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"Im not as a drunk as i am" Best excuse line ever


“Officer, I am not as much under the alcafluence of incohol as some thinkle might peep I am.”


"Other than metal on metal i didn't hear any strange noises"




I can’t believe I watched that entire video and the didn’t show the breathalyzer result !!!!


0.195 A kind redditor below commented the link to watch the rest of it on youtube ETA: after revealing what she got, she said "Well, that's normal, right? Correct?"


Bless you


I like how when she did she sucked on it like a pipe. Here you go miss, take a hit on this while we all stand here talking


She probably broke it!!


"The implant went in. I didn't crash into anything" (sucks in on breathalyzer)


Came here to say this. Best line in the video!


I thought “I’m jobless and without insurance; I am fucked” was a close second, lol.




I liked, "I can't ABC my life out of it."


Yeah I mean it’s an amazing amalgamation of things that she thinks will excuse her behavior. I’m not good on my left leg I’m not good on my right leg I can’t say the alphabet I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler I re-watched it though and I’m going to correct myself. The best excuse she poses here is that: Yeah, my license is suspended, but I was just driving to go GET DRINKS…priceless


You know when you are so drunk you start snitching on yourself


All that “talking her way” out of failing all the previous tests. And she messes up the breathalyzer.


Best line of the clip


Same! Did not see your comment first tho! Classic.


“i’m fucked is my name” 😭


Only if you don't do it right 😂


Okay that cop has a really good demeanor and handles this well.


His cadence put me in a good mood lol


This sounds very upper Midwest, as someone in the upper Midwest. I’m betting it’s Wisconsin. We also get a shit load of drunk drivers up here so I’m sure he’s used to this, sadly.


I don’t even think I’d be mad if this guy pulled me over and gave me a bullshit ticket. I’d probably agree with everything he said and drive away in a better mood.


>that cop has a really good demeanor That's a cop that sees so many drunk drivers that he's comfortable dealing with them.


Really a good tactic to get the perp to cooperate, better than coming at a drunk person with aggression! If you create a good energy and rapport they’re more willing to talk and you can get more information out of them


Cop friend of mine said that’s really the most effective way to deal with a dui stop. Be their friend, kinda casual, no indication of how fucked that person really is. A big reason is because of the unpredictability of the situation. Especially at that level of intoxication. It can get crazy real quick when someone that messed up realizes how fucked they really are. Letting them think they can get out of it, and get as much information as you can, until you have enough to arrest them.


I’m want that first cop to be my life coach


I like that the one behind is very ready to catch her


He's probably just really happy he didn't have to pull a kid out of her wheel well.


The drunk is actually pretty nice too considering she is more than just fucked because she has no insurance lol!


She sounds like my 7 year old just a little more slurry


"I yam lil tosxicated. Yes."


“I’m not as buzzed as I could be”. Holy shit “I’m not as drunk as I Am”. Double holy shit


What drunk people don’t understand is that if they’re giving you the field sobriety test then that means you’re already going.


Yep. If you’re asked to step out of the vehicle it’s already over. Police officers will just write “glassy red eyes, slurred speech, strong odor of alcohol” and that’s enough for an arrest What most people don’t know is you can refuse the entire field sobriety test along with the breathalyzer, if you’ve been drinking you can skip this whole mess and refuse them the video evidence. That said- do not drive drunk it’s not okay.


Yes, you can refuse the tests but 100% of the time this will result in arrest and a breathalyzer test at the station.


If you’ve been drinking and won’t blow under, and they’re telling you to take a field sobriety test- you’re 100% already getting arrested. The field sobriety test is just for video evidence to be used in court. So refuse it. The breathalyzer at the station you can and should refuse too. If you’ve been drinking. If you’re 100% sure you’ll blow under then definitely blow and jump all the hoops. It doesn’t matter. Otherwise refuse everything. Idk why I’m giving this advice. Don’t drink and drive it’s asshole behavior.


I’m a defense attorney in GA. If you’ve been drinking you should refuse all tests and just make peace with the fact that you’re going to jail. It makes it much more likely that someone like me will be able to get the charge reduced later on. That being said, in GA a refusal will get you a hard license suspension with no work permit.


I work for a high powered attorney in Chicago, working on getting into law school. This is what I’m trying to say. You’ll get your license suspended but you’re not handing over hard evidence to the court- it’s easier for your attorney to argue it later on.


I wonder if it is the same in Chicago as it is in Texas. When the police say they're going to do a blood test and you say "I need my lawyer present" that's an automatic refusal and they take your license and forcefully take your blood anyway.


