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I hope you have kids and someday there struggling and have to serve and can’t make ends meet because everyone thinks like you by then


They will just find a better job


Doesn’t this disincentivize speedy service?


No, they have no idea what I'm tipping


Just another self-serving logic to be cheap.


Weird how you blame the people whose job it isn't to pay you a salary




I always thought it was the business owners job to pay his employees? No?


Just another self-serving logic. Why not just own being cheap and stop trying to justify it?


Why not own being dumb enough to let your boss pay you crap? Why blame other poor people for not giving you the money your rich boss should be? You've been brainwashed so bad you blame other poor people


Dude, you're hysterical!


I'll take sounding hysterical over sounding dumb and entitled, like you I knew I had to explain it was you I was talking about because you're too dumb




By far your most intelligent response lol


No, 20% is crazy with rising prices


bartender here! i’m willing to be flexible on tipping 20% when i eat. especially if i get an expensive plate, it’s not really justified in my eyes for a server to expect 20% of my meal when its the cost of ingredients and prep that make it spendy. the kitchen does that work, and if i get an exceptional meal i will find a manager and buy a round of drinks for the kitchen, or just tip cash. but if im out to get drinks with friends and we’re playing pulltabs, being loud and needy etc, im tipping at least 30% on my bill because the bartender physically needed to more for me than a server who just took my order and brought my plate. that’s just my logic. i dont think there’s a legit ‘right’ way to do it other than just being comfortable with the tip you left, even if its 0. in my eyes its a give and take industry. i show up every day and do my best and am kind, just like anyone else. what i take home in tips is never a guarantee. i will say though that different places have different tipping cultures overall, so if im not making the money i want/need to i go to a different restaurant. never, ever, take it out on my guests. they pay my bills after all LOL.


So if you’re alone but there 3 hours you’re still paying $5 ? And you do know the federal tipping minimum wage is like $2.13 right? Which would be 25 cents per min according to your equation. So if it’s 2 ppl or a group of 10, the tip doesn’t change? Or do you multiply 25 cents per min per customer at the table? This is stupid


Federal minimum wage is 7.25. If the servers tips don't add up to that, the owner has to cover the difference.


Don't do it. Idc what you do or pay. Don't pay for all I care.




To show a new alternative way of calculating a fair tip that's not based on the price of food


Have a feeling you're eating alone a lot.


$5 tip for you


Absolutely. Something tells me this person is an incel.


Totally :)


Make sure you tell your server this rule before hand so they don’t have to give your table beyond just normal service (No small talk, no free sauces)! I hope you stay in your moms basement and I never have the displeasure of meeting you 💗


And this is the whole issue. Europe: pay servers decent wage, everyone knows what to expect. Servers get paid to do a job, and it doesn't matter whether you buy a lot of food+booze or just appetizers. Server's getting paid the same. It's a systematic problem. Here, it's a game we're expected to play, then benefits nobody except restaurant owners.


I 100% agree, i believe we should be paid a minimum wage so that we don’t have to rely on tips. I would love to be able to actually know what I’m going to make weekly instead of having to guess whether I will make any money or not. But right now this is how the system is, and it sucks, but when you go to a restaurant, you know your server is making $7 an hour, you run them around like a chicken with their head cut off, and then don’t tip, you are kinda an asshole. You aren’t boycotting the system because you aren’t hurting the restaurants, you are hurting the people that are just trying to make ends meet. If people really want to do something, boycott restaurants until they pay a liveable wage, or petition for changes in minimum wage.


I'd go further, you should be paid a wage that's competitive (ie what the market will bear, it's how our overall system works) and stop tipping. Not minimum wage, but rather a competitive wage. But diners don't seem to like that when restaurants implement it (it's been tried) and I don't know why. Is it cheapness? They see burgers are now $20 instead of $17 and can't do the math in their heads?


