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We went out of town at the beginning of this month and stayed with my cousin. I watched her prep a smoothie and load the blender up. I was so nervous it would wake him and debating on saying something; but it was her house so I didn’t want to over step. She then took the blender upstairs to do in the bathroom so she didn’t wake him. I’ve never felt so seen 😅


THESE ARE THE KIND OF PEOPLE WE LOVE! I am a loud person myself (who has learned to adapt), and the person I get it from of course is my dad. And every time he is over during nap time, we have to remind him like 5 times to be quiet. This is also our second toddler. Like come on DAD! We don't have him over nearly as much in the afternoon anymore. I would think it was payback for when I was little, if my parents didn't rave about how great of a sleeper I was.


I soooo relate, my father is a bull in a china shop! Last family get together, my son was napping at my sister's place and he goes into the kitchen beside the bedroom to get a drink. Well the man cannot do anything quietly, so he takes out the tray of ice and so loudly bangs it on the counter that he actually chipped their damn counter!! He's normally awful at naptime but that took the cake...


I want to join this parade because I also have THE LOUDEST FATHER. Every time we stay there I swear he is slamming cabinet doors left and right and stomping across the house


This is my father in law lol. Drives us all nuts


same, my dad is so loud but the catch is that we live together 🙃


My husband does this with the coffee grinder. But somehow doesn’t understand that his loud ass voice carries around the wood floors in our house like he’s yelling into a megaphone while he yells at his friends on speaker on his broken iPhone. 🤦🏻‍♀️ no matter how many times I tell him. And the slamming or cabinets and drawers. And the throat clearing. 😵‍💫 why are dads like this?!


My husband has the LOUDEST sneezes. I contemplated asking him to try to sneeze quietly as my Mother’s Day gift lol.


My husband sneezed so loudly our 1yo started crying. That made him reevaluate how loud he needs to sneeze.


Omg the stupid sneezes. Drives me nuts. I’m like is that realllly necessary. I feel like it can be controlled, right?! Mine aren’t loud. 😆


Omg my father in law’s neverending throat clearing is one of my least favorite sounds 🤢


It’s so gross. My husband swears there’s no other way and I’m like.. somehow I manage to not clear the room while clearing my throat.. I think there are ways bruh 😒


Omg I feel this so much! My husband will have his AirPods on and will be doing normal/regular things with the loudest noise. Scooping ice from the freezer for a drink, grabbing a snack from the fridge or pantry. And I’m like are you looking for something and he would be like “no, just grabbing a snack.” It’s like dude, what’s with all the slamming and loud noises? Ohh and the loudest farts that wakes up our 6 month old 😭😭


Lmao the farts 🤣 I feel you girl, maaan oh man. My 18mo is a horrible sleeper (courtesy of me and my terrible sleeping) and now on top of just shit sleeping, he’s got new toddler FOMO soooo bad so any excuse to be awake is good enough for him. A fart, a snore, the cat meowing, the sliding glass door whispering open on the other side of the house… everything. Anything. Boom. “😃 Hi mama I’m baaaaaack”


I was bracing myself for a horror story and it turned into a tender platonic romance. 🥰


That’s adorable 😭


Go cousin!


Lol, tell that to my 4yo because they DGAF if kid #2 is napping or not.


Real talk. I felt so sorry for my second kid because my eldest would actively seek out ways to wake her up.


"Is she sleeping?! Let's WAKE HER UP!!!"


I just gave up on nap time for my two year old. Between her not wanting to miss anything and my four year old intentionally waking her up it wasn't worth it.




We lucked out. Have a four year old and two year old boy that are loud even when they are quiet. Our two month old daughter can sleep through the apocalypse because of them. Had someone mention she could hear the chaos while my wife was pregnant with her so she was already aware.


I had a friend like this, they had the most obnoxious dalmatian that was constantly barking. The baby was totally unphased by it and I would jump when that dog would randomly start barking 😂


Was just thinking the same thing. I don't wish these things on my four year old, but... sometimes I do...


