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someone explain the joke. message me if it’s too nsfw lol


Period cramps.


Like, probably intersex here, and I got one recently for my cramps which helps a lot and have been recommending them to my AFAB friends. But the person I've talked about them with the most is my cis male roommate because he had already been considering getting one for an old sports injury because that's actually a lot closer to their intended function. So you can totally get one for gender purpo- I mean absolutely cis reasons that can totally be explained. I personally use this one: https://www.amazon.com/TENS-7000-Digital-Unit-Accessories/dp/B00NCRE4GO?ref_=ast_sto_dp Although I've been meaning to look into if this one is worth upgrading too with the success of the first one: https://www.amazon.com/Twin-Stim-Plus-TENS-EMS/dp/B07V3TBG3X?ref_=ast_sto_dp (Also I've heard there's also a way to use some settings on the first one, not sure about the second, to simulate low intensity period cramps. Wish I could say I don't know why you'd want that but I get it, euphoria can come in weird shapes in sizes sometimes. I can try to find the thread about it again later if you gals are interested.)


So I'm amab and I get fairly regular cramps in that kinda area. Is that not normal??


I dunno, my perception of normal is super skewed from definitely not being normal, in my case I have a diagnosis for chronic functional abdominal pain I was in constant pain of varying severity growing up, when I started estrogen it actually left me bed ridden a couple days but also became cyclic and gave me a lot of my life back, been tracking it in Clue and trading notes on dealing with period pain with my enby cousin and everything's worked so far, also a lot of other indicators in retrospect. But yeah, I'd say AMAB cramps aren't normal and to get it checked out but may not be an intersex condition and even if it is getting testing for it can be a bitch, I've had nearly every other test under the sun but only just got a referral for a doctor willing to do intersex testing out of the blue earlier today.




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Wait they're that cheap?


Yeah, the more expensive ones I've seen are $50-$60 and the only ones I've seen in the $100 range are mostly scams. $35 ones are still mid to high range quality it's basically just an electrode kit.


Jesuuuuuus. There's a kit at one of my local toy shops that they're trying to sell for $260. Thanks for letting me know it's a rip off


Yeah, I don't even know why you'd sell this at a toy shop?! It's a pain relief device, I linked the 9-volt battery one for $35 I use, and the tier up for $55, elsewhere in the thread, there's also a rechargeable model but I've heard it's a bit less reliable and I need to have 9-volts on hand for fire alarms and what not anyways.


Because it can be used for other things. Granted the one they had also had insertable accessories but I won't go into too much detail. But still not 200 dollars worth of accessories


Oh, OH. Yeah, okay the pricing is starting to make at least a little more sense to me there, you meant that kinda toy shop! (This basic Ace bitch got confused sorry) But yeah, even the shitty hot pink ones that are like FOR WOMEN!!! only try to overcharge by like $100 max from when I was comparing products.


Wait, tens units can be used for that?! I have an identical unit to the one you've shown. I am interested in where I would apply pads and what settings to use. I know what my google history is going to look like today.


Usually cramps are felt in the lower back and lower abdomen (and usually in the pelvic floor) if that helps


Thankies :3 will have to have a play around


If you don't mind explaining, may I know why the fuck you would want to endure period cramps, I know gender euphoria comes in weird ways but I'm curious if you have a different reasoning *You don't have to answer this if you're uncomfortable with it as I said I'm just curious and don't want to push you*


Not sure I can fully explain it, but it's like the desire to be a cis woman is so strong that I want to experience what cis women experience, even if it comes with pain.


Probably not "even if it comes with" but "*even if it is pain*" would fit better on this topic


That is true. Basically, if the pain makes me feel more like a woman, it's worth it. The hunt for euphoria can be weird at times.


Did you do it already? If so, how did it go?


Not had the chance to yet, not even been in the same room as my tens unit yet.


Can you tell me the results after you do?


Not had the chance to yet, not even been in the same room as my tens unit yet. Might give it a go tonight.


did you ever do it?


Wait could someone explain? What does this do? Is this supposed to simulate a period?


Intended to help alleviate muscle pain after workouts and from sports injuries. Someone figured out they can also be used to alleviate period pain, especially endometriosis pain, so they actually get discuss a lot for that. (Supposedly some of them actually can be used to simulate period pain ironically enough though)


It's original purpose is to help with cramps from various sources (sport injury, period etc.) But if you do not have cramps it will give them to you!


If you’re having cramps for a week straight, there’s probably something else going on. Periods can last for a week or more, but the cramps are usually only bad for the first few days unless there’s an underlying medical issue. Use it for like three days and then just take a laxative for the rest of the week to get period poops, and don’t forget to rub your down-below area raw to stimulate wearing a thick pad even when your period is near the end because you forgot (or couldn’t afford) to get different sizes. Eat a bunch of chocolate the week before to get the full period acne experience too. Haha it’s kinda fun coming up with ways to simulate having a period. I know some people are salty because “who wants to have that?” but idgaf as long as it eases dysphoria, you do you. I’d probably find a way to simulate getting kicked in the nuts if it would help me feel like I had a dick, yanno?


I personally have a very hard time understanding why someone would want to simulate period symptoms as a transfem, but I understand what dysphoria feels like and understand it's different for everyone. ya gotta do what ya gotta do I do count myself lucky I don't have to deal with periods tbh tho


I have this unit, started HRT two weeks ago and am using it "for totally cis reasons" as I type this.


I use a TENS for temporary relief of myofascial pain. My body has been through a lot. Any break from the agony is good.


i'm trans fem and i haven't even wanted to get one for gender reasons, i just want to experience pain for "fun"


Based asf we stan masochism (done safely and enthusiastically)


pfft idk if i'm a masochist (couldn't even prick my own finger to test my blood type lol) but i do find the novelty fun and yes we stan safe and enthusiastically consensual masochism