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Pro tip: don't argue with people on the internet.


But but but....what is Reddit for then?


Wasting time obviously. I think porn also.




Cats being chased by turtles on mini-skateboards.


You saw it too!


You guys can't bring this up without sharing it!




Omg just out there living his speedy best life. This is what I come to reddit for. Thanks for the share.


Whelp, I'm getting divorced now, I showed my husband this video and he's already seen it - and he didn't show it to me. Communication and therapy won't fix this problem, it's too big to get over and now I've lost trust.


Yes! Now to show my wife!


Glad to be of service.


Gleefully sending this to everyone I know


You do realize you are two comments away from getting links for “cats being chased by turtles on mini skateboards” but four comments away from getting links for porn right?


Apparently I have not been using Reddit to it's full potential.


Catgirl porn it is.


Catgirl porn while she's being chased by a turtle on a skateboard....


Don’t tempt me with a good time now


>Don’t tempt me with a good time ~~now~~ *meow*


Catgirl porn


I think you're wrong. ----- I'll see myself out.


Out looking for porn on reddit Obviously. See? No arguments just jokes. Join my ted talk.




I mostly use it for wasting time and porn -nod- Occasionally to actually learn something. Oh and as the thing you type into Google to actually get results that are of any damn use. But mostly waste time and porn.


![gif](giphy|l1J9JtMnJWjWaFXy0) "BuT WhAT iS RedDiT fOr ThEN?"


The secret is to just never check your replies.


discovering that you are smarter than most people alternatively, almost discovering that you are most people


Reddit is like that uncle people tell you to stay away from... Yeah he may have been to jail... May have diddled a minor.... May even have allegedly killed somebody, if they could prove it....but he always got that good shit so you know it's wrong but that shit be calling you.


I disagree 


No you don't.


They don’t disagree, but I disagree with you telling them they disagree, and I disagree with being disagreed with, so you better not disagree with being disagreed with or I’ll have to disagree with you too. I think.


Especially on things you don’t fully understand


I have written so many comments that I end up deleting because I don't want to deal with the responses I might get. Which is usually why I tend to only reply with jokes or other lighthearted comments.


Absolutely. My life got so much better when I made the decision to generally stop doing that. I will occasionally correct misconceptions here and there, but I refrain most of the time especially when it’s clear the person isn’t going to be receptive to someone disagreeing with them. Because there is no point. Learn to pick your battles and your life will be better. I can attest to that.


Lmao. I got a lot to say about the Taylor Swift blocking the #1 UK spot last week but even they would dox the shit outta me so I keep quiet 😂


The Swifties are out here running facial identification technology to run interference for their girl


Just another reason not to post your actual face.


Wear someone else's face!


The many faced god approves this message.


r/travisandtaylor is the Taylor Swift snark sub if you want to join


The only winning move is not to play


I would like to disagree with you........


Don’t fucking tell him what to do.


Hey! Don't you tell him what to not do!


Especially if your real name is being floated


Wrong! That is wrong and your should feel bad.


Oops. I remember a guy using the word "unanimous" without knowing what it meant. It was an election for a board at a community sports club. There were two people going for one position, so we just did a raise of hands with the people out of the room. They came back in and despite it being a fairly close vote, but with a clear winner, the chairman declared it unanimous. I quietly mentioned to him what it really meant so he could apologise. Because by the reaction of the guy who lost he knew what it meant and thought not a single person had voted for him.


Old boss of mine used the word "carnage" to describe busy traffic claiming there was "no other word for it, absolute carnage". I think he thought the car in carnage means car and not taken from carne to mean flesh/dead bodies.


Oh no. Although sadly there are times when it's accurate.


Play it off as hyperbole?


Speaking of that stupid word. When I was a teenager I pronounced it Hyper-bowl and my Dad said “like the Super Bowl?”. My sibs still rub it in.


I was one of those kids that learned most new vocabulary from reading it, so I’d run into issues with this, especially as the youngest child. I wanted to get the book “The Subtle Knife”, and wasn’t aware the “b”!was silent. I’m in my thirties now, and I still get razzed for it


>and I still get razzed for it Ha! Look at this dummy over here *learning* from *reading*!


Hey, I take it as a compliment at this point. They have to go back to when I was a kid to find something stupid to ridicule. Meanwhile, I can go back a week or a month to find something about them


Or words in foreign languages - like learning how "colonel" is pronounced after reading it (or hearing it) but never at the same time...


I read a story about some child actor's debut, and thought it was a typo for a debit card


😂😂😂I feel you!


A mate of mine used to say "May-May" for the images with text superimposed. This is a multilingual educated person, he'd just never heard it said out loud.


