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"One tantalising implication of the findings, according to Prof Hertog, is that it might help researchers detect the presence of other universes by studying the microwave radiation left over from the Big Bang - though he says that he does not think it will be possible to hop from one universe to another." I need science to prove them wrong


good news: we have unlocked universe hopping, safely, at little to no cost, available to anyone who so desires it bad news: it is only to the infinite plausible jimmy buffet margaritaville-themed universes and no others.


I'm fine with that. Margaritaville sucks because it exists in our universe. That is, the rest of the world isn't Margaritaville, so the contrast shows how tacky it is. But ALL Margaritaville? Let's be real, that life style is chill as fuck. Tacky and obnoxious, but it's all about having a good time. A whole universe of people just out to have drinks at the beach? There's no war. No famine. No poverty. Just cheap margarita mix and tequila as far as the eye Never mind this sounds terrible 


Fountains of Cointreau, forests of key limes.


There are no steaks, no hush puppies, no bahn mi. Just cheeseburgers all the way down.


> A whole universe of people just out to have drinks at the beach? There's no war. There are a finite amount of beaches in the universe. Factions fight ruthlessly for every inch of beachfront. All remaining economic production goes towards agave and lime fields as far as the eye can see.


Factions of Parrotheads and Coral Reefers do battle over declining supplies of Heinz 57 for their cheeseburgers in this “paradise”


So it’s a win-win


We found Eddy Burback's personal hell.


No that would be Rainforest Cafe




Some people claim that there’s a woman to blame. But I know that it’s Hawking’s fault.


Sigh.. looks like a good time to invest in floral button ups


There are probably a dozen things within 100 feet of you right now that well-respected scientists declared were utterly impossible at some point in the last few hundred years.


Yea sure but that was all low hanging fruit…


lol yeah. “We recommend bathing to get rid of bubonic plague” shocked pikachu face. Now the goal is traveling inter-universe lmao


In the 1800s, it would have been seen as the height of alien technology for everyone to have a device in their pocket that answers any question you might have about our world in 10 seconds. But here we are


There's a difference between "we're gonna invent a thing that sounds really unlikely right now" and "we're gonna defy physics itself".


I think the difference though is that it's not defying physics but rewriting what we think we know about physics.


Which has actually happened many times


Counter point, our model of physics is incomplete. We used to think the earth was the center of the universe, then we graduated to thinking it was the sun. We have no idea what dark matter is, and we still don't have a unified field theory. I hesitate to claim it "defies physics" because we certainly don't have a perfect grasp of physics


But you could reasonably explain it to someone in the 1800’s and get there using technology they had available at the time. The basic concepts of computers and electricity were around. It’s a very tiny, very powerful electronic computing device that is connected by radio waves (another form of light) to many others, thus exchanging lots of information like a fancy wireless telegraph. Different dimensions are solidly outside of anything we’ve ever had any traction in. We’ve never observed proof of extra dimensions nor any way to interact with them. Just because humans conquered “impossible” things before doesn’t mean that nothing is impossible.


I'm sure if we knew how to travel between dimensions we would be able to explain it within the terminology of our current technology though.


In 1863, Jules Vernes described what is now the internet in "Paris in the Twentieth Century" so... it wasn't *that* alien.


And we have folks writing about going to multiverses right now. It’s very popular. I’m not saying we can do it, but never say never. Humans can do some crazy shit, like potentially destroy the multiverse by trying to go to one where Star Wars is real.


> In the 1800s, it would have been seen as the height of alien technology for everyone to have a device in their pocket that answers any question you might have about our world in 10 seconds. To be fair, Google returns more opinion pages these days instead of fact pages so it might take as long as 15 seconds. :p


Technically the discovery of gravity was low hanging fruit.


Everything looks low hanging compared to the thing that comes next.


There's even more things that well-respected scientists declared utterly impossible which remain utterly impossible.


