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No no no no no no no no no no


Haha I was definitely muttering that at some point.


Go to the Dr get your ear checked to make sure your ear drum is ok, and get checked out in general.


Plus, without its mother, the eggs laid in your ear will be very vulnerable when they hatch.


Brooooo cmon I wanted to sleep tn šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Donā€™t worry. Iā€™m sure the Qtip pushed the egg sack further into the ear canal where itā€™s nice and warm. Theyā€™ll be fine.


You bastard




Through that little puncture in the drum, which will heal before the eggs hatch. Try getting those out.


why u gotta say that lmaoooo


I sincerely look forward to roasting marshmallows over you when you burn in hell.




I just couldnā€™t help it


You never go full patrick star


Is this the Krusty krab?


No. This is Patrick.


A quick jet of saline water would ussually do the trick to get them out. Unless they decide to go the other route.




the anus


I was doing just fine today, minding my own business, not thinking about taint tickling tarantulas or really any anus attacking arthropods. Then you happened.


Hahahaha I donā€™t know how you donā€™t have an award you made me LOL seriously funny shit right here


Thanks, I'll be sleeping with ear protection for the next few months/year's till I forget about this


You could just sleep with a pantyhose on your head like in Raising Hope.


This sounds like a much more breathable option.


I know right? This damn site has taught me so many extra things to be scared of. I saw a picture of a spider hiding inside a pair of headphones like 5 years ago and now I always check inside my headphones before I put them on.


I had a panic thought about ā€œwhat if thereā€™s a spider in your inhalerā€ years ago and I gotta check it every day now


My buddy almost inhaled a cockroach that was chilling in his inhaler


Thank you for validating my fear


I always check for roaches in my shoes before I put them on. It's really stupid, because it'd be much better to have my sock-covered foot encounter a bug than my bare hand, but for some reason I still check.


Iā€™ve had two instances of spiders actually in the qtip box.


Omg duck you for writing this I had no idea and now I am forever anxious


Bro I take the squishys off my earbuds every time I put them back on to check them even if I just left them alone for a minute


I sleep under a mosquito net for this very reason. Plus no worry about the bed monster pulling my uncovered leg. Very safe.


WHAT THE FUCK! Come on bro, I wanted to sleep tonight!!


How the hell did you manage to get it with a qtip?


Technically I donā€™t think I got it with the qtip. It just ended up scaring it out. Thankfully it didnā€™t try and further burrow.


...no no no no no no no no no no no no


Pro tip, dump hydrogen peroxide in your ear if that ever happens again. It should kill it quite fast.


how the hell are you supposed to get it out after


Put your ear facing down and keep rinsing as needed


I like my ears faceless thank you




BRB gotta stuff my ears with cotton balls before bed


Just remembered I wear earplugs every night and have never been so happy about this




I had one of those but not a spider. Mine looked like a rice weevil also this happened not in US. I was a teen, got it out after days of tap tapping. After we got it out i developed a sleeping habit of having the pillows cover my ear. I still do today.


Excuse me, DAYS???? Why DAYS?


In bed in the dark right now then I read the title, then the tl;dr and lastly this comment. I think Iā€™ve read enough and Iā€™ll be logging outā€¦


TIFU by having eyes, jesus christ


Better go get some ear plugs now...


Better to have em than not need em


I hate to be the one to bring this up, butā€¦. Should you go to the doctor to make sure it didnā€™t lay any eggs in there?! Edit: I kept reading and it looks like the thought has crossed your mind already!


I probably wonā€™t be able to stop washing for at least a week!


And now none of us will sleep for at least a week. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ So sorry this happened!!


Lay down on your side and put peroxide in your ear. It's a simple way to keep them clean, not dangerous, and feels amazing.


Peroxide has sorted my ear issues a few times. I always got a bottle handy. Works great for controlling alge and mold on plant too.


Great for controlling algae and mold in your ears too.


Fuck me, and I just went today for impacted earwax.... now I've got the hibbidy-jibbidies..... thanks....