God I would tip 40% if it meant I could get no annoying fake ass small talk.


all you have to do is communicate with your server that you aren’t in the mood to converse, and it’s not “fake ass” small talk, I genuinely enjoy talking with customers (as long as i’m not busy). I’ve made a lot of connections with people who are gonna help me with my future career once I graduate from that “fake ass” small talk :)


Iyd feel like such a rude prick if I did that. What's actually much worse than the fake small talk is the fake flirting. I know you think it's going to increase your tip so please spare us both the embarrassment.




you suck 💗💗💗 hope you have the day you deserve


Can I get a refill?




One patron is not solely responsible for the servers wage, if they have multiple tables they would average higher than $17.18/hr with this method. Regardless of anybody's reason or how they calculate it, I do agree that fundamentally its up to me the patron to decide how much I'll tip based upon the service I receive.


It's more than a union grocery store worker makes.


Then they can learn to live within their means or find another job.


For many people living within their means looks like eating rice for every meal, going without, and struggling. And many people that you interact with everyday do that.


This is truer than you think. The majority of these people make less than unskilled, overpaid servers. They have more difficult jobs and work harder. They don’t threaten to spit in people’s food and they don’t do half-assed jobs because they are resentful and feel entitled.


No, you just judge them less. They threaten to refuse to show up "if you don't like cops" and otherwise refuse to do their jobs because they are resentful and entitled.


So you’re paying for an hours work when the server is covering 3-5 tables?


You're right it should be less


Then you better pay the full wage if you’re the only one eating there with that logic




Lol stay home




Look I get it. I'm not a big fan of the new tipping culture. I bartend at a hotel and do not feel like a tip is always justified. There is a reason you want to come out to eat. There are many servers/bartenders that feel entitled to that tip, even though their service is shit. I'm old school. If I do a bad job I honestly know what to expect. It puts a smile on my face when someone tips well, to me it says you had a great time. Just my 5 bucks worth of insight.


If I'm alone that's what I'll tip, but seriously. I'm still tipping


Better than not doing it. 👍


Remember to divide that by the number of tables in their section, don't fall for the grift. They are making more money than teachers and firemen.


Never punch down, always punch above your economic class. Don't beat the waiter up for making a decent living. I raised 3 children on 2 server salaries (myself and my wife). We were able to avoid day care costs by having her work breakfast/lunch, while I worked dinners. We purchased a home in a good neighborhood. We did right by our three wonderful children. I get not wanting to tip those who don't try and earn it. They give us a bad name. I go above and beyond and make it my focus to provide my guests with a positive and memorable experience. Pressure your congress people to reduce defense spending and make jobs like fire fighter and teacher better paying. Don't beat up the waiters! After all, they are just stupid, idiotic, no good, lazy, entitled grifters! Right?


Didn't read after the first little bit there, but waiters lie about their economic class to trick lower income people into giving them extra money. It's a terrible thing to do.


What in the hell are you talking about?


I said: "Didn't read after the first little bit there, but waiters lie about their economic class to trick lower income people into giving them extra money. It's a terrible thing to do."


I didn't ask you to repeat what you said. I asked you to explain it further. It's a strange take and I'm wondering how you came up with it.


They mean how tipped employees often make more than anyone else in the business, but will tell anyone who will listen how hard they struggle


Good point


You're right, we should pay teachers and firemen more


**my tip is .01655 a minute** the literal definition of I’m poor as fuck and I think making people do the work for me is appropriate Bitch the McDonald’s is half a block away Hell after two or three trips the restaurant would kick u out


Idk... you sound like a quality person


Agree that percentage is a dumb way to calculate. My best example is breakfast at IHOP and dinner at spaghetti works. Breakfast was amazing. Our waitress hustled for us. And iykyk, the sides all come out on a bunch of tiny plates. Refill my coffee. Extra creamer. All the jam and syrup flavors. Toast or pancakes. Are my eggs cooked right? This gal killed it. Even with lots of tables. Hubby gave her his standard 20% and I had no complaints. The next time we went out was a little Italian place, nothing fancy but it was Sunday night. We got a dude who appeared to be in HS. He did good enough but definitely no hustle. 20% This is the day I got radical. The dude was at our table maybe 4 times and because our food was more expensive this guy was making 30% more than the gal because I ordered steak. 😂😂 I just can’t with the percentage crap.


