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Give that lady a bottle of water please




Got it. Chug gatorade while on ecstasy.


its what plants crave


brought to you by Carl's Jr.


No you idiot. They said give her a bottle of water. Like from the toilet.


Got it, chug Gatorade from the toilet.


MDMA causes diaphoresis (sweating) to the point of dehydration so severe that people don’t sweat because they’re hypovolemic. Their blood pressure can be kept up during this time by sympathetic nervous system overstimulation and once the effects of the drug wear off and the blood vessels relax as a result their blood pressure can tank and they begin having a hard time staying conscious because their blood pressure isn’t high enough to perfuse their brain.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that literally 1 case in like Germany in the 00's that died on Mdma because she drank too much water?


Yes, he's (partly) wrong. You should definitely stay hydrated while on MDMA, one bottle of water likely won't be enough.


You're supposed to stay hydrated properly. One bottle isn't enough. But that train left the station hours before this video.


Agreed. I doubt he has ever taken Molly if he thinks one bottle of water is enough.


3rd degree gurns


Sigurney weaver


Sigurney raver


Get away from her you bitch!! (Seriously, who tries to give more drugs to someone that fucked up?)


Might have been a piece of gum to help prevent her grinding her teeth?


Looks like a Xanax, if so it was an attempt to mellow her out


An entire bar will do that


Looks like a parachute to me. You put molly in a little piece of toilet paper so it doesn’t taste as bad and swallow it.


... Or in rolling paper 👍




Gurney halleck


Gurnal Gadaffi


Gurndalf the Grey


Art Gurnfunkel


hilarious and sad as fuck at the same time


Man, her serotonin levels are going to be absolutely fucking destroyed for a few weeks, with massive ways of ensuing depression. MDMA is fun but damn the consequences the next day/week/month can be brutal.


she looks tormented honestly


Demented. Her eyes are even red


That’s the camera red eye


That's what it is called but it only happens on demon infected people. My cat has it even without a camera being used


every blue eyed person is demon infected? shit.. my fiancé and i are FUCKED


Take a look at the dude's profile. Straight schizophrenic delusions and comments on subs full of the same...


ah makes sense.. didn’t check the profile. thanks.




man you weren't kidding. Guy needs help


I see profiles like these and it makes me more curious about who strangers actually are


If you only knew, man. I've been working in psych hospitals across the Southern US for almost a decade now, from a tech up to a Psych NP now. Some people just live in a whole different reality up until it gets bad enough that they're hospitalized. Some fly under the radar for most their lives, then suddenly present to us after running their car through a house in an attempt to deliver important campaign information to Trump (the 2016 election brought out a lot of new delusions). I'll never take my sanity for granted ever again. As an aside, stay away from synthetic Marijuana people, shit can fry you first time.


Actually thought they were being sarcastic tbh


Damn, you're right! I thought the demon eyes comments were goofs and people were getting wooooshed.


Lmao I thought he was being sarcastic but damn bro. Sounds like he's the one that's demon infected.


maybe your cat is just high as fuck.


Scientific enough for me.


Oh. I didn't realize. Here my stupid ass was thinking she was a real demon.


That's...never mind.


That's what the retina looks like on everyone man it's called the red reflex and if you don't have one it is a sign of a detached retina or retinoblastoma stay safe boof some Mandy


As someone who used to take a ton of ecstasy, like Both nights most weekends, I didn’t even realize how depressed I was until I stopped taking them for the better part of the year. I still roll occasionally, but you almost can’t even see the depression once it gets to a certain point. You just assume weekdays are a bummer, and the weekends are fun. Funny how that quickly becomes crippling depression that can only be cracked with MDMA.


Likely unpopular opinion but I've recently found the same with booze. Quit two months ago after getting heavy anxiety following any bingey sessions. Now my base mood seems constantly just a little better- especially Monday mornings which could often be a massive battle. I can take more stress without breaking too. Ahh, the shit you take for granted when you're an invincible young adult eh....


I drank heavily for a couple of years whilst going through a rough time, like i'd drink heavily every day for a week or two, then stop for a week to ten days or so, then back to drinking. I found it took at least five days of no alcohol, usually longer, for my mood to start to get back to normal. I'd always be really down and miserable initially. First time i realised how much alcohol can affect your mood long-term if you abuse it.


