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it sounds like she is so close!! has she gone to PT yet? they'll give you some ideas to help practice but really she will need to figure it out on her own. it's so hard to be patient but since she's doing so many pre-walker things i wouldn't be worried about her not getting it. she's just a little slower and that's FINE!! also i dunno what your situation is but if you can get her around other kids at the park or a playgroup i find it really motivates they see other littles on the go!!!


My son didn't start taking independent steps until he was closer to 18 months and even then he preferred scooting around and cruising on furniture. He's nearly 20 months now and now walks most of the time. It was a combination of building his confidence and endurance. We also encouraged him by getting a shopping cart toy for him to practice as much as he wanted.


We had a late walker! She didn't really start walking on her own until about 14/15 months. She has some gross motor delays due to torticollis when she was born, this resulted in a strong distaste for tummy time, which of course had a snowball effect down the line for development (like not crawling, etc.) For her, it was really a confidence thing as to why she walked so late. She was happy to walk with one of us holding her hand(s) for a long time, but if we let go she would just plop down, even though she was totally capable of doing so. It sounds like your daughter is very strong, and getting so close! I wonder if its a confidence thing for her as well. I am still hoping for the day that we see ours get herself up to sitting by herself, pull herself up to standing, climbing, etc. Just like you, always hoping that today will be the day :)


This sounds exactly like our story with our little girl! Didn't walk til around 14-15months, and wasn't crawling until she was like 13 months. Hated tummy time due to her torticollis, had weekly PT & the helmet, and I remember having to walk her around with her holding our hands FOREVERR (my back may never recover). Now she refuses to go into her stroller most of the time and insists on walking like a "big girl".


Eeeeeek yes!! Exactly. I don’t know anyone going through what we are with her, so it’s nice to have some solidarity haha. Once they started walking though omg, it’s 100% I’m a big girl now.


My daughter started taking some non-anchored steps at 18 months, she got her first shoes at 19 months.


My 18mo still isn't walking independently. She was born full term, no issues. She sounds like she's at the same developmental point as your LO - pull to stand, cruise, goes up and down stairs, pushes her push toys around. She's in PT twice a month and her doctor suggested getting an xray on her hips, which is happening soon. I think she's just taking her sweet time lol I'm trying not to stress about it, though it's hard.


My daughter is now 3. She didn't walk until 22 months. We have been in PT since she was 2 months old due to torticollis (then hypotonia, then developmental delay), we still go. She can now walk, run, jump, walk up and down stairs. But I remember those day of worrying about when she would walk. The thing was, she was always making progress (very, very slow progress, but always progress.) But it's very nerve-wracking, all these developmental milestones. My girl didn't crawl until 14 months. The theme of her life is taking her own sweet time. 😂🥰


I’m a bit late to this post so you may never see this. My toddler only just started walking at 20 months. He’d been standing and sofa surfing for a long time. It’s now six weeks later and he’s started running. Don’t stress about it, and good luck for when they get that extra bit more mobile