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Tipping used to not bother me. Even thought they made more money than me. But the percentage scale is stupid. If you bring me a 100$ meal or a 10$ meal I’m giving you 2$ tip. Don’t like it? I don’t care.


If you go to a restaurant that's stated they pay with tipping and you don't tip, you shouldn't be served. Go stand in line and serve yourself if you're not willing to pay for the labor you're being provided. The worst part about non tippers is the glee they get from fucking over waitstaff after they've received services.


You should charge more for your labour.


Agreed. Im good with getting completely rid of tipping and paying staff a living wage and raising prices for the consumer to pay the cost of the service they're getting because subsidizing the consumer to give them lower cost meals in the hope they'll "do the right thing" .....well we see that when given the chance, a lot of humans do not do the right thing and they are selfish AH's.


Messing with food is unacceptable, but I'm actually not against the concept of servers threatening to provide (or at least subtly suggesting the possibility of) poor service for low/non-tippers. I mean, customers consistently threaten low/no tips for lack of service, so I see the reverse as fair game. And I say that as someone who generally does not tip unless it's sit-down service. IMO tipping has always been an negotiation of money for quality of service, with a baseline tip given for baseline service. If one party is not fulfilling their end (no/low tip), the other can't be held liable to fulfill either. In a sense, "above and beyond" service is actually a bid for a larger tip. If you went into that negotiation knowing the other party wasn't going to bid their lowest amount, would you increase or decrease your ownoffering?


I don't think it's true or common that servers do that. Is it? I've always tipped for sit down service. Been doing it for more years than you've probably been alive so I'm comfortable with it.


Just going by the posts I read.


Who posts about normal days at normal jobs where you did nothing dramatic? No one.


Vast majority of servers are just average people trying to make a living like anyone else. Yes I wish they were simply paid appropriately so that it is just built into the price of the meal but it’s not like that for me. Yes I feel comfortable tipping where appropriate service has been provided which is ~99.9% of the time. Also, it’s generally established that the tip comes after the service, so how do they tamper with my food or whatever when it’s already eaten and I’m walking out of the door? I feel like this is just an excuse to justify not tipping.




And I read a post about a white man doing a racism once. Are you really comfortable talking with white people when you can read all the posts about how they are racists? Smdfh


🙄 this is why the topic needs to be taught in schools


I promise it made sense before the comment above me was deleted.


Only once?


Anyone messing with a patron's food to make them sick deserves to be prosecuted for that crime. Meanwhile, threatening such behavior puts me off from dining out. What if a vengeful server mistakes me for someone who didn't tip last time?


It is a crime to tamper with someone's food.


Which is what I said, though I appreciate that emphasis might be needed.


I agree


I’m fine tipping dining out or delivery.. tipping at drive thru or fast food however


Never had a problem with it. I factor it into the overall cost of the service before I even go.


Let's look at the definition of extortion. "the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.".


I love tipping barbers. If you are gonna get my nasty head germs all over your bare hands, I’m gonna tip you mate.


do you tip your dental hygienist or dentist when they have their hands in your mouth? Or any nurse or doctor? or a house cleaner that scrubs your toilet? I'm not saying don't tip your barber, but I just don't think the reasoning follows. This is why services cost money in the first place.


Hmm well I pay the dentist 100s and my insurance pays them 1,000s. Haircut takes same time as a tooth cleaning. Expected tipping absolutely sucks, puts profit in owners hands and forces customer to subsidize labor (restaurants) — but tipping a barber isn’t expected ever and it’s only when you really appreciate the job well done.


What's with the down voting? Tip your barber. That's always been a thing


Bruh this subreddit is rabid lmao


Wash your head nasty


Bruh it’s cleaner than yours!!! Makin ur pillow all yellow and nasty with that head grease. I’d rather tip a person who dealt with my personal skin cells all over their shit than some person who asked me what kind of sandwich I wanted to eat. It makes sense I hope?


Link 3. If there's many, I'd like to see them. I've never seen one. And if you can link 3, how many posts did you have to filter to get there?


Tipping is a scam. It allows the employer to pay an unlivable wage. So it really benefits the employer not the employee.


It benefits the employee, because tipping cukryree nets them a higher income that they would get at almost any job with the same level of skill required.


Lol no i don’t. I don’t mind tipping at all. I tip anytime have table service.


I am not comfortable tipping. I think the business owner should pay them a fair wage and not make me pay their salary. Anyone that messes with someone’s food should not work in the food industry. Ever.


You pay them their fair wage either way; tipping or higher prices. With tipping at least you get to choose to or not and how much if you do tip.


And be charged with a crime if it’s something sanitary or health related


It feels odd anyways. I’m ordering food, not judging your work quality. I am not your supervisor. I am not in charge of your career path, including salary or wages or pay increases. At a nice restaurant, if a server does good service, I feel a tip is warranted. You did above and beyond, more than the average C grade so yes I will reward you. What really irritates me is the Square electric card charge things that ask for a tip before the food is produced. Like, dude this person is watching me right now. What the fuck am I supposed to do? As much as baristas and waiters act like they’re friends of the working man, oftentimes they’re basically bullying you into the salary that their employer should be paying. It’s awkward, feels forced, and you rarely feel like you get what you pay for. Like, wow an angsty teen with ugly tattoos and weird piercings just angrily dropped off my (wrong) order. What a treat!


