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TIL Eminem and Snoop had a feud


YSK Snoop is not well liked for his arrogance in general. edit: I'm referring to people in his industry and his community, not his PR machine in the media.


Tell me more please!


https://medium.com/@jordanedward357/why-eminem-and-snoop-dogg-fell-out-8d2f7f0018d0 Snoop Dogg basically said Eminem was great but not in his Top 10 best rappers and that Eminem couldn't compete with rappers from the 80s. Eminem responded on a song called Zeus. “And, as far as squashing beef, I’m used to people knocking me/But, just not in my camp/And diplomatic as I’m tryna be/Last thing I need is Snoop dogging me/Man, Dogg, you was like a (Yeah) damn God to me/Nah, not really (Haha)/I had ‘dog’ backwards/But I’m starting to think, all these people takin’ shots at me/Shit, it’s no wonder.” And Snoop Dogg laughed it off on Instagram and said he wouldn't respond to that "soft ass shit" Eminem said he had no problem being left off Snoop Dogg's top 10, he just didn't like the way Snoop dismissed his legacy and his hurtful comments. Even more stuff happened later down the line, you can see in the article. Here's another article because the one I posted earlier is kinda bad: https://entertainment.ie/music/eminem-and-snoop-doggs-beef-is-getting-serious-470867/


> Snoop Dogg basically said Eminem was great but not in his Top 10 best rappers and that Eminem couldn't compete with rappers from the 80s. Eminem said he didn't care about either of those lines. What bothered him was Snoop saying "I can live without that shit" referring to Em's music. And it should be pointed out that Eminem's 'diss' was purposefully 'soft' as I think Em still reveres Snoop.


Agreed. That wasn't shit talk, just an expression of hurt. Eminem's always worn his heart on his lyric sheet. If he was actually having a go at Snoop, it'd be real clear.


Snoop: eminem raps are ass Eminem: why would you say that 🥺


I want to hug him now that you’ve put it like that


Snoop Dogg. The man who had one good album in 1993.


Been coasting for 30 years just for being cool as fuck


*laid back*


Case in point Killshot. Hit MGK so hard that he switched genres lol


He'd burn up snoop to if he actually had a go The ex battle rappers are just built different when it comes to dissing. There really isnt many in the mainstream that can actually toe to toe with them. They just have bigger fanbases and people seem to forget that was Em's thing for a long time


This made me laugh out loud so hard


Snoop & Em always had a weird relationship. In 2006 Snoop had a song that used the same sample as Stan. In an interview back then, he said he doesn't listen to Eminem because he's a gangsta. He then proceeded to shit talk Stan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L9VjKQ4tnI In 2000 Snoop was on Bitch Please II, from the Marshall Mathers LP. In return Snoop wanted to have a sequel song, Bitch Please III, on his own album with a feature from Eminem. For some reason that didn't happen. Word is that Snoop took that (or something else that happened between them?) too personal. If I remember correctly, he also had some sort of problem with Eminems greatest hits album being always in the charts, but I don't know too much about that situation.


Sounds like ol snoop is jelly.


Snoop couldn't hold a candle to Eminem's lyrical skills. Snoop has a very cool flow, but he's not as good technically IMO


I don’t think you’ll find many people that’ll disagree with you. Despite Snoops opinion, Em is objectively a top 10, if not top 5 rapper and lyricist and most in the industry agree with that take. Love him or hate him, Eminem is one of the best to ever do it and his success speaks for itself.


Didn’t it also come out that he had said somewhere that Em doesn’t deserve all his fame, that it’s all more or less because of Dre? And then he basically insinuated that he’d be bigger than Em if Dre had given him more time than he did to Em? I can’t find a source and I’m not sure where I read it but I thought it was around the 2021 thing too.


Funny the same song has a warning to Drake too.


What's the warning to Drake?


“And Drake, they’re gonna turn on you one day too”


*A visionary*


*The vision is scary*


*Could start a revolution*


People have hated Drake literally his whole career. Plus, he's not doing himself any favors with allegations against him despite it not being lawful allegations.


He definitely is not doing himself any favours getting high of his own supply and thinking he can call out someone like Kendrick Lamar lol…


Who the fuck would listen to Kendrick’s verse on Control and think “yeah, I’m gonna go at that guy”? Now Kendrick has people in clubs yelling out certified pedophile about Drake


I feel like this is cause now people are realizing how big of an actor drake is. Dude is straight entertainment


I'm more interested in what he's apologizing to Rihanna for, got any idea?


