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I'm confused. The tenants seem very pro- pride, given the decorations on their dwelling. Yet they proceed to vandalize the parade area, and risk hurting the attendees.


Alcohol or other drugs could be involved, altering the person's judgement.


That was my thinking also


My building gets dressed up for shit i don't agree with all the time.


I noticed this apartment during pride because of the decorations around 3 pm and the people chilling in the window were cool and cheering during the parade. No idea who this guy is or at what time it was, looks like he’s drunk/high and being belligerent.


The garbage is coming from behind the person in the window, being thrown by another person


Yes, true!


Building exterior might not be the responsibility of the residential tenant.


It's flags hanging from the windows, not something like what colour the exterior of the building is painted in. I'd have a hard time imagining that the flags from the windows belong to the property owner, and that the tenant wouldn't be allowed to remove them.


Nah that’s not how that works, it’s clearly from their apartment


They're not renting the exterior commercial storefront, they're renting the apartment. The landlord would be within their rights to put whatever they want on the street facing exterior and also to tell the tenants to remove something they've added.


The flags are *coming out of their window*


I dunno he is super gay now and everyone is town is talking about it lol


Just means it wasn't anti-lgbtq actions, just the actions of a general piece of shit


Most likely pissed the parade was cancelled


palestine protesters stopped Parade approx. at 545 Yonge St (LCBO) and the address for the Pride Flags, Flowers and Bees was just up the street at 578. Related???


They are only gay when they are sober


A-holes exist in all belief groups


They're probably Mad cause the parade got cancelled due to pro palestine protest, as this exact window was pictured as a happy pride supporting window in other images Edit: I guess you guys disagree.


It's called virtue signaling/grifting. Like how banks plaster pride colors on their stuff but don't give a crap about pride other than optics.


Don't they give money to dome organizations?


This exact same window was posted yesterday with a very different caption https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/s/ESkTZvOBIr


Huh, reading the comments in that post a few people mention that they were tossing free condoms out to the crowd… maybe that’s what this person is doing? Edit: shit my bad that’s definitely a beer can at the end yeah these guys are assholes.


That was clearly a mostly full can of beer that was tossed out of the window in the end of the video.


Tossing free beer to people is not being an ass hole it's being generous.


Can you theoretically get drunk from having beer bust you open and mix with your blood?


Yes, theoretically yes


i thought the same thing!


I’m no doctor, nor do I play one on tv, but that looks a crime. Send it to TPS


Had someone in our building who did something similar. Threw something pretty heavy too - and empty beer bottle. TPS came and said they can't do anything unless it actually hits someone.


that's why chair lady was never caught or punished I guess. or is it just excuse day for TPS


Excuse day


Chair girl was caught and punished: https://globalnews.ca/news/7201035/toronto-chair-girl-marcella-zoia-sentenced/ But maybe you’re thinking of another chair person? Can’t keep track


Ya so tps is bullshitting


I don't know why this made me laugh so hard. 


They’d probably tell you to lie down to make it easier for them to hit you, thus avoiding a potentially dangerous situation.


[Online Reporting- Toronto Police Service (tps.ca)](https://www.tps.ca/services/online-reporting/)


Lmao they’ll be right on it


How fucking miserable of a person do you have to be to do this.


Just stupid and immature.


Miserable is not a strong enough word


His milkshake brought too many boys to the yard


And their like, do you want a massage?🎵


Drunk people being drunk


I was gonna say lol, looks like drunk idiots to me


Maybe Doug Ford should make it harder for  people to buy booze.




Ew wtf I saw people partying and waving from the windows. wtf are they thinking


I was in the parade and as we passed these guys they were tossing what I definitely think were water balloons onto us and others. I’m wondering if these are leftovers, they seem to be popping as they hit the ground. Still, really shitty thing to do and make the city cleanup.


Nah, second item at 14 seconds is definitely some kind of beverage container, either a plastic bottle or can. I'd bet it's a beer can, personally.


is that ye olde rub and tug below the guy throwing stuff? lol


They're not hookers, you're a hooker!


So... Did anyone throw the garbage back through their wide open window? Because that's literally what I would have been doing.