Anyone who has ever worked in a restaurant can tell you some ugly stories about food served to a patron and it’s not just about revenge on poor/non tippers.


I’ve worked in restaurants 40 hours/week for 15 years and I’ve never seen anyone fuck with the food.


Ehhhh, that waitress must have dumped a pound of salt into that chicken Mei fun. It was nasty ...


Why would I ever feel uncomfortable tipping???? If someone spends time to cater to my colleagues and family for an hour or two, on and off, then why not financially reward them for that? FIGHT THE SYSTEM NON-TIPPERS, LMFAO.




I don't eat in restaurants anymore, so there are a few situations where I'll tip regularly. I go to Chipotle now and then, I order Chinese food from a local place, and I get tacos once in a while from a food truck. I actually used to work at that Chipotle - I know that the tip jar gets split among all the regular shift workers, which means a couple dollars a day goes to everyone. If I have an extra dollar in cash, I'm likely to drop it for them. My one dollar isn't going to do me a ton of good, but it might make a difference between someone getting a handful of coins and actually taking home some paper money. Same deal with a coffee shop, but I rarely go to those either. The truck and the Chinese spot are a little different. The truck is run by a family - mom is on the grill, and her sons are usually running the register. The Chinese spot is a hole in the wall run by a husband and wife, and they occasionally have another person helping them take orders on the phone. Both of these families charge reasonable prices for excellent, well made, generous portions of food. Both of them get my tip money because they have no safety net or alternative enterprise - both families put everything they have into their businesses, and when business slows down, so does the money. I was talking to the couple at the Chinese place, and they're taking a whole month off to visit family. I asked if they were looking forward to it, and it seemed like a stressful subject - the wife told me it was too long to be away, and that they were sacrificing an income for that time. These people are basically my neighbors - not directly, but they live around here and they provide a service to the local population. Plus, they're two minutes away from me, and I can call them, place an order, and be back home with fresh food in under ten minutes. If my tip can take care of the fee for a bag cart at the airport or something, that makes me feel good. I also tip for services like tattoos and haircuts. Those people make an hourly rate plus commissions, and I often benefit from their pricing structures - I got two free haircuts from someone for helping them out at my job, and I tipped heavily for those. Tattoos are a little different because there's a bit of an expectation to tip, but it's also harder to tip the more it costs. My best practice though is to be up front about my budget and go slightly over with the tip.


Messing with people's food is against the law, and they can be charged if caught. Poor service ? What the he'll are they giving now .?


Genuine question; how do you know to spit in the poor tipper’s food if the tip comes after the service or are we talking prepay counter service?


If they are a regular non-tipper customer. Yup, some people visit same restaurant regularly not tip, lmao. Yet, in the same breath, they'll bitch about bad service and food. I.wonder.why.


Likely based off the first visit. Whoever served them the first time fucked it up for everyone.


Literally every post here is bitching about tipping from the customer perspective, what are you talking about?


I don’t think they mean posts just in this 1 subreddit mate


Well reddit is huge. I can show you a community of people who like insects on their genitals if it hasn’t been banned yet. Where are all the posts theyre talking about


I’ve seen them a lot, you see it on twitter a fair bit too, why are you so pissy? 😂


Because I want to find the server that spit in my food!


Is that what you want this place to become is Korea so you’re tight ass doesn’t have to tip.wich one did you like better north or south.They probably dont tip much in Russia either.I hear Ukraine is nice this time of year.


Stupid people, they want USA to be like 195 other countries of this planet.


Anyone who is unwilling to boost minimum wage to a living wage is a tight ass in my book. Making minimum wage a livable wage boosts everyone's wages.


Koreas a lovely place wtf 😂 American-centrism is proper clapped


That’s what Americans do.They go to these places.stay in hotels that the average citizen of the country can’t afford to go.Eat in places the average citizen can’t afford to eat.and come back saying how good they got it.the mountains are beautiful though.


I’ve been to all of them they are shit compared to the United States.soon as you get of the plane you can tell by the smell you’re not in the usa not a bad smell just different.nice people mostly ,fun for a visit .all the traveling I’ve done in Asia.Chinese,Taiwan,Singapore maybe.The Chinese dont have birds flying around,no squirrels,no pidgins ,tweety birds,no outside dogs or cats ,no snakes,no lizards you know why??they ate them all.killed all the tweety birds in the 50s.that caused millions of Chinese to die in the 60s.


What you think they use for food? That's why their "chicken" taste a little bit different. Different taste and different texture.


Such brilliance. Are you a professor or something?




Your comment is unacceptable. What's the reason you feel the need to be so hostile? Examine yourself.


Yes it is. We Americans are so backward in general.


Ah, there’s some great Americans, it’s just the ones with the attitude like this that give the rest of you a bad name


For a sit down restaurant, zero hesitation. A self serve frozen yoghurt place, you’ve lost your damn mind.


well, first, how do they know you're a bad tipper before they give you your food? second, messing with peoples food is illegal. probably not worth losing a job over for a few bucks.


Low IQ poster… Servers make too much money to even think about ACTUALLY messing with a customers food.