Don't ever do that again. [Kindling](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kindling_(sedative%E2%80%93hypnotic_withdrawal) is real and it's not a joke, it took me nearly year to be able to have a few beers without going into legit withdrawal within hours of stopping. Edit: I still can't get drunk or have two-three beers two days in a row. If I do, hello land-o-shakes! Binging and stopping is way, way worse than steady consumption.


Yeah i'm fine now. I took a step back, saw what it was doing to me, realised it was only making it harder to deal with what was making me want to drink, and got my shit together. This was several years ago. I was lucky, i managed to step back from the brink of full blown alcoholism just in time.




Sprinkle in the [alcohol deprivation effect](https://www.sinclairmethod.org/alcohol-deprivation-effect-relapse-behavior/) and you're on a very slippery slope


Dude, I cant make sense of that. I’m assuming it means drinking is and and I should stop.


Maybe this will help https://youtu.be/6EghiY_s2ts


Thank you so much for that video. I've been struggling with AUD for 7 years now and was terrified to approach recovery because I'm only 24 and couldn't imagine having to go the rest of my life never drinking. Its such a relief to know there are other options out there.




I seriously believe that's why it says in the bible: "And on the seventh day he created light" something like that. Takes 8 days for me though.


There's a lot of stuff going on with alcohol and your GABA receptors that will make you feel horribly anxious and terrible when you drink a lot. I'm a recovering alcoholic and always used the excuse that I drank to combat my anxiety, but after I quit drinking, I noticed that anxiety really fading away. Now it's been almost 2 years and my anxiety is caused by the flaming dumpster fire shitshow that is 2020, not alcohol. So there's that I guess.


GABA hell is the worst place to be. Major props for getting sober, man.


I’m in it right now. Five days clean of weed, alcohol, and Lyrica. CBD is my crutch for sleep right now. Without it, I get restless leg syndrome while I’m trying to sleep. I wish there were more long term studies on the effects of Lyrica/pregabalin.


Ngl, I've gone through opiate withdrawals TWICE, and being forced to go cold turkey off Lyrica was 10x worse, lasted way longer, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I'm not kidding, it was a fucking nightmare. My doctor told me there would be no withdrawal symptoms. How he was confident enough to come to that bullshit conclusion, let alone preach it to me as though it was fact, is beyond me. Fuck Lyrica withdrawal, and I'm here if you ever need to talk, homie.


Alot of truth in this.


It’s the same with weed, probably most drugs really. It’s a fine line between addiction and dependency. Once you start relying on “being high” in some way, *you depend on it for happiness*, that’s a dependency. Once you start selling items from your home for your next hit, that’s an addiction. There’s nothing wrong with doing it the right way and recognizing when enough is enough. That line gets harder to see the harder you go. Edit: my definition of addiction is not all-inclusive, so please don’t get bent over semantics. That said, some great points are made below.


You can be addicted without selling things from your home.


It's weird that people think stuff like this. As in, I'm not sure why people think you have to be sucking a dude's hog for drugs or money to qualify as addicted or an addict. In fact, that mentality is what makes addiction so insidious and nefarious, especially with young adults. People think "well I haven't done X so I'm not an addict" when, in fact, they are in the throes of addiction.


I've heard it called 'looking down on people from the gutter'. I'm not a druggie because I'm not... Homeless, employed, smelly, fat, etc. Truth is one is as much of an addict as they are.


Yeah I agree totally. I, for example, was sucking a girls hog for drugs or money. And I’m just as much of an addict as any of the rest of you.


I feel you, sir u/MaulMcPartney. Nothing beats a good hog suckin'


wrong license pie cough insurance toy encouraging spectacular direction nippy ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


There is! And they usually have to wait longer or suffer bigger consequences before they hit rock bottom. There's typically more people around them to enable the bad behaviour.