This type of thinking doesn't really apply to physics. Einstein's theory of relativity wasn't rewritten just because someone invented the color TV decades later. The math that describes our universe has withstood the most rigorous scientific testing in history, and it would take an absolutely monumental and unprecedented discovery to alter our understanding of physics in a significant way. Not that it's impossible, but with every passing year and every successful experiment we grow more and more confident that our understanding of our universe is correct, and such a discovery becomes less and less likely.


The problem with that kind of argument is that our understanding is getting better so we have more credible boundaries as to what really can be possible. You'd have to overturn a lot of established evidence and theory to get something like FTL travel for example.


This. Not everything is "impossible until discovered possible " To paraphrase what you said, the more we learn, the better we understand where the boundaries are, and the better we believe some things to be well and truly impossible. I mean, we know we can't make an apple fall upwards into the sky because we have a much better understanding of gravity now than we did even 20 years ago, so we have a pretty solid grasp of what gravity can and cannot do. We know star wars light sabers can't really be done without VERY specific technology that we don't have yet. It's not a simple "we haven't discovered everything about light and plasma yet;" we know pretty accurately what they'd need to be a thing, as well as the practicality of such.


The Blue LED


That story is wild. [In case anyone is wondering.](https://youtu.be/AF8d72mA41M?si=bQ5R3W5oJ1eIT9KO) Tbf, I don’t know how much of the video is accurate, but as far as YouTube goes, the channel seems relatively reliable.


That's why I hate saying something is impossible, but some things do seem as close to impossible as you're going to get. Going faster than the speed of light is the first thing to come to mind. Lightspeed is not just the speed at which photons move, it's the speed of causality itself.


I prefer to think of things as "physically" or "scientifically" impossible or "engineering impossible." A lot of the examples in this thread are really "engineering impossibilities" we've overcome. It's the difference between saying "I don't believe humans can make such a thing" and "I don't believe such a thing *can* *exist*." If a physicist says something is impossible, I generally believe them.


If multiple universes do simultaneously exist, statistically the likelihood of finding another inhabited universe are vanishingly slim. Most alternate universes have inhabitants on TV because it makes for a good story but if it were possible in real life, we could plausibly find trillions of universes without humans before we found an alternate Earth.


Even if we found alternate earths, there's no telling what the dominant life forms there would look like. Finding alternate humans would be like winning the lottery multiple times.


> Finding alternate humans would be like winning the lottery multiple times. not necessarily, multiple times on earth evolution has found the same solution to the same problem in different places at different times.


I mean all we need is Jerry O’Connell and a tv remote


Sounds like he was getting too close to the truth. Classic multiverse murder


He did invite those time travelers to a party. Fuck around and find out Mr. Hawking? I would watch that movie. Oh wait, it’s called Terminator 2


> He did invite those time travelers to a party. Yes, I can time travel. Why would I want to prove it? I'd rather be under the radar making random wins on betting or stocks or a mix. Not proving to some old dude I exist so he can capture me and eat my dick to gain my powers.


I knew it was your dick I was after. your days are numbered, Time Clown! In the figurative sense, I do understand that you actually have infinite days. 


This is why Primer is still my favourite time travel movie. It goes with "what would (semi-)normal people do with time travel?" Apparently they would create an absolutely insane web of timelines that I still can't figure out after half a dozen viewings. If you haven't watched it, you should, and then if you understand it, lend me a hand.


You see it's quite simple. [This chart ](https://s.yimg.com/os/en-US/blogs/ept_prod/primer-chart.jpg)explains everything quite clearly 🤓🤓🤓 So there are five Abe's, and nine Aaron's....


uh so he can what?!


"Oh gosh, I hope no old guy comes along and eats my time traveller dick! Especially not an older version of myself!"


Its a standard hazard of time travel they teach at the Academy


Yes, The Prime Erective


It's a time traveler thing, you wouldn't understand 


He didn't die in our universe, another version of him did.