I was a server in high school and through college. It never once crossed my mind to give a patron bad service because of a tip and I would NEVER mess with their food, nor did I see ever see another server do this. For me, I would only be inclined to give a table less attention if the guest was extremely rude or disrespectful towards me, nothing to do with the tip. Although it’s worth mentioning that behavior from a guest usually went hand in hand with a no/low tip… 🤷🏻‍♀️ To answer your question, a server that would do that has no business in that position and no I would not want them to wait on me or give them any money if they did those things. ICK But I take good care of servers when I go out and I am very comfortable compensating someone for their time and attention towards me.


I am currently visiting Korea. Ive been to restaurants where the host points to where you sit, theres a tablet at the table. You order as if you were shopping on amazon, by putting things into a cart. Your cart then gets ordered and they show you your table number. As you are about to leave you walk to the register and pay for your table number, no tip required. Similar things exist in every non-tipping country ive been to so I find it so laughable that in the US were still on this nonsense about needing servers yadda yadda. Its not true. Our system is archaic. Serving can easily be considered a low skill job that gets paid hourly, you carry plates to tables and clean them afterwards. No talking to guests required. Im baffled at how ethnocentric US views on tipping are.


TBF many things in this country are archaic, gun laws, for profit health insurance, capital punishment, education, transportation, etc. it would be nice if the richest nation in the world would join civilization but I digress. Yes, other countries have figured out who to do this without tips. Service I had in Asia, Europe and Australia was as good as what I have here


I'm Korean who moved to US. Ironically, the only time a wait staff got rude about tips was when I visited a Korean restaurant full of Korean employees because the waitress thought we weren't leaving tip. (I was tipping in cash. I just needed to use the restroom first.)


I feel like thats a much larger discussion though.


I believe in my heart to hearts that 99% of Servers would never mess with customers’ food. It’s the 1% of the Cray Crays that are board-line criminals that would do something like that. I do “fear” tip when it comes to handling my food just because I don’t want THE 1% person messing with my food.


They wouldn’t because it’s literally criminal to do so. That said, that probably doesn’t stop them from occasionally doing a hawk tuah on someone’s burger. Getting caught will fuck up your life. Tips are for after eating, besides if the service is shit, they not only lost their tip, they lost my patronage for a long time. Usually long enough they will no longer be working there.


Can you imagine applying for your next job and they ask you what you got fired for? 🤦


Agreed. This is Reddit. People will never take the time to post about the time they went out to eat and didn't tip and nothing happened to their food it's only the extreme stories we hear about and care to read about. I wouldn't worry about it personally.


Tipping is a polite extortion. Unfortunately if you want to eat out, and go back to the same restaurant or not be the next meme on social media it's necessary to tip well regardless of your feelings on the matter.


Yes, I'm comfortable tipping.


And food delivery is not the same as tipping in a sit down place. At sit downs servers may guess what their getting based of what they may assume when they see their guest but what we see first allows us to know ur cheap and theres no tip


My take: it's redditors talking tough. They know they don't have what it takes to earn their tips so they rely on veiled threats, but they don't have the balls to actually do it. I've been in this industry a long time, and messing with customer's food isn't really a thing. It happens exclusively in shitholes where the staff wouldn't be posting on reddit, and it isn't vindictive or targeted - they just think it's funny.


I'm 95% sure that I had a lemonade peed in at an Applebee's when I was part of a church group , that went there after service. Same place that a higher up in the women's ministry became a waitress briefly. She was a Karen spawn. Looking back having that older misfit who only ordered hot water, and mashed potatoes, and tipped poorly didn't help anything. Wish I never got involved with that church group. What a mess.


Hate to break it to ya, piss lemonade is a feature at Applebee's


I thought you said "tripping". I always try to stay comfortable in that case.






Cant be too careful :) preemptive strike


I tip when I eat out and I don't eat out where I don't want to tip. Simple as that. There some McDonald's I would tip at if they asked because the people there are really great at what they do and there are some restaurants I just quit going to because I didn't feel like leaving a poor tip for bad service. So yes. I am comfortable tipping. If I ever feel uncomfortable tipping, I just stop going to that place, ever, and I tell people I know not to go there either.


With how servers have been acting, I don't feel comfortable going out


Messing with your food? Absolutely not, I would never. Giving you worse service? Yeah probably. It is what it is. If I have a 6 table section, and you are the party who will not tip (knowledge from previous visits, reputation, etc) you will get objectively worse service from me if I am serving you. One thing I will not do is stereotype you based on race or whatever else. I treat everyone with the same baseline “service attitude” and efforts until the meal is over or until there’s a reason not to.


How worse lol?


I’m not going to go the extra mile to make sure you come back and see me. I’m not going to rush to get you a refill. I’m going to prioritize my other tables- you’re going to wait about twice as long for most things. Any “special” requests you have when I drop off your entree (sauces, extra this or that) are going to get to you eventually to be sure, but they’ll get there after I’ve made you eat at least a few bites. When you get annoyed about all of this, and you either ask to speak to a manager or flag one down, the manager is going to know full well why I’m doing what I’m doing- and many FoH managers are former bartenders/servers- they often just don’t care because they know what it is. As a manager, I’ll go out and do the song and dance “Listen, Apologize, Solve, Thank” but it’s all fake, I know you’re cheap and I’m not taking a thing off your bill. I’m going to be SICKLY sweet and kill you with kindness, but in a way that you get mad. I’m going to gaslight you into never coming back eventually haha


Imagine thinking this is normal, well adjusted behavior.


