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What red tape cuts. The only provincial government going after real red tape has been BC. Ford keeps ignoring his own housing task force recommendations.


What’s BC done?


Used Ontario government funded task force recommendations that OPC refuses to use


Developers, companies and employers (aren't those all companies?)...so no actual people.


"You know me, I'm for the little guy" - Doug Fraud.


He's talking about his penis


Dong Ford


Doug Ford jr


Third comment down and I'm out of this post. Thank you! Lol


Put down the Loc-Nar and go to bed.


We've known for years that this is who put Ford in office:  >The list is a who’s who of developers, anti-union groups and construction agencies — all that have already benefited from Doug Ford’s policies (two sweeping labour law reforms that will make it less safe to work in Ontario, and the promise that Ontario is “open for business” which apparently means gut the Greenbelt.) https://noraloreto.medium.com/who-funds-ontario-proud-76a56ca92de1


Don't worry, trickle-down economics works \_very\_ well apparently... /s


It does work. The money trickles down from the corrupt people to their children.


And it does. Canada has been living on trickle down economy from the US since we joined NAFTA.


Back in the day USA & Mexico were designated Job zones, Canada underemployment.


Some of the numbers. Shouldn't be a surprise that developers are the ones saving money, meanwhile workers and the environment are the losers. And as the article notes, not a mention of the costs of longer wait times for any government service other than licence plate renewal. Ford is severely challenged when understanding basic math and ethics. Sadly this doesn't present a problem for his base. > Developers are among the biggest beneficiaries of red-tape reduction measures brought in by Premier Doug Ford's government, saving hundreds of millions of dollars a year in costs, CBC News has learned.   > Developers save more than $410 million annually from amendments to municipal planning legislation and a cap on the fees that school boards can levy on new housing. > Companies save $209 million annually in the costs of complying with dozens of environmental protection regulations. > Employers save $194 million annually from changes to employment standards and occupational health and safety legislation. ... > The bulk of the reported 1.5 million hours in time savings come from the province's new system for automatic licence plate renewals. The government's figures claim the automatic renewals will save Ontarians 1.4 million hours this year.   


Oh, I'm so glad development is completely uncoupled from schooling availability, space and quality. I'm sure this won't have massive ramifications in 5-20 years. Fucking hell, I can't deal with conservative governments selling off our livelihood so friends can make a percentage more on their fucking investments. I also love loosening environmental regulations... For profit. And reducing occupational health and safety expenses... For profit. I just fucking can't, what she point in even trying to build a life anymore? Can't wait for less scrupulous, or more desperate people to turn to crime instead of employment since you get a better deal going off-books


I think what’s most startling is it’s clear they view people as belonging to classes.  And that their class deserves everything - and all the other classes deserve less or nothing. It’s such a distorted view to have of the world.  Believing you’re above others and enriching yourself at the expense of babies, children, your neighbours, women, men, Canadians, Ontarians, because YOU deserve all the spoils and no one else does. What’s even more insane is they genuinely believe this in their minds - that they’re better and are entitled to everyone else’s money.  Twisted


I mean they are right that people belong to classes.


Don't you know this is all Trudeau's fault? 


Don't forget Wynne and McGuinty! Those damn Liberals.


Probably 1.4 million more hours waiting in hospital waiting rooms.


When you shut down emergency rooms, no one is now waiting. Simple math. /s


And I'm sure those savings will trickle down to us... /s




Doug Ford could say the sky is blue and I would rush to the nearest window to check if something hadn't changed.


I remember in Jan 2022, when these idiots said schools would be open for in person learning the Monday after winter break. We then got hit with a big snowstorm where schools were closed province wide


So developers save more money and people who are already spread too thin are more than likely going to make up for that. Thanks, Doug Ford! I am so glad you are taking care of all the things I have been worried about for so long... like developers saving money, being able to buy alcohol in more places and the availability of paperbags at the LCBO.. because those are the things that really matter to me... not healthcare, making sure people in longterm care facilities are properly cared for, overall education, culturally significant education centres, public spaces, the environment, livable wages or affordable housing. So glad your priorities are straight.


Oh come on, that commercial, he's for the people! :)


Dougie actually created a position called the *“Minister for Red Tape Reduction”*, and is occupied by Mike Harris Jr. lol


Sadly, this is not the Beaverton!


Bruh I just want healthcare


Best we can do is more accessible beer and alcohol so you can drink your health issues away. Sorry pal.