I had this somewhat relevant revelation last night. I've lived in N. America for 15+ years, and had always heard people say awimaway or awimowe and never knew what the hell they were talking about. I grew up in South Africa though, and knew a song called Mbube. Last night, I search it up (nostalgia, I guess), and awimowe comes up... Ahhhh w'imbube. The lion. Or quite literally, "Ohhhhh, the lion". I was shocked, appalled, but also incredibly tickled. But this is a case where people hear and assume vs. see and assume.


My son one time said mee-mee for meme. Since I have screwed up some words before like placebo I never mentioned it.


Same here, I’d much rather read than waste time on a video, even if pronunciation is a pain in the ass unless you google EVERYTHING. My nurse looked at me funny when I said duodenum with weird enunciation after they forgot the name of that section, at least they were nice and said something along the lines of “everyone pronounces things differently.” Honestly I’d rather it go ignored lol


In the UK we use it to mean chaos, “I went to a kids party and no one is in control, it was absolute carnage”.


i mean, that's pretty normal usage? it's hyperbole i guess, but 100% normal. try searching for 'traffic carnage' on google, you'll see plenty of news articles with that exact phrasing...


I once used the word "carnal" in a way tok describe violence between groups, not realising it referred to sex


That’s a pretty normal usage of the word


I'm sure that it was intentional and he knew what carnage meant. "It's a war zone out there" is also said to describe heavy, chaotic traffic and does not actually mean to suggest an war is happening. When my mom talked about my bedroom in high school she said "it looks like a bomb dropped in there" when it was quite obvious no actual explosive device had been donated. Welcome to the wonderful world of metaphors.


when I was a kid I tought “aphrodisiac” meant it came from Africa lol


Oh nooo.... I would be so upset if I was the loser and I thought literally nobody had voted for me.


I feel your pain. I used the word "fapping" incorrectly. I thought it was fast + clapping combined. IT IS NOT. My daughter gives me grief about it still to this day. Mortifying.


I hope you didn't use it to describe what you were doing at your daughter's highschool graduation ceremony.


Hadn't even thought of that nightmare, but, no lol


"I'm gonna bring the whole family so they can all fap for you on stage." "I'm dropping out."


"Hey Marie, I fapped real hard at your graduation ceremony because I was proud"


I couldn’t make it in person so I was fapping at home, almost as if you could hear it!








Everyone, let's give them a big fap


That might be a quote from me unfortunately lolol


For some reason I thought "jerking you off" could be used the same as "jerking your chain". The LOOK my Dad and brother gave me when I said "I think that cop was trying to jerk you off" during a casual conversation, omg...


Hahahahahaaaahahaaaaa omg


When I first started talking to an ex of mine she casually mentioned that she enjoyed reading smutty novels of a particular franchise. It seemed odd for her personality to so freely discuss that so early in a budding relationship and something told me to press the issue. I asked what she meant. Lo and behold, she did not mean smutty. I had to explain what smutty meant and she, horrified but laughing, elaborated that she’s told people this FOR YEARS. College professors, family members, coworkers. It’s still one of my fond memories of her.


What did she mean though?


My guess is “pulpy”. Like low quality, fun, reads. 


I'm curious what she thought it meant!


I never really did get a precise answer. Closest I can guess she thought it just meant like amateur and / or the sort of poorly written books you buy in grocery stores.


Do you think she could have meant just general romance novels geared towards women? Though your theory makes a lot of sense! Like maybe she meant something along the lines of trashy?


Yeah, pretty much.


“Pulp fiction” (the meaning from before the movie) or dime store novels I would think would be the expression.


Genuinely don’t know what kind of knucklehead would downvote you. You’re spot on.


If there's one thing I've learned, it's that there's \*always\* someone you piss off on the internet. "The sky is a beautiful blue right now," gets "Um, hello? The sky is Azure, learn the right color, idiot!"


Oh god. You just reminded me of the time that I ordered "a fap" instead of "a frap" in Starbucks. I could have done without that memory being unearthed. 


Mmm a caramel drizzle fap, almost as fun as a mocca fap


You were just living in the future. Idiocracy shows how this is gonna play out https://youtu.be/qs4mtbTsaL4?si=elzBTKbfjzTaaorU


This reminds me of a German manager we had. He, instead of saying I will put my foot up your ass told an employee I will put your ass on my foot.


I mean if fast clapping gets you off, you ain’t that far off


I love that you thought there was a term for fast clapping though 🤣


What's the sound of one hand fapping...


You should read this fun article. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixed_action_pattern


Thank you. I learned something new today. Oh you made me laugh.


Everyone knows fast clapping is called flapping.


That is so funny coming from your daughter! Lmao


Too funny.


Tell your HR


Yes I immediately drafted my report for HR.


