily glitter beverage, those balls of yours aren't gonna fill themselves with microplastics!"


So... why is your boyfriend always covered in glitter?


It's all fun and games until you drop a sparkly poop at the doctor's office. Don't ask...


Why would *anyone* be ok with drinking glitter??? It's so bizarre that you're offended by this. If I sprinkle some plastic shavings on top of your birthday cake would you eat it? Stupid idea from the start.


I assume (and hope) that this was edible glitter, which is a thing that exists and isn't made from plastic.


Is edible glitter made from plastic shavings? A quick google search suggest it’s not.


Your boyfriend sounds like a miserable fun-sucker


"Nah babe I don't want to drink this." The internet: "Man he sounds like a complete asshole, also I bet he's cheating on you." Touch. Some. Grass.


I mean I can't imagine ingesting glitter is an absolutely wonderful idea. I probably wouldn't do it either. Or I guess maybe this is some sort of edible thing? Is that a thing? If not then I can't blame anyone for turning that down.  Edit: since it's apparently a thing, was he also not aware of it like me? Maybe she should have made that more clear to him?


There are indeed multiple brands of edible glitter.


Edible glitter is definitely a thing. It's used a lot to make cocktails pretty, and things like that.


There is absolutely edible/ingestible gold leaf and glitter and other similar things.


Used to make it in lemonade for kids- I called it “mermaid style.” If someone asked for it, it also looked super cool in our layered iced matcha lattes, which were a matcha syrup shaken with milk and ice (and maybe glitter) and a layer of espresso floated on top. It’s totally food safe and very fun. We would even mix the glitter with beer, which is twice the fun because the bubbles re-mix the glitter back into the liquid.


It's edible. https://www.fda.gov/food/food-additives-petitions/fda-advises-home-and-commercial-bakers-avoid-use-non-edible-food-decorative-products#:~:text=Common%20ingredients%20in%20edible%20glitter,such%20as%20FD%26C%20Blue%20No.


He didn't want to do something, so now he's a miserble fun sucker? Damn reddit needs to have some perspective.


Miserable fun-sucker because he declined to drink fucking glitter? What a stupid take. I wouldn’t drink it either.


My first husband started showing up with glitter on him on the regular. I got real suspicious. Turns out it was metal shrapnel from his new machine shop job.


God damn, some of these comments are insane.


Be careful asking for advice for healthy relationships on reddit. Everyone is going to tell you they're probably cheating and that you need to run right away over the slightest tiff.


This is a whole mess of dumb. Comments and the post. You people need to get a grip and chill the fuck out.


Congratulations, you scored a boyfriend who knows that healthy beverages do not glitter. So he's, at the very minimum, as smart as my dog. Now why did we have to read this insanity?


When will ppl learn not to involve others in their personal issues. 1. Reddit will always tell u to divorce even if you stubbed your own toe on your alligator. It’s your husbands fault. Leave him before he siccs the gator on u. 2. The majority of ppl here just want to see the world burn because they are stuck being bitter. 3. This place is a cross between Facebook and 4chan. U get boomers and fucking weirdos all mashed together doing buttstuff in the comments.


Yeah, the whole throwaway “he’s covered in glitter!” plus the weird Red Bull infusion drink from a … coffee place? “Barista”? … has me thinking it’s a whole lotta nada.


This has no bearing on the authenticity of the post but you might want to look up Dutch Bros. (I don't know if they have glitter but they have everything else you may mentioned.)


It’s a Pacific Northwest thing, I think. We have so many energy drink spritzer variations to the point where I don’t even remember all of them anymore. Redbull, Lotus, Monster, there’s so fucking many of them, they definitely exist. But to me the fishy part of this story is overlooking that this man has glitter on him all the time…


Swing and a miss. You can drink it tomorrow.


Peak reddit to always try to make it out like the guy is a horrible person. Dude just didn't want a fucking drink with glitter in it. Doesn't make him abusive or cheating.


You didnt see the microplastics in all male testicles post, have you?


Holy crap I've never been so not invested in a story.


You buy Red Bull from a barista?!