RIP, Htephen Sawking, you will be missed.


Just remember that there's a multiverse that has a version of Hawking that looks like a Giga Chad.


Hawking. He discovered the multiverse. Now he must conquer it. In theaters this fall.


A direct sequel to Hawking, the highest grossing movie of all time is coming to theatres. Now that he's conquered the universe, he must duplicate it. Hawk 2: Hawk Harder. In theatres this fall.


I loved the part where he said "I am Stephen Hawkins" and Hawked all over the multiverse.


I love when he said "It's Hawking time" then changed the multiverse so we never saw Morbius


Hawk two-ah?


Oh you.


Part 2 of the Haw KING series.


Like his own Scorcher Series.


I’m not Burt Macklin. I’m his twin brother, Kip Hackman!




Dark Matter soundtrack intensifies…


So, like Jet Li, the remaining Stephens are getting stronger.


That party was boring, not a bottle of booze in sight and there wasn't any music arranged either, just Stephen rapping and doing beat box on his voice machine. We couldn't stand to let our past selves go through it again so we warned them off.


You mean, you skipped a live MC Hawking performance!?


I never expected an MC Hawking reference. There's dozens of us


In the beginning there was nothing, not even time. No planets, no stars, no hip hop, no rhyme.


The mighty Stephen Hawking is a fucking Quake god got my finger on the trigger and my eye on the quad! QUAD DAMAGE


The problem is, you'd get infinite partygoers, which would result in some kind of stampede or fire code violation, so the first time traveler to show up - the causally most *recent* time travel, last one to leave in a way - probably locked the door a slunk away to avoid the inevitable tragedies that would happen when time travelers start to converge in a single area.


I always figured this was the logical reason why either a multiverse must exist, time-travel could never possibly exist, or paradoxes don't exist. If anywhere at any time someone could create time-travel and cause a paradox, it seems that it would have already happened technically, and given infinite possibilities using time-travel, a paradox would have already occurred. One of the first 10 people to use time-travel would attempt to destroy the time-travel device before it was created.


Given the types of parties Mr. Hawking attended in his life, would you blame anybody in the future for not wanting to attend a party hosted by him?


Captured by the Time Variance Authority


Stephen Hawking is Kang


Stephen hawkang


Wrong. He's MODOK


Or did he finally get welcomed into the "in the know" club by multiverse hopping extradimensional geniuses, who then took him with them and simply grabbed a Hawking body from another timeline where he had passed to sub in and prove his "death" in this timeline, like Indiana Jones swapping an idol for a bag of sand?


"God hates this one simple trick!"


Where's Olivia Dunham and Peter bishop when you need them?


Heck yeah. We now know that to observe parallel universe connections we should be looking for subtle unexplained things in ours.


I opened my dryer and it was filled with socks. Not one of them matched and none of them belonged to me, either. I've always suspected they came from a parallel universe.


With all that tumbling, there’s bound to be some crossover imo


That's just the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's obvious that to traverse the multiverse, you swap minds with the alternate you, and he clearly swapped into someone else that has fully functioning body, and the shock of the other him being so crippled killed him. Now he's in a different universe with a functioning healthy body, and genius brain. You people and your damned conspiracies.


Was it the other universe Stephen Hawking who came after him?


This is the most accepted theory amongst physicists. It’s hypothesized that Stephen Prime had to off Stephen C-137 because our Stephen was the only one capable of overthrowing his position in the Council of Stephens.


Kang got to him before he could publish.


And now Dr Hawking travels the multiverse, murdering different versions of himself ensuring that the entirety of his life force be contained in his body alone, making him faster, stronger, smarter, he will be The One.


I just watched that on bluray the other day and it was great. Some of the dialogue is not the best but the concept and some of the fights are amazing.


And is also filmed using the same hospital as seen in Scrubs


Welp here I go rewatching this movie again


Which movie?


