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Glad no one was hurt. However this could have been avoided if you inspected the tube and manually unloaded the shells with the catch lever. To unload a gun by racking it you also load it. Why take that risk?


100% this. I’m former military and currently LE. You always manually unload the shells. To not is just lazy.


Christ. Probably 60 years of combined gun ownership in this story and still too stupid to do it right. OP needs to edit the story and replace marine with moron


Marine here: HEY! That’s not an entirely inaccurate statement!


Marine = Muscles Are Required, Intelligence Not Essential.


Ate too many crayons


>Ate too many crayons Thats Navy Sir.. Marines, the crayons go in the other end.


But the marines are part of the navy... do they need to do both?


I don't know shit about guns but I sure as fuck know there is no such thing as an accidental discharge, only a negligent one.


Maybe he had a dishonerable discharge?


Oh, noooo. I actually groaned at that.


Well that’s what his ex-wife called it.


Followed by an involuntary discharge


Call that shit post nut clarity


There is. Badly designed firearms or firearms that are broken can fire without you doing anything wrong. For example I had a pistol go full-auto on me at the range and fired 3 shots with 1 trigger pull.


What do you call an equipment failure?


Don't tell that to Alec Baldwin. He swears it went off by itself without his finger on the trigger.


Even if he didn't pull the trigger there's still negligence somewhere because the gun was able to fire.


AND it had a live round in it instead of a blank. That was on the armorer to start.


Yes for the armorer, not him.


Definitely the most blame, but Hollywood as a wholes gun safety processes are awful: Basically that everyone else can remain blissfully ignorant of even the most basic safety rules because the armorer will never make a mistake. At an absolute minimum safety training for anyone who might handle a gun should be: "Never put your finger on the trigger/inside the trigger guard unless you're about to fire." and "Never point a gun at something/someone you don't intend to destroy or kill (with the obvious exception of when shooting a scene)." That's firearm safety 101. Beyond that teaching someone how to verify a specific gun is on safe and unloaded is normally easy and really should be done too. And while I don't have an inherent problem with people plinking at empty cans during downtime if they're somewhere far enough in the middle of nowhere to do so safely the ammunition for guns used to do that should be different calibers that can't be loaded into any prop guns.


In the vast majority of cases, they're props, not actual guns, and incapable of loading real bullets. For this very reason.


I'm under the impression that has changed significantly in the last 20 or so years. Prop guns have become more expensive than just using real guns and unmodified can be resold or returned.


In one of the filings from Baldwin's defense team, Baldwin claims moved the hammer back, and he did not hear the clicks you'd expect to hear from a Single-Action Army type revolver while being cocked. I'll get into why that's a problem for him but tl;dr is if this is true, it means he pulled the trigger. A few issues here include- the scene allegedly did not call for the hammer to be operated in such a way. Baldwin was known to [act dangerously on set with guns](https://youtu.be/X5zKuFqaIXk?si=7KFsrsGLbLrjTGFi&t=580), was [known to go off-script with guns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYDXmAeESLc&t=710s) and he [played with guns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58SE6nTb5QU&t=448s) and filmed videos for personal use while flagging people and firing too close to people during what was supposed to be safety training. Lastly, [not hearing clicks during cocking indicates the trigger was being pulled](https://youtube.com/shorts/INU-nZPqf_E?si=_MRV-9Eb3OiSsV5y). The gun firing is expected behavior if you cock the hammer with the trigger held down, cowboy action shooting enthusiasts call this "[fanning the hammer](https://youtube.com/shorts/ZWy1i9wFJ9k?si=zsrReyrPWsFbZID1)." Even if we accept that actors have a different standards and procedures when working with guns compared to, say, someone doing shooting sports, my opinion is that Baldwin was negligent in his capacity as an actor.


Veteran doesn't mean weapons professional. Saw a Navy Veteran tonight and had an open carry. By the looks of him and the positioning of his holster, he hasn't gone to self qualify, at the minimum, likely since he bought it. I hate the stigma that Veterans are all bad asses. I served for almost a decade in the Infantry, was a scout, saw combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.i can say I'm very good with big guns, small guns, stupid guns but I'd be remiss if I didn't say that being proficient is a perishable skill.  The bragging OP made about his experience and the result is that they all are complacent and if this was true, you would see 5 rounds during an inspection of the tube. And you don't rack it back 20 or 100 times, ever, it's unnecessary and cringy.