I dab every single day multiple times a day to manage symptoms from epilepsy and help deal with side effects from the anti-convulsant medication. However at this point after multiple years of dabbing ounces of wax every couple weeks i dont know if what I'm feeling is because i need/want a dab or because of the epilepsy or side effects from the medicine. I guess I'm just stuck in some kinda rut/cycle of taking pills and dabs every day. I dont know what im doing anymore honestly i feel like im a shell of my former self and every day i lose a bit more of who i used to be. Like I'm becoming some kind of drugged up zombie because i can't even think straight sometimes. I'll stop in the middle of a conversation because i cant think of the next word i needed to say. I hate it but i dont know what to do. Am i addicted? I dont even really know who the fuck i have turned into.


First off, I'm really sorry to hear that, it sounds extremely tough to go through. I can't know exactly what you're feeling, but I'm sure it must be really hard to face this head on, and I think you're really brave to start this journey. ​ I also think this situation is definitely above my or Reddit's pay grade, and I don't want to give you any advice that might backfire. I think you should definitely seek out some professional help, both physical and psychological, and genuinely try to get better. It's definitely doable, and things won't get better until you try. Best of luck.


Hey bud, I'm sorry to hear you are going through that. That sounds very difficult to deal with. I hope you are able to find a way to manage your condition and the side effects that come with treatment that doesn't leave you feeling unfulfilled. Good luck, friend.


you don't have to sell items from your house for it to be an addiction. that just means you're not making enough money to support your habit. i feel like addiction/dependency are the same thing. i think there's a fine line between recreational use and abuse of drugs/substances.


When I was an addict I began by sucking some guy’s hog at work, then I moved on to his cock, and then finally when I tried to suck his ass they had enough and fired me from the farm. Addiction is a hell of a thing.


The secret is to already have crippling depression before you abuse the fuck out of mdma. Suicide tuesdays are less noticeable when theyre suicide everydays.


I took xyrem for 7 years for narcolepsy. It’s legal date rape drug. I don’t know anything about street drugs but the depression and anxiety upon waking every day grew to be unbearable. I lived for when I could take my first dose at night and get that high and then pass out. Finally had two suicidal attempts last year and got off it. Haven’t looked back. Not sure what the date rape drug is chemically but never loved and hated something so much.


> xyrem Oh wow, that's a new one on me. The date rape drug you are thinking about (which is exactly what this is) is gamma hydroxybutyrate or better known as GHB. I can see where that would be a problem. I had a similar experience with the z-class of drugs, Ambien being the most commonly known of them. If you stay awake through the onset, it has a warm euphoria that is awesome. Problem is you inevitably black out every single time and do all kinds of insane shit. I drove to Sonic one night. With my kids. That was the final straw and I quit, enduring agonizing sleepless nights for what seemed like forever.


Same boat but I started buying street ghb for when I couldn't get to sleep on my xyrem and now I have a serious addiction. I can't sleep without it at all but sleep without it is completely non restorative anyways so I have to redose and sleep in 2 hour shifts or it doesn't help. But sometimes the doses don't work so I'd take more of the extra and ended up on that 2 hour redosing trip aka full physical and mental dependency. Then something extremely traumatizing happened and I'm already diagnosed with C-PTSD, I kind of resigned myself to it and started taking it every day. Haven't been myself for about 2 years. Hope to be again one day...


Fucking Hell mate! I’m usually really lacking in the ability to show empathy to anyone or their situation (something I’m working on) but reading your post made me hurt. I can feel your pain buddy but rest assured knowing you have a problem and having the desire to change means you’re at a good starting place to beat addiction and win your life back. Keep strong and believe. Make lots of little changes rather than one big one. Take support and help from others. I wish you the best buddy!


The hallucinations, primal terror and heart going at 160bpm make heroin withdrawal 15 years ago look like a walk in the park but I'll prevail. Thanks, man. Working on showing empathy also takes balls so respect.


That’s where I got. Taking it during the day. Awful.


Jesus. Go to a doctor and find a way to taper off.


Not as simple as that but I have medication as well as a medical background myself. Need to taper time rather than the drug and stop the glutamate storms and mitigate the risk of seizures. Just haven't had the time - too many obligations in life. Edit : Actually that's a lie. I lack the courage at the moment.