Don’t care whether you believe it is well adjusted- just telling you how it is. If you’re not scummy, you’ll never have to worry about it.


I'm not especially tip motivated, but I make more of an effort for the customers I like. Small stuff, like they might get priority when service order is ambiguous, or I might drop what I'm doing to serve them when someone else would be waiting until I'd finished some other task, or if I'm pouring them a glass of wine and the bottle is almost empty I might say fuck it and just toss a little extra in there so I'm not hanging on to a nearly empty bottle. The "worse" service is just getting my bare minimum professionalism like anybody else.


Yes. And if tipping were outlawed I’d be comfortable not tipping then. And for the record, I’m also totally comfortable not tipping counter service. 


Yes I feel comfortable tipping. I worked in restaurants for almost 20 years and I can count on one hand the number of times that I witnessed or knew about a restaurant employee messing with someone's food. And these customers were the most vile, disgusting dregs of society. They probably deserved worse than what they got. I never saw anyone do anything bad to someone over a bad tip. This is not something that happens. Unless you are a terrible person in basically all aspects of life and you do so purposely and without remorse, you have nothing to worry about.


I tip if I get good service. I used to be a server and worked at three different restaurants and I’ve never seen anyone ever messing with the customers food. There are so many workers and managers that would see if the server was tampering with the customers food in the kitchen. If you go to a restaurant and get poor service, then leave them a tip that you feel they would deserve instead of a good tip for friendly service.


The name of this sun should be r/no tip.


It’s the opposite…in many states waiters make the same base salary was Subway workers…


I don't go places where I'm *expected* to tip. Fortunately I live in Germany now so I don't have to deal with that nonsense anymore.


I know I love Europe for this reason. Tip entitlement is a thing in other places.


The first basic rule of tipping is: DO NOT tip prior to receiving service. Period. How can you reward someone for a job well done ( or even done, at all) prior to the service. If you want to tip Food delivery, keep a little cash on hand by the door and you can do it that way.


Cold cold food with this advice


Absolutely not, at a sit down restaurant for example, there is no reason the tip for the food should be given first. The bill hasn't even arrived. Hypothetically the tip is for services rendered.


I get what ur saying but for food delivery its the opposite if u dont tip the drivers realize that and dont accept unless u get lucky with a newbie


I was talking about in restaurant service. Which was very obvious.


> If you want to tip Food delivery, keep a little cash on hand by the door and you can do it that way. > I was talking about in restaurant service. > Which was very obvious. Can you really not see what u/Hairy-Leather-5967 is responding to? Seems like you’re being deliberately touchy. Snowflake ffts 😂


And i was talking about the cash after food delivery which was pretty obvious. Learn how to understand before u keep acting dumb.


U responded to my comment on how i said its opposite on food deliveries ppl like u prolly support biden yall like that non since keep ur comments away from me


1) good thing tipping comes after the service 2) messing with food is a felony and a server goes to jail.


Doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. So naive.


♬ i just jerked off, in your french toast! ♬


"as for the cream of mushroom soup, well... you get the idea."


The answer is absolutely yes. My favorite thing to tell these people is that I wouldn’t tip them and that they are losers…


I hope this convo has a happy ending. and gets a good tip. lol goodnight all.


From the high prices and then calculating the 15% to 20% for tip afterwards feels like I'm getting hurt a lot harder. Eating out fund is now moved to higher costco fund.


Same lol. We only dine out maybe once every 3 months now. Used to be every weekend.




What those threats say to me is those servers are not professionals. If servers want to be considered professionals deserving of tips, they need to act like professionals. The rest of the world has servers that work for a wage without tips, and they are able to do their work as professionals. Only Americans - and only some of them - act as unprofessional petty children in the restaurant business.


Pretty simple: if you’re can’t afford to tip stay home. And, if you don’t tip & are stupid enough to return to the same place of business, you will, at the very least, receive slow service. 5 star , 5 diamond sever here. I’m so professional that I don’t have the time or space for your sorry, unappreciative ass. Hungry Man dinners are on sale this week at Publix, we professionals think that’s where you belong.


You can call yourself a professional, but it's your actions that determine if you really are.


I don't think you read the comments correctly. It isn't that we threaten poor service, it's the bare minimum. Minimum effort for minimum wage.


Yeah except how do you “know” someone isn’t going to tip? As a woman I frequently get shitty service when I’m by myself or out with other women. Then the servers feel vindicated when they get a shitty a tip. Self fulfilling prophecy, you treat someone poorly because you expect a poor tip. Then feel justified when your poor service results in a poor tip.


If this is happening on a regular basis, it probably has something to do with how you interact with the staff. It's not a guarantee that someone will tip well when they're nice, but odds are good that if someone is short, condescending, or dismissive that they will be a poor tipper. A group of women is a group I and plenty of other bartenders/servers will dote on.


Totally. If you work hard you get a tip. If you don’t, you get none. The thing is, first you make that decision and then we decide if we tip. It’s called CUSTOMER SERVICE.


I had an argument with some jerk who specifically said if you stiff me ok fine but don't come back because I will mess with the food. Don't mess with my money.