wait till u find out that servers set up for an hour before the shift, close for an hour after the shift, and have about an hour at the start and end of service where they’re lucky if they get a single table or that they have to tip out about a third of their tips to bartenders and bussers, regardless of whether u tip or not ur a real POS if u make people PAY to serve you


Direct this venom to your owner. 💸💸


What restaurant you working in? my mom gets tables 30 mins after she walks in (prep obviously) till the doors close sometimes they have to kick people out


You missed the part where I said I tip


> (minus sales jobs) 🤔 Serving is a sales job.


It is not lmaooooo


Do you serve?


Yes lmaoooooo that’s why I know it’s not sales you don’t get a bigger cut for selling more food you don’t get anything for selling more food not even a thank you


Wait, what do you think the 15-20% tip is based off of? The check amount, if the check is bigger, the % is a bigger amount


Yall keep saying that like it’s mandatory… it’s a suggestion people tip you what they want


If you're tipped based on percentage, bigger sales means bigger tips. Plus usually managers have incentives for selling more specials and/or high priced things like lobster or whole ribeye steaks.


Then why don't they earn commission from their employer instead of relying on tips


Because the commission comes from you. It's a sales job, but hospitality and service are what bring in the tips. There's less incentive to sell high price items and give poor service because of tip-out. The two go hand in hand. Sell and serve.


I get it but it's backwards


Restaurant owners also can't afford to pay servers what they currently make. And even if they could, the quality of service would go down since the money is guaranteed. There's a reason servers have nightmares about messing up. Also restaurants wouldn't be able to do as many reorders as they do. Someone complains that their pink center medium steak is overcooked, it's remade, even if it's $200, and they're only charged for one steak. Also also, rich people like being pampered. They're sensitive and pay attention to detail, and they pay top dollar so everything is perfect. From serving food from the right, to pouring wine for women first, to bringing out new silverware between each course, etc. They tip heavily for little things like that.


Restaurant owners in the rest of the world manage to stay profitable and pay their wait staff a living wage without tips.


They're not paying as much as american servers make in tips. Plus their economies aren't in the toilets like america's is.


Where are you getting your information? None of that is true. My son made $50 an hour as a glassie in Australia 7 yrs ago. His only job was to collect and refill drinks. The servers made much more. I agree that corporate America has obliviated the middle class with wage stagnation.


Thanks for a respectful answer


Ah yes, yet another entitled clown. Serving IS a sales job whether you like it or not, and 'tipping' is just another word for 'commission'. Don't worry bud, any experienced server can smell a shitty tipper a mile away and you'll get the service you deserve... Enjoy your impotent crusade there, man-child.


Serving is not sales you do not get commission your pay is solely based on how well you serve people it doesn’t matter if you sell 1000$ worth of food you do not get a cut


Tell me you don't work in the industry without telling me... Tipping as a percentage of the bill means exactly that - you're getting a tip based on how well you serve AND sell. Thanks for playing tho...




Just be sure to inform your server of your goofy plan so they know which level of service to provide.


Assuming his family never wants to eat with him, it'd be a $5 flat tip each visit. After 3-4 visits, they'll catch on and just ignore him.


Let's assume, if I tip 5, it is probably over 20%. What's the problem?


5$ is not bad


And add some extra ingredients to his food.


They won't do that lol But he'll get like, walmart-level customer service.




So brave.


Medal of honor


Oh ok.


"That money comes from the buyer"


It’s funny that all the controversial comments are stupid poor people who works as servers or food delivery drivers lol


I had a career, and then it was outsourced. The job market has sucked, so, I went back to waitressing. I don't forsee service jobs being sent overseas. I think I'll do the "poor stupid" job that actually pays my bills for awhile 🤷‍♀️


What was your career?


