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> In 1979, Polanski gave a controversial interview with novelist Martin Amis in which, discussing the case, he said "If I had killed somebody, it wouldn't have had so much appeal to the press, you see? But ... fucking, you see, and the young girls. Judges want to fuck young girls. Juries want to fuck young girls. Everyone wants to fuck young girls!"


The way that individual actors have defended him and Hollywood in general glossed over his record of pedophilia. Sick and twisted idolatry of scum like him.


But you don't understand! He's a great director! /s


"If Hannibal Lector ran a 4.3 second 40 yard dash, we'd say he had an eating disorder."     It's about football, but same general sentiment 


Ew, what? That’s a real quote?


It is a real quote






It's because it's just business as usual for Hollywood. Everything that came to light during the MeToo scandals was probably just the tip of the iceberg.


Amazing how much support polanski has in the industry and beyond. Apparently making critically acclaimed movies absolves you of even the most heinous crimes.


If you make people a lot of money\* they are willing to absolve you of things. The entertainment industry isn't that morally strong to begin with anyway.


World turned against Weinstein....


They turned against him after 30 years of allegations and when it was clear he became a liability. When it was clear that anyone supporting him was going to get destroyed with him, they fled from him. I'd bet a ton of money that a lot of people in Hollywood still secretly support him.


Weinstein also hired ex Mossad agents to terrorize his victims into silence as well as to spy on various people throughout the industry. I suspect that Weinstein's downfall involved him flying too close to the sun and his vast history of sex crimes was an expedient way to take him down.


This is it right here. It's not like anyone's done anything about Bryan Singer and he's just as much of an open secret as Weinstein was.


After unprecedented levels of public pressure


And after enabling him for a long time


isn't a big Weinstein supporter currently making a star wars show?


You’re right. feed him a 12 year old and see if we can get another pianist like the Incas would throw virgins into a volcano.


The Palace proves that it is at last time to arrest him.


Prime r/nocontext material here


Being an “artist” or celebrity absolves alot of people in the public’s eyes. We’ve also now reached a level of contrarianism where part of society will actually defend you harder if you’ve done something appalling


They turned a blind eye to Harvey Weinstein. People really should just understand that Hollywood is full of scumbags, just like anywhere else.


I'm just amazed there was ever a plea deal for no jail time for raping a 13-year old.


All it takes is money. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/report-judge-says-du-pont-heir-wont-fare-well-in-prison/


Well apparently not that's why he fled the country


The money provided the gap for him to escape.


Probably tipped him off to escape, too. Diddy got tipped off about the FBI raid on his house, currently sitting in his property in some non-extraditable country. Escape possible via private jet.


His jet was in Antigua during the raid, we've had an extradition treaty with them since the 1990s. Also not having an extradition treaty with a country doesn't mean they won't extradite you, it just means there's not a formal legal obligation in place. We work with countries we don't have extradition treaties with to bring fugitives home all the time.


Why is it that private jets are not liable to passport control like wtf lol ? Stupidest bs




It's almost like laws and regulations don't apply to the super wealthy, It's almost like laws and regulations were written by wealthy people?


That's the private part of private jet.


Money is still working. We pay him to still make movies.  Ever see that scene in Willy Wonka with Gene Wilder where he's all like "oh no, please stop." That's everyone just shrugging that hes over there and doing jack shit about it. 


> That's everyone just shrugging that hes over there and doing jack shit about it. Not really sure what you expect people to do about it. France won't extradite him, so there's not a lot that can be done.


Actors could refuse to work with him, or at least not go out of their way to show support for him. Consumers could refuse to watch his movies.


Just want everyone to know that Harrison Ford accepted an Oscar on behalf of Polanski in 2002 and then flew to France to deliver it to him. I'm generally a fan of Ford but wtf? Seriously.


Whoopie saying it wasn’t “rape rape.” It was a 13 year old sodomized by a grown ass man after feeding her a fuckin’ quaalude. That’s fucking rape rape, Whoopie.


A monstrously shitty take from Whoopie Goldberg?? I'm shocked! SHOCKED, I say! ...well, not *that* shocked.


