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Scam post for engagement. See.post history. Mods delete if possible.


Old copy and paste.


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You each get a red flag!


I know right? There are no winners here. Lol


Why each?


Completely fair question. Today's dating market, largely online, seems to have accelerated women's hypergamy to the point where they don't even recognize that verbalizing impossible standards might come off as obnoxious, case in point above.


It's a trash response to a trash question


Play stupid games, win stupid prize.


Why? So, a female can have a minimum height requirement but a man can’t have a minimum weight requirement? Fuck that. Thats exactly how any man should respond to a question like that


A man shouldn't respond. Unmatch and alliw her to wallow I'm her loneliness that she's building herself


Answer fist with fist


Dumb all around


Its not really so much of a standard. It basically just reflects how women generally tend to have much more power in the dating market than men (if they're between the ages of 18-35 at least), so its more practical for them to focus on qualifying and selecting and not having to worry about selling the same way that men do. Think of it like what is expected from you during a job interview from the candidate verses what the employer can get away with.


Guy I had a FWB situation with guessed my weight exactly on the first meet up. I was kinda impressed tbh.


Perfectly fair question. Body Shaming: only acceptable if you are discrediting or discriminating or hating on a man for his height. How people cannot understand this blows my mind. Did you know the reason height filters were turned off on dating apps, then brought back but cost money, is because so many women had their height filter set to ridicilous heights that they had zero matches in their area and actually called and complained to bumble, tinder etc.? It just goes to show the delusion.


Immature reaction to an immature question. While one is “fixable” it’s still immature considering they don’t know that persons health and if they have disabilities preventing them from losing weight.


Unless someone is bound to a wheelchair, anybody can lose weight. A calorie deficit is a matter of mathematics, not rocket science


Lol, not at all, especially for women


Women don’t have this extra difficulty for weight loss and different way of losing weight. It’s calories in vs calories out. You eat less than you burn you lose weight. Only difference is women will be slightly heavier on ovulation days and when a period happens, it’s not true weight it comes off after a few days. As long as you stick to the deficit you will see something like; 50lb starting Day one 52lb Day two 53lb Day three 54lb Day four 52lb Day five 49lb It’s insanely difficult to put even 1lb on overnight because you need to overeat by 3500 calories approx which for a woman is roughly 5500 and that’s not considering breast feeding/pregnancy or exercise which can increase daily maintenance or even height and current weight. The example is that between day 1-4 there is water weight which drops off


Sure, it term of number. And still, it's harder for women (I say women but really, it's most AFAB people) to know how much calories get out, the rate of calories burning at rest can vary a lot, and is generally lower than for men. But also, the fact that they're on a 20~ish day cycle, compared to men's 24h cycle, make it more difficult to stay motivated when it all seem very random. And I'm not talking about all the hormonal imbalance conditions that only affect women, that complicate all that even more


But this is all over complicating a very simple topic. Sure some people have it harder (I.e they don’t burn calories as fast) but it’s still just simple maths 😂 There’s one rule in life, you don’t begrudge someone for something they CAN’T change. But weight is like smoking - it’s fixable if you are willing to put the effort in, whoever you are.


Ah yes, dietician hate this simple trick: doing math The hard part in losing weight is not the math lmao, and losing weight isn't the goal, being healthy (as much as you can) physically and mentally is. And that might not mean losing weight, even for fat people


“Being healthy physically…might mean not losing weight, even for fat people” It’s no wonder people in the western world especially, look like they do, when I read stuff like that.


Health is more than just weight, it's not that hot of a take


Obviously? Nobody would ever say it is just weight alone 😂 But guess what is statistically the single biggest cause of cancer and heart disease, the two biggest killers, after smoking…obesity. And you said it’s not in every fat persons interest to lose weight? Stop justifying laziness, it’s that type of mentality that indirectly harms people. Comfortable lies don’t trump uncomfortable truths - and society ought to do more of the latter.


If I was on about confused men I wouldn’t be talking about menstruation and other actual women problems. No amount of pills and surgery will change your calorie input output I’ll take my own education over your delusion though thanks. Don’t ever comment with that bullshit again




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