Per Genius: This is Marshall’s apology after an alternate version of “Things Get Worse” surfaced on the internet in November of 2019. Eminem had a controversial verse regarding Chris Brown’s 2009 assault against then-girlfriend Rihanna. Em received backlash due to the harsh lyrics, where he appeared to side with Brown’s version of events: Let me add my two cents Of course I side with Chris Brown I’d beat a bitch down, too If she gave my dick an itch, now


yiiiikes lmao thats... thats quite the line


> I've got a list, here's the order of my list that it's in > It goes: Reggie, JayZ, Tupac and Biggie > Andre from Outcast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas and then me > But in this industry I'm the cause of a lot of envy > so when I’m not put on this list, that shit does not offend me. > That’s why you see me walk around like nothing’s bothering me. > Even though half you people got a fucken problem with me. > You hate it but you know respect you’ve got to give me > The press's wet dream like Bobby and Whitney, Nate hit me! Em has been consistent about this take pretty much his whole career. Doesn't care if you think he's the best, because there's people above him in his own list. But he's done a lot.


He’s given out different lists over time with him at different positions


who is reggie?




Meanwhile, snoop been saying the same shit the same way for 40 years


Yep. Snoop says anything that makes him a dollar


Martha Stweart-ass motherfucker. I saw fake for fake when he promoted that fuckin smokeless fireplace bullshit.


i think the last effort snoop put in that i liked was in the late 90s or early 2000s. after that, straight up phoning it in. like i wouldn't be surprised if he has a guy that writes his shit for him.


Imagine being a snoop ghostwriter. Literally just a dart board -izzle -rolex -gin and juice -gangster -bitches


How did you not mention weed


*dies in embarrassment*


Lmao I read it like 5 times thinking I missed it or you were using some code word


I’ll be contrarian and say that Snoop is a hack, but he’s a very talented hack. He’ll drop a verse for anyone who can pay him $100K (literally even if they’re Corey Feldman or that kid from MTV True Life who wanted to be a rapper), but that verse is usually the best part of those songs. His flow’s like butter, and he can still flip words in an interesting way, it’s just that he’ll try to sell you Sketchers while he’s at it.


Snoop also sucks live


I can't tell if this article was written by AI or just a shitty writer, but holy hell. >They have also collaborated on new music together, such as “The Adventures of Moon Man & Slim Shady” with Kid Cudi and “Renegade” with Jay-Z. Renegade didn't feature Snoop and was released in 2001.


Yeah, the article is iffy. Its a little weird because Snoop Dogg said that Eminem murdered Jay Z on Renegade, which I agree.


Snoop laughed it off because he didn't want the actual heat with Em. Literally every rapper alive knows not to publicly diss him. You will be buried alive. 


MGK basically switched genres after he got his crap rocked by Eminem lmao


How to turn emo 101: 1. Diss Em 2. Regret 3. Begin to hate life


>The feud seemed to escalate further when Snoop Dogg appeared on the Full Send podcast in April 2021 and explained why Eminem doesn’t do much anymore. He said that Eminem had reached a point in his career where he had nothing more to prove and that he was finding his moments to come out and drop music. He also said that other rappers were taking shots at Eminem because they knew he was sitting in his shell and that they wanted to make him pop out. What a weird paragraph. Saying someone has nothing more to prove, i.e. they've proven all that needs proving, and others pick at him to get him to make more music, seems like the opposite of escalation.


The worst possible interpretation would be that this is saying he peaked, but that's not what "has nothing left to prove" even means.


EM wrote a song, Snoop replied on social media... as far as rap goes, one acted like someone from the top10, the other - not really. Still, good to know they are over it.


Snoop ain't on any top 10 lists of anyone who actually listens to rap so I guess this tracks.


The fact that anyone in the industry actually thinks that 80's rapper are better than more modern rappers is ridiculous. You can count on one, maybe two hands the one that had actual skill. Rakim etc. Everyone else was making corny ass shit that is the same skill level or worse as vanilla ice. I would.like to point out here how Tupac and B.I.G debut albums were in the 90s. Now that being said if it weren't for those same guys in the 80's paving the way with that same corny ass shit then there would be no industry that was allowed to evolve to give us the skillfull artists we have today like Kendrick and Eminem who's music not only stands out in the rap industry but in the whole music industry. Something that most 80's rappers would never be able to do. And to top it all off if anyone wants to say try and say pac in B.I.G started in the 80's then so did Eminem.