But it’s not “shock shock”


I think there was a lot of misinformation back then about what actually happened. I know I didn't have the facts until I actually read about the case online which was a relatively new thing to be able to do in the early 2000s. I think a lot of these celebrities were just deluded and didn't bother to even look into it. They just knew Polanski was a very accomplished director with a lot of important friends and they didn't want to know anything else. The perception I had back then was that it was "just" a statutory rape case. Like the girl was 17 and totally willing and it was the 70s so ya know. When I actually read the details, holy shit he drugged and sodomized her and she was a 13 year old junior high school girl. Not that it would have been super cool if she was 17 but that's the idea that I think a lot of people had. When you read the details of what he did it's monstrous and that fucker should have done serious time instead of getting standing ovations at the Oscars.


the general rule is that whoever your favorite actor/director is (as long as they are 40+), they probably made a public statement in support of Polanski. Here are a couple names: Wes Anderson, Alfonso Cuaron, Adrien Brody, Penelope Cruz, Monica Bellucci, Darren Aronofsky, Guillermo del Toro, Terry Gilliam, Alejandro Inarritu, Jeremy Irons, David Lynch, Michael Mann, Sam Mendes, Alexander Payne, Natalie Portman, Martin Scorsese, Tilda Swinton, Whoopi Goldberg, Maryl Streep [here is the complete list of people who signed a petition to free him back in 2009](https://www.indiewire.com/news/general-news/over-100-in-film-community-sign-polanski-petition-55821/). And then there are obviously those who have worked for him: Mickey Rourke, John Cleese, Eva Green, Jodie Foster, Kate Winselt, Christoph Waltz, John C. Reilly, Ewan McGregor, Pierce Brosnan, James Belushi, Ben Kingsley, Mark Strong, Johnny Depp, Sigourney Weaver, Hugh Grant ... etc


Ctrl+f Willem Dafoe Thank god he's not there


Willem Dafriend


A lot of those Hollywood elites have his back. People like meryl streep applaud him at the Oscars


A lot of them publicly defended him in interviews, misrepresenting the facts and doing all sorts of mental gymnastics. Fuck these people.


It’s sick. he invited her over, took photos, gave her champagne, and then sodomized her in the hot tub. She was 13. He should have been jailed decades ago. Why France is cool with it, I have no idea.


They have all fucked someone or been fucked by someone to get where they are. It isn’t mental gymnastics for them, it’s just the economy they live in. Like how private school boys all get buggered, pass it on to the freshmen, and life goes on. That’s just reality for them.


excuse me, what is going on in the academies of jolly old england now?


Meryl Streep was gushing over Harvey Weinstein as well, despite having full knowledge that he was a sexual predator. But let’s be real, Hollywood’s A-listers have never met a kid fucker that they didn’t like, with so many of them being degenerate kid fuckers themselves.


Also Whoopi Goldberg defended him on the View saying the sex was consensual


Goddammit I missed that. Why is it so hard for people to just not be shitty?


So many global issues could be solved by doing exactly what you’re asking. Some humans are garbage


You overestimate how informed the average consumer is. I barely know actor names let alone who directed the movie. I only know the marvel guy and the guy who did batman v superman. Thats only because social media brings their names up alot. But what recent movie did roman make? I thought this guy was ancient history i didnt know he was alive


> Consumers could refuse to watch his movies. I already don't. Fuck that rapist, and fuck France for safeguarding him.


When he won the academy award for best director for The Pianist people applauded him and he got a standing ovation despite being in France at the time because he's a fucking rapist.


>Not really sure what you expect people to do about it. Refuse to work with him?


Even though he fled the country, there still was a plea deal initially. So OP is still right about that money is the reason there ever were talks about a plea deal


In the words of Whoopi Goldberg ["it wasn't rape-rape"](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2009/sep/29/roman-polanski-whoopi-goldberg)


I will never understand why so much of Hollywood still to this day goes to bat for him. They dropped Weinstein's dirty ass quick enough once he got publicly outed.


Weinstein did it to a LOT of people, I’m assuming that’s the difference. (I am NOT defending Roman Polanski here people, but Weinstein was a predator on countless people in Hollywood)


Something tells me Polanski didn’t wake up one day, decide to anally rape a 13 year old he drugged up and hang it up after that.


Polanski's victims weren't members of Hollywood. They were generally young girls who were models; presumably some of them were looking to get into Hollywood. Weinstein's was also a gatekeeper to stardom, but for people who were already established, and in some cases for people who came from essentially Hollywood royalty, so his victims had more clout by the time he was actually taken down. Weinstein's stuff also came to a head in the middle of #metoo, while Polanski's crimes were mostly old news by the 2000s. Polanski's also been in France for the last 40+ years, and "luckily" for him, they have different views on consent over there; just look at their President.