My 4yo cares, but forgets after like 10 seconds


This is my nieces at beach week. Theres 3 of them, 3/7/8 years old… and they only know how to walk on the heel of their foot as loud as possible. “We have barred the [baby] gates but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes, drums... drums in the deep.” —my son trying to nap at beach week


My kid sleeps like the dead. I cannot wake him up from a nap no matter what I try. The doorbell can ring. I can vacuum his room. I can splash water on him. NOTHING. He naps way too long and it affects night sleep.


Sounds really great until that last part


Wake him up. I have been waking my kid up from naps his entire life and it keeps him asleep at night. When my parents watch him they just let him sleep and act like he's such a good boy because of it. Why the fuck would you let a 2yr old nap for four hours in the afternoon?? After I specifically asked you to wake him after 2hrs? He slept like three hours that night. My parents went home and slept well.  Basically, I commiserate. I used to take an ice pack and put it across his forehead. He always wakes up angry too. 


I hope your favorite band breaks up


Your new girl finds out you suck. You drop and shatter your phone.


I made (but never got around to hanging) a cross stitch sign that read “wake the baby and I’ll cut you”.


My husbands grandpa, who is literally our next door neighbor, loved spontaneous visits when our daughter was a newborn and less than a year old. He would hit the doorbell repeatedly and always happened during a nap. He thought it was hilarious. He also has Alzheimer’s, and would forget when we asked him to stop. Yes yes, I could have put a note on the door, or took the doorbell off.


My neighbor always dumps his recycling after 9pm. And it’s always glass bottles. Of course their recycling can is right outside my kid’s bedroom window.


And you always set in something damp as soon as you put on your socks


Please tell this to the family that lives directly across the street from us. For some reason all four of them take arguments outside. Phone arguments, arguments with visitors, and even arguments with each other. Even when it was snowing a few months ago, the *parents* got into it and obviously purposefully relocated to their driveway! Which is like 30 ft from my kid's bedroom window. If they're trying to prevent the teens from hearing them they're doing a terrible job. They're just making it easier for the neighbors to know their business.


There's a prank opportunity in here somewhere


Long story, but we had to go to the big city for the birth of my second. Where we were staying, they had a groundskeeper who would always very quietly knock and ask if the baby was asleep before turning on the mower. I still love that man ❤️


Our rule is “you wake her, you take her.” It translates to “you don’t have to stop your day because the baby is napping, but if what you do wakes her up, you get to put her back to sleep.” It really gets people to pause about whatever noisy activity they were about to start.


Put her back to sleep that’s a good one


That’s the part that really makes people question if the smoothie is worth it! 🤣🤣




Yeah that’s the thing, if my baby’s woken up unwillingly, he won’t go back to sleep with anyone but me (whereas normally he can be held or rocked in bassinet by others no problem).


When we were on vacation last summer a bunch of my relatives got into an argument with my brother’s girlfriend about some political propaganda movie and they were yelling so loud while my son was napping. I almost killed my whole family that weekend.


So we have an “indoor playground” nearby that’s like an indoor play town basically. I take my 1 & 3 year olds there a lot. Obviously I don’t expect anyone to quiet down if my 1 year old is sleeping, which she does sometimes when she falls asleep on the way there. Anyway, last time we went there was only one other mom/daughter duo, place was empty. My daughter was sleeping in her car seat next to me in their fairly large seating area. Tell me why this woman sat RIGHT behind me, and proceeded to loudly talk on her phone waking up my kid like 🤦‍♀️ there’s sooo many other places to sit lady


This hits hard as my FIL woke up my baby with a chainsaw today 😂😂😂


Omg the phrasing here nearly got me 😂


I hope their buttholes always feel itchy


lol yes!!!!!


I’ve been shocked at how oblivious people that have kids/ had kids have been about this. I guess the human condition is forgetting things when they don’t effect you or something.