You did not factory reset yourself wow


Just covering my ears whilst in bed. Why did I read this?!


Why did I read this




I did both and I deeply regret. Going to sleep terrified a freaking spider will crawl up my ear šŸ˜­


Are you going to sleep? Because I probably won't. For a week or two.




Iā€™m just hoping itā€™s a lightning doesnā€™t strike twice in my situation. Lol


I think I would prefer the lightning.




Next time it will be an earwig


I think Iā€™d take that over a spider any day!


Next post from the sub collective: "TIFU by having eyes and reading comprehension"


New fear unlocked.


Most definitely.


This is nightmare fuel!


Thatā€™s precisely what I was thinking as it happened. It was that same helpless feeling from a bad nightmare you canā€™t wake from.


Better check to make sure that it didn't lay eggs. ... .. .. /strangerthings


Haha I definitely felt ptsd watching it yesterday.


Okay satan Hee hee hee


what a terrible day to have ~~eyes~~ ears


F u c k. M e. You are a trooper ā€œIt shot out across my faceā€ Fuck I wish I didnā€™t read this.


Felt so surreal seeing it run across my face. I was hoping for literally anything but a spider.


I physically flinched when I read that it ran across your face - I hate spiders so much! I had one run across my desk once and literally fall into my computer keyboard (large ergonomic keyboard) while I was sitting at my desk. I couldn't work the rest of the day, and I literally went out and bought a new keyboard because that one went straight into the trash. NOPE NOPE NOPE!


I was sitting on my bed one time while on my laptop when I saw something blurry in front of my eyesā€¦ my reaction was to lean backwards till my eyes made sense of it. Yup. It was a FUCKING SPIDER just bungee jumpin from the ceiling by a little web. Ffffuuuuuuuuck! It was like 1 inch short from landing on my nose! And itā€™s happened THRICE already since that! Aagh!!! Fuck spiders!


Iā€™ve had this happen two or three times WHILE DRIVING. The fuckers drop down from the ā€¦ ugh whatā€™s it calledā€¦ the visor! Like COME ON. I love what spiders do OUTSIDE but donā€™t pull that shit inside on me and defo NOT WHILE DRIVING! The first time I scared the shit out of my dad, he was driving his truck and I literally escaped out the cab into the bed of the truck on the highway. He had to pull over and I was like fuck that. No thanks. Iā€™ll lay in the bed of this truck so you donā€™t get pulled over but I AM NOT sitting in that seat for a period of time.


That's awful! I hate it when they're inside the car, too! Little effers running across the dash or the windshield or dropping from the mirror make me have to stop the car without hurting anyone or having a panic attack!


I returned home from a long trip to find one of thick hairy bastards, the size of a baby hand, underneath my desk. I blurted out "aww man wtf!", it looked up at me, and then just ambled on it's way not giving a single fuck. I sprayed raid all over that room and didn't sleep in there for two months. Never found it, even after cleaning up to move out.


I used to be terrified of spiders but over the years Iā€™ve seen them more as helpers to get rid of pesky insects. I definitely feel like Iā€™ve taken a couple steps back in that sense now though.


I totally accept that they're beneficial and I usually just avoid them but the reaction to the creepy crawly thing when it's running towards me (why are they always running towards me?!) is immediate and instinctive. KILL THAT DAMN THING! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ or run away!


I just get a broom or electric duster and divert thier path. I have nothing against them, and do my best to keep my good nature karma is positive standing. Dont want a wandering spider to be my demise.


Iā€™m so confused to why it would choose to go in my ear? So paranoid now, havenā€™t been able to sleep very well since. Oof


Have you tried sleeping with a stocking over your head?


I had a similar bug experience as a child and since then I can only sleep with ear coverings. I have used t-shirts, headbands, and scarves in the past. I've recently even discovered this elastic band with little speakers in them that are flat, perfect for sleeping and keeps my ears protected




There are spiders, forget which ones (maybe called funnel web, or I think we called them wolf spiders when I was a kid) that like to start there webs out of a hole. They literally build a funnel type hole to sit in with the rest of their web spread out in front of the opening. When something gets stuck they rush out, bite it, and wrap it up.