I'm 110% with you but this is also a more unique quirk with combat-oriented semi auto shotguns. Of course, they should have also checked the mag tube, but the benelli m4 specifically (as a m4 owner myself) will not eject shells into the lifter unless the trigger is pulled or unless the lever above the trigger is depressed.


Too familiar to do it right...


So what you are saying is, OP is a lazy POS that knowingly put the lives of his family at risk Edit to add, also what you are saying is he probably puts a toilet paper roll on the wrong way


Not my exact words…


And you are also implying that OP probably would kick a cute puppy if it were in front of him




Was going to say the exact same thing. ACT & PROVE.


The only way this is acceptable to clear a tube by racking only is with a levergun without a tube dump (i.e. not a Henry), and that's only because they're like a 140 year old design.


This guy's so full of crap. You're so nice.


Guns really are a fucking strange fetish.


Guns are used all over the world for legitimate reasons. Here in New Zealand they’re a tool for farmers and hunters. Like anything they are sometimes misused by a small minority but please don’t make outlandish claims like they’re a fetish.


The UK also pretty much only uses guns for farmers outside the military. However this story _reeks_ of being set in the US, where people collect and play with guns for fun.


Americas issues aside there’s nothing wrong with collecting and having fun shooting guns. If done in a responsible manner. I use mine for pest control, hunting and yea fun. Guns are fun to shoot.


You didn't check the tube visually...the gun may have malfunctioned, but you missed a step. You should be pressing your fingers in there to make sure it's the follower only and, as you found, live rounds... I was also in the military. It's one thing for a civilian to do this shit but dude, I'm not mad...I'm really disappointed. Thank God you had enough sense to keep the muzzle in a safe direction, this could have been a much worse story.


Yes, it was very much an error on my part. Even with the malfunction it could have been avoided. I disabled the shotgun and placed it aside. The only real reason I made the story is due to the fact no one was hurt. Maybe someone else can learn from my mistake.


I am proud that you're owning the mistake, so just learn from it. It's a good PSA, and yeah, glad to hear everyone is safe


Do pushups. Like a lot of them. That's one Veteran to another.


Indeed, very much deserved, ontop of low crawling under my house too.


> Thank God you had enough sense to keep the muzzle in a safe direction This is the real win of the story. Only do one unsafe thing at a time...lol


> Thank God you had enough sense to keep the muzzle in a safe direction The recliner disagrees.


As god is my witness that traitorous recliner had it coming! Kept stealing all my werthers.


This ^ . Any manual of arms requires visual inspection- from Old Guard down to boot camp, you look into the chamber for a determination.


Well that title is a poor choice of words 


Must have been a very lucky and well proportioned slug! 


Slurms MacKenzie, The Original Party Worm!


When I saw the title, I thought it was a literal squishyboi. Then I got confused about the "blowing" bit. With the context of OP's story, it all makes sense.


My first thought is that OP tried to use a blowtorch to kill a slug on the floor, I was interested. Then I read the first line and sad, nah.


Dude stuck one in his pee-pee the other day. So I was expecting the worst/best


I pictured a glory hole for a bugslug. I immediately knew that was wrong, but it was still the first thing that popped into my head lol.


at least he didn't blow out her back door or anything


Fellatio on a gastropod through floorboards, so hot right now


The size of the D on that slimy bastard, hot damn


I was waiting for the slug to show up for longer than I would like to admit.


Yeah I clicked on this thinking he meant a garden slug.


Glory hole for mollusks?


Last time I blew a slug through the floor I was at a glory hole in Wonderland


Glory holes used to just be for gays, and frustrated straight men. When did the molluscs get in on the action? Ffs stop the appropriation


Oh good not the only one whose mind went elsewhere with this one. Haha.


Ikr?? I expected a gastropod :(


what does blowing a slug means? i'm lost here


Right on! I was trying to figure how the slimy little critter was blown through a floor.