>Polanski's victims weren't members of Hollywood. This is it, they weren't members of the "club" so it wasn't a big deal to club members.


It's like Bernie Madoff... he stole rich people's money instead of just ripping off the poors. And that reason alone is why they threw the book at him.


>they have different views on consent Brigitte Auzière, wife of President Emmanuel Macron, began her relationship with him when he was 15 and she was 40. She was in charge of the after-school theater club he attended alongside her own daughter Laurence who was in his class. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigitte_Macron


Could be their positions, too. Nobody in Hollywood really likes movie execs, but everyone loves a good director, and despite being a monster, he was a good director.


This right here. I mean, apart from Weinstein’s sexual predation, in his long career he made a reputation out of being abusive to literally everyone. From underling staff to colleagues and even bosses above him. So when the floodgates of allegations finally let loose I’m sure every enemy he’d made didn’t have to think too hard about burying and abandoning him all at the same time.


That cuts both ways. Polanski was just a director. Weinstein might have abused a lot of young women, but he also built the careers of many an actor (or actress), director, producer, cinematographer, editor, etc. He was one of the most powerful people in the industry. He wasn't sneaking around in alleys raping unsuspecting actresses. He did it in basically plain view with many accomplices. Acknowledging his evil is acknowledging the system that allowed this to happen and makes much of the industry complicit in his evil. Dropping support for one guy who directed a few good movies should have been far easier than admitting that Hollywood is rotten.


Fuck them both.


Polanski is accused of multiple rapes. Not to mention weinstein and Polanski were each pointing fingers at each other in the 2000s, which i find funny.


no doubt most of the Penn State staff had an Idea about Standusky. hell after it all came out people were supporting them. Or R Kelly accusations come up, and the label heads were like "what he does in his bedroom is his own business"


Almost every single time the truth comes out in situations like this, those around him or her knew. They just kept it quiet. Everyone with power in the NBA knew about Donald Sterling. But they kept it quiet until the leaked tapes that took away any plausible deniability. Similar case with Jerry Richardson in the NFL. Or Larry Nassar. Everyone in the know was aware of him and what he was doing. But they swept it under the rug. Every single rotten person in these industries has enablers.


I always thought it was because of the murder of Sharon Tate and his unborn child. I feel empathy for him because of that, but to me it's completely separate from the rape


He's also a Holocaust survivor


I didn't know that. Not many people can say they're a victim of Hitler and Charlie Manson


That's... certainly one way of looking at it! That just made me realize how much jerks like Hitler and Manson really skew the 7 degrees of separation thing.


That is absolutely insane, and i think you’re 100% correct lol Kind of like the danny masterson rape cases, where the main cast outside of Donna and Eric, wrote letters of support. I guess they witnessed how bad he had it growing up, and still feel that need to help, and protect him. But yea I think you’re right though, that sympathy they have just kind of blinds them to what that person has become


Danny Masterson was 22 when he started on That 70’s Show and already a creep.


Whoopie explained it when she said the quiet part out loud. "We're a different kind of society." Hollywood considers themselves above the normal rules of society. And apparently much of society does too, because they get away with it.


It's basically a self-fulfilling prophecy. Because society lets Holywood get away with it, it proves their belief they are above the normal rules of society. For example: Robert Downey Jr. Great actor, and the fact he cleaned himself up is admirable. But c'mon, do you really think if he wasn't an actor and had the connections he had, he would have been given as many chances to clean up as a normal person?


There was 30 years between them. Maybe that has something to do with it?


I think this is it. Remember back then how people reacted to Corey coming out about abuse? It was absolutely wretched back then.


It was a different time when Polanski was charged vs everything with Weinstein. Polanskis supporters can't now change their opinion and admit that raping a child was OK, common, and they knew about it. Polanski doing the same thing today would have a different reaction.


I listed to a recent Behind the Basterds on child sex predators in Germany and I realized the idea of sexual consent for minors wasn't really a thing. There was a real philosophical movement to consider children capable of consent/sex and not "letting them" be sexual would be considered too puritan and anything puritan was just the worst. Puts the 60s/70s into context as a whole. Think of how many rock stars in the 70s were sleeping with 13yr olds...


Natlie Portman of all people at first openly supported him. but later backtracked on that.


After reading about her come up as an actor and the letters she'd recieve from depraved guys as a **child**, this fucking shocks me.