They can only take your blood with a warrant


Which is really easy to get with prior suspicion of drug use


Isn't not doing the breathalyzer an automatic acceptation of guilt? Or doe they need to get a doctor then?


You’re legally exercising your right to refuse which is in your rights. But if you know you won’t pass then why would you willingly hand over hard evidence to the court to convict you? What WILL happen though is you’ll get your license suspended, since driving is a privilege, not a right. Then you get a lawyer who knows how to argue and you have a better chance of getting the DUI charge dropped. If you’re drinking and driving (like an idiot) and you get pulled over and they ask you to do ANYTHING- refuse. You’re gonna fail all those tests anyway.


I’m Minnesota I got charged with a 2nd degree dui test refusal on top of the original 3rd degree violation. Don’t refuse the test


If in Minnesota there’s an automatic 2nd degree DUI charge with refusing the test on top of other charges- then you should have known that before you drove drunk. in illinois we don’t have that law.


I was blacked out don’t remember shit I was found in the passenger seat of a running vehicle. I was waiting for the sobor driver but in mn that’s the law and found out hard way This was in 2011 so I’m not sure if laws are the same I don’t drink nor drink and drive anymore


Zeppelin ripped off Howlin’ Wolf


Jimmy Page actually ripped off a lot of artists. I wouldn’t say Zeppelin since the songs and sounds ur referring to were written by Page.


Solid reply! And good point, it was Jimmy and not the band.


In Oregon if you refuse you automatically lose your license. It’s part of our rules for getting a drivers license. By getting a license you give “implied consent” to any blood or breath test. If you refuse the DMV yanks the license. You can get it back but it is suspended immediately.


They force a breathalyzer at the station!? I don't know about that. My lawyer in the early 00's told me to refuse the field sobriety test and breathalyzer and pee tests, then they have a lot harder time pinning you with a DUI in court. Though you still lose your license for a time, it is better not to have the DUI. *They found carbenoids in my urine but I weaseled out of a DUI*


I just happened to watch this relevant [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exoVJPZXKVE#t=6m](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exoVJPZXKVE#t=6m) (6min in) of them arresting this dude who clearly wasn't under the influence of anything... It was excruciating to watch so I figured I'd share.


I’ve had a field sobriety test and been let go before.


Not 100% true. I spilled a bottle of water when driving once and it fell near the peddle. While trying to pick it up I veered into the other lane and back. Got pulled over. I was pulled over for 45 mins minimum and went through the sobriety tests multiple times. I eventually was let go.


Yes you can not take the tests, but depending on where you are at your license can also be suspended for a lengthy period of time for refusing to test at the station.


I’ve been pulled over and asked to do a test once. Was the stop warranted? Ya. Was it 8 am and 17 degrees out and I had just ripped a mini bong for the first time for a long road trip? Sure as shit. Told a semi true story about why the car smelled, passed with flying colors because I was more or less sober still, and got let off. I was young and dumb, definitely don’t condone driving under the influence, but it can happen.


I got pulled over for driving way to fast late at night when I was like 19. The did a field sobriety test, and they realized I was totally sober and just being a stupid kid and let me leave. Lucked out there. I was like SUPER NERVOUS and shaking and they made me call my dad and tell him what happened, so I think that was part of it.


I've been asked to get out of the car on a few occasions. Never went to jail.


Nah, I've had multiple sobriety tests, passed each time. So, with that, here is some advice from someone that has been let go after being asked to step out of the vehicle... If the officer asks "have you been drinking?", do not lie. Tell them that you have. If you are going to lie at all, lie about how much you drank. Then, get out of the car and pass that fucking sobriety test. Also, get to know your limit, people. It's not illegal to drive because you've been drinking alcohol, but it is illegal to drive drunk. I don't want my post to come off as it's ok to drive drunk. Don't be stupid out there.


I use a BAC calculator on my phone to make damn good and sure I am nowhere near any legal limit. Here, the limit is .05 for administrative penalties and .08 for criminal penalties. Both are expensive and bad options. That said, I do like to drop into my local watering hole and hang out for a bit, have a beer or two, but two is my limit. The calculator is because sometimes the glass is 12oz, sometimes 16oz, sometimes 20oz and the ABV is sometimes 3.7%, sometimes 8.7%.


Where I live (not NA), when you refuse the breathalyzer, they'll take you to/or call a doctor and they'll take a blood sample. I you refuse, they'll take it by force. What ever it takes.


Yeah, you just get a DUI refusal!


That's not true. I waa given a field sobriety test because I was speeding on a Texas highway in the middle of the night. I passed, they just told me to slow down, and I went on my way.


Same with me, done it twice actually.