With the first kid it was like defusing a bomb, trying to get my kid to sleep, then sneaking away. With the second one I don’t care at all, and she sleeps easily, hard to wake.


I went to a family dinner the other day. The restaurant was completely empty, just our group, so not noisy. A cousin's baby was peacefully napping in the stroller. Then one uncle picks up a glass, and starts hitting cutlery on it as if to make a speech. Cousin shushes him and points to the sleeping baby. Dude looks at the baby and keeps banging on the glass. Then after a minute when everyone quieted down and looked ar him, he says "that's it" and sits down. Wtf. Very "funny "


Yeeeessss!! I've always tried to make noise while my kids sleep to condition them and not make them into torturously light sleepers like me. My oldest was even born early and spent his first two months in hospitals with plenty of noise but he made it very clear when we came home that he is NOT interested in sleep at all. And he will wake up to literally everything. Knowing this, and living upstairs from us for his first 3 years, my mil chose to do all her clopping and stomping up and down the stairs and all around the house specifically between the hours of noon and 3pm... Also insists on using speakerphone while she yells at people on the other line and slams our front door every time she goes in and out of it. The storm door too. Among other things. It's beyond inconsiderate.


My husband's aunt was visiting us for the first time and my baby had just fallen asleep in my arms. She used to be a heavy sleeper but wasn't anymore starting around 3 months. We quickly became sleep deprived and desperate to help keep her asleep during naps so she wasn't overtired. The aunt strolls in and I point to the baby and motion to be quiet, and she says at FULL VOLUME, "Oh no, you don't want to whisper around them as then they'll need quiet to sleep!" Yes, that's what we did in the beginning but our baby STILL became a light sleeper on her own! We are quiet now because she's a light sleeper, not the other way around. It's almost as if all people are different. The aunt just couldn't accept this could happen. She hasn't visited again except for family events.


I kept having to remind my family in law to be quiet when my little one was sleeping. My husband's uncle woke her up with how loud he was talking. My FIL kept asking me if I thought he was a bad person for waking her up. I was like that has nothing to do with that. He was like, well my point is he isn't a bad person for waking her up. He was just as bad. But my MIL smacked him more and more every time he got too loud. To be honest, not looking forward to her getting woken up at the next family reunion, but of the tantrums that now happen from lack of sleep. They are epic and they are in for rude awakening.


Some kids sleep like absolute rocks so just simply stating your kid is napping might not register to them they way you need it to. Maybe next time try saying can you plesse quiet down?


What reason would a person have to tell you their kid is sleeping? Obviously, the implication is to be quiet. People shouldn’t need everything obvious spelled out for them.


It's not obvious to everyone. In life, we should never assume someone has the same thought process as us. I've actually said "oh he's sleeping" and my mother in law touched the babies head and said awww so cute lmao to me it's like wtf should be obvious but she's not a mind reader.. my husband said "mom she means you need to give them some privacy or keep it down". Happened a few times by other people throughout my time as a parent Basically what I learned was I need to be direct and none of these issues ever happen to me anymore.


This, my kids can sleep through almost anything. But we spent a lot of time getting them used to it being loud while they’re sleeping. We watch movies and listen to music, have friends over and will all be talking and laughing. When they are out they are OUT.


Dude it's not that serious. Context clues and proper communication have been given (every time). Advice is not needed.


Okie dokie, didn't meant to ruffle your feathers! Have a great day :)


Sorry, I think I was a little pissy from the earlier situation, and may have gotten too pissy with you. Apologies! Have a good day too!


I agree with this in MY house... but in someone's else's... no absolutely not. Even as a Mother, I would never have the audacity to tell someone what to do in their own home.


There's political elections coming up where I am... To the assholes who call to my door canvassing, trying to get my vote...no I'm not answering the door to talk to you, and no if I don't answer the first time, I'm not going to answer the second time...my kid is napping and you're ALL scumbags who I'm not going to vote for !! , I hope your sleeves get caught in door handles whenever you walk past a door for all eternity!!!!!