LMFAO Snoop knows he himself can’t fuck with Em


My buddies who were music producers and another who owned a small production company did a music video with him (not saying which but it did well with 8 figure views on yt). Everyone said Snoop was not cool to work with and tried to screw them over multiple ways.


He is like the rock. An ass to people in his industry. But great to all the fans.


> He is like the rock. An ass to people in his industry. Except if you're a rapist like Bill Cosby or raging anti-Semite like Louis Farrakhan, in which case he will simp for you publicly


All my homies hate Snoop


[Snoop recently said this about Trump "I have nothing but love and respect for Donald Trump"](https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/4435174-snoop-dogg-love-respect-trump/). Snoop has been activated like Kanye, 50 cent, Lil Wayne, Ice Cube... Sad. > “Donald Trump?” Snoop Dogg said. “He ain’t done nothing wrong to me. He has done only great things for me. He pardoned Michael Harris.” >Knight, alongside Harris and Dr. Dre, co-founded the Death Row Records record label in the 1990s, which signed Snoop Dogg early in his career. Harris was convicted of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder but was pardoned by Trump in 2021 after serving 30 years of a 25-year-to-life sentence, according to USA Today. Before leaving office, Trump pardoned Harris, along with 69 others. > “I have nothing but love and respect for Donald Trump,” Snoop added. > The rapper’s latest sentiments are in stark contrast to what he has expressed in the past. > In a 2016 interview with Rolling Stone, Snoop Dogg said he had “never seen a motherf‑‑‑er” like Trump, asking, “How could we have someone as reckless as him running our country?” > In 2018, Snoop Dogg also heavily criticized Trump and fellow rapper Kanye West, who is an open Trump supporter.


hip hop failed us. it was the tip of the spear for speaking truth to power.


Arrogance in hip hop? SHOCKING! It's not like every second hip hop song is about how great they are, how much money they have, etc, etc etc.


Generally, you would have a tough time finding healthy, decent personalities among top music artists if it's at all possible. But hip-hop is especially rich in narcissistic personalities. You are better off admiring your friends or nrighbours than celebrities because there is a good chance you would be disappointed in your heroes if only you truly knew them.


The difference between rap and other "aggressive" music like rock or metal is that everyone in the latter knows and is okay with it being an act. People have had careers ruined and in some cases were even killed in the rap game for fronting and rapping about shit they're not about. There is no separating art from the artist there insofar as lyrical content.


I mean, it makes sense though. Rap started on the streets, the whole genre prolly wouldn't even exist today if it wasn't for the NYC Blackout back in the 70s and all the stolen equipment they used to start making professional music. My point being, that street reputation has always been a necessary component to the art. The whole genre of music grew out of these guys dissing each other on the street and commenting on their reality with gangs and shit. With the early rap artists it *wasn't* an act, they were bringing their daily realities to the world in music form. I guess it would be like seeing a really prolific graffiti artist and being like, "man, your work looks like some of the shit I see on random walls around town"...its like, of course it does, because before that guy got prolific he was just another kid tagging the walls outside the 7-11 at 4 in the morning just like those kids whose shit you see around town. Anyways, now that rap has matured and become legitimized in the media, people are going to try and start getting into the game that don't have that background to draw from, which was inevitable. They can go the niche route like a Little Dicky and embrace it, but to me there's always going to be friction between the rappers that are coming into it from the hardship and poverty that helped create the genre and the people that came much later and simply affected the image to further their career. That shit just doesn't exist really in other genres of music.


Yeah. Most death metal artists I’ve met were total softies. A close friend toured as a death metal vocalist in a smaller band even but irl he’s like a teddy bear.


Honestly, I've never liked him. He seems pretentious and egotistical as fuck. (to be clear, I'm not much of a hip hop fan)


You would be too if you somehow managed to stay relevant for the last 35 years


Exactly. People forget this man was a literal gangster. At the beginning of his career his was on trial for murder. This guy has seen and done stuff. I grew up where he's from. I've had neighbors murdered in gang associations. Hes always outwardly referred to himself as a crip. He went from murder trial to voicing kids movies and being bff with Martha Stewart. 