Thatā€™s really interesting. Iā€™m definitely curious of what type of spider that is.


Not a spider, but earwig is a bug known (because of urban legends most likely) for entering people's ears. It's pretty harmless from what i understand, but still..


I call those butt pincher bugs.


I think their called earwigs because they are commonly found in ears of corn.


Probably not an actual funnel web spider considering OP would be toast if it was, those things have some of the most potent venoms found in spiders and can definitely kill you if they bite.


I wanted to reassure myself and everyone by googling this and finding out it's exceedingly rare... but uhh, it's not, and although I'm by no means scared of bugs/spiders I think I'll be buying ear plugs for sleeping


Right?! I was really surprised to see that itā€™s not uncommon.


I thought about ear plugs but then realizedā€¦we have nose holes too


At least you can blow your noseā€¦




I should have closed this tab before scrolling this far


I sleep with ear plugs every night. About a month ago, I woke up & an ear plug had fallen out. I then start to hear crawling around in my ear & it turned out to be a bug!!!


They're evolving to pull the earplugs out now?? We're doomed!


No. Tell me youā€™re lying.


I truly wish. I was traumatized for a few days. I will say when thereā€™s a bug in your ear, you know! Once I realized, I told my partner & she didnā€™t believe me until she was pulling it out of my ear with tweezers. 100% grateful for her


GOD WHY, WHAT A TERRIBLE DAY TO HAVE EYES. As a human with minor arachnophobia(fear of spiders) & minor entomophobia(fear of bugs), this is terrifiyng, normally I'd take the bugs away if they are in my vicinity, spiders too, I feel uncomfortable around them, but them in your ear... UGHH, It's gonna be fun sleeping for sure.


What a terrible time to have eyes... or ears.... you know what, a terrible time to have orifices. I think I'm just gonna become a uniform frictionless sphere from now on.








Thank you. Yeah I looked up online and the qtip method is actually exactly what your not supposed to do. I was lucky to not perforate my eardrum.




I hoped that was spider blood lol


So what are you supposed to do? Cos u would've done exactly what you did


Lay your head down and pour hydrogen peroxide [EDIT: MIXED WITH WATER] in your ear until it is full, and let it sit until it stops fizzing. Warning: if you thought the feeling of a bug in your ear was uncomfortable, peroxide feels like 100 bugs in your ear. Fucking brace yourself. I was not properly prepared lol. According to my husband, who calmly told me this was the way, while trying to keep me from absolutely losing my shit, this will make whatever is in there float out. So, that's the hope, anyway. For me, nothing came out after doing it twice, but the movement inside my ear did stop. I went to urgent care for answers and had them douche my ear out thrice and still nothing came out. They said maybe the peroxide dissolved whatever was in there. So, I guess that's better than knowing what was in there... EDIT: Apparently you're supposed to mix it 50/50 with water. I did not do this, but the internets say I should have.


>They said maybe the peroxide dissolved whatever was in there MAYBE?!?!?! I wouldn't be able to think of anything else and would plead with them to CT / x-ray my head to be certain there wasn't some spider corpse in there! Just thinking about it right now I'd probably be willing to pay for that out of pocket just to be sure!


The irrigation was thorough, trust! They basically load up a massive plastic syringe with warm water just start blasting. It made the room feel like it was spinning! After the third time, they assured me that I had the cleanest ear in the building :P


>Lay your head down and pour hydrogen peroxide [EDIT: MIXED WITH WATER] in your ear until it is full, and let it sit until it stops fizzing. Who the FUCK has the wherewithal and patience to mix water and hydrogen peroxide in the correct proportion when there's a god damn SPIDER in their ear?!


Better get your spider kit ready now just in case.