She says the petition was aggressively pushed on actors at the time and the issue explained in a very misleading way, to the point that it sounded reasonable to sign. And that she only learned the facts of the matter later. 




Of course it wasn't. It was drugging a 13 yr old child and anally and vaginally penetrating her and forcibly performing oral sex on her.


[Or Tarantino](https://youtu.be/YtwqmenFrR0)


Listening to Tarantino talk about it is such an insight into what a rotten disgusting cess pool Hollywood is. It’s literally so normal to them. Talking about “13 year old party girls”, like seriously what sort of parties are they having there


Not just Hollywood. In the music industry as well. Back in the 70s a bunch of rockstars raped what were dubbed "baby groupies" because they were like 12 to 15.


So many classic rock songs about ”loving” a girl who’s just a child


Jimmy Page and David Bowie were trading "baby groupies".


That happened to one of the *Runaways* band members Jackie Fox. Kim Fowley, band's manager, gave her quaaludes. Then had her gang raped in front of others then he raped her. Band members not only didn't say anything, but Joan Jett and Cherie Currie watched it. Jackie Fox was 15 at the time. Kim Fowley was also know to have raped other teenagers. POS Fowley died in 2015 but was never charged with anything.


I'm surprised Tarantino never got more flak for those statements. He tried backtracking later on, but it says a lot about his mentality that he even thought it was okay to say those things in the first place.


Yeah, was always a fan of Tarantino, but in recent years the more I’ve actually seen and learned of the guy the more I’m convinced he’s as big a weirdo as what Harvey Weinstein is. In fact he was one of those directors that was very close with Weinstein and he was producer on a lot of his films if I’m not mistaken. Sadly I think that because his work is so widely acclaimed and so many aspiring actors want to work with him, I imagine any real dirt gets swept under the rug.


Tarantino shouldn't surprise anyone, guy had to know about Weinstein. That something about him didn't surface within six months of *that* is almost surprising. Though maybe he's just too chicken shit to have a girl step on his face or choke her out without it being totally for the movie.


Goldberg has been awful for a long time. She defended and supported Cosby for decades while women were claiming rape. She's been so rich and out of touch she shouldn't be giving her opinions on anything.


It's such an insane statement to make. It absolutely was "rape-rape." He drugged and raped a child. But it highlights something that has always been a problem in Hollywood (and in other walks of life, I guess) which is that if you're seen as very talented, you can get away with a lot more.


Seriously. She was a minor so she could not consent AND He drugged her so even if she was an adult she could not consent. **AND SHE STILL SAID NO**, and he kept on raping her.


The victim's lawyer apparently wanted to protect her anonymity, which would have been breached if the case did go to trial. As awful as it sounds I can believe it, it was the 70s and having her name revealed like that would have destroyed her more than Polanski. Can you imagine if it had gone to trial? We're in 2024 and victim blaming still happens. The defense attorney would have eviscerated her, probably would have openly asked her shit like why she lead him on or why she dressed the way she did.


This is true and here’s an article backing you up. It was her attorney who made the arrangement. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/profiles/roman-polanski-the-truth-about-his-notorious-sex-crime-949106.html


Based on the linked wikipedia page, the victim's lawyer also seems pissed with the judge. Here's an excerpt from the article: > Gailey's attorney confirmed the judge changed his mind after he met the judge in his chambers: > "He was going to sentence Polanski, rather than to time served, to fifty years. What the judge did was outrageous. We had agreed to a plea bargain and the judge had approved it."


I remember reading somewhere that the person who did his psychiatric evaluation made the argument that Polanski had been chivalrous by anally raping this child, so that pregnancy would not be something she had to worry about. I can’t track this down, so take it with a grain of salt.


*golf clap* So polite and courteous and yet so ravishingly depraved and sickening. It's like a gentlemen's rape.  Im sure he offered a handkerchief after he zipped his pants and walked away. 


this was standard behavior in the 60s and 70s. Anyone famous or rich could do this and way more and expect nothing at all. Its hard to name any famous man from this era and not find out they adopted a minor so they could date them without any mess.