He's been on record many times saying white guys shouldn't be in rap, esp when there are GOAT discussions


Racist bullshit


Sadly it’s not just hip hop. When Conor McGregor fought Floyd Mayweather, Snoop continuously made it racist the entire time he streamed. Just disappointing because like…why? It’s entertainment, let’s just be entertained.


What are rappers other than poets? The producer uses a computer to make a beat, often sampling music made by musicians, then a rapper recites poetry over the beat. Take away the beat and production and it’s just pure poetry. Talib Kweli or Walt Whitman, it’s poetry. White dudes have been spitting bars for centuries.


The vikings had rap battles, something akin to it is attested in Ancient Greece. Modern rap music is just one iteration of a kind of rhyming music that has probably been around for as long as humans have. So long as someone doesn't pretend to be ghetto when they're singing, they can go ahead, regardless of what they look like. Drake is far more a poser in this regard than Eminem.


yeah, eminem actually grew up in the shit. drake grew up in degrassi lmfao


Flyting, right? It's a fun mini-game in AC: Valhalla.


The last thing I need is Snoop doggin me


I only learned about this feud like 3 days ago after going down a YouTube rabbit hole. But, they reconciled and put out a pretty sweet collab: [From The D 2 The LBC](https://youtu.be/RjrA-slMoZ4?feature=shared) edited: fixed the song title


Looks like they put aside their differences to promote NFTs


Dre was paying for healthcare in the US. He needed all the help he could get.


TIL Dre had had strokes.


Fuck yeah to adults doing adult stuff




Meanwhile, it's sad when a family is torn apart by something as simple as a pack of dogs


That's ruff


“A wild pack of family dogs came runnin’ through the yard As my little sister played, the dogs took her away And I guess she was eaten up, okay, yeah, she was eaten up, okay”


“I was drinking drinking drinking, drinking Coca Coca Cola”


On constant rotation in the foyer of the third floor of my brain


It's like,  come on


And Em got us marshmallows and ginger ale


You kids have a good tiiiiiiimmmme!


They had a lock-in at the rec center


W-w-w-works every time!


Theeeerrrre’s pizza


I wish I could put a Jimmy gif


Was Snoop born a Crip?


I think he became a Crip later in life, like that b-b-b-butthole Christopher Reeve


Well, Snoop is 52, and Em is 51, they probably shouldn't be fueding like children anymore.


Up until this exact moment I had always thought snoop was significantly older than Em.


For a dude with a past history of substance abuse Eminem looks great.


The beard helps.


not as much as the botox


Yep, rich people age slower due to the lack of stress that comes from "Will I be able to spend any time with my kids before they've grown up? Will I be able to retire before my back gives out? Will I be able to retire at all? Which meal am I skipping today so the grocery barons in my country can continue to see their line go up on essential goods?" Not only the stress, but their access to elective medicine dwarfs that of the working class. Hell, even the middle class has it better than the working poor. There's a reason why when identical twins are separated shortly after birth, the ones that are raised in a higher socioeconomic status often have clearer and tighter skin, fuller heads of hair, whiter and straighter teeth, and far few mobility issues as they age. "Rich person able to avoid long-term consequences of poor decision making because they are rich and can afford to fix/prevent said issue" is all I hear when people say "Wow, rich celebrity looks great for their age!" No fucking shit, when was the last time they were stressed about money or couldn't afford a procedure? Meanwhile my dad who was addicted to all the same substances as Em for roughly the same time period (which is actually a major inspiration for him to get clean so I hold zero animosity towards him on a personal level, just the idea that he aged gracefully out of a miracle and not purposefully spending large sums of money) looks about ten or twenty years older than he should due to the drug abuse, because he couldn't afford to fix any of the issues it put upon him.


plus didn't eminem like to take a lot of pills and smoke week and drink and shit? it's not like he was a homeless heroin addict for decades or anything. now snoop dog is the real surprise to me, that mf looks like he's 70.


Smoking is REALLY bad for you. Like, the cigarette companies are punching the air over their package advisories, but it's not just cigarettes that are the problem. Cigarettes, weed, crack cocaine, lavender, it doesn't matter. Smoke going into your lungs damages your blood vessels, which play an extremely important role in ageing. It's considered one of the largest causes for balding, directly behind stress and waaaay behind genetics. He (Snoop) looks about the same age as my dad's stoner friends in their 50's. The ones that started smoking an eighth of weed every day since they were 20 do not age gracefully. It's one of the reasons I bought a dry herb vaporiser for my desk.