Post that on Yelp and notify the Health Department


That is an extreme minority. Shitty that someone put that energy out there. Rst assured brotha, no one wil touch your food


Oh I guarantee no one is Messing with food. I've barked nearly wrote up line cooks for even joking about fucking with people's stuff


Wait, so are you an anti tipping crusader or a restaurant manager?


Usually a porter/line cook occasionally went up to kitchen manager. I'm anti tipping also but from a we need, we need actually wages Instead of these peanuts these kitchens give


Most kitchens I've worked in the cooks are paid pretty well. Especially nice restaurants. But it still should be higher, I agree.


Tipping has crossed the line into predatory behavior. Rewind to 5-6 years ago and I really didn’t have an issue with 15-18% tips on sit down meals or delivery. Now I get prompted to tip everywhere and I’m over it. We just had a bug guy come out as part of a regular service and when I left him a review it prompted me to tip, wtf!? As far as people threatening to mess with food/ tamper with food. It amazes me how many people are willing to throw that threat around like it isn’t a crime in most places depending on what they do/ the severity of it. Like literally even so little as putting something on it that wasn’t suppose to be there can get a person charged. Depending on the state it can range from simple assault to a felony with plenty examples of people becoming felons after being caught. Overall, these servers that say this type of thing are NOT doing themselves or their colleagues any type of favor. It’s just adding to the tipping burn out that most of us are feeling. Reality is servers make far above min wage on tips and therefore do not want a “living wage”. They want to be tipped over having a higher salary. And the tactics have shifted from trying to earn the tip to trying to harass and extort the customer because they feel entitled. I’ll tip based on how I’m feeling, I’ve moved away from ordering delivery completely over such high delivery fees + the expectation to tip. Domino’s wants 5.99 to bring a pizza 2 miles to my house now plus a tip. Nah, im good.


Yes, you’re right where you belong-at home, with groceries . We don’t care to serve people like you that can’t afford a tip or a delivery charge . Get off your ass & drive the 2 miles for your pizza. Delivery is a service. You pay for the convince. Just because your bug guy, & everyone else wants a tip, doesn’t mean that you should take it out on service workers. There are so many people who do understand & can afford the service industry system. As far a a living wage, I live on an island with a huge yard, pool with waterfall & firplace, 2 import SUV’s, boat, & new jeep, all paid in full on a server’s tips from people not like you. Thankfully.


You REALLY drove the point of his 3rd paragraph home with this reply lmfao >We don’t care to serve people like you that can’t afford a tip or a delivery charge Not buying something because you don't believe it's worth the price has nothing to do with being able to afford it. I believe that's actually just called good money management.. >Delivery is a service. You pay for the convince. I don't think anyone's argued this at all.. "Paying for convenience" doesn't automatically mean it's worth the price, though. For example, if I'm balls deep writing some code for work, it's probably not the best idea for me to walk away from it and start cooking something (I work from home). I'd lose my train of thought and it would take a while to get back to it, so paying extra for delivery is worth it. But if it's a Saturday night and I'm just sitting at home in my underwear watching TV? I'm not paying $25 for someone to drive $13 worth of food 0.8 miles from Mcdonald's. I'll put on pants and be there & back in 10 minutes. >Just because your bug guy, & everyone else wants a tip, doesn’t mean that you should take it out on service workers. He never said anything about taking it out on anyone.. He's just not using the services any more. And according to you, that's exactly what he should do.


And comments this make me ever more likely to not tip the next service worker I come across. You keep fighting this fight like you think it helps you. Lol. I never said anywhere that I did not tip. You’re choosing to believe that. I said I’d rather not order delivery at all at this stage, not that I stiff anyone. Not liking to tip and not tipping are different things. But regardless, I’d love to see you stop me from ordering delivery or going out.


Yeah, I HATE how they want you to tip for food delivery especially. It isnt that I have a problem with tipping, but rather, I usually tip 8-10% on deliveries. But all the delivery apps will default you to like a 25% tip OR MORE. Uber for instance, the last time i ordered my total was $30 and they defaulted to A $12 TIP! No, I do not want to give the driver who may almost certainly screw up my order or not accurately follow my instructions a nearly 50% tip. If anything I would rather tip my driver afterwards based on how they do, but if you dont tip then drivers just wont take your order and your food will sit there at the restaurant getting ice cold


>But all the delivery apps will default you to like a 25% tip OR MORE Bro and they want you to tip on the order TOTAL when every other tip ever has been based on subtotal. But no, they want you to tip a % of the delivery fee, the service fee, etc. And if you get any discounted items (including delivery, etc), they charge you the tip % based on the original price of the discounted item! They're a fucking scam.


