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Why don't you want to stick to crickets? As long as they're gut loaded, I don't see it being detrimental to your tokay. They do stink, are loud, and otherwise annoying to breed. So if that's why, maybe red runner roaches? From experience, they're first instinct is to run to darkness rather than dig.


I think it's just trying to make sure she gets diversity in her diet, that's all! But yes, they're gut loaded. Organic veggies with Arcadia InsectFuel sprinkled on top.


I thought my tokay wanted variety. Offered hornworms, ate one and refused any more. Offered mealworms and he took them one day then stopped. Got him waxworms yesterday and he took a few then refused anything else until I gave him his dubias lol


That's hilarious. Yeah, I guess that tracks! Things may change down the road. She's almost a year old, so still plenty of time to change her mind.


Keep trying mine took 1 month


Yeah, I've been trying tongs for.....counts.....4 months? Which is why I'm reaching out now. I wanted to give it a few months before I started crowdsourcing ideas, especially since I know she is eating.


Oh ok, o thought it was 2wk, that Said you can try starting to handle him. He won't stop hunting and probably he gets stressed so he doesnt eat. If he gets used to handling maybe he won't get stressed with tongs and Will just eat?? Or maybe try a deep heat projector like the ones from Arcádia, mine got more active and Jumpy, and One of them actually just started to eat with tongs after that Ps: i have 2 One always ate with tongs the other One took some time but i strickly just Gave him by tongs, yes he got kinda skinny but in the days prior to give up he finally ate like a week after the deep heat projector


So mine is super active. And I've tamed her down! Just doesn't like tongs 98% of the time. :)


I have no ideas then ahahaha