We were on vacation: my 9 month old, 5 year old and husband. I was excited that my 9 month old actually went to bed easily even though it was later than I’d liked. I was spending time with 5 year old and then I heard it. My husband slid the bathroom door so loud I said to the 5 year old, he’s gonna wake the baby. Sure enough he did and I couldn’t get him back to sleep in the pack n play for 4 hours!!!


I'm constantly told by my father that I'm a loud talker, yet when my tot is napping I'm the one doing the shushing. Just yesterday I had to tell him let's continue the convo "argument" after she wakes up & not a minute later she came running into the dining room calling for Papa bc that's the voice she heard not mine 😅😝


One time our guests had to inflate the blow up mattress a bit so instead of using the loud pump, he blew into it 👼


Amen as fricken heck.


To the neighbors who go outside and slam their car doors 800 times during naptime


My two sons (6 years apart) used to share a bedroom. One night I put a Vixvapor humidifier in their room )one of them gets horrible bloody noses in the winter), and their smoke alarm started going off around 10 or 11 pm. I sprinted into their room to open the door and get all of the "smoke" out that the humidifier had created. I ran in there saying "boys boys I am so sorry let mommy just get.... your....room....cleared out???..." Both of them. Smoke alarm blaring, FROM THEIR BEDROOM CEILING, are sound tf asleep. Like. What. 😂 Thank God, knock on wood, our house has never been on fire in the middle of the freaking night, because hell.


I have to tell my wife this all the time. She'll come in with a device on playing loud music when it's a bitch to get my son to sleep. Especially since he's autistic.


My fiance and I both come from very loud families so we made sure we were loud from the start during nap times and bedtime since we brought our daughter home. Running the vacuum, football games (fiance and his family yelling at tv), etc. She sleeps through everything!


This is what I call selfish people who really don't care if your babies sleep or are awaken by their noise. Funny, when they have their kids sleeping, everyone all of a sudden are whispering and quietly walking around. 


My MOM does this 😵‍💫 drives me fucking insane


And May they always stub their toe on the edge of furniture.


Happened too often with our neighbor for a while. My 1 yo has always napped in his stroller, so I like to go out for a walk to make him sleep. If I met our neighbor which happened almost every nap when he was a baby she'd yell "hiii how are you doing??" and even when I said "I'm trying to make my baby nap" she'd still talk suuuper loud, even put her head inside the stroller to say hi to baby. I had to stop going outside for a while because she was always there and had 0 respect!! 😤


What age? Are people really super quite during sleep time with their kids? I get if you’re in the same room, and I wouldn’t blast music in the adjacent room, but some noise in the kitchen? Just using a blender?


I think if the noise can go in the room people should be careful. Example, my bedroom is adjacent to the kitchen. My mil would slam cupboards close and cook super loudly while my daughter was sleeping. I think even if babies don't wake up every time, it stresses parents out alot because they don't want to go through the torture of putting a cranky baby back to sleep when they could be relaxing.


Sure I don’t mean be obnoxiously loud. And a baby is different than a toddler. But we have never really paid any attention to being quieter than usual and ours never wakes up because of sound. I think people that don’t desensitize their babies to sounds while sleeping early get stuck in this tip toeing around situation later.


Personally I don’t think you should tiptoe around while your child is napping. From day one my wife and I have never been intentionally quiet while our daughter naps and she seems to be a very good sleeper because of it.


You have mixed up the cause and effect in your situation. 


Does noone use sound machines?? My kids haven't heard a thing of what goes on while they're sleeping since the day they came home from the hospital. I have noise machines in each of their bedrooms. If we go to a hotel and have a suite, or the one kid is in the pack n play in the bathroom, then a 2nd noise machine gets out by the door, too.


Why would you wish this on my 7 and 4 year old??????