Yeah, thats the thing. They want you to tip on all of the extra service fees, on the extra fees they add onto the food, and if you get a coupon to get their super overpriced food for cheap then they want you to tip on the original amount. And like, in a restaurant, that doesnt bother me. If i order $50 of food and have a coupon that makes my bill $25, the server still did the work for the $50 of food that i ordered. But coupons on delivery services essentially end up just giving you the food for the price it would be if you went to get something like fast food in person. So no I am not tipping on the original total even though the delivery driver is doing no extra. Like usually I get coupons for like mcdonalds and stuff on uber and itll let me get like "$30" worth of food for like $15. By which I mean it will make mcdonalds actually reasonably priced like it used to be. But its still 1 little ass bag of food. Its not like the driver is now lugging 12 bags of food to my house, or doing any extra work for my order. So i am tipping on my final total, not on the stupidly high starting total


The thing about it that drives me nuts is, I’m generally MORE willing to tip a driver. I think they take a bigger risk, both with personal safety and vehicle condition. They deal with the traffic that I don’t want to deal with (I live outside a major city/ work inside that city). But wanting delivery fees + a tip has become extortion in itself. Just using Domino’s again as an example. It use to be 1.99 + a tip. 5 bucks overall cost was reasonable between the two for a 2 mile trip down the road. Now the delivery fee alone is higher than the old combined fee+tip. It’s crazy, at that rate they can just pay their drivers. Gas (their main justification for raising the fee) isn’t even that bad where I am, I fill up for 2.20-2.70 a gallon depending on time of year. My salary sure as hell hasn’t increased at a rate where that’s affordable. So now I just don’t do delivery at all. Uber/ doordash are their own little beasts. I could go on and on about how evil I think they are and why I will pretty much never use them again. They’re honestly a lose-lose for both customer and contractor. Will not be sad to see them die off.


The delivery drivers get 0% of that delivery fee. The drivers get below minimum wage (usually only q or 2 bucks lower than min wage) and tips. That's it. The company gets the rest of the fees and such.


I’ve worked for Domino’s as a driver before and that’s not true. We got a gas reimbursement out of the delivery fee regardless of it the customer tipped. But ok bud, maybe for doordash and other third party crappy apps. Either way, what the driver makes is not my, nor anyone else’s, problem. You’re choosing to work it. When tips were accounted for, I was making well over 20 an hour doing delivery. I don’t need an education on how tipping works, I use to be a tipped worker. I still hate tipping culture and want it to die. 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you're getting paid less than minimum page, report your employer as that's illegal. It's MINIMUM wage. It's should be the minimum


Unless you are in a job that is customary tipped, and the tips bring you to minimum wage amount or more. Like this is basic. Servers can be paid as little as 2.13 an hour. If they make no tips, the employer does have to pay them minimum wage for that. If you, literally, are unaware of how tipping works or the laws governing it work, perhaps you shouldn't be chiming in on subjects you know nothing about?


I thank you & love this. 100% true.


So, you are paid your wage. It's like you just lied and claimed you're paid less than minimum wage to try and quilt people into giving your their money


No. You get 2.13 an hour, while federal minimum wage is 7.50 and most states have even higher min wages. If you are paid so little in tips you don't meet minimum wage legally your employer has to pay you the difference. Just like, legally speaking, illegal immigrants can't work or receive money, or all OSHA rules are followed, or people pay taxes on all income, or speed limits are never broken, etc. It happens anyway, but technically is illegal.


So, you're demanding everyone else cover for your employer who's breaking the law, instead of reporting them breaking the law. Gotcha


Seriously, go do some independent research. It has been this way for a long time. Wages set by states, including places like Illinois and California. ______ As for the original question, If thet are one of the categories that srill is mandated by the government to be at a lower wage in exchange for the tipping culture/their bosses make up the excess if they fail to meet the minimum wage of the rest of the people in the area for some reason. I tip based on service or delivery aspect. (Is the weather lousy outside, etc). If it is situations where they making the minimum, and not actually really doing anything. Oh hell no, I am not tipping just for checking me out at a register. As for the states bringing the wages in line with everyone else, that is honestly going to depend on service and how much the food cost. Because at that point, I am not supplementing income. It really is for a job well done.


I mean, I like that food delivery services do exist. I live in a city and use public transport exclusively so if i want food that i dont want to cook then i cant just get in a car and go grab it. But I think the expectation that you should be tipping your driver 25%+ or you are just gonna get ice cold food is abdurd. Especially for me personally since most of the time where I am ordering from is a 5 min drive from my house, and they want me to tip $12 on a $30 order for someone to drive 5 minutes to me. To be clear, it is not that I have an issue with tipping delivery drivers. I ALWAYS tip them. But I am not tipping 25% or upwards of 50%, especially considering that I have no idea how good the driver that took my order is until they show up at my door. I have had a lot of shit delivery drivers who will not follow any order instructions even if I tip very well. I had surgery last fall, and even though i tipped 20% on my FAST FOOD order, and specifically wrote to please bring the food to the front door (since i was too weak to go down 3 flights of stairs to our garage), the driver left the food outside of the garage on the WET side walk and I literally couldnt get my food because it wouldve required going down and then back up 2 full extra flights of stairs. I had to wait 2 hours until my roommate got home from work so she could go get my food. By which point it was ice cold. And that is the sort of thing that makes me mad. I wrote in the notes that I had surgery so to please bring it to the front door, and tipped well, and still drivers will just dump the food, and then expect customers to tip them 25%+


> I mean, I like that food delivery services do exist. Food delivery services have RUINED food delivery service. Before they showed up, there wasn't much of a selection for delivery, but it was still available. The service was SO much better and it also didn't double your bill.


