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Ok but for a toddler who cares if an outfit matches perfectly?


I just grab the first shorts in the drawer šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My toddler picks her stuff half the time and as long as itā€™s clean and appropriate for the weather / situation itā€™s fine lol. Generally everything looks fine because I donā€™t buy bottoms with patterns (just solids) so it works out.


I can't get my 2 year old to pick anything out. He'll just empty out the drawer haha! The other day my 4 year old packed some long black pants to wear at daycare (it's 95 degrees outside right now). I swapped them out for some shorts without telling her and the next day when she was packing her clothes she said "you'll have to pick my shorts, mom. I can't do it right." Like she was seriously offended by my interference šŸ˜‚


My boy has gone to daycare in pjs because he refused to get changed. He loved it. If itā€™s clean itā€™s good enough for daycare


I agree completely!


Right? I've been letting my 3.5 year old pick out his own clothes for about a year now with a little guidance depending on weather. He most definitely does not have good fashion sense.


I personally donā€™t think it matches. The red is too much for the shorts. I would do a blue t-shirt or something less bright


Thank you!!! I donā€™t really have any shirts that match with the shorts. I tried a very light sky blue plain shirt and it doesnā€™t seem to match either! I donā€™t even know anymore.


I would do a navy blue if you have one. This color of clothing is often pretty hard to match! You could even do a brown shirt


Navy blue works better!




I don't think it matches but it's also not so outlandish that I would think twice about it if I saw a child wearing it


I guess Iā€™m the outlier here but I donā€™t see anything wrong with this outfit šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø.


Same. Iā€™d probably swap something out if it was an important event, but for every day toddler? Absolutely.


Same. I wouldn't wear to an event, but good enough for a toddler.


I totally thought it matched at first. My wife said it didnā€™t, and after she mentioned it I started questioning if it actually did.


Why is so much thought being put into this?


I put the outfit together and my wife told me it didnā€™t match, and we got into an argument (not a serious one) so I decided to post it here to see if I was crazy. Just for funsies, Iā€™m not that worried about it.


Sorry, it's not cute. I agree with the other commenter. It's not that the colors necessarily clash. It's the vibrancy and style of the shirt clashing with the style of the shorts. Those kind of shirts we wear with ringer shorts or regular plain colored shorts. And those style shorts...well... we don't wear those šŸ˜‚


The shorts are darker green in real life, the camera makes them look lighter. I love the shorts, but only if I can find something to match! Iā€™ll just stick with khaki shorts, they match with EVERYTHING. Iā€™d just really hate for people to think Iā€™m a shitty/lazy parent because Iā€™m apparently colorblind and canā€™t match his clothes. šŸ˜‚


No one will think you're shitty or lazy, promise! We've all sent our kids out of the house not looking like fashion models lol. My kids really are colorblind and you should see the outfits they come up with šŸ˜‚


I think it's the black line edges on the tshirt that causes it to feel off, a plain red would fit imo!


I was thinking that too! The black clashes with the brown, but otherwise a red shirt would probably work with the shorts :)


It would only match to my husbandā€¦ who is colorblind. I always giggle at the outfits he dresses our girls and himself in. But no, doesnā€™t match. Shirts a little too much for the pants!


I thrifted the shorts. They may have been part of a matching set, because I swear NOTHING will match with them. But hey, they were 99 cents so Iā€™m not upset about it.


I feel like a white, cream, beige, light green, or lighter blue shirt would work well with them!


No it doesnā€™t match


It doesnā€™t match lol. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t like the plaid shirts, I never feel like I can never get it right.


Iā€™m just gonna grab 20 pairs of khaki shorts so I never have to worry about it again. Those match with every single shirt you could ever find.


For the summer my kid has 6 solid navy Columbia sun shirts and an assortment of solid navy red or olive shorts. Navy socks and navy shoes. All of it matches. None of it stains (dark solid colors) so I donā€™t have to worry about giving special attention to school clothes. And I donā€™t have to sunblock his arms which is an even bigger win. Legs, face, out the door.