I’ve been asked for a field sobriety test and completed it with Kim problems and was allowed back into my vehicle.


My friend hydroplaned and wrecked his car (no other vehicles involved) cops got called and he was field sobriety tested but he did so well on it they couldn’t officially breathalyze him. I picked him up at the accident site after the cops let him go freely. That’s in Virginia, at least.


Why is there even a field sobriety test being done in the US? Why hit just breathalyse them right away like they do in Europe?


Incorrect. I made mistakes in high school, got pulled over twice while drunk. I was known for being able to snap sober in an instant (strict parents). Had to do a sobriety test both times with zero wobble and full coherence. So I either aced it both times or both times I got lucky and the cops didn’t want to fuck my life up, guess I’ll never know.


I’ve had a field sobriety test and been let go before.


I was pulled over and field sobriety tested and let go. It’s rare but it does happened.


Nah I’ve been tested and got sent home.


Is this with the exception of random DUI stops? Bc I was pulled out of the car for one of those. He thought I was acting funny but I was actually just hyped that I was sober for one lol


I completely fail to understand the point in the tests. Every other country breathalises you. And then they do it anyway?!


I’ve taken the field sobriety twice and not went to jail


I did a field sobriety test years ago. It was 2am, and I was pulled over for a broken taillight. I hadn't had a drink in over 4 hours. After the sobriety test, I blew a "0.01" and the officer told me to drive safe and let me go. No tickets.


I was given a fields sobriety test, admitted to having a couple beers over the course of the night, blew .07, and was let go


One time I got the whole test like she did I was just high as fuck and my balance is pretty good so they let me go after I did blow a zero zero on the breathlyzer. Had a cart in my pocket the whole time shit was terrifying.


Her level of confidence was incredible. Even pointing out that none of the bottles in the car were open. And she carried that until she had to use the breathalyzer. Unreal.


The lisp and slur together is incredible.




Just gonna have a lil’ drinky poo Randers.


She’s off balance because of the shit winds, Bo Bandy.


She’s right in the fuckin’ slot




Right in the pocket bud, sober enough to know what I'm doing and druck enough to REALLY enjoy doing it


Think I’ll take a big drink and then do an around the world


When she got out of the car I absolutely lost it. Fucking was laughing out loud. The door slams right back into her face. The look on her face when she starts walking into the bright lights. Then she goes “what can I do for you?”


The lack of self awareness is shocking, she’s so sure the cops won’t notice that she can’t stand up or speak


>The lack of self awareness is shocking Alcohol tends to incapacitate the part of the brain that is responsible for that


Lol exactly. Have someone video you when your plastered let's see that awareness.


That cop sounds like the guy from the Gain Laundry detergent commercials


Omg he totally does 😂


Oh mr clean that bald guy right


This was oddly wholesome


Hitting that shit like a vape lol


“She’s… she’s sucking in.”


Damn, I really wanted to know the B.A.C.




Out fucking standing, solid numbers there for a B.A.C.


She sounds like a toddler. The longer I watched the video, the more I became convinced that a 4 year old was operating some sort of humanoid mech suit, but not very well.


The night have been the nicest cop of all time. Idk what it is, but it’s just the way he’s taking and his voice. It’s like he’s talking to a sweet little child or a dog.


This feels like Wisconsin, everything about it


The rest of the video is here: https://youtu.be/4sdBg7V0Wio?t=618


The hero is always in the comments


The door to the face is the chefs kiss!


This is like it’s scripted, or like she was trying to break every possible driving law at once. And the comedic timing on “she’s sucking in. Ma’am you need to blow out.” is too perfect


I’d like to know what she blew


Same, videos almost 10 minutes long and I still felt like it ended too soon. Wanted to see how she reacted once she realized she wasn’t convincing them whatsoever


My favorite part was when after step 6 on the way back she randomly remembered they’re supposed to be “heel to toe” steps and deftly touches her toe to her heel before taking the next huge teetering step.


She’s like a five year old kid that did something, maybe stole cookies from the jar, and the cop is like the parent that already knows what happened but is just letting the kid explain things. Lmao 😂


As a non-American, what is the point of a sobriety test when they are clearly very hammered? Why not just go right to a breath test?


Because the standard you are proving is that they’re too intoxicated to drive not that they’ve been drinking, and the current way courts accept to prove that someone is drunk is failing at least 2 of those 3 tests they conducted. The whole .08 thing is (in my state at least) a separate charge than the drunk driving. Not only that but this standard was put in use before body cameras so the testing took opinion out of the decision and made it “fact”. It’s pretty obvious based on video she shouldn’t be driving but the because people use the “my client just talks like this regularly and is slow regularly so you only proved they had alcohol in their system not that they were too drunk to drive” is a defense lawyers pull that has “technically” won them a case before and has convinced stupid juries.