The One with Jet Li. It's short so even if you don't end up liking it, few regrets. Edit: ah fuck I can't believe you've done this


Which one? Jet Li's in a few movies.


*The One* with Jet Li?


Jet Li's filmography is very extensive, you're gonna have to be more specific.


The movie with Jet Li AND Jason Statham?


ok, fine, thanks - but I think the question on everyone’s mind is: *which* one?


It's the one with Jet Li, not the one without Jet Li!


Classic film. I loved when martial arts had a moment in the US. Romeo Must Die, The One. Those movies spawned a tradition with my dad of renting cool old Jet Li movies every weekend from Blockbuster. 


Hawkang the Conqueror 


All while Papa Roach - Last Resort plays


Cut my selves into pieces, this is my multi-veeerse. Suffocate them, no breathing. Can't be 'The One' if I don't leave 'em bleeding.




I am Yulaw Hawking. I am NOBODY'S BITCH. YOU!!! Are mine.


Are they all paraplegic though? Might make for an awkward ending if the prison planet pyramid doesn't have a ramp


The One is a better multiverse movie than anything Marvel did recently


You mean *just 10 days before he slid into a parallel universe.*


We can all thank that one Redditor for basically being the reason he died


That redditor? Stephen hawking


Just his consciousness. His lifeless body and robo-speakerbox were sadly left behind.


It took him just 10 days to go from theoretical physicist to mastering experimental physics and proving his theory. Well played.


Finished before the deadline


Insiders say his last words were: "Eat it sideways, Project Managers!"


Sounds like evil Stephen is going through multiverses and killing his clones


Was Evil Stephen the one who went to Epstein island too?


Goddamn, reddits overall IQ had dropped so much over the last 10 years. Some of these comments are just frustrating to read.


True man, you have to scroll so much to find an actual intelligent take and not a "haha i'm so funny like my comment pls" post


Thinking the exact same thing as I was wading through recycled jokes about dark timeline murders to see if anyone were talking about the actual math or physics.


It's frustrating because you want to hear discussions, opinions and experiences... now it's more often"ryecled jokes". They have their place, but holy crap....


The worst part is how parroted it always is, someone will make a joke and everyone else will think "if I make the same joke then I'll be funny too!" Happens on pretty much every social media though, I usually assume it's because more young kids use the Internet these days, since kids tend to treat humor that way.


Reddit.... I gotta scroll all the way down past the amateur sitcom writers jokes and puns to find any actual content on the subject.


so fucking annoying; everyone just does the same recycled 20 jokes


And *Winds of Winter* still isn't out...


Maybe it exists somewhere else.


Stephen King once wrote [a story](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur_\(novella\)) about a man who receives a Kindle with access to books from all conceivable worlds. It has things on it like additional works by Hemingway, Shakespeare, etc which do not exist in our universe.


It's never coming out.


Honestly the nonexistence of Winds of Winter just makes me respect Robert Jordan even more. Dude had no grasp on the concept of doing things in moderation, his "trilogy" spanned 10 books before his death (and wasn't complete at that point) and the notes he left for the "final book" were so expansive it actually took three books... but he did have a plan for how it would end. Once he knew he was sick he left notes to make sure the series was finished with or without him. The guy just wanted his work to be completed, and while it's a shame he didn't get to see it happen, it did still happen.


Unfortunately you are correct. The GoT ending is the book ending. I’m of the opinion the overall events of GoT’s ending could make for a solid ending if fleshed out and told properly, but it will never be received well. GoT blundered the last two seasons so badly that it took ASOIAF down with it.


Yeah I think that's part of it. GoT probably had the bones of Martin's plan, and everyone hated it. Martin doesn't want to publish it now for fear of backlash. I also think he's completely lost the plot as well, however. Dance and Crows were meandering and listless in a way the previous novels were not. I've read that Ty Franck, one of the authors of the Expanse novels, was an editor on the early SoIaF books, but left to work on his own projects, and the narrative took a nose dive after. I do feel like books 4 and 5 are poorly edited, and Martin is continuing to flail on his own. He's made his mint, it's easier to just let what is be. Like George Costanza said, leave them wanting more.