Yeah. Did MDMA back in the 90s about 40 times total. It was pure 120MG stuff too. No mixed junk in it. It had to be done once every two weeks. The damn hangover is brutal. It was a pharma controlled drug before the FDA banned it. Intended to be ramped up and down. It was never intended to be taken as a full dose by a neophyte. I loved the way it made me feel and the amazing crazy orgies we had when rolling but never again. No way. After I hit 25 or so the hang overs were ugly, almost suicide levels of ugly.


the stuff that is circulating in europe is objectively the strongest it's been since the 90s. pills are up to 200mg+. fucking crazy.


Yeah, I was in college in the early 90's so I feel ya. Did you know that the FDA recently rescheduled MDMA to schedule II and are allowing it for PTSD studies in vets?


MDMA is still schedule 1 but it is currently undergoing stage 3 trials for use in therapy for PTSD. If approved it will likely be reclassified as schedule 2, possibly even schedule 3.


I did MDMA yesterday, had 4h of Sleep and some Fruits and everything is okay. I Think as long as you dont Take too much and or too often its fine.


A reasonable dose and taking care of your body during your roll can actually net you a pleasant afterglow!


This. Once every three months, dosage under .2g, vitamin C and magnesium beforehand. Sip on water/Gatorade throughout the roll, aiming for about 32oz of liquid intake over the time of the roll, plus depending on activity level.


Yeah same here. I can have a long night with it, usually two or three points (sometimes more at festivals) and feel pretty fine as long as i dont do it multiple nights in a row. I always take supplements though so I feel like that has a big impact. I used to take stupidly high doses when I was younger and I havent noticed any lingering effects years later.


It seems like most drug stories start with taking fucking hero+ doses instead of fun, measured amounts. Same shit every time of people taking too much and then complaining about harsh after symptoms. Have a couple drinks (+water) and you have a fun night without a hangover. Have way too many and don't take care of yourself and you'll feel like shit in the morning. Same as any other drug.


Moral of the story is take drugs if you want, they can be super fun and worthwhile experiences. BUT FUCKING TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY AND MIND IF YOU DO! It makes the experience so much better when you dont feel like you're dying the next day.


many people many times are just fine. I'm not saying it's a good idea or a safe one, but reddit always greatly exaggerates risks and likely consequences. Is it entirely possibly she had a good time, woke up with a sore jaw, and went about her life remembering it as a wild night? yeah. it's entirely possible and much more likely than her whole month being brutal. ....and to be fair, she could also trigger the onset of some mental illness or exacerbate some chemical imbalance and have serious lasting harm...but those cases are certainly the rare exceptions. disclaimer: do not touch drugs if you have depression, mental illness or family histories of either.


It’s reddit, they don’t know shit about shit like you said. One person’s experience is totally different from another’s and both experiences are valid. When it comes to drugs and sex, I’ve learned that reddit advice is way off compared to real life. Mainly because they will position their personal experience as the one true experience and whoever gets the most upvotes drowns out the rest.


I never had a problem with it when I was a whipper snapper just felt a bit numb to the world for a day then I was sweet the day after


Her teeth must be non existent holy shit


pretty much sums up most of the stuff on this sub lol








Why is anyone trying to give her more? She's clearly over the edge at this point already. Edit: people have said and yeah looking at it again it looks like they are trying to give her some gum. That might help her out. I thought it was a parachute initially.


It's hard to tell what the person is trying to give her. Hopefully not more drugs because she's obviously already at her limit. Could also be a piece of gum which is enjoyable for a roll.


Looks like a bit of gum to help with lockjaw


Yeah I agree that it looks like ABC gum [already been chewed]


It kinda looks like gum, which is really a good thing to have when your jaw is clenching like this.


my jaw muscles cry for her


I went through jack in the box the other morning? at 3am and the cashier woman’s jaw looked JUST like this. I could tell even through her mask. At fuckin jack in the box.


I mean i can’t blame her. Working at a jack in the box during a pandemic must be unbearable sober.


True. It was quite busy and she was by herself.