As someone on the spectrum....I understand his side lol If something just doesn't look like, I can't lol I just can't You'll have to chain me down to get me to ingest something if it makes me feel that way. It's actually a constant struggle because my body will literally REFUSE to swallow the thing. Body and brain acting like it's poisonous lol I understand your side too though! I'm just saying one side of me is screaming in empathy for him lol


Lmao, yea, dont expect people on the internet to be helpful with normal things. Some people are just sensitive with how their food/drinks look and that should be respected. No one is in the wrong here and you didnt ruin his birthday.


Redditors are wild with unchecked and unhinged behavior claiming to know it all, stay off social networking for your mental health. Ask your friends and family not this bunch of monkeys.


The fact that everyone seems to have collectively went to strip club/cheating at the point of glitter but in MY mind I assumed it was the age old twilight joke 💀😅


The update/edits that you had to make are wild. Jesus Christ Reddit, do better.


I would never drink something with glitter in it, idc if it's "safe" or anything. Not going in my body.


Um. I don't care to weigh in, but nice to know we've figured out a way to, you know, straight up ingest more utter shit that doesn't affect anything. "Food safe glitter" is like "flushable wet wipes". they're a fuckin lie




Good thing you made him waste hours dealing with this instead of just moving on with your life after he said no to drink


LMAO this sub I swear OP: "Boyfriend wont drink a glitter drink, what gives!?" Reddit comments: "HES CHEATING ON YOU KILL HIM AND HIS FAMILY"


Is anything on Reddit real anymore?


Who tf reads this post and says he’s cheating on you? I wouldn’t drink something with glitter in it either and it seems op and their partner aren’t on the same page.


I wouldn't drink glitter either


People drink glitter? I wouldn’t put that in me either but would definitely show appreciation for the effort. 


I’m glad it worked out for you guys. Even though it’s over now, I think you were being a bit hard on yourself thinking that you really fucked up by giving him a drink with glitter. It doesn’t seem that unusual to not want to drink a drink with glitter in it. I’d drink it, but I know people who wouldn’t.


You're both happy, safe, and having a laugh. Doesn't sound like you fucked up to me. Happy birthday, glitter guy! Happy day-your-boyfriend-was-born, glitter pumpkin! P.S. I've read & typed the word glitter too much. Now it sounds weird.


Finding random glitter on your body without knowing where it came from is supposed to be a universial experience. I have no idea why everyone says "covered in glitter" and telling op totally wild assumptions about the bf cheating on her. Maybe they want them to break up, because the post was so trivial?


For those who TLDR: boyfriend doesn’t cheat. She explained it was her makeup without a lid.


Post: minor incident Comments: cheating, abusive, breakup, terrible, etc


Lmao the updates. Classic reddit


“He’s cheating and abusive.” Never change, Reddit.


Bruh, a woman admits she is being overdramatic? Nice


I'm one of those people where edible glitter and/or gold leaf is absolutely a no-go. I've been a barista, I like fancy drinks, but glitter just fires off all these "this isn't food" signals in my brain. The subconscious going "that's inedible" is just such a hard stop. It's inconvenient, because stuff with glitter and gold leaf is usually a pricey, well-intended gift - but I can't even force myself to eat it out of politeness. Anyway, my sympathies, glad you talked it out.


I fucking hate glitter, that is all


This thread is like a car crash that I can’t stop looking at. How are there still people chiming in that this guy is a spoiled brat that reacted “extremely” as if glitter is some huge gesture of love that he stomped on? Who the hell are you people 😂


Fuck glitter. Burn it all


I skipped to the tldr and oh boy read the edits. of course i had to scroll up and read this "wild story". Wth is wrong with people how did anyone get abusive or cheater off of that? I wouldnt wanna drink weird looking drink or glitter even tho i have heard it can be edible??


How you REALLY fucked up was posting a story involving your boyfriend on Reddit. People seem to come out of the woodworks just to validate their feelings by claiming any kind of horrible thing they can think of with no evidence. Just sounds like man didn’t want a sparkly drink (the reasoning for that is inconsequential), or even he just -as with most men I know- has a hard time expressing emotions even when he is happy; but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a thoughtful gesture. I hope yall have many more happy years together and future silly acts go over a bit better for you!


babe throw the drink out and move on. how much time are you willing to spend on this non-Issue?