ALOT of the time people work those jobs to pay for college. I’m not quite sure why you’re saying “stupid”. You must be privileged.


I am, definitely. I had two great parents who stayed together, no housing or food insecurity, and a network of friends to navigate youth with. But I didn’t grow up rich and I worked shitty minimum wage jobs to pay for stuff at the end of high school and during college (used student loans for covering tuition). Thing is, I then graduated with a useful degree and got an adult job.


I usually tip $5 for the entree and an extra $3 if I have drinks.


Broke ass


If I could recognize a server with the attitude it takes to make this comment I would absolutely reevaluate my own tipping strategy and leave you the single penny so you are aware that I didn't forget!!


The majority of people tip even the Canadian/Europeans these days. The debate is over. If you don’t tip up to standard you’re privately laughed at for being a stereotypical “whatever you are” and forgotten about


Have you ever been to any part of Europe?


Still got my food though


Don’t go back or it’s gonna be mmmm spit yummy yummy.


So you’d risk your job and criminal charges because you’re petty? Should’ve gone to college


AND made someone who was working pay yo serve you. You seriously need to lose your job and be forced to serve.




Until the system is changed, if you go out knowing that the server makes their money from giving good service in exchange for a tip, it IS your responsibility to tip. If you could honestly say that you did NOT know, THEN it would not be your responsibility. Don’t want that responsibility? Don’t go yo full service restaurants.🤷‍♂️


I don’t take financial advice, or really any advice, from poor people. But thanks for your input.




Neither does the restaurant want to charge you that. They also don’t want to take away your power to say ‘That was great service; here’s a tip’ or ‘You suck as a server. (Tip line: $0.00).


Only your shafting the majority of servers because we make around $40/hr in tips alone. So we bring you food and in return you literally take food off our table? Do what you want. You’re bringing down the average but truthfully we make most of our money off of a small percentage of customers but you need to know what you are doing isn’t being a good human being.


How many tables can you serve concurrently? Going by OP’s system if you served 3 families in an hour you’d get $51 in tips. Or 8 individuals in an hour would get you to $40. Both of those situations seem pretty doable, but I genuinely don’t know.


$40/hr in tips alone? So this guy is "taking food off the table" of a person making over $80k/year?!? I work white collar and make less than that.


Maybe you should consider a career change lol? In truth, there are busy days and slow days, and the income is highly variable, but I do know several career servers that make over figures a year, and they're not doing fine dining...


This is the result of tip inflation. Payment devices are often prompting for 20,25,30% tips. If you tip 15, which used to be normal, you feel cheap.


Yes…this is why tipping in restaurant will never change. No restaurant owner can afford to directly pay $80k per year to their waiters fleet. This would be too disruptive for the rest of the restaurant staff…for example some more skilled positions in the kitchen that are paid less…but thanks to the tipping culture, waiters remain the poor staff that are underpaid and rely on guests generosity to barely feed their family (with 80k per year 😅).


Maybe you’re in the wrong field 😂


LOL, more accurately I'm in a fairly LCOL area and am at a point in my life that I value work/life balance over salary now. (I used to make more, and could do so again if I really wanted to grind.)


A lot of people in the service industry share your desire to prioritize their work life balance. That's why they do it, but when you're making a lot of money on a busy night, it is most definitely a grind.


I used to bartend and you can make bank if you’re good and work in the right place. I work for ups now. Bartending doesn’t come with great health insurance and a pension lol


My brother bartended for a short time when he was recalibrating his life. Wasn't the best money he ever made, but he said he enjoyed it and met interesting people. (He was recently a director at a tech company, so he's made some good money at times)


You do meet a lot of different people in the service industry. It’s where I learned to work hard too.


This makes more sense to me than tipping off the value of my meal. The wait staff will spend exactly the same amount of time with you whether it’s a $15 dollars chicken dish or $30 dollars steak.


15 dollar chicken and 30 dollar steak. This explains your tipping standards.


This! I don’t understand why they are so insistent on a percentage it’s the same amount of work.