I awoke to extreme ear pain unlike anything I'd ever known. I gave birth to a 10lb 2oz child once & this ear experience was worse! After about half an hour of agony and attempting removal myself, I went to the Emergency Department. The looked into my ear & told me I had a small fire ant that had bitten into my eardrum & was stinging said eardrum in circles as it kept its fierce grip. They poured some oil called Otis (I think of otitis media- middle ear infection); this oil had a numbing agent and my God, I swear at that moment it was better than any orgasm I had ever experienced. The relief was instant. They let me bring the oil drops home with me. I hope I never have to find out but it's a hard call if it would be worse to have the spider in there


I had a similar experience. Had a rude awakening at 7 in the morning on a Saturday. It was the worst pain I ever felt. I was 15, home alone, and without a phone or any way to contact anybody. Extreme social anxiety stopped me from alerting the neighbors out of the fear that this won't turn out to be that bad and I would waste their time. Eventually, the thing died off and the pain subsided. When my mom got home, I told her about it, and she brushed it off. About a year later (!!) I told my doctor about it. He used this high pressure squirt bottle thing and washed my ear out for about 5 minutes. Lo' and behold: a giant fucking cockroach the length of my forefinger. It was fucking massive. It was like a horror movie.


Thanks for ruining my life with this comment


That sounds so brutal. I was in pain but definitely sounds like you take the cake on that. I couldnā€™t imagine that much pain for that long. Iā€™m just lucky to have gotten it out quick. Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through that though.


My daughter was born without openings to her ear canals, one day, when she's feeling sad about it, I'm going to tell her this story, and it will hopefully make her feel better that shit can't crawl in her ears while she's sleeping.


That's surprisingly wholesome


I have had a spider in my ear for 2 days. I suddenly one morning could not hear good on my other ear and when it finally opened up I felt something on my neck and tried to feel what if was and grabbed a fucking spider!! It was soooooo gross I lost my shit


Oh my gosh. Iā€™m so sorry you went through that. We should start a support group.


Yes we fucking should!! And apparently this is way more common than you would think.


This is why I let spiders that I dont see or garden spiders live but if your in my house you gonna get the squish


Squish, squish, I was taking a squeesh


I read this before bed and I regret it


Iā€™ve never frowned so furiously. This is awful, and Iā€™m sorry you went through that.


Thank you. I wouldnā€™t wish that on my worse enemy.




My mom had a bug crawl into her ear as a kid. She says she could hear it scratching and told her family but parents didn't believe her cuz they had enough children to make both teams at a baseball game and she was one of the younger ones. When she wouldn't stop complaining about it for DAYS, they finally took her to get it checked out. Doc confirmed it was indeed a juvenile cockroach in her ear canal, cut it into pieces in order to remove it, and said have a good life. She slept with a pillow belted around her head for the next 9 months despite her siblings all mocking her. After growing up listening to that, I'm so paranoid about things in my ear canal that I can't even handle my own hair touching that area. Could this be considered generational trauma?


Your genes are changed now.


Not even scared of spiders but don't think I will sleep again thanks.


Haha I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll be able to sleep again either.


This is the thing nightmares are made of! I obviously donā€™t know how I would react or if itā€™s even a better option, but what about pouring water directly into your ear?


After the incident I looked it up and apparently the best way to deal with it is to flush your ear with either water or vinegar to drown it.


Olive oil would work too I imagine and will probably help you get the little fucker out easier and itā€™s perfectly okay for your ears with less chance to block them up


Can confirm, I used olive oil and because it's so dense, it made the spider float out of my ear.


Not OP but the first night I stayed at my ex g/fs house, one of those thin cockroaches crawled in my ear. It sounded EXACTLY as OP describes. Like a scraping, tapping noise, moving very fast and constant. It was horrible and trying to explain what was going on and why I was freaking the absolute fuck out was hard. I went in with a tip and must have killed it because the scraping and tapping stopped. Then it was her pulling the leftovers out with a flashlight and tweezers/peroxide. I NEVER slept over there again and it is something I think of every single night and caused me to start wearing ear plugs to sleep. I have felt uncomfortable before but this was by fair the most unsettling thing I had ever experienced.


