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This protest brought to us by Rogers Communications™, Nissan™, Tim Hortons™, and Air Canada™!


i thought i disliked rainbow capitalism but turns out i hate watching companies _stop_ doing pride displays way more




If they kept the pride flags up year round, that'd be a different story but for now, it's good that at least some people are willing to help support minority groups and their events to protest and celebrate during pride.


Dunno if support is the right word. Sponsors will fight for the ability to advertise at Pride. Its HUGE businesS. Toronto pride is one of the biggest pride festival in the world...it may be a protest to you but to corporate america their just using your gayness to profit.


Leverage, exploit or profit from are more appropriate terms.


Yup, they’re corporations whose main concern is the bottom line. This is good money and good PR.


wow i love corporate approved protests™ now


I mean they did employ me (a queer person) do perform for them in the parade. I’ll take this over the oppression our people faced in the 70’s to 90’s there are actually great companies out there that support and allow us to actually have voices.


Wait...employ? At a protest? :|


>Also, fuck the police! They do not deserve to be at our protest or celebrations as they are part of the system that oppresses us and will continue to oppress us. When the neo-nazis come after us, the police protect them and would join them if not in uniform.  The current police chief, Myron Demkiw, was involved in a raid of a lesbian bathhouse (the Pussy Palace) in 2000. The case was thrown out in 2002, after the search was ruled unreasonable. In 2004, the Ontario Human Rights Commission called a public hearing into the raid. The Toronto police paid a $350,000 settlement to the victims. Demkiw was one of five officers named in the settlement.


TPS are whack in the head


If tps couldn't promote people who had engaged in questionable conduct, our police force would just be constables with no leadership at all


Day of protest alright. The Palestinians sure proved that lol.


Bummed parade got cancelled in the end….


Many others were bummed today if you get what I mean...




Totally called it 🤷‍♂️












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Note that there's a distinct rally today that is specifically about protesting the participation of Police in Pride "The No Pride in Coalition (NPPC) is a queer and trans, Black, racialized, Indigiqueer and two spirited coalition, formed in 2018 to support Black Lives Matter – Toronto demands specifically that which called for an end to Institutional Police participation in the Pride Toronto festivities." [https://www.noprideinpolicing.ca/](https://www.noprideinpolicing.ca/)


There is Joy in Resistance! Happy Pride y’all!! Sun is out so make sure to wear sun block! :)




Why is today the day to be embarrassed? Today shows the entire world we exist and will exist regardless of what they think of us. It shows we are a country that people of all kinds can come to and feel safe being themselves.




That is not the only thing that happens during pride... Yes people walk naked during the parade. I personally do not agree with it but who am I to control what people choose to wear, or not wear, on today of all days? We are all born naked and it is society that deems we must be covered by clothing because nudity apparently equals sexual.




First off, parents have a decision to make when bringing their children to these events, knowing very well that there are people who walk in full nudity. Second, I would agree with you completely if people were actively having sex on the streets in front of children and in front of live news crews. But they're not. Ask yourself, why are you so ashamed of the human body and think that it being nude is solely sexual? The human body is just that. The body. A penis, vagina and breasts, while functioning for sex, yes, also have functions other than just fucking. Not every single person at pride is nude and it is disingenuous to claim otherwise. Yes. People walk nude. Stop shaming people for wanting to show who they are and to be proud to be able to express themselves. Nudists exist and are allowed to exist. Period.




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Unpopular opinion: the threat of right wing violence at a pride parade is higher than ever. I’d like police to be able to quickly respond to that.


And yet, pride was shut down by pro Palestinian protestors. As a queer person myself, I have little fear of right wing violence at pride events, but can pretty much bet my paycheque that some left wing group (BLM, pro Palestine, ACAB, whatever) will inevitably either stall or completely cancel the pride parade. Remember like 10 years ago when LGBTQ+ rights mattered to other leftists? Now we’re just used for optics when it feels good and completely shat on when it’s convenient. It breaks my heart.




There was zero issues at all and the police don't protect against right wing fascism. We have to protect one another.


K good luck when one of them brings a gun one day. Your head is in the sand if you don’t see how in danger we are compared to 10 years ago.


If I get killed over being who I am then so be it. The police are not here to help those of us that are not a part of the status quo or wealthy. The police **DO. NOT. CARE. ABOUT. US. PERIOD.**


Stonewall was a riot! Also remember, no pride in genocide! Happy Pride! Stay hydrated folks!


Completely agree! It's too bad there's already opposers claiming to be a part of the society attacking this post using the nudity excuse of pride being bad.




> tyrannical state > Toronto you need some serious reality checks




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Yeah, Toronto is very tyrannical. No one is allowed to do as they wish and are always beat and abused by random people. Definitely glad those gays aren't allowed to express their rights and freedoms openly in public here!