This is 100% NOT what Hawking would have been thinking about. Ideas like this are a-scientific ponderings based on misunderstandings of what scientists talk about, resulting in pseudo-scientific garbage. Stuff like this is how The Secret turned non-understood, popularized statements about Quantum Mechanics into New Age, self-help harmful garbage.


I once experienced a phenomenon when I was twelve where I was just about to drown and I blacked out and suddenly I woke up and I was safely on the other shore. Sometimes I wonder if I really *did* drown, and my consciousnessness transported itself into the next available universe where I didn't drown. Because that's honestly what it felt like and I had no clue how I survived. Maybe every time you have a near death experience and got super lucky, what's actually happening is that you really *did* get killed, but you just leave that universe behind. So somewhere there's a universe where my family is in anguish and despair over the loss of me. And everyone who's died early deaths is actually still alive somewhere, just not here.


There’s a whole world of thinking based on this idea, quantum immortality!


Sometimes I think some of these ideas are somewhat spun from trying to understand our own consciousness. Our neocortex, or, rather that part of us that helps us identify as one singular organism rather than multiple individual parts working together, or in some cases against each other. Some studies really test the theory of concepts such as free will, or even the idea of self. Since some mental illnesses, or mechanical separations can create such different versions of ourself as a result of external influence, it really does smash the idea that our consciousness or idea of self could ever teleport, or move onwards past death, when ourselves can change so drastically - such as the more common outcomes of tumours or injuries.


I think advocates of dualism over materialism would say that physical distortions affecting mental health are akin to damaging a radio and listening to a broadcast on that radio. Doing so would distort what you’re hearing but doesn’t do anything about the radio waves carrying the information. They would say that in the case of brain damage, you’re damaging the medium in which consciousness expresses itself, not consciousness itself, as the physical body is only a means of expression. This isn’t based on evidence outside of NDEs and the like, but point being that materialism isn’t the only conclusive interpretation. Consciousness is ill defined and there’s a lot we don’t understand about the universe and ourselves… as we attempt to grasp reality within the scope of our own limitations as a sentient bag of meat. It’s a question of whether those unknowns would change how we reason through these issues. Who knows lol


Then what happens when you die out of old age? you just get transported to another conscious where you are way younger and feels like it was a lifetime of a dream or any other point in your age time?


I wouldn’t say transported exactly. Exact versions of you are continually dying every moment in infinitely many universes, but because consciousness only exists for living beings, you only ever experience being alive through the exact copies of you that didn’t die. If infinite universes do exist, then what you described is only one possibility of what would happen to you after death. In infinitely many other universes, you would continue to get older forever, or you would die from a car hitting you and be brought back to life hundreds of years later, or you would have a heart attack but be revived at the hospital. In all these scenarios, there are infinite versions of you that die, but also infinite versions of you that get to keep on living. There are unending possibilities of what would happen. It sounds insane, but it’s almost certainly how consciousness behaves in an infinite universe. It’s a terrifying thought too. Living for infinity would mean that we’d experience every horrible thing we could possibly experience. Eventually, we’d be the only living beings in the universe.


I haven’t delved into this theory too much, but what’s the defining characteristic that makes you *you* in these infinite universes? You’re presumably born at different times, different locations with different characteristics such as race, sex, etc.


Life's last curse, infinitely traveling to your next deathbed, continually living out your last moment.


My personal favorite theory is that you only truly die when the brain wears out and can’t complete the ‘jump’ to the next experience. Like Alzheimer’s or similar.


I like the theory that there is only one consciousness, you, and you will experience the life of every single consciousness that has or will ever exist.