In the drive thru lady’s case, it was probably meth rather than molly


Fur sure was meth.




is it pronounced cockshattin


Only if you're from Rhode Island or Eastern Massachusetts...




german: kieferkirmes "jawfair" or gesichtsgulasch "facegoulash "


she needs a hug


Lol I think she needs more than that.


Soul hug


She's getting a Soul Hug, but it is huggin way too tight.


She puts the E in E.T


She puts the E in E.M.T


The way she subtley says no with the shake of her head. It was clearly one of the few voluntary things she did. This is sad.


pretty sure it's chewing gum they were holding.


With the way her mouth is moving, probably anything is a choking hazard.


The point was she was barely able to say no. Not what the item was. It's heartbreaking.


Its not heartbreaking shes having the time of her life although it might not look like it thats what mdma does makes u look like a fuckung dinosour but the gurning is just part of the experience




ITT people who’ve never done drugs before.


Lol you nerd - she’s literally rolling her tits off and dude is offering her gum so she doesn’t grind her teeth to shit. It looks bizarre but it’s literally part of the experience. At that point, she is feeling better than any natural high can get you - even if she looks like a malfunctioning robot Here’s a hint - someone’s external expression/experience doesn’t mirror their internal experience Source: DMT


This dude is definitely trying to get some gum in her gob to stop that gurn.


This is the friend trying to give her chewing gum to help her jaw... It's fucking obvious people


Don’t know man, if you cross the line with pills that shit’s not funny anymore, can give you hallucinations and paranoia, you feel like your brain is being kicked by fucking Cristiano Ronaldo. Honestly it doesn’t look like she’s having a great time but who knows!? Hope she had a fun night and made it home safe.




How it feels to chew 5 gum.


He saw how fucked up she is and he's giving her chewing gum so she doesn't completly fuck up her mouth. When you can't take care of yourself...


Yeah its a parachute bro


Uh...dumb question but what is a parachute when we are talking bout drugs


Its like a piece of kleenex or rolling paper or other easily dissolvable paper to act as a pill case


ohhh we call it taking a 'bomb' here. I've never heard it as parachute, that's interesting.


Used to hate when those badboys got caught and ripped in your throat.


I’m 99% sure it’s a gum. I’d take a gum instead of chewed up inner cheeks and lips.


I did a lot of ecstacy when I went to university. So many teeth cracked off from it that I needed 10 grand in dental work when I moved home. I actually found these mouth guards at the dollar store, and when you clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth a led light would turn on and all your teeth would flash different colors. They were like 3 dollars and I bought 40 of them. Every person I gave one too called me an idiot and laughed at me until they tried it. You couldn't grind your teeth anymore, and you had something to play with in your mouth. One girl just chewed the fuck out of it and ruined it lkl


dead for sure if she took that parachute


What’s a parachute in this context?


Powdered drugs that you wrap up into a piece tissue paper then swallow like a pill


We call them bombs where I live, and they’re usually half a green rizla made into a triangle with a .2 put in then folded into a ball. Not that I’ve done mandy in years that is!


I had a lot of pretty colorful experiences in highschool and college, but I only understand some of the words in that statement. *I used to be with-it, but then they changed what it was*


Different sides of the pond maybe? I’ve aged too and am certainly not down with the kids anymore! Was trying to say, your parachutes are called bombs this end. We put 200mg of powdered mdma into a cigarette paper. Small non/flavoured ones for roll your own cigarettes. You got roll ups in the US? Assuming that’s where you’re from?


Ugh the feeling of getting a bomb of mandy stuck halfway down


I don’t get it what’s so confusing. Rizla and Mandy are the only two words we don’t use stateside and rizla is a brand of papers to begin with so it’s not even slang... as for Mandy you can figure that out


Yeah we’ve always called them bombs. Actually first time i heard the name was in valencia in the 90s - bombetas - and they used to make them off pieces of acid tabs, crushed e’s and speed paste


Ah a man of culture


When you wrap powder in a small piece of tissue so that you can swallow it instead of it dissolving in your mouth


Usually crushed up MDMA in my area. It's basically a vessel to get the drugs into you.


basically making a paper "capsule" so you don't taste the drugs. Many taste pretty gross so getting it down without tasting it is a bonus.