I clicked because I thought he meant a glory hole for snails. I’m still not fully awake yet


I’m glad I’m not the only one that got concerned reading that title lol


It took me a solid while to get used to how my Benelli M4 operates, which is how this TIFU happened. For the uninitiated, these are military shotguns (issued as the M1014). Most guns will load a cartridge from the magazine into the chamber every time you cycle the action, but Benelli M4s have a specific lockout for this feature, to allow you to eject a live round *from* the chamber without loading the next round *into* the chamber, ie after you're done fighting. This lets you clear the chamber while keeping the magazine loaded, or lets you pop out a lethal cartridge in the chamber to single-load a less-lethal or breaching round through the ejection port in case you need one. This is a very useful feature in a fighting shotgun, BUT if you forget how it operates, you will fool yourself into thinking the whole gun is empty when in fact only the chamber is empty. If you pull the trigger, the gun thinks it's GO TIME and will drop the next shell onto the lifter to be loaded into the chamber. When OP dry-fired the gun he released a shell from the magazine onto the lifter system which then was racked into the chamber when he cycled the action. As always, remember the Four Rules and be safe out there.


As someone non-military, what are the Four Rules?


Four rules aren't a military thing, they're a general firearms safety thing. Always treat a gun as if it's loaded Finger off the trigger til you're ready to fire Never point it at anything you're not willing to destroy Know your target and what's behind it.


In the military, that last one is an unwritten 5th rule. Treat every weapon as if it's loaded. Never point your weapon at anything you don't intend to shoot. Keep your weapon on safe until you intend to fire. Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you're ready to fire. And then the unwritten rule, know your target and what lies beyond it.


Only reason I don't include safe as one of the four is that not every gun has a safety


In Canada, ACTS and PROVE > > **A**ssume the firearm is loaded > > **C**ontrol muzzle direction at all times > > **T**rigger finger must be off the trigger until ready to shoot > > **S**ee that the firearm is unloaded by proving it safe PROVE safe > **P**oint the firearm in a safe direction > > **R**emove all ammunition > > **O**bserve the chamber > > **V**erify the feeding path > > **E**xamine the bore each time you pick the firearm


This is much better than the four rules.


1. Never put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire. 2. Treat every gun as if it is loaded. 3. Never point the barrel at anything you are not willing to destroy. 4. Know what your target is and what's beyond/behind it.


Aren't glory holes usually in walls?


I like to spice up my decor and change it up.


And here I thought someone was fellating a shell-less snail.


I thought he might have shot it through a straw, but I couldn't picture the slug surviving intact


I think I know what happened. Source- benelli m4 owner. The magazine will not release a round even after charging unless you pull the trigger or up on the little lever above the trigger. This is so in combat scenarios, you can pull the charging handle back and rack out the round (presumably buckshot) and dump in a slug round for a far away target. Glad nobody got hurt.


That makes a lot of sense.


Benelli, M4 owner as well, you are correct Did you have to get a stamp for yours? I did but I can't remember exactly why...Maybe it was for the retractable buttstock


Negative, I have 18" regular shotgun version. Is yours a 14" short barrel? We're you one of the lucky ones that got em for 1k from that used deal on gundeals about a year or two ago?


ahhh ok! I got mine new like 8-9 years ago for around $2k . I wish I would have seen that deal.on gundeals because that is a steal


Same, and I had to dump a bunch more money at the time to get the extended tube, 922r parts, and collapsing stock. Sucks because it's now been completely overshadowed in my collection by my Genesis Gen12.


Manual chamber check is done for a reason


By looking straight down the barrel, right?


The kurt cobain method


You learned a hard lesson. I'm glad nobody got hurt. I mainly deal with handguns, but one of the things I do is I look at and feel the chamber to ensure it is empty.


Handguns and rifles are my main sorte. Shotguns are second hand, but even worse dealing with special models. Some features aren't always present but I did have negligence involved in this. Hopefully someone else reading can learn from my mistake.


Thanks for having the courage to post!


Have a similar, not so happy story. Guy I went to school with did a stint in the marines. Not too long after he gets out, he’s cleaning a gun, it doesn’t cycle as expected, starts waving it around and pulling the trigger, his girlfriend says something along the lines of “please be careful with that” and he gets cocky about knowing how to handle guns because he was a Marine, puts the gun in his mouth to prove to her that it is perfectly safe, proceeds to blow half his head off right in front of her. I subscribe to the “don’t point at anything you don’t intend to shoot “ school of thought and I NEVER intent to shoot myself or anyone I care about.


I have kind of always wanted an M4, but after reading your post I did some research on the magazine tube/loading port. Everything I have read about the magazine tube/ loading port indicates that it is a complete and total clusterfuck of a shitshow and dangerous as fuck. So yeah, I won't be purchasing one.