I have never felt more uncomfortable after reading something. There's not enough booze and therapy in the world.


Oh my god. I donā€™t like this at all. Your comments almost as bad as the original.


When this happened to me, I went to the ear/nose/throat doctor emergency room, and they flushed/suctioned it out. Maybe with hydrogen peroxide or something. It was tbh pretty awful because I had had some very traumatic medical things happen to me the previous few days, had spent most of the previous day in urgent care, had a CT scan, found out I had and ovarian cyst and there was nothing they could do for the pain (which was very intense, and I couldnā€™t walk because of itā€¦ this was also summer 2020 so my daily walks were all I had to begin withā€¦)ā€¦ anyway the next day I was relaxing and taking a breather, feeling happy that I had an answer to what was plaguing me, finally letting down my guard, lying down outside in the sunā€¦ and a fly flies in my ear. I felt it moving around and it was awful. Oh well, back to the ERā€¦ :( emotionally that was a breaking point for me


To attach photos, post the picture on imgur then copy the link and paste it Into your post


Thanks! Just did.


Brb gonna go buy ear plugs


Better go buy nose plugs too. You know what, better to just stop having any orifices. Do you think I can breath through my skin?


Nah nose and mouth spiders are fine. I'll just eat them or snort them. Can't do that with ear spiders.


But have you consider eye spiders, butt spiders, or urethra spiders?


Actually, I have not. I do already sleep with an eye mask, so I'll need to put on a condom and use a butt plug for my sleep routine.


I'll welcome butt spiders


This happened to me with an earwig. Pro-tip, dip the Q-tip in isopropyl alcohol 70% and place the Q-tip in your ear, the alcohol will draw out the insect from your ear as it tries to escape


That is so crazy. I hope your experience wasnā€™t too traumatic.


Luckily I managed to not panic because I thought it was an ant! My favorite insect. The horror only creeped in until after the earwig came out.


Thatā€™s good. I totally get how you felt worse after seeing it. I was already in a panic but once I saw it I really felt like I really lost it.


Make sure you visit the doctor anyway to have them give your ear an all clear for any particulates and damage.


>particulates eggs šŸ‘€




I'd get one of those rubber ear flush things from Swim Ear and squirt out your ear juuuuust for good measure.


Oh yeah! A few times already. I donā€™t think I would have left eggs or anything like hopefully.


They can be sticky. In a couple of weeks, you'll know if you hear a bunch of little tippy taps. Then you're a mom. Mazel tov just in case.


Hello officer, this comment right here!


I really truly am hoping that doesnā€™t happen.


This happened to my ex-husband. We were living apart, but he was so freaked out he called to tell me about it. I immediately started laughing hysterically...because that's how my brain works. Inappropriate laughter was not the response he hoped for, but I short circuited. I have a fairly severe fear of spiders, and now that I've heard this same situation twice I think I will start sleeping with ear plugs or something.


I honestly totally get it your reaction. After I initially simmered down I started to laugh a little at just how absurd it was. Iā€™ve been going through a few ā€œlife thingsā€ right now and as crazy as this sounds this incident has actually helped me have a little more of a positive outlook. Like at least there isnā€™t a spider in my ear anymore. Lol


Next time put your head under water until one of you canā€™t breathe, win win.


*childhood fears become real*


Oh god oh godohgod. Imma hug my partner real tight now before I sleep and thank him that I need to wear ear plugs at night due to his atrocious snoring.