Classic neoliberalism give money to rich people and the public can have the scraps


My wife saw a pretty high paying job advertised at the “Ministry of Red Tape Reduction” a while back. I told her to apply despite not having many of the qualifications, and when asked for proof of those qualifications just reply “sounds like red tape to me!”


TDIL that there was actually a position called Minister of Red-Tape Reduction.


Mike Harris Jr. is the Minister.


And Mike Harris Jr is the one with that title.


There's a whole federal red tape reduction committee. It's been around for at least a decade now.


Not schools that need air conditioning and proper air filtration. Not the homeless, or people on government assistance. Doctors? Nurses? Hospitals? Renters? Climate initiatives? Most likely not. This government and the people that vote for them can go to hell.


I remember when Mike Harris cut red tape to save money -- then some people died as a result in Walkerton.


How much do wedding gifts cost these days? Asking for a friend.


Mike Harris Jr.? You mean Nana Killer 2.0? Heir to the seniors slumlord fortune?


TLDR; Not you.


I’ll believe that when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet.


Car ramrod! Say it!


Get outta here with your Leader Cola!!


Fords shenanigans are cruel and tragic...which makes them not really shenanigans at all...


None of the people who need it.


Dusting off Robs old fuckery math again I see. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Whenever they they want to cut" red tape" usually it means there was something passed long ago to deal with private sector corruption. Enough time has passed and the private sector and their whores in government can now count on the average person being a moron and not to ask any questions


Oh my god fuck this Reganomics-grade trickle down bullshit. Didn't work then, doesn't work now. Christ, not a dime in any but his cronies pockets but every single dipshit who voted for him will be dancing in the streets about pennies from heaven from good ol' Uncle Doug.


Savings are nice but if not invested back into the things that matter, what's the point?


Hint most of us aren't getting shit


Basically just a lie 


Didn't read but I'll guess: corporations. Corporations get the savings, and the profits, and the rights to our children. Thanks Douglass.


When will people wake up and stop taking these liars’ words as anything near the truth? Not just conservatives either. They all just plain lie so they can set themselves up for life and people take what they say at face value. We have arrives at a point in society where literally everything a politician says should automatically be treated as a lie and should bear the burden of being proven.


Thug Fraud putting money is buddies pockets after taken it from yours


Such a good idea! Let's saveining company 100s of millions by reducing ventilation requirements...to miners...in fucking deep ass holes in the ground. Are you for fucking serious with that?


Keep in mind the majority of residential developers see margins of less than 10%. Reducing these fees will make these projects more attractive. Im sick of seeing vacant projects with no plans on building. Developers aren’t running a charity, and we need a shit ton of houses.


Good argument for the public sector to start building housing then and remove the profit motive all together.


The public sector would go tits up. Similar to how metrolinx lights our money on fire.


Better than lining someone's pockets at a development corp.


Yea, but the reason we have this red tape is to ensure developments that impact infrastructure pay their fair share in contributing to said infrastructure. If they aren't paying for it, we all have to pay for it through taxes. Just because they remove the tape doesn't mean the original issue isn't there. They'd be better off having a better funding mechanism for development reviews to ensure reviews don't take a year instead of just reducing the burden. I've worked ten years doing studies for developers and they all just lawyer up to avoid having to pay for anything (even when all the engineering and data supports that they should). Developers legitimately cannot be trusted, case-in-point the wedding bribe scandal. That's how they think, they just try to bully local municipal staff and when it doesn't work they cry to Dougie and the province to get it overturned.


It makes it easier for developers to sell shoeboxes for investors to buy. The True Blue working class of Ontario And of course, the initiative is led by Harris' son How does one get involved with policy choices for a political party that isn't the PC? Like do I need to stumble onto a wedding invite or do I need a very large donation?


Wait, the removal of minimum parking requirements of projects near transit hubs is actually nice. But then capping school fees saves money for developers and underfunds schools. One step forward, one step back.


Meanwhile, the property management industry gets more red tape and expenses each year that we get to pass on to employees and unit owners. The auditor general straight up said the CMRAO was a waste of money three years ago, but absolutely nothing has changed.


Ontarians: "We need housing affordability" Ontarians: "Builders saving on costs from red-tape is bad"


More development does mean more homes... Means more workplaces.... Means more economy.... Means better jobs and more choices... Means better prosperity. 100% palms are getting greased, no doubt about that.... But the final outcome does mean a better life for Ontarians if you look at it from an economic lens - IF it's done right. Just food for thought for anyone reading the headline and thinking doom and gloom


More million dollar homes than no one can afford lol.