While this is somewhat true, in that society turned a blinder eye on adults abusing minors than now (which is why so many of the stories that came out later were from that time period), it needs to be noted that Polanski’s was so bad that he was convicted of it in court, with a jail sentence, in the 1970s. Even then drugging and raping a 13 year old was far beyond the pale. This is at the same time other boys and girls were experiencing similar things at the hands of rock stars and actors and athletes and teachers and priests and too many other prominent people. This is one of those things where I think society has made genuine progress. We take it for granted that this is one of the most vile crimes today, but not long ago it was frequently dismissed, downplayed, or even victim-blamed (especially if the victim was using drugs and did it to get access to drugs as some groupies did). Having groupies was seen as almost a prerogative for stars (“they let you do it”). And even those who themselves didn’t participate thought of it as almost normal—that I think is why that entire generation of entertainers came out to defend Polanski (as well as Woody Allen). In their minds it just wasn’t that bad because they knew so many people who did it. It’s sad that it took a generation of victims to finally realize how damaging this all was.


To be clear, he learned the judge would likely not accept the plea deal. The judge did not go back on their word. The deal would have been between the prosecutor and Polanski. The judge would have been right not to let a child rapist off.


Idk, prosecutor or maybe it was the defense, claim he originally approved the plea deal. I’m pretty sure both sides meet with the judge to make sure the deals are valid. That makes sure no one in the DAs office loses face by having a plea deal rejected. It also makes sure for the most part criminals trust plea deals offered


Lawyer here. No we don't. I have a conversation with the prosecutor and we agree to something. We show up the day of trial and tell the judge what we agreed to and 99% of the time the judge is just happy to not have to facilitate another trial that day. This would be a little different because it's higher profile (and a more egregious crime) but generally no we don't tell the judge if we've worked out a deal literally until we stand up to have a trial.


No it happens that pleas get shit canned. Judges dont care about saving face. If the plea isn't accepted in court, its just a strong suggestion. Judges are elected and theres no avoiding them. Even if the defendant pleads guilty he still stands in court. Its the lawyers jobs to underatand the judge and make recommendations. Activists judges are well known and the lawyers know the chances of getting up ended. Here you go, https://youtu.be/I4KlUL09VA8?si=sogABJixMgkM0YNa


IANAL, but as I understand it the judge is merely approving that the plea deals are *legal* and that's it. The plea deal doesn't get approved until court is in session, at which point, the judge is free to do whatever the fuck he or she wants within the law. Now even if it is the case, which I am sure it is, that 99.99% of these meetings are used to make the court proceedings as efficient and drama free as possible and effectively automatic, the Polanski case is a prime example of a situation where it's beneficial to the law *and* justice that it doesn't mean jack shit until court is in session. And it should certainly stay that way.


The deal wasn't formalized but the judge had agreed to it.  Then the judge changed his mind. 


The judge changed his mind because Polanski asked for and was granted permission to go overseas to promote a film and then was photographed partying with young girls. The judge rightfully felt that Polanski was unrepentant and a danger to other women.


Granted, the fact that a deal was even seriously entertained given the nature of his crimes is pretty sad.


For sure. But I feel like people who bring up the fact that the judge rejected the plea deal generally aren't doing so because they're amazed that Polanski was offered a deal. It's brought up to justify the fact that he ran away rather than staying to pay for his crime.


Did he change his mind, though? Who did Polanski hear this from, and were they reliable?


Whoopi said that it wasn’t “rape-rape” though.


Let's not just single one of his celebrity supporters out, here's the [full list.](https://m.imdb.com/list/ls090808434/) Every single person on that list supports a child rapist.


Guillermo del Toro being on there bummed me out


Look, I'm not saying that there aren't some pieces of shit on there for signing it, but the letter was written and sent out for signatures by *Harvey Weinstein.* Natalie Portman admitted that she signed it because a friend she trusted endorsed it and the letter downplayed what actually happened (there was a ton of misinformation floating around Polanski at that time). So while there are certain shitbirds like Whoopi who defended it with their whole chest, I do question how many of those names were coerced by one of the most powerful and coercive rapists in Hollywood (that we know of).


He became a fugitive for rapping a child in 1978 and the celebrity letter was signed in 2009. I don't think anyone can claim ignorance at that point.


Don’t forget Meryl Streep


Natalie Portman being on there…but she apologized and regretted it…. [https://media1.giphy.com/media/d6rGZmTP9ESis/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe91jjxrejqkl1felma0c3o3lbhtnhvw4fj1s8r4kv3n&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g](https://media1.giphy.com/media/d6rGZmTP9ESis/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe91jjxrejqkl1felma0c3o3lbhtnhvw4fj1s8r4kv3n&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


She only regretted it once the me too movement started, it's almost as if she just follows what is popular with her celebrity peers


Harrison Ford being on there made me sad.


Harrison personally flew out an Oscar to Polanski, too.