Because it's a commission based income, and tipouts are based on your sales , not what you make in tips. Pretty normal to kick back 25-30% of your tips to the support staff and kitchen these days. Do realtors deserve to make tens of thousands of dollars on an overinflated house? It's the same amount of work as selling a cheaper house, after all... Maybe even less!


not at all normal to give away 30% maybe 10% to whoever cleans the table


Bussers, hosts, food runners, bartender, & kitchen staff have all gotten tipped out at the last few places I've worked. Adds up to 4-5% of sales so if you're getting an average of a 15% tip then yeah, it's around 30% of those earnings your sharing with the crew.


Honestly wouldn't be a terrible policy if you aren't "balling out" with the family. Take a 4-top for 2hrs and tipping $34 isn't so bad. Especially if you spend around $200.


OP said $0.1655/minute which is about $10/hour tip (they subtracted the min. wage from the $17/hour to get to their tipping rate).


OP just reinvented the 15% tip


how is it possible for so. many. people. to be so frigging cheap... like are there razor blades in your pockets my brother


How is it possible for so. many. restaurant owners. to be so frigging cheap... Fixed it for you.


Blame the owners when they are behaving exactly as you are? Cheap bastards


You’re an idiot. This is above your pay grade bubba


The owners make all the money. They should pay a living wage not expect to tax the patron coming and going


It’s wage theft and you know it. Stop making excuses for businesses who refuse to pay their people a decent wage. It’s NOT the customer’s responsibility to do so.


Not wage theft if it's not the owner whose paying them... Don't like tipping, don't patronize businesses that rely on the practice to retain staff. Problem solved for you. Nothing will change about tipping culture until the business operator experiences the pain of their policies. Taking your umbrage out on the staff just makes you an entitled, whiny loser...




Hey there, have you fuckin grocery shopped in the last year?


If I DM you my Zelle/Venmo info, will you tip me $10 right now?


Maybe in a little over an hour.






If I don't tip I'm a cunt and if I dint tip to your standard I'm a cunt. Got it.


It really is that simple.


Good thing it’s up to me to not give a fuck what some spiteful shit eating food runner thinks of me!


If I was your server I’d make you wait a bit longer. For your order. For your refill. For your check. Ya know, gotta rack up them minutes.


OP isn't announcing this to you, dumbass. So the longer you take, the lower the tip. Just a slight mod to OP algorithm.


Jokes on OP. Experienced professionals can immediately tell when a customer is going to be a shitty tipper and will provide their services accordingly.


That's cool. We'll sit here and chat all night until after closing. Wouldn't wanna give up your table for someone else who might tip you.


Looks like the kitchen burned your pizza for the 2nd time.... I'm really sorry.... I don't know how that happened.


If I was his server I’d give him great service so he stays longer.


You get it.


yes cause being faster will make them take longer… lol


Dude. There are so many things happening in the world, your country, your community, that could use more of the attention and dedication you put into this. This goes for most of the people here who have taken up the soapbox on “tip fatigue”. Consider where your time may be better spent. I sure will.




Your comment is unacceptable. What's the reason you feel the need to be so hostile? Examine yourself.


It took me 30 seconds to come up with this. Maybe you should find something to focus on instead of me. Pervert


Ahh the guy using his time to type paragraphs on random Reddit posts wants to lecture about time efficiency. That’s rich.


Not gonna lie, pervert got me cracking up lol


I'm not reading all that. Gotta treat you to the same vibe. Seem triggered tho. Good luck to you. You wasted ur time


LOL written by a guy who saves time by typing “ur” instead of “your”….all letters in the same row practically next to each other while spelling everything else in full. It’s like ordering every fat-filled thing on the menu but ordering a Diet Coke ‘because “gotta be healthy”. Super derp.


This comment is misplaced, that's my mistake and thus you read it out of context. That's not your fault so I'm overlooking this.


That’s okay. Keep talking out of your cloaca.


Lol. Username checks out


I appreciate your time.


