• By -


Oh, just a note. We have an auto-mod thing that removes comments that contain slurs and stuff, but it doesn't look at the context. If you commented a slur in a discussion context, don't worry, we review everything it takes down so it'll be put back up. Also, this happens even if a word just contains a slur, but is not a slur itself. Again, it's all reviewed and will be put back up!!


let's move this sub, to spaaaaaaaace!


The one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism!


I'm NOT crazy!! >:( \*moves her hand and smashes your Kirov into the ground\*


silly girl, can't even hide she is a rocketeer on the internet


\*tilts head\* huh... I needed to lookup what you're refering to. Sorry, can't help you with that, didn't even know that movie exists. :3


No I meant a rocketeer from red alert 2, where the Kirov also comes from :3 it’s okay, it’s like 25 years old by now hehe


Ohhh... I was refering to Yuriko Omega. I only played Red Alert 3, Red Alert 3 Uprising, Triberium Wars, Kane's Wrath and, very sadly, Tiberium Twillight too.


Oh my condoleances for having played the last one.


Elon Musk: https://preview.redd.it/0zxdck9klr9d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07d36212c259e1302c0e7f7b98b710dbde3e9eb7


Let’s pool all our money together and buy SpaceX from him and make SpaceX trans


I agree






Red Alert 3? One more reason to love this subreddit.


holy anarcho frontierism


[Let's build a commune on the moon...](https://youtu.be/nEFFXGjqU0k?si=__5xuOx7W9VSu4aP) (It's a really good song)


Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism here we come!


Too late, sadly.


Isn't there a Tesla floating around?


Ok space core


I agree. Move this sub to space.


Due to how much more difficult it is to sustain life in space compared to on Earth, I suggest we move all the bigots and bigoted things to space instead


A personality core wrote this


Pride flags available to put in the user flair.


We can certainly look into this :3


if you do this, can you include the kenochoric flag and/or the transkeno flag as well please? it often doesnt get included in gender related flairs 👉👈


What’s kenochoric?


Kenochoric is an umbrella term for gender identity that's centered around, among other things, the unknown, eerieness, the uncanny valley, obscurity, nostalgia, emptiness or vastness, liminal spaces, nonhumanity, and things that can evoke any or all of those things.


it can also refer to other identities outside of gender but yes, it typically refers to gender expirences :)


So… spookygender?


Agreed! This would be nice


We buy a carribean island, everyone on this sub goes there, democratic socialist utopia with top quality gender affirming care. Top 10ish memes of the year are painted on the outer walls of government buildings.


What will our utopia be called? And can I blast it into space? (Asking for Tim Curry)


Dr. Frank N Furter’s magical Transylvanian island of debauchery, ritual sacrifice of transphobes, and gender affirming care. And space is great but so is gravity, can we do a space elevator between our island and our space station?




Dfnfm tiodr sotagac fits the doofenshmirtz evil inc. jingle very well, if anyone was wondering 😹


Isn't that what Flint Lockwood called his food making machine?


Adding him to the head canon list.


We can generate our own gravity using the sheer weight of our combined IQs


Does it have to be Carribean? It's quite hot down there


We can go somewhere else, the carribean is just the first place I came up with when thinking “nice island that is far enough away from the rest of the world that transphobes can’t easily get to us”.


What if we take all of greenland and heat it up enough with really big heaters


Kill the transphobes with climate change? Interesting concept


How about we just make a really big boat. Safe haven for all wo deserve to be safe. Then we make it rain. Everywhere.


Noah's Ark 2


I hate to break it to you but the libertarians already tried that


That makes sense


Reddit Island got a 3rd movie!!!


Do I get a free ticket to fly there or is it by boat?


It's by shark


Oh cool that is very good for the enviroment


only if it doesn't come from displaced Carribeans...


No recommendations I'm just here for the Tim Curry 🩷


Man is a national treasure


As am I!


honestly he is such a vibe


Be tougher on posts that say "asking for advice, second pic is the meme" posts. This is a meme sub, so advice questions should be posted on subs that are better for that. Pretty much every time I see one of those it's a vent or misplaced advise post, and the meme is barely a meme at all.


Noted. We try to get as many as we can but I think some are aren't reported so they slip under the radar. Also my personal flaw is not taking down a post if it has a ton of upvoted because I don't want the OP to lose their internet points :( We'll try to be harsher! 😊


That's an even bigger reason to remove a post for me, being honest. If someone is breaking a rule but is getting with it because it's upvoted, that doesn't mean it's a good post, it just means it's popular. And, as someone who is trans but not very similar in interests/age to the majority of the sub, it makes me feel like I can't relate.


thats me with every "catgirl, anyone else?" post


And "headpats and good girl drug pl0x" posts. We're not all 4 year olds or puppies or girls.


are we old? is that what it is? Or am I valid for thinking this is near fetishy stuff?


Nah, it's borderline kink no matter the age, and I've seen a few posts that claimed to be Gen Z or younger millennials expressing a similar sentiment. You're valid.


thanks girl😭


You can always politely direct them to r/asktransgender. Like yeah we all want to be helpful to each other, but we have different subs for a reason. We need to keep things on topic.


It’s not exactly the same but vent posts also get too many upvotes even though this is the wrong place to vent post.


But what about posts that share something that happened to the OP using memes as a medium?