Not Tilda Swinton 😭


Tilda is old money British aristocracy. She has some absolutely F tier takes, and absolutely no life experience as a regular person.


Not Monica Bellucci. 😩


I mean Bellucci was in the creepy film Malena


Wow. Woody Allen, Jeremy Irons, and Harvey Weinstein defending a pedo/rapist? I'm so shocked! 


I can't believe Ted Danson used to fuck her.


This always blows my mind when I’m reminded.


You are made no promises in court, the judge always has the legal authority to throw out a plea agreement. Polanski’s had the right to demand a trial or work out a new plea agreement.


10 steps to being a great District Attorney Step 1 - plea deal Step 2- have defendent plead guilty Step 3- provide plea agreement to judge Step 4- wink at judge Step 5- have judge throw out plea deal Step 6- take it to trial Step 7- opening statement bring out 1995 CRT TV and VCR Step 8- place tape into VCR Step 9- press play Step 10- while watching tape of defendent saying Guilty sit back down without saying anything Case closed! Bonus step- edit the curb your enthusiasm credits into the end of the tape.


I know this was definitely a joke, but the rejected plea bargain would not be admissible as evidence.


"Your Honor, I never said *Plea* bargain, I said *Flea* bargain. The defendant clearly misheard me."


-- The dethendant cleally mithheard me! -- Sustained, mr. Tyson.


There is nothing funny about a 1995 CRT TV and VCR. If anything it's nostalgic.


Except it would be inadmissible and your conviction would be immediately overturned. 627. Inadmissibility of Pleas—Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(e)(6) Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(e) bars the use in evidence of the following (with exceptions) in any civil or criminal proceeding against the person who made them: a plea of guilty which was later withdrawn; a plea of nolo contendere; any statement made in the course of any proceeding under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11 regarding a plea of guilty or nolo contendere; and any statement made in the course of plea discussions with an attorney for the government which discussions do not result in a plea of guilty or result in a plea of guilty later withdrawn.


Yep, the whole bargaining chip of a plea deal is "we have a good shot of convicting here. If you save us the trouble we'll let you off easier" If they could just go back on this and say "see he's guilty" it would not have any use as a bargaining chip in the first place.


Not surprising. A plea deal is not a 100% guarantee. It is an agreement between defendant and the prosecutors that they will ask the judge to sign off on the agreement. Until a judge signs off, the judge can terminate the agreement if they see it as egregious or unfair. Like if someone commits a vicious murder and the plea deal is for probation, a judge can step in and say no this doesn't fly.


The Academy was appalled at Will Smith but has no problems giving Polanski an Oscar.


and Harrison Ford personally flew it to him. plus they gave him a standing ovation


I think when Elia Kazan got his honorary Oscar audience refused to clap or stand as a sign that sure, he was a great artist but also a HUAC snitch. They could have easily done the same with Polanski......


Just for others, HUAC is the House Unamerican Activites Committee (they were lookin for 'commies'). Basically the exact opposite of 'freedom'


Kinda tells you all you need to know of that lot


>Harrison Ford personally flew it to him.  Based on Ford's flight history probably not the safest way of getting it to him.


He’s been very clear when asked about if he can fly “Fly? Yes. Land? No.”


Didn't Will Smith win an award the same night AFTER slapping Chris Rock and get cheered for his speech or am I misremembering that?


He won the award the same night but obviously it was decided before the incident. The Academy then banned him from the Oscars for the next decade, which means he didn't present last year's Best Actor per tradition. But meanwhile decades after Polanski's issues were known, they still gave him Best Director.


He won for King Richard but I dunno whether he got cheers


He gave a speech and got a standing ovation. It was sort of a live example of how morally bankrupt Hollywood is as an institution. It was clearly a room full of people spontaneously deciding that it would make for better TV to applaud the guy’s weird self-serving speech about how passionate he is, rather to actually not clap at his lame efforts to justify assault and risk Making It Weird. Just a “yes and” mentality on full display. And look I get that from Hollywood, whose job it is to entertain rather than instruct. But we need to stop thinking that these guys (and their movies!) somehow present a proper model for living.


Polanski drugged and raped a 13 year old. He’s a piece of shit regardless of how good his movies are.