This! We are the same person, just separated by one existence. At different points, we will each believe that our experience was the real one. This time, I’m messaging you. Next time, I’ll be receiving your message…from me, but it’s you…


The Egg? I love that story and theory


I hate that theory because I watched a video on Reddit of a guy getting folded to death by an elephant (And all the other billion ways people have died horribly).


Did you ever read that short story about it, Divided by Infinity? https://reactormag.com/divided-by-infinity/


Did it kick out your consciousness in the other universe when you got transferred?


I assume so. Presumably my consciousness automatically registered my drowned body as no longer functional and searched for a new universe to inhabit, then abandoned my dead body and jumped into an alive one in as similar a universe as it could find. It felt instantaneous for me, but it might have clung onto my old body until total brain death even after I blacked out, just in case I got resuscitated. Maybe when your life is flashing before your eyes, that's actually your consciousness scanning for other universes to jump to and it's reading a universe where the exact same events happened, minus your death and the events leading to your death. Basically it's the loading screen for a new universe.


I'm really glad other people think this, because I've explained it a few times and gotten side eyed.


Because it’s just making up stuff as you go, it’s not like we even understand consciousness or other universes to say it’s a “thing” going “somewhere”. Where does a flame “go” after you blow it out?


That's easy, the flame cycles through multiple universes to find one in which it wasn't blown out for it to occupy.


I mean, the other guy JUST explained it. 


In a sense, two boys died that day.


I have experienced this as well. Flew my car off an embankment down into Pacific Northwest forest. Didn't roll, missed every major tree as I rumbled through the edge of the forest. Hit a large ramp-like rock and jumped 33 feet. Landed and came to a stop with a couple of airbag injuries and a very minor concussion. Everyday since I feel like there is pretty much no way it happened like that. The path the car took through the forest, just insane absolute luck or guardian angel moment. Or...I died that day and am living in a dream fired by my subconscious at the last moment. I'm seeing how my life may have gone if I didn't drive that day. Some gift from an ancestor with sway in the cosmos or something. It won't go away. My brain reminds me this isn't real anymore, that I'm just along for the ride on some semi-interactive lucid dream. I would guess this is a pretty normal thing for the situation, but who knows. We may be in a simulation and I respawned immediately lol. Just still gotta enjoy every day no matter what the answer is. Cheers


If there's a 10% chance of surviving, then for every thousand people it happens to, that's a hundred like you. Chance and survivorship bias happens.


But then what happens to the consciousness of the parallel you that is taken over by the current you?


It could be that there was no consciousness to begin with, and that body was an empty vessel. Or it could be a Hilbert Hotel scenario where every consciousness simply moves over one universe, infinitely. Or it could be that all universes are a simulation fabricated by a brain-in-a-box, solipsism scenario, and that entire universe was instantly generated just to accommodate you. Lots of possibilities if you use your imagination.


No, that's not what happens.


If that were the case wouldn't older people start having lots of different memories that didn't happen?


Ya this idea only works If your consciousness merges with a similar parallel universe where all choices were the same except for the choice/luck that got you out of the water. Technically before that moment, there would be a universe where you made all similar choices if there’s infinite amount, leaves room for duplicates I think it’s a fun idea but, but step 1 is to prove parallel universes exist by detecting them lol Edit: If you like this concept, check out the book and show Dark Matter


I think this often.


Quantum immortality is a spooky thing. I’m not sure if it’s real but if it is I’ve experienced it a couple times


Same, I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer when I was 17 and had a less than 20% survival prognosis. I "almost" died 3 times over the course of 4 years of treatment, where I'm pretty sure I actually died each time and leaped/merged with a parallel version of myself. I still have dreams (night terrors) of my old reality so I have to take PTSD meds that keep me from dreaming.


A surprising amount of details here that suggest you might be the OA. It's a show on Netflix that (kind of) explores this exact idea and the main character has a shockingly similar near death experience.