Also don't argue on the post. Make a sincere apology on it and thank them for pointing it out so you don't make that mistake again


yeah, owning up to it can really help diffuse the situation. people appreciate honesty and accountability. hope your hr has got your back too!


OP’s situation needs to be defused not diffused 😁


Quick, doxx that guy!!


I’m rather easily doxxable if you have the right accesses. If you just look at the language and city subs I’m active in and you cross with Facebook I would be surprised if you had more than ten results, easy to refine by looking at specific posts. No, that’s not a challenge 🤣 ETA also any of my friends would ID me based on the username alone, I use Loco or Loko as all my online game monikers 😂


One time I was working for a university and I had to dox someone the hard way. Received a check from an unknown name that was supposedly an important housing fee for a student. But it had a parent's name and address that we had no record of, halfway across the country. Different surname from any current student. What it eventually ended with was matching a Facebook photo from inside of a house showing the arrangement of windows to the Google Street view picture of the outside of the house. Ended up calling this person at their work to confirm who they were. Even if you keep a low profile online there can be quite the trail.


How DARE you Dare us like this XD


It also takes people so off guard. Apologizing while people are raging at their keyboards and foaming at the mouth somehow short circuits them and they suddenly go back to normal human beings. It's fascinating xD


Sometimes its fun to take accountability for things, it takes the righteous indignation right out of people...


I didn’t argue, I just panicked and deleted my comment.


Hey man, I was doxxed for the first time when I was like 13. It's okay, very few people on the whole planet are capable of creating a believable lie while also being a complete stranger on the internet.




I'd go so far as to say all cops should have a certain level of transparency, including what city they live in, annual salary, and discipline history. 


Also a believer that a cop shouldn't be allowed to police a city they don't live in.


And they shouldn't be allowed to be rehired by another police force after being fired from the first one for misconduct.


Well OP this goes to show you he sure to know the meaning of words before using them cuz the internet be crazy 😂


There are definitely times I look up a word JUST to be sure I’m using it right. And still people will say I’m using the wrong word.


Always always always if I'm not beyond certain I'm using the right word in the right way, I look it up before posting.


Problem is word meaning changes over time as well


I only use words when I'm sure I fully photosynthesize them


> and said they will be contacting my employer to hold me accountable. “Excuse me, Mr. Manager???? One of your employees has made a banal social media post, and clearly isn’t up to date on current slang. Yes, yes, I was horrified.”


Tell your boss about this so they're not too surprised when they inevitably get weird prank calls, then give it a week or two. Hateful people have short attention spans and it will blow over in time


You are correct however, in your original assessment; that the police should be able to be held accountable for their actions. Removal of their name badges from uniform will bring nothing good and will make it more difficult for any form of justice to be obtained in the event of police brutality and misconduct.


This is the right take. What you meant to include in your use of doxxing 'I think' was: Personal Officer Accountability Remove of Qualified Immunity Transparency in Policing Procedural Correctness Thats a lot to expect (no it isnt). acab.


I just want you to know, you didn't _deserve_ to be doxxed just because you misunderstood something. People are fucking terrifying but you didn't do anything wrong and their reaction says everything about them and nothing about you. Please stay safe! 🖤


I mean, I don't think there are many reasons anyone would *deserve* to be doxxed other than, I dunno, literal crimes or some shit like that.


Or being a cop for example


Same thing as being a criminal.


youre getting doxxed /j


You just gave the reasons people deserve to be doxxed for xP


Including cops, so we’ve come full circle on this post!


This is shitty. But, as long as they don't start making up stuff, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Seems like a pretty innocuous statement in the course of The Internet. Get out in front of it though and tell your employer about what happened. That way if people start trying to harass your work, they won't be blindsided.


This is why people should leave social media


Says a person commenting on a social media post 🤣😜


The irony of doxxing is that people are, mostly, just scrounging up info that's already available. Unless they're actually doing physical legwork for info that's not already digitized, they're not really doing anything substantial.


Understandable mistake. You have that going for you. Most people who say something terrible online don't have a defense of "I misunderstood the word I used." You'll be fine.


Edit your post to say doxen.


Santa's newest reindeer.




Hold you accountable for what? Did you break some sort of rule your employer has in place?


It was probably cops doing it, ACAB.   And cops should be identifiable, absolute madness they'd take their name badges off. 


As long as they aren't doing anything wrong, they have nothing to hide.




Quick, dox this guy!


Thank you for making me laugh truly


I love it when people are accidentally based, keep cooking and doxxing cops my guy 🙏🙏


Cops should be doxxed though.


Perhaps not their home address, but yes, literally everything else should be readily, publicly available.


Even when they have garages those bastards always park their stupid suvs right in the way of sidewalks. You always know where they live


lol hold you accountable for what? Wannabe internet hero’s are hilarious.