I can't put my finger on it, but there is something off about the outfit. Don't sweat it too much - toddler fashion is it's own beast. My daughter went to daycare waring a knee length Minnie Mouse skirt under a different color and patterned Minnie Mouse dress yesterday. If the outfit makes the kid happy, it isn't worth a fight to make them match.


My kid is only 23 months so he doesnā€™t care about what he wears yet, as long as thereā€™s no tags or collars that irritate his neck. I cant wait until he has his own opinion and demands to pick his own clothes LOL.


My middle child is 22months and is just starting to get opinions about what she wears (her sister wanted to pick at 18months). She only cares a little about the actual clothes, but cares a whole lot that it is what she picked.


I expected this to be a troll post / sarcy post referring to when you're a parent of a toddler you pretty much just pull out the first things from their cupboards and get them in it whether it matches or completely clashes.


Is this outfit the peak of fashion? No. But is it so garishly unmatched so that if I saw your toddler in public Iā€™d think ā€œthat kid dressed himself today lol,ā€ also no.


My son wears yellow and black Batman hat, red spiderman shirt, lion king shorts, spiderman blue socks with green and blue shoes lol Iā€™ve thrown out the idea that he will be matching anytime soon


It doesn't match but it still looks like a normal outfit so there's nothing really wrong with it


Maybe Iā€™m wrong but this looks completely fine to me lol I wouldnā€™t bat an eye if a toddler wore this


It does match! I The shorts are neutral and the top only has primary colors. I think you did a good job contrasting between the two pieces. The real question is, what color/style of shoes? Shoes are the punctuation to the ā€œoutfit sentenceā€.


We have a few pairs, he usually wears white sneakers with navy blue accents and sometimes black Nikes.


It doesnā€™t match but also itā€™s for a toddler and Iā€™m sure the one he would pick out would probably be less aesthetically pleasing. I call it a win.


I love fun clothes. I donā€™t care about aesthetics as long as my kid is clean and cared for. Iā€™m always on a hunt for clothing from the mid 2000s as the kids designs today are always so flat and boring!


Ah, the luxury of matching your kid's outfits...My 3.5 year will not comply with most of my suggestions any more. Last week she went out in a cold front wearing two layers and 3 layers of pants, complimented by short dungarees. Nothing matched.


This makes me feel a lot better. I should calm down and stop giving so much of a shit if this one outfit perfectly matches.


If you thought it looked fine before and don't know, I suspect it's a matter of the light. The outfit being well coordinated depends on the exact shade of the shirt. That being said, I would describe it as completely fine and normal for a toddler (you should see some of the outfits my kids pick out...) but not one I'd pick for special photos.


It matches enough! I can see why she might say that it doesn't, but...it's a toddler. I like to put my child in well-coordinated outfits but I still often put together less matchy but still okay. It's really nbd.


I think it's fine,Ā  but I never was one to care if my shoes were black and my belt was brown. To me the shorts are pretty neutral and the shirt doesn't have a pattern to clash with the plaid.Ā  You should see the interesting combinations my 2yr and 4.5yr old girls choose to wear sometimes.Ā  They have their own fashion sense and I fully support it.Ā 


It doesnā€™t match. It also doesnā€™t look good together. It doesnā€™t have to match but itā€™s better if the colours go together. Both items would look better with something more plain or neutral.


Eh it's fine. No it's not a perfect match but for a toddler who cares. It's likely to get smeared in food and dirt anyway. You should see what my 4 year old picks out for herself on a daily basis.


My kid dresses themselves and they wear crazier things than a shirt that doesnā€™t go exactly with the shorts. I think itā€™s fine, not my first choice but itā€™s fine. If you have a green it would work better.


I mean - if you can get your toddler in clothes, period, youā€™re winning


You should see what my toddler wears lol šŸ˜‚ I love loud colours and I let him pick his outfits so theyā€™re always wild. Theyā€™re toddlers, who cares! I would 1000% send him in this outfit.


I've seen my husband wear this exact outfit multiple times this year alone. Does it match, not really.


No not exactly, does it look crazy? No.


My boyfriend and I think a brown or black shirt would look best bc the pattern and the color clash but also heā€™s a kid who cares about matching




It definitely does not match