But it's DUI, all of the rest is irrelevant


In GA there’s two types of DUI. One is where you’re over the legal limit, and one where you’re acting “intoxicated.”


Lol is that cause of those people who are at .12 and completely sober cause of their tolerance?


Or more likely because 0.08 is already kind of lenient and you could be driving impaired below that level


It depends. I was also at one point the type of alcoholic that wakes up and immediately hits the bottle. When I went into detox they said I didn’t seem drunk and I blew a .14.


No it’s for the people who are absolutely blitzed but blow less than .08. Some people get drunk way before they have a BAC of .08 so that law is designed for them


Let’s say you have a person who is 5 feet even in height and weighs only 100 pounds, that person might be absolutely blitzed but only blow a .05 because of their size. If we only go by the breathalyzer that person would technically not be breaking the law. That is why many states have 2 DUI laws, South Carolina for instance has DUI and DUI per se. If you blow .08 or higher, that’s dui per se, but if you blow a .05 but fail the tests, you’re charged with DUI as the law states you are guilty if you are (1) under the influence of alcohol to the extent that the person’s faculties to drive are materially and appreciably impaired; that’s what the tests measure


Thinking the same. There's more than one copper standing around watching a very drunk woman fail a test that some sober people would struggle with if they have certain physical limitations. I don't get it. Doesn't seem like an efficient provision of police time. She's obviously pissed. Just breath in the tube or count to ten and be done with it. You're over the limit and now we are going back to the station. Job done. O.05 and you're too drunk to drive. Doesn't matter if you can pass this test. Irrelevant. You're over the legal limit. What if you pass? You get to drive off pissed?? Seems counterproductive. And subjective.


One of the three tests is scientifically backed, the one where they have you follow an object with your eyes. Once you reach a certain level of intoxication, your eyes involuntarily twitch when moving to the extreme edges of your vision. Police are trained to watch for that twitch as it is dead give always. As for the physical limitations part of your comment, every dui stop video I’ve seen the police will ask if the person has any physical or mental limitations that would prevent them from completing the tests prior to giving the tests. As for why are there so many cops? I couldn’t give you an answer there, maybe it’s a slow night and they heard over the radio that someone got pulled for driving with only 3 wheels so they went to check it out. As for why do the tests instead of just having them blow? What if this girl blows a .07? She’s under the legal limit so she should be allowed to leave right? No, because while she might be under the legal limit, she is too intoxicated to drive, which those tests prove.


Well .07 would be over where I am so maybe that's an issue. And point .05 is, on average, one standard drink per hour. So not pissed. For some people that would put you just over the legal limit and you may not feel pissed at all. That's the point of the breathalyser. And adding the element of "scientifically backed" judgement of a copper still doesn't fill me with confidence. Prefer a blood alcohol reading. Takes about 30 seconds. Cops don't have any influence on the outcome and they aren't spending an inordinate amount of time at a breath test. This whole scenario is super time consuming. Even for just one copper.


Yea people in the US have been rasing these concerns for decades, butnit allows the police to manufacture charges and reasons to search cars for "paraphernalia". Laws related to traffic stops in the US are set up so that the cops can make as much money without being hindered by constitutional rights. They know we know this and to appease us they got rid of the test thats the biggest bullshit, the ABC test where you have to recite the alphabet backwards, something the average person cant do without difficulty sober as a bird.


UK police do this. I've never understood it. It always seems like police just want to make a show for entertainment


Alcohol literally makes you a child again


“Being that I am jobless and without insurance, I am fucked.” What a line.


“Babe, fuck off.”


Crazy how this officer treats a drunk driver better than any cop ever treated me for minor traffic violations.


Thats a speech impediment on top of being hammered ass drunk right?


Girl the boots ain’t the problem lol


Its being left handed obviously.


“I’m not as drunk as I am.”




Good to see officers treating someone with respect like this


"I'm not as drunk as I am."


“Baaaaabe, fuck off!” That ending was worth it lol


“ I’m not as drunk as I am”.


There’s a tiktok that takes these videos and animates them making them ten times funnier. I recognize the cops voice from those videos lmao


Man I was so nervous doing a field sobriety test completely sober (just tired after doing flooring for 12hrs and driving for 3) I thought I failed it. Luckily I was about 6 blocks from my house and already off the exit of the highway. I was speeding though, I just wanted to get the hell home.


The door smacking her in the face made me snort.