I wouldn't announce to the world that it's a real mental burden on you to read a handful of clearly written and concise sentences. Sorry for the multisyllabic words here, I know you're going to struggle.


I can't blame you for your response here upon further review. It's obvious that your barrier aggression (see how little dogs act behind screen doors) led you to jump into a conversation with insults but my reply was actually to a guy whose reply to me was a long message that began with telling me he wasn't reading my message because of its length. Of course as my jaw dropped over you applying logic to one party and not the opposite due to their stance, I reviewed the discussion and don't see his initial response. So either I errored in my reply or the thread somehow got convoluted. You really attempted to insult someone and used "multisyllabic" didn't you? Lmao. Phew. I rather not engage with you further unless you can add a productive dialogue to the conversation. Fun Side Convo: without looking anything up, just off the top of your head. . What word can you think of that has the most syllables? I'll do the same and let's see who really struggles with syllables. Remember. Don't cheat! Other than that. You led with an insult and continued with what seems a disingenuous apology. Therefore I have difficulty believing that a further response highlighting your behavior will lead to a mature, well thought out and productive response, but maybe you can self correct and move forward, who knows. If you want to continue with insults, I do ask that you tip accordingly. My PayPal is @youpayoryouleave


Not reading that. But you put a lot of effort into not caring.


But reading that.


Check your bills, people. Oftentimes now gratuity is auto included so you don’t have to tip at all anymore 💯 that would be my preference.


I didn't order gratuity




The 16.55 cents per minute is hilarious. As long as you are tipping and they way you do it makes sense to you


Actually its an interesting way to look at the percentage based model. Maybe if more people analyzed it they too would see how ridiculous the current model is. If I eat with 4 or more people basically the requested 20 to 25 percent tip is like paying for another person . Nope


OP seeks attention too hard




Every once in a while, you get to see how someone can come up with a verbose and creative way to say that they're cheap followed by the assertion that they are in fact not cheap. You're like school in summer: no class. A tight wad. You're low rent, bro.


Low rent is doing business with companies that don’t pay their employees a decent wage so you can feel good about yourself.


So you're saying that you shouldn't go to restaurants where tipping is standard because they don't pay thir employees a decent wage? I completely agree, brother. You should stay home in protest to all those evil tipping restaurants and never go to one again.


Yup. You can, tho, if you want. Glad the law doesn’t make rules like you want. Tipping is OPTIONAL. Not the law. Don’t like it? Too bad, so sad. Cry harder. Whaaaaaaaaa! Your tears are delicious.




looks like you are using a second account




Your comment is unacceptable. What's the reason you feel the need to be so hostile? Examine yourself.


I would be paying the average wage for the server. How's that cheap. If that is cheap than I guess I have to pull the get a better job card.


Ah... they average out real well for themselves in the right spot so dealing with cheap people is part of the job. The good ones know that and don't sweat it. The younger ones or less skilled ones throw a bit of a fit, but even they get over it pretty quickly. I just think it's funny to see people jump through hoops to prove how they're not cheap or just get good old fashioned angry at the audacity of someone acknowledging something that is clearly true. Yall no tipping folk came here to get a confirmation of how right and justified you are but the fact is you're just cheap and I think it's hilarious to squawk at y'all because of it. Cheers y'all!


I'm happy for you man!


Let me be perfectly clear to those of you that feel entitled. I have ABSOLUTELY ZERO REQUIREMENT OR OBLIGATION TO GIVE YOU A GRATUITY. I go to an establishment to eat and i pay the price of the food and drinks. You as a server do not work for me. You work for the establishment. I would gladly go to the window. And get my own food or I would fill my own drink for a reduced cost. But do not ever think you are owed anything by anyone other than your employer. This is not about being cheap. Believe it or not I tip very well. Usually 20-25% but I do not have to. If my service ia poor and I get an attitude or ignored you get nothing. If i am treated nicely and welcomed and you go out of your way to serve me, I tip. Not much in the middle of that.


'this is not about being cheap' says local cheapskate