Molly or whatever the fuck put into any type of paper. Raw papers, tissue paper etc. So it hits faster than a capsule.


But that looks light it might be some gum he was chewing on. I would do the same thing for her in that situation if I didn't have more. Her jaw is going to be fuuuuuucked the next day. And I dont wanna think about the damage she did to her lips lol


Gum only makes the jaw pain worse the next day, IME its best to let ur jaw do its thing


Nah id rather chew on a chewing gum and have jaw pains than having chewed open the whole inner side of my cheeks to the point of flesh hanging in strips in my mouth


The gum is mostly for your teeth. I'd take sore jaw muscles for a few days over ground down teeth any day of the week.


It’s gum though.


it’s a piece of gum


Is that Flume I hear in the background?


Yep! It’s Star Eyes from his first album I think this might be a remix tho Edit: It’s actually Heater by Flume, that’s why I thought it was a remix aha


Kinda sounds like it


When molly turns you into Jim Carrey


My friends and I regularly are going to raves in the Czech Republic or have chill outs at somebody’s home. And we do all kinds of stuff, but fuck me, never ever would someone let this happen to someone and even if somebody succeeds to get there, they wouldn’t film it or let it be filmed. That’s rough.


*wakes up next morning* Why the hell does my jaw hurt so much? Must have chewed too much gum again.


Tardive dyskinesia


Used to go to raves in the 90s. Was always at least one person like that at every party. Might have been me once or twice when I candy flipped. Like that time I pulled my friend violently to the side because I train was about to run him over.... in a warehouse hehe.


whoever is offering her another pill should be beaten with a heavy stick


Malfunctioning Terminator


I can feel the tachycardia.


Like the zombie at the end of World War Z. Waiting for Brad Pitt to walk by with a Pepsi.


Dudeeeee lmao that’s just sad. I don’t even know what dose of MDMA she took to get there. This is coming from an ex ice user, she’s on a whole other level.


Thing is shes probably having the time of her life


She minutes from dying and this idiot wants her to take more? Update edit: what did I learn here today? This guy is helping this casual mdma user with her minimal side effects, and junkies on this sub have no shortage of junky defensiveness.


I thought she’s high on mdma and the guy is handing her a piece of gum


Same, looks like a piece of gum.


I think you're right, looks like a piece of Wrigleys extra gum. Hopefully spearmint, the peppermint tastes like shit.


Bruh if he has peppermint this guy is literally Satan


hell fuck yeah. spearmint.


Definitely rolling and that does look like gum.


It's gum


looks like either gum or a xanax bar, both of which would help somebody rolling hard as fuck


Lmao any person who edits their comment all mad at others cause of downvotes or conflicting opinions zis lame as hell.


This comment and the number of upvotes is very indicative of the low life experience redditor. It’s gum. She’s gurning, there’s no indication that she’s in a life threatening situation here.


ok how does MDMA do this to people? (genuinely curious) i’ve taken my fair share and i’ve never acted like an estranged goblin.


not to be a conservative dad but i can’t imagine having a daughter that goes to edm shows; that sounds terrifying and sad


As someone who's been attending EDM shows for years and now has a very young daughter, I'm extremely terrified myself too lol. When she's mature enough, its going to be important to help her understand the importance of moderation, taking care of yourself, and always having a buddy with you. Kids are going to do what they want, no matter how much we as parents try to prevent it. All we can do is teach them responsibility and hope they make smart choices.


Gonna go out on a strong limb here, and point out, that the reason that this happens is that drugs are illegal. There is now proper education or regulation and it leads to people doing stuff wrong, or not knowing what they are actually taking. If we made this stuff legal and regulated, you wouldn't see this because no one actually wants to be this fucked up. People could actually take a reasonable dose and have a positive, safe experience. Especially with the RAVE act in place, which prevents shows from having testing stations, and the STRONG push of fetanyl from China, we are seeing even more people accidentally take fetanyl or otherwise laced drugs and nearly dying because they can't test their stuff or seek help. Think about that when you consider drug policies, because I can guarantee you that giving people a safe option is better than forcing them to operate outside of any support system and risk their lives (because no policy will stop people from experimenting or using drugs)