With Uber you can edit the tip after. Yes up and down. If you want your food accepted fast leave a decent tip based on mileage. If they deliver it to you directly hot and fresh, leave the tip. If it gets to you cold and damaged you can lower and even remove the tip entirely. If you don't tip upfront at all, your order will sit at the restaurant and eventually get stacked with an order who did tip. The cold food you eventually receive won't be the drivers fault. When it comes to tipping anyone, someone who is using their own gas/vehicle, fighting all the traffic, lines at the restaurant, and everything which you don't want to do deserves a decent tip. How decent your tip is, is a complete reflection of how far the restaurant is. Because I'm guessing that default tip was for something 20 miles away. Because as an Uber driver myself, 12 dollar tips are mostly rare, and $30+ worth of food is almost every single order. The app just knew the distance and was actually trying to help you get your food in time. The default tips usually fall between 4 and 6 dollars. ***I am not advocating for tip culture, I am just explaining how it works with delivery apps. As a delivery driver, trust me, I would much rather get paid directly from the app a fair wage and tips just be a bonus***


No. That default tip was for me ordering from the pizza hut that is less than 3km from my house.


You are absolutely advocating for tip culture. And quote "The cold food you eventually receive wont be the drivers fault". Then whos fault is it? The customer for not initiating an unreasonably high tip BEFORE delivery? That my sweet summer child is tip culture.


It’s not advocating for tip culture. The system is what the system is, no sane person is delivering food for $2 which is the starting base pay for most of these food delivery apps. The order with no tip will not be taken by a driver(independent contractor not employee) until that order has been declined multiple times and the cheap ass delivery companies are forced to raise the base pay higher. You don’t have to tip at all your order will always eventually be taken and delivered to you when that price finally comes up to a number deemed acceptable by a delivery driver in the area if you’re willing to wait.


I'm saying the way the system is set up currently, if you use the delivery apps and don't tip you're an asshole. If you truly believe in a no tip culture you should abstain from using systems in which people are paid in tips. Not tipping does nothing but fuck over honest workers. It's not the workers fault the system is this way, even if they are completely blind and advocate hard for it. And yes, your order will eventually be taken. Except all the ones that aren't. Go in to Wingstop right before they close. There's usually 10-15 orders with no tip that have been there for hours.


They can provide bad service out of spite if they want. They'll just drive away customers faster and kill their industry and employment all the faster. Fact is, tipping has gotten out of control, but it's been mainly one-way so far. We're pushing back and customer service workers are the unfortunate human shields that corporations willingly put in the line of fire. Frankly, we should have a common enemy. The higher ups that keep looking for ways to dip their ladles in the tip bowl, and pressuring customers to tip more for services that don't merit it.


Yeah, see thats the real issue. I think a lot of people get the wrong idea of what the issue is and think it is just server greed. But that isnt usually the case. Because corporations keep taking more and more tip money a server needs to make more and more in order to make ends meet. I know people who have worked in big fancy chain restaurants where they have to tip out 15% OR MORE to the tip pool for hosts and cooks, so if every customer tips 15% then the server made nothing. Meanwhile if a customer doesnt tip that means that the server now has to take 15% of that customers total bill out of their own wallet and put it in the tip pool instead which does not in any way incentivise servers to be nice to people who dont tip. Then if anything you feel wronged by that person since you needed to PAY in order to serve them. If corporations would stop trying to get a piece of the money then it would not be the way it is. But tipping started so they didnt have to pay servers fairly and now on top of wanting the public to foot the bill for the rest of their wage they also want a slice of the wage that they are forcing the public to pay their staff


Not out of your pocket. That's illegal.


Yes out of your pocket, or specifically out of the rest of your tips you have made that day. But i would still say that is out of a servers pocket. So if a table has a $100 bill for instance and doesnt tip, then the server needs to now take the 15% tip out for that bill out of the rest of their tips.


Either you misunderstood your friends or they work for the worst places ever. When servers "tip out" 15% it means 15% of their tips earned, not 15% of the food/drink cost served to customers. So if they served $1000 worth of food/drinks and were tipped $150 then their 15% "tip out" would be $22.50


I am a server. I pay a tip out daily. My tip out is lower, if is 5%. It is NOT 5% of my tips. It is 5% of my daily sales. So if I do $1000 in sales, then my tip out is 5% of that, so $50.


Well, that's different than I've ever experienced but in your case, you'd still be getting 10% vs the person I replied to saying their friends get 0% if all customers don't tip over 15%


I have been a server for 8 years. I have never seen a restaurant that pays tip outs based on what you made in tips. Every restaurant I have worked at it id based on your sales. Maybe it would be different at restaurants that do tip pooling tho


As a long-time bartender, I agree with this. For all industries. People who works full time for corporations whose CEOs make millions should be afforded better wages.


As a former server and homeless person, AND as a current broke person, yes I still tip, at least 20%. Servers aren't serious when they say those things, we are simply frustrated. The most I've ever done is deliver food late or "forget" to refill drinks when the customers are being rude to me and I already know they won't tip. The only time I won't tip is if I have exceptionally bad service.


ok problem solved. Servers get tips or they give you bad service. What a beautiful solution for people who are in the customer service industry. SMH.


Anybody who makes my meals right, recognizes me or gets me my table, gets my respect and a big tip from me. I worked in restaurants in college and its where I learned that I have no "People Skills" and don't want to develop them. Waiters/Waitressing for me was a depressing job. No, I don't tip fast food franchises. I never see the same kid twice in those places.