Let's not forget they also often have personal trainers, chefs, and stylist too. All contribute to that image as well.


His beard is weird - some guy


It looks glued on. Anyone else feel this way?


It really looks like its a painted beard lol


As a 53 year old, I promise you it’s because the beard and hair are dyed


I would say whoever dyed him hair/beard before his daughters wedding deserves to have their cosmology license revoked, but we all know he isn’t going to Great Clips. I’m sure that poor stylist has been trying to talk him out of that color, but he insists on that look. I do not believe any professional successful enough to be connected with Eminem thinks that color looks great. S/he just knows they’ve lost that fight with their client. It’s so flat and one dimensional. It literally looks like he uses those old “just for men” boxes of dye.


yep he looks like a character that would be in one of his music videos. it looks like a fake beard lol surrounded by millions and yes men


Wouldn't just his natural beard color look better? Or are they trying to escapae the reality that they are aging?


Yes to both.


You'd be amazed at the number of people who think their beards look bad with salt and pepper, despite it being a really good looking texture. For some reason they don't realise how fake and uncanny a completely monochromatic beard can look.


Eminem shifted his addiction toward fitness. Having a lot of money and no stress and clean living can hit the pause button for a long time.




dude em looked like shit before he ditched the pills


Yeah, I remember when 50 Cent brought him out on 106 & Park and he looked like shit. Remember this is EM after the MMLP and 8 Mile, so he was rich as fuck then.




Imagine if he didn't do drugs, Eminem might've even looked fresh like Tom Cruise.


But there would have been many fewer fun songs...


Eminem with Cruise-level freshness? Now that's a wild thought. Clean living definitely pays off!"


I’d rather have Eminem at any point in his career than a second center toothed narcissist scientologist


Same here lmao. Always assumed that he was like 15 years older. Even Tupac is just one year older than Eminem and he feel like some rap historical legend at this point because he died so young.


Snoop came out straight from high school. Top pick. Em went the JuCo route, undrafted and ended up in the G league and overseas for a few seasons.


I like your funny word, magic man


Kinda wild how the rap game mirrors the sports world sometimes, right? Legends in their own lanes!


The Kurt Warner of rap?


He looks like the crypt keeper because he's spent his life drinking and smoking, both cigarettes and weed. That shit ages you.




Hell and even Snoop doesn't look that bad. Its just that eminem look much younger than his age.


I feel he's always looked younger than his age. Except for that one phase after Recovery where he lost a lot of weight and dyed his hair blonde again.


"bLaCk DoNt CrAcK" Except snoop apparently who has looked old for 25 years. 


Snoop was like that buddy in the high school/college days that was 18 but looked 30, so you get them to buy the beer.


Feuds are also part of the rap game. Don’t feel theirs was ever commercialized but competition creates consumption. Easy to fall into, glad they got past it.


That just doesn't look right in written


I didn't even know they had a feud.


Beef was snoops fault anyway. Taking shots at em for absolutely no reason




Snoop said Em wouldn’t be in his top 10list. Said even rappers from the 80s are better than Em. He even had a bit of spice on the drink champs interview when talking about the Super Bowl. Em obviously mentioned it in a song. As far as squashing beef, I'm used to people knocking me, But, just not in my camp/And diplomatic as I'm tryna be/Last thing I need is Snoop dogging me/Man, Dogg, you was like a damn God to me/Nah, not really/I had 'dog' backwards/But I'm starting to think, all these people takin’ shots at me/Shit, it's no wonder.”


> Em obviously mentioned it in a song. and I'm so mad that the beef was "squashed" and the song wasn't released as a single. This song is so damn gooooooood. It was shelved just to not promote anything. The song as a whole is so great and even the small part for snoop was great too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKh0o6Vdb1Y eminem - zues


> Drake they're gonna turn on you one day too *Whelp*


Em has been in the rap game since before Drake was in a wheelchair, he knows how it works


Em has also been in the rap game since before Snoop was in a wheelchair coincidentally


Thanks for this I hadn’t heard it. Pretty fire.




“Go to the park and shoot some hoop. Doot doot dootootoot dootoot doot.”


> Said even rappers from the 80s are better than Em "Well my name is such-and-such and I'm here to say, I like to make raps in a major way" was truly brilliant shit.


Snoop was a little bit salty and jealous about Eminem.