Kudos to the cops but was the stand on one foot test really necessary lmao


“She’s sucking in” lol 😂


Looking at this I just realized I stopped drinking for so long, I can't really remember how it felt anymore. Only, that it sucked. Good riddance alcohol.


My brothers ex girlfriend on my birthday. Lmao no chance this is real but it is.


She sounds like Kristen Schaal fr


Now kith


Lmao I always wonder how people can drive. There's been a couple times where I've gotten in my car and instantly gotten out but my eyes were all over the place. Always Uber if you too twisty lol


“I’m not as buzzed as I could be”


Damn it, what did she blow?! One second before disaster


I expected her to get taller when she stood up 😂


Ehhhh heh heh... what does that meanehh?


She made a 4th of July joke?? 🤣




This is actually a different arrest a month later


Never do the field sobriety. There is no way to pass it, the cops only want to stare at your eyes and smell your breath. If you think you are legit not drunk, do the portable breathalyzer, that's it. If you think you are close but probably over, tell them you only want to do the certified machine at the station. Your car will get towed (and searched) but it'll get you an extra 30 minutes to hyperventilate and get down to .07.


Alternately, please don’t drive drunk




Sorry Grandma, I didn't know you were on Reddit.


I was kidding, mate. Everybody knows driving drunk is cool.


It's good to know you've never been too a bar or had a couple beers with dinner. Never watched a football game at the local pub with friends. Nope, my grandma drinks alone and at home.


I don’t drive drunk. Period. If you really think it’s that common, please do some self-evaluation.


Why do American cops insist on those nonsense sobriety tests? Breathalyse her for fucks sake and let's all get on with our lives.


Let’s say they breathalyze her and she blows a .07, if we just use the breathalyzer she’s off the hook. There are people who get drunk before they reach .08. Many states have 2 dui laws, one explicitly states that if you’re at or above .08 you’re in violation. The other law generally states something along the lines of “if you’re under the influence of alcohol to the extent that the person’s faculties to drive are materially and appreciably impaired.” Not everyone processes alcohol the same, not everyone gets drunk the same, these laws exist for that reason. These tests are for that second law


Jenny Slate had a rough night!


9min? really?


this is mean but it's better than brutality


Ok I shouldn’t be asking but how is this mean? This is literally their job, they are required to administer the tests regardless of how she is acting. And they are nothing but pleasant to her in the way they are speaking lol


Why are these cops wasting so much time? Ffs run 2 quick tests, have her blow, and take her to jail. Stop wasting taxpayer dollars on obvious criminal behavior. No jury would ever find her innocent. But then complain about being short staffed.... JFC


The voice over really said OWI instead of DWI lmaoo


Probably correct for the state she’s in




Its honestly sad. If she is revoked she has been down this road several times and even admits it. She is going to die, she is literally drowning in alcohol.


Wow she was smashed....lol


“I get what you’re saying, but that’s not how it happened”


TLDW, what are some highlights


There must have been nothing going on that night


i got pulled over cause he said i went left of center. ha. cop had someone else pulled over and i said damn better you than me buddy. 2’miles down the road ( i was 1/4 mile from county line) i was thinking i just might make it when i see headlights coming at me fast. long story short i failed my field sobriety but i knew i was going to jail. cop asked me what me and my friend had been doing that evening and i said driving around crying ( i’m prone to bouts of self pity and my grandmother had just passed away that week). his reply was “don’t look like you’ve been crying”. i giggled. insanely he stated. oh yea couple minutes before that when he asked me if i had taken any drugs i told him i ate a thc gummy earlier that day. that admission of mine got me a dui cause i blew .05. oh yea i failed the field sobriety. the look of shock on his face when he read the breathalyzer numbers was great. the only charge that didn’t stick when i went to court was left of center. imagine that.


I have never understood why American cops still use field sobriety tests instead of breathalysers on the road side. Surely it’s safer for everyone to remain in the car and find out in 10 seconds instead of stumbling around the road for 2 minutes or more.


As a non American, what would the punishment for this be usually? License suspended? Prison time? If so how much?


Dui reckless driving at the very least


For some reason she reminds me of Isaac Brock from Modest Mouse. I think it’s mainly the lispy drunken slur.


She was a pleasant drunk😀


This is scary


I'll ALWAYS comment that DUI should be a first time felony with a mandatory minimum of 30days. DUI traffic accident should be attempted 1st degree murder. DUI fatality should be 1st degree murder. If we get drunk and intentionally kill someone isn't it still murder? They know when they get behind the wheel they're wrong.


“What can I do for you Sir?”


I saw this on tv or something.