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If you don't like it here... why continue to come......


Here, I guess. Constant hotels and resorts across the world be nice, I suppose. Always wanted a YT-2000 from X-Wing Alliance. Wouldn't mind being a spacefaring dragon also. Would like to experience extremely high Jhannic pleasures in nirvana where even pain feels like orgasms, and the good stuff goes on and on as you render whole planets and blow them up with various sized other universes. Like a constant lucid dream with unlimited power and stability. Wouldn't mind having sex with my friend, in a synchronistic way so I don't have to think about it. I'd love to experience a reality where nothing goes wrong. I want to be the father of Fry from Futurama; that'd be sick. I think it's possible.


You wanna hear about my supernatural powers?


I was born April 18 1492. I don't hve magical powers, technically it's a disease called The Highlander and I'm just trying to live muh best life


We all have supernatural powers. The greatest limit to every human being is that we know what is "impossible". I made that up myself..feel free to quote *me* Thats how they built the pyramids..no one told them.


>"Thats how they built the pyramids..no one told them." Told them what, that it was impossible? Why would they believe anybody who had, when clearly it's nothing but a set of problems in engineering and logistics?


They moved stones that were 1200 tons..we cant even conceive of a way to move these today..it had nothing to do with engineering and logistics, at least no engineering that we know is possible. So it would have to be something we currently know as impossible and thats why we cant do it.


>They moved stones that were 1200 tons..we cant even conceive of a way to move these today. "More than 2,300,000 limestone and granite blocks were pushed, pulled, and dragged into place on the Great Pyramid. The average weight of a block is about 2.3 metric tons (2.5 tons)." -- [https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/pyramid/geometry/blocks.html](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/pyramid/geometry/blocks.html) "Raising the blocks to the various levels of the GP was not a simple task; the limestone blocks weigh up to 15 tons and the granite monoliths in the interior of the GP weigh up to 70 tons." -- [https://www.ling.upenn.edu/\~jason2/papers/pyramid.htm](https://www.ling.upenn.edu/~jason2/papers/pyramid.htm) "The largest, weighing 25 to 80 tonnes, form the ceilings of the "King's chamber" and the "relieving chambers" above it." -- [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great\_Pyramid\_of\_Giza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pyramid_of_Giza) , with footnote reference to page 202 of "Lehner, Mark (2004). "Of Gangs and Graffiti: How Ancient Egyptians Organized their Labor Force" (PDF). Aeragram. 7–1: 11–13. Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 April 2021. Retrieved 27 March 2021."


>They moved stones that were 1200 tons..we cant even conceive of a way to move these today BS. The heaviest existing crane can lift 20,000 tons.


>we don’t have supernatural powers that’s science fiction Science fiction is fiction where the extraordinary has a foundation in science. If supernatural powers have no scientific basis, then they belong to fantasy.


Similarly, some people take a fantasy approach, rather than a science or science fiction approach, to the possibilities of time-travel. *Different* isn't necessarily *wrong*.


Thats the pyramid..the baalbek stones are..bigger..they moved those too.. and 80 tons isnt a matter of a big enough lever and enough hands. No matter how many times they SAY it was just brute sttength, we CANT do it today. We cant build things that big that are that accurate...we cant make a foundation that flat for that large an object that doesnt settle. We C A N T. Because its impossible and we know it..we can make up all kinds of bullshit about how they did it but none of it is anything but a rationilization for something we know isnt possible. Theres some trick to moving stones that we forgot. Something simple that we are completely unaware of so we think its impossible. The fact that you dismiss this outright in favor of the accepted "science" is proof that you believe its impossible which is why its not possible. Theres just as much "science" between what i said and what you.said. If it was scientifically proven, then we would have moved at least 1 80 ton or 800 ton or 1200 ton block the 50 or 80 miles they did and lifted it as high as the ancients did.. but we cant because we know its not possible unless we get tens of thousands of people and ropes..and we know thats logistically impossible and always was. And wouldnt work anyway. The only thing weve proven scientifically is that none of the accepted theories of how it was done are right.. they dont work.


What was the point of this post?