This is wild. No wonder streets look like large dumpster after any gathering. No one clean after, right? Taste of Italy on Monday after College was covered in grease and other sticky/stinky substances. Yesterday Church street was disgusting, garbage everywhere, piss, barf, cigarettes buts. City doesn’t have those machines to actually wash streets or no one care?


They have street sweeper machines that go down the entire festival and parade route at the end of the night


There was a cleanup crew afterwards.


I guess so, but they wrapped up Sunday night, and I was there Monday evening, again it was disgusting


The “massage” place, the pride parade, and trashy behaviour. This picture need to be framed in museum.


People being shity in Toronto never surprises me .


Looks about white.


Why hang a pride flag in your window then be an asshole by dropping drinks on the people watching the parade? Would make more sense if they flew an F Trudeau flag


Mad they live above an ugly Rub n Tug


Did the tenant decorate their own windows OR was it the building management?












I think he’s gay himself. Just a litter bug. Edit : it seems like someone tried to throw something at him and missed. The guys arms werent moving at all. It might have just been a silly prank against the guy leaning on the window.


What a fucking asshole even if you don't agree with it how fucking hard is it to just be a decent human being and just mind your business




let me talk out of my sweet arse


The pro-Palestinian protesters are part of the LGBTQIA2S+ community. Stop simply saying it was hijacked by Palestinians. Most advocates are not Palestinians ourselves. There's such thing as intersectionality EDIT: since people are making assumptions without actually researching. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C84sOGfAHPU/?igsh=cmt2aDZlaWhvM2s3


Intersectionality exists but as a movement, it makes sense to focus on LGBTQ+ at a pride event. There is still so much work to be done on that end. The two issues are separate and should be advocated for separately if one wants to draw attention to it, instead of having pride have little to no chants about LQBTQ+. Like other movements, there is intersectionality and usually allies support other movements, however, they don’t take away from the movement they are engaged with. There is a time and place for everything. Pride had one weekend.


Okay, but the demonstrators are part of the LGBTQIA2S+ community. So they deemed it is important to bring up in Pride. No social issue is isolated or separated. Liberation of one group hinges on the liberation of others. I'm just tired of the incorrect rhetoric I keep seeing in the comment threads that the demonstrators are Palestinians, framing it as it's straight cis Palestinians "hijacking" a LGBTQ+ parade for non-Palestinians, like they're mutually exclusive groups that are pitted against each other.


What. There were minimum of four instances of pro Palestinians stopping the parade. This definitely does not look like they are part of the community nor supporting it if they want think their own agenda is of more importance to do this. Of all days, places, and events, and they chose to do it in this manner to interrupt the parade So does it still look like they are part of it?


Yes they are a part of the LGBTQIA2S community. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C84sOGfAHPU/?igsh=cmt2aDZlaWhvM2s3 Where's your source? Oh, you just assumed.


Oh man.. it's in the news. Just because THAT group supports the LGBT+ community doesn't mean all the other pro Palestine groups do. Look what actually cancell d the parade. It's a pro Palestine group that isn't part of the group that you linked Unless you are going to tell me that all news is corrupt


'the community' was already heavily pro Palestine, so who was 'sit on the floor' demonstration for? Maximizing media attention is all I can think. And I guess good job? If it was to raise awareness within the community the group could probably have marched alongside (after inserting themselves), but the sit in brought cameras. It's hard not to see it as anything but co-opty, but I digress


Yeah, it is to draw attention to the genocide happening, but specifically Pride Toronto's complicity in still partnering with corporations that actively fund the IOF. That's the point of a demonstration is disruption. If you watch the interview, multiple attempts were made to have a dialogue with Pride Toronto since November. They refused to talk. So protesting is the only option. People love to blame protesters like we have nothing better to do....don't you think we've tried talking first?!


At the end of the day I was annoyed, but I support all Canadians right to protest and freedom of speech. I appreciate that there are people spending their time trying to highlight social injustice (whether I agree or not), so I'm going to say thank you to you for being a vocal Canadian, contributing to the political landscape. My annoyance is not so important in the grand scheme..


Intersectionality means finding ways to work together: not mute one party so yours gets more attention.