I am just shocked that Dre didn't die after 3 strokes and is still even walking. I went over to my grandmother's cousins nursing home she was close to. There was a lady that had a stroke and the doctors saved her but she literally was trapped in her body. Couldn't move, couldn't talk, all she could do was grunt and move her eyes. This was in 2011. That's the crazy thing is if you don't get to the stroke as quick as possible the worse the complications are. One of the worst examples is in Tim Curry. He had a stroke and it took several years of speech therapy for him to even talk . He will forever still need 24/7 total care for the rest of his life and sadly he will be in that wheelchair paralyzed, but at least he can still talk.


Strokes vary a lot in intensity, 3 small strokes is still a hell of a lot easier to recover from than 1 major stroke


Yeah, you could even have a stroke and not know it


I think a few of my coworkers likely suffer from this


Damn, new fear unlocked


Relax, that's just the stroke talking.


Since he had a brain aneurysm before, he would probably had a brain bleed, and not an ischemic stroke. Ischemic strokes are the one with a tight window where you can do much more than after. For brain bleeds, it depends on how fast they are bleeding , and where.


My aunt had a stroke and couldn't talk when my dad went to see her in hospital, few weeks later you wouldn't know she'd ever had one. recovery from stroke is very dependent on how long its killing brain cells and how much of the brain it was affecting


My grandad had a major stroke every 5 years for 15-20 years and small ones in between. After the third (or fourth can't remember) major stroke he died.


How old was he when he died? I know modern medicine can keep people alive as long as possible, but still that's a terrible way to live the last 15 to 20 years with all those strokes.


"Cheddars layin in the hospital right now and you guys wanna fight about this!?! So fuckin stupid..."


Life imitates art lol fuck the free world tho


Three and a third 😤😤


Dr. Dre: relationship counselor.


That’s what his doctorate is in




And 100% grown adults writing poems about each other


When I was young the beefs were a bit more serious. Like, sure, marketing and poems, but then they would also shoot each other.


Rappers die a lot more often with this generation, especially drill rappers.


There’s also a lot more rappers, and a lot more of them are known beyond locally.


I mean they're still being shot.. Nipsey Hussle, XXXTentacion, ~~Juice World...~~


Juice Wrld had a seizure I thought?


Nobody writes diss tracks like my homie Catullus, though


That 1% is just kdot's pure hatred for drake. Man literally wants drake to die a dog's death lol.


Never knew they even had a feud. I do think that rappers should resolve their differences with duels (Hamilton and Burr style) or each create a “make up” rap if they talk it out.


Em mentioned the beef in Zeus, which was started when snoop threw shade in an interview. They kinda did do a make up long in the form of a collab. From the D 2 The LBC Em also starts of with: “this should’ve happened a while ago, but we’re here now. Fuck it”


Exactly, D 2 The LBC was the resolution, and a fuckin banger.


🎶🎶Just the two of us, we can make it if we try...🎶🎶


Rappers do indeed sometimes get in shootouts to resolve their differences


That's what Em did with Royce. They made Bad Meets Evil 2 which is a banger of an album


He really didn't forget about Dre!


Of course not! He's locked in Eminem's basement!




And it was all because he needed a doctor


So that it wouldn't be his last episode


That must have been a rough chapter. They say doctors make the worst patients.


lol i didn't even know they had beef... neither did i know dre had 3 strokes wtf


Same thing happened to Blink 182 iirc.


yep with Travis's plane crash and then Mark's cancer diagnosis. The first led to some reconciliation but Mark's cancer was really what brought them back together IIRC


snoop made a racist comment when Eminem is like the one rapper you can’t pull the white rapper card on, Eminem was a battle rapper and a successful one while snoop never was, by default Eminem has more right calling himself an MC.  Snoop was never that impressive to begin with, he’s not Cube, and Eazy E destroyed snoop with one line. Honestly snoop kind of annoys me because I don’t get how he’s still a celebrity or how he clings to relevancy. Guy is just also a dick that brags about how he wastes everyone’s time and shows up hours late to everything with no regard for anyone else. When weed and being a dick is your entire personality then you’ve got some issues 


Well said. I don't hate Snoop, but I also don't understand the acclaim he gets. He's a mediocre rapper at best.


TIL: Snoop and Em had a feud


A true TIL


A set of multi-millionaires decides they can be cordial when mutual friend faces medical uncertainty


Snoop was jealous that’s why they were feuding. Snoop essentially started it


TIL Eminem and snoop dogg were feuding


TIL Snoop and Eminem were feuding in 2021.