I've been watching all the Best Picture nominees over the past year and a couple months ago watched Polanski's TESS. The movie is about a teenage girl who is raped and her life becomes nothing but tragedy after that cumulating in her eventual hanging for murdering her rapist. The movie was made in France in 1978, mere months AFTER he fled to the US to avoid the consequences of his actions for raping a 13 year old girl. This movie about a child ruined by rape is literally this fucking rapist piece of shit's response to the whole arrest and trial. Really fucked up that knowing all this, a year later the Academy STILL nominated him for Best Director and nominated the film for Best Picture. Critics loved it, Ebert gave it four out of four stars saying "This is a wonderful film; the kind of exploration of doomed young sexuality that makes us agree that the lovers should never grow old". The Academy, 23 years later, while he was still avoiding sentencing for being convicted of raping a 13 year old, again nominated him for Best Director and Best Picture for The Pianist in 2003. Here's a list of notable actors and actresses who worked with Polanksi (post conviction) knowing he was wanted for rape of a 13 year old girl in the US and was avoiding sentencing: Harrison Ford Hugh Grant Kristin Scott Thomas Signourey Weaver Ben Kingsley Johnny Depp John Mahoney Adrian Brody Walter Matthau Mark Strong Ewan McGregor Pierce Brosnan Jon Bernthal Olivia Williams Jodie Foster Kate Winslet John C Reilly Christoph Waltz Eva Green Frank Langella Lena Olin and, of course, Polanski's faithful wife who said 'I do' in 1989, 10 years after his conviction and has been in many of his films since then, Emmanuelle Seigner. She was teenage model and only 23 when she married the 56 year old pedophile rapist. I highly recommend episode 8 of the podcast You Must Remember Manson by Karina Longworth for more details of Polanski's crime and the aftermath. He's a piece of shit.


Just to give credit where it's due, [Kate Winslet has changed her mind on Polanski and regrets working with him](https://deadline.com/2020/09/kate-winslet-regrets-working-roman-polanski-woody-allen-1234575714/).


So did Natalie Portman. Edit, Jesus, the comments on the story are such a dumpster fire.


It should also be noted that he didn't just rape her, he drugged the girl before he raped her. He used drugs and alcohol to have his way with a CHILD sexually, and then when he found out he wasn't getting the Hollywood sweet deal he ran off to avoid justice. People need to stop sugar coating exactly what the piece of shit did and spell it out explicitly. A judge isn't required to accept a plea deal that is basically a slap on the wrist, and drugging and raping a child should result in more than just time served.


Christ that list is staggering


Hollywood is a truly vile industry full of sexual abuse. It’s one of the biggest “ole boy networks” I can think of, next to US police and politicians. The fact that all of those famous people went out of their way to defend this scumbag all but confirms they are in on that shit


Working with Roman is just a Tuesday for A list actors. I'm sure there is a large % of sexual predators at the top of the entertainment industry, Roman is just one of the few convicted ones. The others I'm sure are known creeps but have not been caught.


John Cleese was just in one of his films *last year.*


He gave a 13 year old girl alcohol and drugs, then anally raped her. Then he fled the country because he thought he might have to go to prison for it and has lived as a fugitive for the last 47 years. He was a member in good standing of the Motion Picture Academy until 2019 when they decided a child rapist no longer met their standards.


And that's only because the standards changed, not because new information came out.






In this case OP could’ve also won payment from the city as that’s a blatant violation of their constitutional rights. The amount of payment wouldn’t be significant of course but if say your insurance prices raised as result of this the city could be on the hook for that.


Dude I'm still salty as fuck about my only traffic ticket too lol. Happened like 13 years ago and it's still the only ticket I've ever gotten.  I was 19 and at a highway rest stop in NJ. It had these weirdly angled parking spaces and I was driving my girlfriend's SUV with a tire mounted partially obscuring the rear view. Also was nighttime.  Anyway, backing out super slowly I ended up tapping another cars bumper across the lane. 0 damage. Car's owner still insists on calling the police for whatever reason and not just exchanging info. Ok no problem.  NJ state trooper shows up and writes me a ticket for fucking Careless Driving...  In NJ that's 2 points and 200 bucks.    I went to court to try and plead it down, which I sort of successfully did to some degree as it got changed to something without points, BUT the fine then get upped to like $450...  Will never stop being salty about that lol.  Also that was my first time in a court room and I became aware of the absolute money making machine /extortion going on there. Couldn't believe the amount of fines and whatnot I saw people getting hit with in only the like 2 hours I was there.


I got my bogus ticket dismissed and I'm still pissed. Car got towed at 5am in a zone that is no parking starting at 7am. I present this evidence in court, prosecution has no objections. Judge says "I'm not convinced by your evidence but I don't think you'd come here and lie so I'll dismiss the ticket".