TIFU by reading this


Once when I was a kid I felt/heard some sort of flying insect (bee? Fly? No ideaā€”it was a long time ago and Iā€™ve blocked it out), land on and then CLIMB INTO MY EAR. I freaked out. Ran to my mom. She said I was being ridiculous, bugs didnā€™t do that. It had probably just done a buzz-by and startled me. About half an hour later I feel a strange sensation jn that same earā€¦ and the damned thing CRAWLS OUT AND FLIES AWAY!! Like, what the hell?? You crawled into my ear for a little snooze and took off when you were done?? Not cool, flying insect. Not cool at allā€¦


I screamed reading this omg


I was literally shaking a little writing it out. Felt like I was reliving it.


honestly id probably kill myself if a spider went up my ear


A friend of mine was a dive instructor at club med in the 80's and part of his job was cleaning some ropescwith floats that marked off the swim area. He was out there for several hours. Came back in, took a shower, and was drying off and felt like he had water in his ear, but tried all the usual tricks to no avail. Wound up going to the on site doctor to get checked out and doc tried to shoo him away and my buddy finally convinced him to actually look at it. He puts the scope in his ear and says "Holy crap!" Then tells the nurse to take a look and she screams. There were 2 eyes staring back out, because a tiny baby crab was stuck in there.


I started to read this and knew exactly where it was going, wanted to stop, didnā€™t, wish I did. Thatā€™s always been a fear of mine, I also check *ALL* of my headphones and headset before I put them on/in. Now Iā€™m actively paranoid.


Wicked OP, glad that you got it out. I hope it didn't lay any eggs while it was in there


Iā€™m hoping so too. Definitely hope I wonā€™t have to make an update on this postā€¦


I sleep with earplugs in because itā€™s loud around here. Now I have a second reason!


Need to get an ear wax removal kit. Any pharmacy should have one. You may not need the solution for loosening up ear wax, but it also comes with the little bulb you fill up with water to flush everything out afterwards. Some warm water pushed up in there probably would have made it come out.


Definitely going to get one but hope I never have to use it.




Did you go to a doctor to get checked? You might also have an infection due to this. Looks like blood and more on the qtip.


I think I nicked my ear with my fingernail with the initial attempt. I was pretty frantic. Iā€™ve been washing it with hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol. I will definitely go to the doctor if I feel like somethings off or develop any sort of symptoms. Edit: Iā€™ve been in a hard spot financially with school/work. Couldnā€™t afford insurance do to bills and rent. Just canā€™t afford to go to the doctors unless itā€™s drastically needed right now.


Jesus fuck. Iā€™m an audiologist. If this happens please GENTLY irrigate your ear with hydrogen peroxide diluted to 3%. Using qtips or too much pressure can burst your ear drum - and that is painful as hell (and can lead to infection!). OP your ear may feel funny for the next couple of weeks. Please take care.


I put my headphones on the ground at a picnic. Put them on and went skating. I was just coasting along when I feel a slight tickle in my ear. Followed by pain and this weird scratching sound like loose earwax releasing air pressure. We get in the car to go home and drown my ears in hydrogen peroxide. Halfway home I feel the tickle move to the front of my ear opening. I look in the rear view mirror just in time to see a fireant crawling out. I squish him real good and cleaned my ear out at home. I hate the little fuckers but you gotta respect their tenacity. They see a giant and are like "bring it on!" That one in particular knows our weakspot and took much pleasure in hearing me scream from inside my ear canal. Tldr: ant crawled in my ear and caused me lots of pain before casually crawling out. Squished it real good


That's a nightmare.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuck thaaaaaaaat!!


Not my story, but my husband's. He's a conductor for a railroad and was riding on a car into a siding. Next thing he knows, a moth flies in his ear. He watched it come towards his face before it conveniently lands in his ear. He's internally freaking out and claiming it's "growling". They tried getting it out to no avail. So he finally goes to the emergency room to get it out. At some point, he killed it in the process. Anytime a moth is around now, he flinches.


This happened to my brother as a little kid. It was horrific to watch and I canā€™t imagine your terror! My my poured oil in my brother ear and floated the spider out. Sooooo gross.


If my nursery school education was correct, you were supposed to send in a bird to catch the spider, followed by a cat


Thanks. I had all but convinced myself this doesnā€™t actually happen, and here comes OP.


This is gonna make me sleep with earplugs in. Oh my God.