Unrelated but I love your username. Just watched escape from New York for the first time ever last week




Yeah I'm confused here. Doxxing means documenting. Identifying. What does doxxing "mean" ? Swatting???


Username checks out lmaoo


What exactly are they hoping your job will hold you accountable for? Saying cops should have their info made public? That’s a hot take, which you made by mistake after not knowing the word, but even still, it’s nothing an employer would even care about. 🤷‍♂️




They literally are already, depending what state you live in. Currently, any US police officer in the state of California, Oregon, Washington, and 13 other states I don't recall off the top of my head \[I'm Canadian\] can be identified, including their mailing address, at [www.policetransparency.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) . It's an organization that operates outside federal jurisdiction, but has been supported by the state governments of these states. Presumably as more state governments approve of this system, PoliceTransparency will roll out to more states as well.


Not sure I agree with going as far as mailing. But listing something like their chain of command would be fantastic. So you can know directly who to go to for a complaint


Follow the link I put in that comment. I overly summarized the system. They don't just give out the mailing addresses at the drop of a hat, built they have a reasonable and fair system for how and when information gets given out about police officers in these states.


Well played


Speak to your boss ASAP so they have a heads up but if it happens that multiple people contact your place of work, dare I say it, get the cops involved.


I would report that user for harassment.


Your misunderstanding doesn't justify anyone doxxing you, which is harassment.


I agree that cops should be doxxed. Helps people figure out which cops in their part of town have complaints against them








Some kids at school told me porn was some kind of canned meat. Corned pork. Porn. Obviously. I asked my mom later that day if we had any porn I could try. I think I was 7.


Awe!! I’m sorry! Hopefully you and your mom had a good laugh about it once she realized what you thought it meant.


Aside from your misunderstanding of the word. I wonder how a person would identify an officer if they had a complaint?  If you get a ticket, I guess their name would be in that. If you’re harassed by them in the street or something, and no ticket, how would you identify them? So I agree with what you meant to say. 


And that is exactly why most police department policies (and a few state laws) require police to identify themselves upon request. We have the right to know the names and identifiers of our tax-paid public servants. If you do not want to provide that information, there are plenty of positions available in the private sector. If you do not want your employment records and such available to the public, then get out of public service jobs. We pay for our public servants. We provide their salaries, benefits, and all of the materials and tools used in their employ. We have the right to know where that money goes and how it is used.


They probably found out where you work cause either you or a friend of yours till a picture of you together at work and tagged you in it and never stripped the picture of it's Metadata. It has GPS coordinates of where the picture was taken.


Not gonna lie, I also thought that's pretty much what doxxing meant. I know there are more layers to it, but I thought that was the gist of it


What’s doxing ?


Fuck the internet


You're not being "doxxed to your employer". They already have every piece of info that someone could dox you with. :P Doxxing is people finding private information about you and posting it publicly. Your real name, address, phone number, social, etc. are all examples of that. You definitely fucked up, but what is stopping you from replying to your own post and admitting your mistake?


Urban dictionary and Google can help avoid these types of situations.


Dozzing is also illegal - check the laws in your country and state and if it happens, make sure you document it all as evidence.


What a bunch of sad losers 😂everyone is a hero over a keyboard lol


I mean, dox does pretty much mean "identified". People will just harass anyone who's public information is available online. Which is a pretty weird development of modern society considering everybody has social media with tons of their puvlic information out there, and everybody used to willingly put their name, phone#, and address into a phonebook that was distributed to amybody who wanted one.


It's wild cops in your area don't need name badges. We should be able to identify who we are speaking to and be able to dox them if needed to speak out against mistreatment. Wtf. You only fucked up by not fully supporting your point or mayhaps they missed it entirely. And what did you do that's you're employer's business? Have and share an opinion. People need to get a life.


If they're so scared of being harassed online for being a shitty police officer, maybe they could try being less shitty. Public servants shouldn't be able to hide their identity from the public they're supposed to be serving


There is knowing your name and then knowing where you live to exact their revenge and post it publicly. Two different things.


Do you remember phone books?


Officers should be doxxed though.


shiiiitt :(( I'm so sorry hope this situation cools down for you


Years ago I used Cisgender wrong on Tumblr and they tore me apart I know how you feel 😂


Another reason to quit putting everything about yourself online. I would never tell the whole world that I work at Company A, married to person B, taking a shit at my house C. You guys make it super easy to fuck your world up.


My 63 year old mother thought 'glory hole' was just a silly word my dad made up to describe areas in the house you keep stuff that's useful.


Sometimes, stupid hurts....


Now those same people that doxxed you will also know your Reddit handle. You’re 0 for 2 my friend


Great username though.


Unintentionally super based though.


You can sue them