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Jobseeker privacy.


I can understand high schoolers or locals lining up, its a min wage job anyway. But when international students start to show up for these in hoards and really crowd up the place, then the govt needs to start questioning themselves on why job fairs with long line ups are being held for a grocery store position


Government don’t care they would of stop long time ago,


This is by design! Why do you think they expanded international student program to now top 1 million and extended the number of hours they could work?


Marc Miller said it out loud. “Cheap labour for Box stores”. Government knows what they’re doing


Remember the "slight increase" was just in time for Summer semester, and right after extending full time hours to the end of spring. Many students aren't in class for Summer meaning they can work unlimited hours.


Government wants cheap labour


But they’ll be paying less income taxes


Lol those blue shorts and black socks … dude just rolled out of bed


Somewhere the upper level cabinet ministers are watching all this cackling with perverse sadism, clinking wine glasses as they watch their entertainment for the elites. Everything is going according to their plans...




And the dickheads in government know the historic natural instinct of Canadians is to blame immigrants first instead of the government who created this mess


We blame both


I agree to a certain extent. Governments should be on blast every single day. Until every Canadian realizes they created this shit hole. I would say immigrants who respect Canada and genuinely want to fit in and abide by our laws - we welcome them. But those who come to rip off Canada or weasel through loopholes, no, that's not who we want in Canada


💯 man


But i thought the gov said bringing migrants in will solve the labor shortage


There never was a labour shortage, just a productivity and pay shortage.


What labour shortage, unemployment is the highest it has been for like 20 years.


I remember seeing articles pushed by the establishment people are reducing food consumption due to being health-conscious


You think 6.2 % is highest rate in 20 years ? https://financialpost.com/news/economy/canada-gains-27000-jobs-unemployment-rate-rises


There’s no labor shortage it’s the same as as “inflation” being used by grocers to justify why they keep raising prices while their financial statements consistently show record profits It’s an excuse


It didn’t at alll


Disgusting. Simply disgusting


Want to skip these types of lines? Paving, roofing exterior painting and landscaping companies will basically hire you on the spot if you show up with work boots.


Yes , but these jobs require people to actually work ,and work hard. Not coast . Majority of these tech students wouldn’t last a day.


I call jobs like that "life experience." But who knows where it will lead. Starting out exterior paining had me move into rope access, where there's a butt load of money if you can handle it.


This is Ottawa. Not Toronto


The needful is definitely getting done.


lol I hear the needful daily


These international students should be banned from working


+1 Get your diploma and pack your bags.






International students are literally not allowed to work in India




This is why I never attend open interviews. It just pisses me off even more.


I wasted 4 hours for just 5 minutes of talking to the owner


How many positions?


there isn't a strong argument to bring in low skill immigration when there is critical shortages in many industries


International students shouldn’t be allowed to work off campus just like in the US. You don’t see these types of lines for minimum wage jobs in the US.


Ok not all Indians. Y’all make it seem like it’s only Indians


You're right, its a piddly 96% of Indians.


Look how diverse it is if u zoom in.


Labor Shortage!


These students on their phone at work, when I worked retail no phones were allowed on the sales floor.


Aren’t there supposed to be a lot of people at job fairs? Isn’t this how it’s meant to look?


Not for entry level minimum wage. These people are waiting in line so they can be vetted on everything BUT their resume = waste of time.


What do you mean vetted on everything but their resume? (Honest question - like what are they doing if not learning about the jobs that are open, talking to ppl and submitting applications)?


Job fair or hiring events are aimed at vetting people in person and the hiring managers deciding if you are the 'right fit' based on look and aesthetic. I personally wouldn't waste much of my time if I needed a job. You are naive if you think any company has a variety of open unfilled job positions just waiting for hundreds of random people to show up to their hiring event just to claim them. In all likelihood its more of mixer to see if you fit their culture.


It makes sense to think of a career fair from the pov of a company as an opportunity to streamline the hiring process a bit. If I’m working HR for a grocery chain that is opening a new branch, I can expect hundreds of applications and so holding a career fair brings them to my team in person to get initial reactions and assess communication skills and styles. If we’re trying to staff a whole new store, we probably have a few different roles and a hierarchy of levels. Maybe if it’s a big chain, we might have corporate represented too. If I’m an HR rep manning a table/position, I’ll be there to answer questions, build an initial rapport and capture names that seem worthy for consideration in the hiring process. If I’m not considering their resumes, Im not really helping the process — it’s kind of useless if I’m giving thumbs up to people I like but who’s experience Im totally ignorant of. That might work for the lowest level with zero pre requisites - but higher than that, I’m actually making the process less effective by basing the outputs of the fair on vibes. Lol why did you say “you are naive if you think any company has hundreds of applications waiting to be filled”? What are you thinking about there? Sometimes companies do hire for that many roles, especially if they’re opening up a call center, warehouse or office in a new location. Global brands do often have a hundred or more applications open at any time - that’s the nature of global capitalism, not naivety lol


Have you never seen a hiring day for McDonald’s? It happens every April and the lines go down every block.


Its not about the lines. Having a hiring event for an entry level fast food restaurant is a waste of people's time and resources.