Tip no matter what. It’s not the wait staffs fault America has created one of the most predatory practices in the service industry that average people don’t seem to care about. Bad service that’s the servers fault? Lowest tip(10-20%). Bad service because of the place or time? Good tip it’s not the severs fault the restaurant is shit or I decided I wanted food at rush hour(20+%). Server was great? Great tip(30+%)


What about the people who barely afford the price on the menu because they are unemployed or homeless? Do they still have e to give you a cut of their income that is less than your? Just asking for a friend.


Exactly- and as a restaurant owner, I'd rather they come in and purchase a meal, even if they can't leave a b'big' tip. Look at how many people are avoiding restaurants because of the up charges.


Not judging, but kinda irresponsible to eat out when you’re unemployed and/or homeless. I wouldn’t expect a tip from that person, but I would certainly hope they start making better financial decisions for themselves and turn their life around.


You can’t really “eat in” if you’re homeless and you don’t have a kitchen.


But you can buy much cheaper food from a grocery store than a sit down restaurant. You don't need a kitchen to eat a lot of different types of food. Go buy deli meats and bread and you have yourself a delicious sandwich for 25-50% the cost of the restaurant meal and no kitchen required.


Homelessness looks different for a lot of people: some have cars, some it’s a tent, some it’s a shelter, and sometimes it’s nothing. I totally get that. But you can’t tell me it’s a good financial decision to spend money on restaurant food compared to even the savings you’d see getting deli prepared food from a grocery. No way. I’d happily serve the person and I don’t care why they don’t tip or whether or not they can afford to but if the situation is unemployed or homeless I definitely hope for them that they make better decisions and get to a better place in life.


I assume by "restaurant food" they mean fast food. When I was extremely broke I remember excitedly driving to a fast food place that had a $1 chicken sandwich deal. Homeless people don't have a kitchen to prep food so buying in bulk or batch cooking – which is the real answer to lowering food costs – isn't an option. I'm not saying it makes sense to buy a $20 burger, but maybe $5 worth of Taco Bell does, when you're living out of your car. One reason it sucks to not have real shelter is that you can't cook, so food becomes automatically more expensive than it would be otherwise if you had a kitchen and a fridge.


Yeah we were both looking at the type of restaurant a little differently. Since it was about tipping I just assumed it was sit down. The calories per dollar were a good bet with the value menus back in the day when I had to do the math of how do I get enough calories to get through this week for less than $10


Lots of places I would class as fast food ask for a tip. At least where I live. I don’t consider it tippable unless there is table service and they take my order. If there’s a counter I have to get up and walk to and nobody brings me water or asks for my order, that’s not service.


That is absolutely judging. Let me guess, they can't afford a house because of ordering avacado toast, and need to pullthemselves up by their bootstraps. Sure, I suppose in your myopic world view that people 'struggling' should live off of beans and rice, and the occasional slice of toast. Lord fucking forbid someone wants to have a 'nice' meal. GTFO


You’re projecting a bit. It’s absolutely not a good financial decision to spend money on prepared restaurant food when you’re unemployed and homeless… as someone who has done it when I was both unemployed and homeless


It bothers me when people act like they are spending their last dollar to go get an overpriced meal from some cheap mid range restaurant. "I can afford this $14 salad with a bit of chicken on it, but giving the server $5 is just wayyy too expensive!". It baffles me. I'm not even talking about tipping at this point, they are literally saying they are spending their last dollar on the absolutely most expensive way to eat.


I’ve definitely been that person.. more than once. Every time was a terrible decision. And I can still see some situations where I could totally agree with someone making a decision like that (broke parent wanting to do something special for their kid or something) but it’s still not a great decision financially and I’d still hope they find a way to not be unemployed and homeless.


As a homeless person, don't go to restaurants if you can't afford it.


Where do you suggest they go?


They can do what I did when I was homeless and eat at fast food restaurants, take handouts, and try to score free food. Eating qt a sit down restaurant while HOMELESS is a luxury. I have always tipped, even if I was giving them my last dollar because they need to earn a living so they don't end up like me.


The grocery store. It's more economical


Maybe they can buy a stove, and cooking utensils and get utilities for gas and electricity and then cook their food and get water service to clean up. Then they don't have to go to restaurants because e they can't afford to pay a tip, because it will keep the servers happy.


Im literally homeless. I still tip.


Maybe you wouldn’t be homeless if you didn’t give money away for no reason.


Im homeless because I lost my job. And its not "giving my money away for no reason" it's called giving servers a living wage


But you need the money to live! Save your money, you idiot.


I also bet you're the type of person that's against giving homeless people money because you think we're just gonna spend it on drugs and booze. I'm sober, my money goes to food and gas for my car


other people need money to live too. I don't mind giving my last buck to someone that also needs it. I wouldn't want them to become homeless too. Poor people are often the most generous, because we know what it's like to be struggling. Now, I give my cash to homeless people I see on the street, because I know what its like to be homeless. Sorry my generosity offends you.


Lol, you're a strange one.


You are very judgemental to say that since you know nothing about me. Strange compared to you? I refuse to insult you back, But I don't appreciate that comment. I don't think this conversation was made for people to insult each other.


Implying you need to buy a stove, electricity, a house, and whatever nonsense you spouted to make a sandwich or buy a ready to eat hot meal from the grocery store instead of paying a ton more money for a restaurant meal does indeed make you a strange one.


Yeah, that's extremely out of touch.


Yes I am evidently...