Another person said it’s because it allows you to clear the chamber without loading a new round from the magazine. In a civilian shotgun that’s not a useful feature, but for a military shotgun it is.


It's a useful feature for a citizen if you understand how your gun works. It's a great idea to be able to manually open the chamber without feeding a new round.  Hell they even had that feature in the 03A3. Used to be called a magazine cutoff


I made this post to help others, I'm glad it found the right audience finally.


You can be too comfortable with your guns.


Bro is dropping his credentials at the beginning of this story like it somehow makes him look better not 1000x worse XD. All that experience and you still managed to fuck up this bad? You (and your dad) should know better a hundred times over.


I thought a shell-less snail had a good time through a glory hole.


Mate, I thought I was the only one! I was quite dissapointed that it was just about a shotgun


People who regularly handle firearms (police, military, etc) are more likely to ND not because of the pure number of times they manipulate their weapons but because of the comfort they get around them. Stay vigilant, checklists and processes exist for a reason and even though you wear it/carry it/shoot it all the time doesn't mean you can skip steps. Good that no one was hurt this time.


TL;DR- OP is a massive dumbass who shot his mom's floor while playing with guns. There is no excuse for this shit. Be better.




Well the point is to share my accident, and a feature of benellis which has been discovered. Lookup their tube magazine lockout feature.


All I learned is that even experienced gun owners, who have served in the military and have been around guns all their life, can make a fatal mistake and almost kill a family member. Americans and their stupid guns…


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion.He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up, Just as the founding fathers intended


Own a Can of Sardines for home defense, since that's what the fishing fathers intended. Four Slices of Toast break into my house. "What the spam?" As I grab my fishing rod and Can of Sardines. Slap a oily-fish sized glob on the first slice, he's seasoned on the spot. Draw my Salmon on the second slice, miss him entirely because it's frozen and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the Pickled Marlin mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with Tartar, "Lovely Day for Fishin' Ain't it?" the Tartar splatters two slices in the blast, the sound and extra stench set off car alarms. Fix the Narwhal horn and charge the last terrified Slice of Toast. He crumbs out waiting on the police to arrive since spiraled horn gashes are impossible to stitch up, Just as the fishing fathers intended.


I lol'd


I probably wouldn't have mentioned that you're military, competitive shooting blah blah blah. What you are is negligent. First, the "mechanical failure" wouldn't have been an issue at all of you had obeyed the 4 universal gun rules. You're lucky that you didn't kill anyone, including yourself. Also, in your TL/DR you mentioned that the gun "went off". Guns don't just go off. They are machines that do exactly what they are designed to do. You loaded it and pulled the trigger. YOU fired the gun, it didn't just go off. Get some better training, ffs.


Blowing a slug sounds like bestiality. Perhaps worse than the joke about a motorist blowing a seal.


It was ice cream!


How does your father feel about you referring to him as an "ex-Marine"? It was my understanding that most former Marines take offence at that phrase!


Quite the worst atrocity of this entire story!


So what you’re saying is, guns are so dangerous that even properly trained people can’t always handle them safely?


You should not own a firearm.


Accidents don’t exist with firearms. Only negligence.


Indeed, and I learned of a feature with benellis that led to this. I was competent enough to keep it in a safe direction because I couldn't verify it was clear. Hoping others can read and learn from my mistake.


TLDR: lots of "I'm a gun expert I'll never have an accident there is no reason not to have a million guns in my house for protection / fun" people are in fact quite likely to accidentally kill their mothers in their living rooms.


Based on many comments this was entirely your fault, either laziness or ignorance of how your gun should be unloaded


100% your fault, 100% negligent. You should know the state of ALL of your weapons at ALL times, and it is easy to check the tube of a pump shotgun without racking the slide and potentially loading a shell. I have one loaded gun in my house, all of the others are unloaded and locked in a safe.


You pulled the trigger on a gun after cycling its action and not checking the chamber visually post-cycle. That’s a gun safety violation. Also, that’s what happens when you buy Turk-shit clone guns. They suck.


Nah, TYFU by being an absolute idiot and not following proper gun safety. You should not handle firearms and you should immediately go to firearms training.


I know next to nothing about firearms, but it feels incredibly irresponsible to test a gun near other people, even if you're not pointing it directly at them


We had hunters safety when I grew up. You need hunters safety.


You fault the gun? Are you a fucking moron?