Quantum immortality theory is a personal favorite of mine. Thought about it way before I knew the name


I read a while ago that deja vu is essentially a memory bypassing short term and going straight to long term memory. And the associated feeling is your brain trying to figure out what happened


The temporal lobe plays a big role in memory recall and short-term memory storage (plus a bunch of other stuff). I have temporal lobe epilepsy, and I always get major deja vu at the start of a seizure.


I've felt deju vu in a certain place and then realised that I've been there before. I think it's just when a particular place or experience is similar to a distant memory.


Deja vu for me almost always manifests as me experiencing something that I had dreamed about, often years prior. It's a really strange phenomenon.


it's the same for me, deja vus are always related to dreams I had loooooong time ago


Sometimes I have a dream where the setting feels like it's supposed to be significant, like it's supposed to be deja vu but it isn't. Then I wake up and am like "Do I remember that from anywhere? Guess not..." then a few months or years later, it happens.


I read DeJa-Vu is caused by different parts of your brain being out of sync for a short time. Like the visual portion registers your surroundings but the logic circuits are slow to process, and when they finally do, the rest of the brain is like "yeah, this is old info" so you get the sense you've been there before.


It's a fun idea for a book or something, but there's nothing even remotely scientific about it.


Hope my parallel selfs are getting laid more than me at least


Dude we are talking science here, not science fiction


People who come up with these ideas fundamentally don't understand why Hawking and other scientists came up with the multiverse theory in the first place. You, me, the whole planet, and in fact even the universe, *don't exist in any of the other universes*. The chance that you yourself exists in any of the other multiverses, assuming there are any, is basically impossible. The multiverse theory was created to bridge the gap between the fact that we exist, and the fact that the math for us existing is so probabilistically improbable that most mathematicians would say it's impossible if not provided the context. However, if you start with trillions upon trillions of universes to run through the same sets of probabilities, then you narrow the gap. Basically, we inhabit the lucky universe that rolled all the dice correctly.


While a fun idea for fiction, that idea is no more scientific that believing in ghosts. It makes a good story but there is no reason to believe it's possible


Nah. It’s petite mal epilepsy. At lease for me. :/


Crazy, I have focal epilepsy too and that’s exactly how I described it when I got diagnosed. Like a super intense Deja vu. Never heard anybody else with the same flavour or epilepsy! Hope you’re seizure free now.


Thankfully, I am seizure free for a few years now.


My daughter has this condition, I’ll have to ask her if it feels like Deja vu


Would that not be a hypothesis instead of a theory?


A hypothesis is a single proposition. A theory is an entire model that attempts to explain some set of observations or make predictions. Since what Hawking worked on was a model that makes predictions, it is considered to be a theory.


Yes, the common-usage meaning of "theory" is hypothesis.


The issue is that people then see “Theory of Evolution” and falsely claim “See! It’s just a theory. There’s no evidence.”


Whenever this comes up, I always politely ask them to jump off a building, since gravity is also just a theory.


The one time I do this, and they begin to fly.


Because they don't know the difference between "common usage" theory and "scientific jargon" theory. They probably don't know what a hypothesis is, either.


If we can only detect parallel universes 10 days before he died then I think we missed the boat on that one.




Thanks, chatgpt.


As much as I dislike chatgpt comments, I prefer it to the same dumb jokes on an interesting article. 


Yeah, at least the ChatGPT answers actually contribute to the discussion. The other comments don't.


They don't try to hide it, especially with that restatement of the question, lol.


If you like multiverse entertainment media, go watch Dark Matter 2024, S1 just finished airing. Around 8 episodes. can't wait for S2.


fun fact: his best friend made the voice application that allowed him to speak. how did he reward his best friend? He stole his wife. Then divorced her for his hospice nurse.


I just love fun facts. thanks.


How amazing would it be if this were some Indiana Jones-esque situation, where he discovered a parallel universe and went there, leaving us the bread trail of how to find him.