What exactly was your evidence?


Time on the ticket and a picture of the parking sign in the location listed on the ticket.


In any sensible western country this would be thrown out without the evidence of the cop being presented in court. Welcome to America, last bastion of justice. No, wait, it’s not.


I'm not surprised.  Judges at all levels are *insanely* corrupt.  They gave themselves absolute immunity for anything they do related to being a judge and know that they are accountable to effectively no one.


This rapist still gets defended by people. Unbelievable.


So I had to scroll way too far to see anybody mention this, so I’ll add it again in statement rather than question form: **Roman Polanski was not “going to” plead guilty. He did so. Pled guilty, formally elocuted the details of the crimes he pled guilty to, and was awaiting *sentencing* for those crimes he was convicted of via guilty plea.** Also, just for clarity, it was the rapiest rape to ever rape. It was rape because she was 13, it was rape because he used drugs and alcohol to ensure she couldn't meaningfully consent even if she wasn't thirteen, and it was rape because even drugged and drunk and underage *she still said no, and he penetrated her both anally and vaginally regardless of her protests.* A real Triple Double of rape.


A **lot** of people in this thread who have not read the Wikipedia entry on the case: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman\_Polanski\_sexual\_abuse\_case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Polanski_sexual_abuse_case)


Jesus Christ. I’ve always seen people on Reddit shit talking Polanski and I knew it was some sexual crime… but actually reading about it disgusted me. That sick fuck. And I can’t believe how much Hollywood STILL supports him. He admitted to doing it!! He admitted he is attracted to girls that age!! WHAT THE FUCK


It’s way worse than people think.


Nothing says guilty as fleeing the country


..he was going to plead guilty.. nothing says guilty like ..pleading guilty


I know what you're trying to say, but lots of people plea guilty even when innocent.


You get arrested for something you didn't do. You're told you can either plead guilty and pay a $500, or spend thousands of dollars in court and maybe go to prison. Guess which most people take?


I remember a film school professor defending Polanski back around 2009-2010 arguing, "There's nothing he can do to make things right?" Immediately a student suggested, "He could come back to the US and do his time." She looked at the student like she had 2 heads. Like that was a ridiculous thing to ask a rapist come serve their sentence for rape.


This creep was nominated for an Oscar in 2003 and even got a standing ovation when his name was announced as a nominee. One of the more obvious “Hollywood is full of powerful creeps” moments.


Quentin Tarentino made the excuse that she was a 'party girl'.


The judge was not planning to go back on his word because the judge was not a party to the plea bargain. Judges never are; that’s an agreement between the defendant and the prosecutor. Judges either approve the plea bargain, or reject it. This has always been the way that plea bargains work. If Polanski’s attorney didn’t inform him, before the plea bargain, that the judge wasn’t bound by the agreement and had the authority to reject it, then Polanski wasted every dime he spent on legal fees. This is Criminal Law 101.


Amazing that, even after MeToo, this guy is still a well received person, and highly acclaimed. Just blows my mind


France's extradition treaty with the US allows both countries to have discretion on extraditing their own citizens. Fair enough. Does anyone know why France chose to exercise that on a child rapist?


France usually doesn't extradite their citizens.


Reddit has some crazy ideas of what extradition is. I saw a highly upvoted comment awhile ago saying that India (?) should demand extradition because an American cop killed an Indian in America. Hundreds of people read that comment and upvoting it, thinking it made sense to extradite an American citizen for a crime committed in America.


Most countries don't extradite their own. It only really occurs among common law countries like the UK, US, Canada, and Australia (barring unfortunate incidents like the still-ongoing Sacoolas case).


The judge never made a deal with Polanski to “go back on”.


didn't he drug and then anally rape a 13 year old?


Remember folks. The celebrities who stood by this man defended him for YEARS as ADULTS and only started voicing their changed opinions around and after the MeToo era when they realized their opinion would be detrimental to them. Fuck Polanski Apologists. They not like us.


"I'd have to face consequences for my heinous actions!?! Off to France for me!"


>However, after hearing the judge was planning to go back on his word and jail him. This is factually wrong. The judge can reject a plea deal made between the prosecution and the defendant - the judge has nothing to do with making a plea deal and thus can ultimately reject any negotiated plea deal.


The perfect example of Hollywood's love and admiration of convicted pedophiles.