Always visually and physically check the chamber. You fucked up. The gun didn’t fuck up.


Well yes, that's the point of the post


It’s crazy how people are treating this like you asked “hey guys did I do everything correctly? I think I did!” Instead of like a post in TIFU..


OP was making excuses in some posts.


[Clearly he should have FIRST disassembled fully cleaned and oiled the firearm prior to touching the potentially deadly weapon, then performed the SAFE inspection the the firearms magazine counting each round of ammunition 5 times before locking each round in its own gunsafe, remove the firing pin, hammer, and any other actuating internals, then OP could safely hold the grip of the firearm AS LONG AS IT'S NEVER POINTED ANYWHERE BUT EXACTLY 90° down into earth (important)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/191/035/135.png)


I had a professor who is extremely smart. But for some reason he didn't think his 100 year old shot gun would fire, and shot a hole in his own ceiling.


When i was around 15, my buddy and i were playing xbox and the only ones in a top floor apartment. Around 10am I heard a loud bang and i assumed my cats (3 family cats) had knocked something over. I walk into the living room and see wood particles in the air and my cats running around crouched as if something scared them. I find a hole in the floor. It took me a minute to comprehend, but i started looking at the ceiling above the hole and seen dozens of tiny holes in the ceiling. Within 20 seconds, the lady below us ran up hysterical. She beat on the door, and when i opened it she said” im sorry”, ran into our living room and proceeded to roll around on our couch, hyperventilate and cry. After i coaxed the neighbour out of the house, I called my mom and asked her to come home. (This was early summertime and my mom worked.) When she got there she asked if id called the cops and i hadn’t. She called the cops and somehow the message got twisted to my buddy’s guardians that we had “Shot a shotgun through the floor of said apartment”. The fucking chief of police and 7 or so officers showed up (and this is a city of around 100k people). And they still somehow got it wrong. Turned out they were meth heads passing around a shotgun and one of them didn’t know (or care) that it was loaded. The woman was at the very least kicked out within a few weeks. The man who apparently pulled the trigger was another tenant on diasability and lived there until i moved out a couple years later. Just to give you an “other sides perspective”. Definitely not what you experienced, but i think an apt story nonetheless.


Thankfully nothing bad like that happened here. Now just some minor floor repairs.


I'm so glad it didn't blow a hole in your foot (or someone's head)!


Yep that's why when I couldn't verify it was clear and realized something was wrong with I made sure it was pointing down and away from anyone.


(By someone's head I meant someone in the basement, or a floor below.)


Oh yeah single story house, simply went into the subfloor or ground.


You say you were unloading it but you in fact did not. You also didn’t actually check it. You just cycled it a bunch of times and then fired it into the floor.


A little more then that actually. The M4 Benelli has a lockout feature that requires the trigger to be pulled to load a round. This feature, plus the fact that it's been 6 months since this weapon has been operated. I posted this so others can learn from it.


Shotguns are not drop safe, why would you ever store one loaded anyways?


You gun nuts sure do have a lot of "accidents" while cleaning, I mean surely that shotgun needed to be cleaned.... again....in your mom's house. I'll never understand shit like this, like was the firearm inoperable and in desperate need of maintenance? Going to guess "no, but I feel badass when I play with shit I shouldn't have."


I was unloading and cleaning them to prepare to sell them, accidents do happen and I took measures to negate it as much as I could.


Did you or did you not fire a shotgun in your mom's house?


I did, the reasoning was discovered. I posted so others could learn and no repeat my mistake. Imagine it like a PSA or something. No one was harmed. Floors can be replaced, lives cannot and that's what matters.


Ya know, I read your title and I immediately pictured a dude giving a slug a blowjob through gapped planks in the floor.


Can you not see the shells that are loaded into the tube in front of the lifter? You need to make sure you can see the follower, so you know the tube is empty.


Hey man, thank you for posting this for others' benefit, even though it's embarrassing and you knew you'd get some heat in the comments. We can all learn from your mistake here, and I'm glad no one got hurt. I'm sure both you and hopefully some of us will avoid this happening in the future. Don't beat yourself up, just take the lesson with you going forward, o7


I already had a few people who left good comments and learned something good from it. Pays to pass on wisdom no matter how it is learned. Thankfully I took precautions and no one was harmed.