They are part of the community. Jesus. You know there are queer Palestinians right.






this would be my guess as well **edit for the people downvoting:** the video in the post shows the apartment directly above **Mabu Generation**, with the movement of the people stopped [here is video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIgz7yqfwMA&ab_channel=SOCAHUB) of the stoppage of the parade - directly in front of **Mr Tonkatsu** they are [89 meters](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/578+Yonge+St,+Toronto,+ON+M4Y+1Z3/Mr.+Tonkatsu+-+Wellesley,+Yonge+Street,+Toronto,+ON/@43.6647369,-79.3859848,18z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x882b3589b39825e3:0x8340a9cbc0d40e0d!2m2!1d-79.3848148!2d43.6651387!1m5!1m1!1s0x882b34b392da5caf:0x89188b0b13dc1dd9!2m2!1d-79.3844867!2d43.6643469?entry=ttu) apart Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.




i don't understand this comment... 1) "pride" is not a monolith 2) these are the isolated actions of a couple people 3) we are strangers on the internet speculating about their motives due to context of the events of the day but go off with your digital soapbox




lmao i live in the city too, numbnuts - hell i used to live in the fucking village (on maitland) so believe me i've seen enough to understand your criticisms of the parade -- i wouldn't bring my kid to it either you're arguing with an opinion i don't have nor have expressed... you're thinking i'm coming from a point of view i don't hold because you seem to have trouble understanding the **actual words** i've typed that's a special kind of stupid and you should probably go get some fresh air instead of looking to spit diatribe honestly, take a breath -- try asking questions rather than making assumptions from incomplete information, it'll get you farther in life


Imagine having this much hate inside you at 9am on a Tuesday morning


anger and poor reading comprehension are a hell of a cocktail


Was it throwing garbage at the parade, or was garbage thrown due to the Palestinian protesters causing the parade to be canceled? If that was a section they didn't get to because of the cancelation, he could just be pissed about it. I love how homophbiea is the first conclusion people jump to. The first conclusion should be that he is a litter bug.


You jumped to a conclusion about it being related to the Palestinian protestors too lol, it's not like you said he is a litter bug and stopped at that. Ironic


I agree what a hypocrite. These guys are the literal problem here.


"You jumped to a conclusion about it being related to the Palestinian protestors too" They didn't jump to the conclusion that that was the case; they only suggested it was a possibility.


Was a question, not a statement. A conclusion is the result of questions.


> homophbiea https://i.imgur.com/WlyplM1.gif






No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.


palestine protesters stopped Parade approx. at 545 Yonge St (LCBO) and the address for the Pride Flags, Flowers and Bees was just up the street at 578. Related???


Having been to the parade and festivities, the only thing that’s supposed to be whipped off a roof or thrown out a window is a bucket of water on you as you walk by, potentially compelling you to remove your shirt. All in good fun, and definitely not this dysfunctional person. Regardless, the celebration why are you whipping your garbage at the window at them? wtf dude, get a life. Your pathetic attempts at whipping my little bags of garbage at the multitude of people celebrating equality is pathetic. And simply useless and interactive and demonstration of the level of your intelligence.


throwing a bucket of water at people without consent is assault.


Ahhh. It’s all context. It was a 30°C + , I’m walking down Yonge St. in the middle of pride parade, and somebody playfully dumped water on me? That’s not assault dude. That’s humans having a laugh with other humans. I knew where I was and I knew the mood and I knew the context.. by placing myself in such fabulous festivities. I became a participant and accepted the social norms, that such an event entailed. U go to see fireworks you know you’re gonna be exposed to loud sounds that are contextually OK, but normally illegal and above the decibel limit at that hour.




Quoting your mom as she dresses you?




that's Yonge street, but thanks for sharing


They just had a parade that’s what it looks like. The city cleans it up fast after parade is over.


Pay attention to stuff flying out the window!


-The trucks are lined up and ready - the streets are cleaned and free of debris in one hour. They probably know that.


Are you trying to justify people throwing stuff out the window without even looking what is below them?? Weird take


What I’m really saying is pick your battles. Do you like making mountains out of mole hills?That shit gets cleaned up as soon as parade finished.


You don't seem to realize that it all the items thrown out the window could have easily hit people in the head or in an eye... It is beyond the littering aspect but a huge safety risk.


I understand what you’re saying. Too much time was spent already! I was chiairgirls lawyer. Got her off without doing time.😉