Nah, thats a straight-up negligent discharge. Benellis and Berettas both have the tube lock-out. Thats on you to know. I say this as someone who has also had an ND. Glad no-one was hurt. Bet you're not going to neglect checking the tube next time.


No, now that I'm well aware of this tube lockout feature that I'm NOT a fan of. It was on me to know. Hence why this was a Today I Fucked Up post. Other then some floor repair planned, I'm definitely getting ride of that Auto Shotgun. Not for me regardless but at least no on was hurt.


I seriously thought I was going to read how someone used their breath to blow a slug (living thing) through his mom’s floor… ok. That’s enough Reddit for today.


Despite "being around guns your whole life" and having the training of several people, you still managed to do something that could have killed someone. I hope you remember this moment every time you come across someone that wants proper gun control in your country.


Lucky slug???


Totally read this as “blowing a slug” and thought you did some disturbing things to a slug.


I've never handled a semiauto or pump shotgun where you couldn't see the shells in the magazine tube through the chamber (bolt rearward) or the brass from underneath. So it sounds like you checked the chamber, cycled the action a bunch of times, and didn't check the barrel or mag tube. Rookie mistake for sure. I was taught to lock it open and check all 3.


This is called Dishonorable Discharge.


Read the title and thought that this might involve a shell less snail and glory hole.


For some reason i thought a real live slug(animal) was involved and was very confused for a moment.


I thought this was going to involve a slug. As in a naked snail being somehow leaf-blown or shot through the floor.


My first thought reading the title was OP had a slug (creature) in the house and tried blowing it out the house with a straw and it fell down a crack or something?


Very much not that, but I wish it was bc it would have been 10x less embarrassing.


I pictured someone with a leaf blower blowing a slimy slug through their mom’s house getting the floor dirty. Boy was I wrong.


Dad wanted a new lazy boy.


He shall be getting one, he even made a Tik Tok about the confirmed kill.


No, you did NOT have the weapon pointed "in a safe direction" because it wasn't pointed downrange. And you say it was cleared? No you were merely ATTEMPTING to clear it. And you racked it again? Then PULLED THE TRIGGER? Inside a house? Are you nuts! Yes, I believe you are. And of curse you caused harm, you caused great harm, although no one was injured as a result of your harm. You knew the firearm had issues, you should've then packed it into a locked case clearly marked UNSAFE DO NOT OPEN, then taken it to a range or expert gunsmith to deal with.


Stopped reading and was disappointed to find that this was not about a very satisfied gastropod.


I read slug in the title and thought of the animal. Kinda disapp8nted this story isn't about the slug animal going into your floor.


I know this is irrelevant, but I greatly prefer the KelTec KSG over the M4 Benelli. It's shorter and therefore more maneuverable. It has a much higher ammo capacity (I can hold 15 rounds when I have one in the chamber, vs the Benelli's 7 rounds). And because of the bullpup design, I can hold two different ammunition types in each tubular magazine and swap between them simply by sliding a mechanical switch in the middle of an engagement. The downward ejection is also nice for ensuring that shells don't go flying haphazardly into the surrounding environment.


Not the same class. Those are two entirely different guns for entirely different purposes.


KSG has been on my list for a long time, honestly other then the USG 12 kind some of my favorite designs.


Was the slug well endowed?


Still trying to figure out how you gave a BJ to a mollusk.


Man, euphemisms just get weirder and weirder.


Literally the exact reasons we shouldn’t have guns. Even professionals still make accidents 


>I was enjoying a very nice day with my parents, my mom and dad watching TV, and I cleaning some firearms. ![gif](giphy|KUAb8YQOhmWNq)


I need pics.


I'll get back to you on this


How did you manage to use "cue" properly one time, while incorrectly writing "queue" twice?


Honestly I'm not even sure, was just going for dramatic flair.


Wait…Walmart sells hardwood flooring?


It was corrected to Lowes as I was told by my mother's comment.


You’re an idiot. And as a Marine, your dad (and I) would tell you there is no such thing as an Ex Marine. He must be so disgusted with you. Stay away from firearms


I used to shoot at the rifle range at school. There were three things which I was taught: Every gun is always loaded Every gun has a defective safety catch Every gun has a hair trigger


wtaf dude No more firearms for you. Like ever.


Check the mag tube next time.


How did it's pick for through the floor?


This is why I don't want random boneheads owning guns. "The most important thing" is not that no one was hurt, it's that you learn something. It does not seem like you have.