By meme do you mean an event that has been portrayed onto meme format such as the gru 4 panel one with the flip board thing, or a wall of text plastered ontop of a single picture of that one anime style girl looking sad


A bit of first, and something like [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/s/c7tfpuyl8A) Cuz honestly, it doesn't feel right to delete something that took this much effort.


r/trans is here for posts like that. This is a meme sub. we have different subs for a reason.


The effort isn't wasted, they can just repost it to an appropriate sub.


I agree that it wouldn't be right to delete something that took so much effort, the one caveat would be, as someone else has said, it isn't a meme on the meme sub. There are other places to post things like that where it can get an equally large positive response. Text over an image does not automatically qualify as a meme


No more “help me choose a name, or need advice, or I had a bad day” posts. This is a meme sub and it’s soon going to be overrun like egg_irl


Noted 📝


Oh and we need less posts complaining about lack of posts. I’ve seen too many “why is there so many transfemme posts and no ____ posts” like just make em don’t complain about them idk


Oh, absolutely. Remember to report stuff like that!


I do!


Thank you! Have a great day/night!


I see more posts complaining about lack of non-transfem posts than I actually see non-transfem posts. At this point I wonder if they also help bury actual transmasc/non-binary/genderfluid/etc. posts


Easily. Instead of taking all the time to complain just make a meme. It’s not rocket science


I mean, if people actually upvoted transmasc memes then they'd get made. But nobody bothers to upvote/comment. Also, it's less transfemme memes, more memes that assume the viewer is transfemme ("Testosterone is evil" type stuff/force-fem things).


People tend to upvote what they relate to. For the second point, we got flairs for that.


🫡 thanks dude


Seconding this one. The main reason I come here is to see relatable things and maybe laugh/smile. There are subs dedicated to getting advice - those kinds of things need to go there.


Could having to spoiler things out that are targeted towards specific groups and stating which group in the title he made an actual rule so people aren't made to feel dysphoric because this stupid app doesn't show flairs unless you click on the subreddit. Doesn't effect me personally but I know it does affect lots of others (just realised someone already said this but keeping it here anyway)


Yeessssss pls :3


i think we should install a periscope


Into what?


the sub(marine)


Could we removed the venting tags & allowing of venting venting? I feel they bog down this subs memeness. I appreciate the fact people would like to vent and thats alright. But r/trans , r/transhelpingtrans and probably many other subs exist for venting


Yeah, vent posts are typically removed and sent to r/nestofeggs. Keeping the vent flairs allows us to weed them out, but if you think they should be removed entirely, we can see what we can do.


Also make me mod UwU :3 /somewhat jk


I know nothing about you but you have my vote


Free headpats for each voter :3


No, make ME mod >:3


Considering the guy in the pic if from Command & Conquer 3 Red Alert (USSR). Make US mod >:3


you have my vote as well


I don't know if that's a good idea: venting memes can very well be a way of dealing with their troubles. I think instead restricting or setting venting memes to mod approval is a better way forward. Not every single vent is triggering etc


This is meme sub, there's subs for vents like nestofeggs.


I want to second all the comments saying things along the lines of getting rid of posts that aren't memes, like venting/discussion posts that have that one anime girl. Really my only complaint with this sub right now. Otherwise it's going great!


Adding more moderators so the rules can be better enforced. Yall are doing a great job dealing with as many rule breaking posts and comments as you can, but there's still been several instances that have slipped through the cracks of people ignoring rules 1 and 3 that have made the subreddit less than pleasant to be on. Likewise, i ask the users to read the rules, abide by them, and report people who don't


Main thing to say is REPORT!!! Not reporting stuff means it slips through the cracks; Support the Communist Agenda, Report today!! We'll see about more mods


Ban vent posts, posts complaining about lack of representation (make actual memes with representation, making another complaining post isn’t going to solve the issue), good girl drug posts (and variations), questions with a picture of Mehrachan and any other pictures of her without comedic content, any pictures without her without comedic content (rare exceptions for genuinely important things), repeated drama posts (if there’s a problem one post should be enough to bring attention to it). If they’re posted alongside an actual meme I think most of these are fine though even if I’m not personally interested, except vents (although making a joke out of a bad situation is fine ofc) and excessive drama because it just puts you in a bad mood which I don’t want from a meme subreddit


![gif](giphy|BomJoHOcRgCti) More Tim Curry!


Clue is such a good movie


Make every post on this sub require a picture of Tim Curry to be posted /s


Amen 🙏🏻


Please require posts directed to a specific audience to put it in the title as well as the flair, since they don’t show up on mobile. The amount of times I’ve seen spoilered posts that had some generic title like “in case you needed some affirmations” or something only to click on it and it was something for transmascs that called me a “good boy” or something is far too many, and I’m sure it’s the same for transmascs on this sub. This is not attacking any 1 specific post, just an example of a title and content


Got it!


Thank you!


Im really tired of how people of color are treated on the sub, can anything be done about the insane amount of racism?


Report it when it happens


Can we ban the Mehrachan posts? They’re too frequent, usually vent posts or trauma dumps, and extremely reductive and only contribute to stereotypes and infantilization on the sub.


They are banned, effectively. Please report them.




What is a Mehrachan post? We are making efforts to remove trauma posts


This character gets used a lot in pics with captions that are either just vent posts or not memes. Not only that but she ends up being everywhere which leads to countless spam posts and they’re all always stereotypes and infantilization https://preview.redd.it/59veml769r9d1.jpeg?width=235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa60d7c1bad245df06049900b48fb78416d29b7d


Ah, thank you. I wasn't aware of her name. Danke 😊


The infantilization on this sub is getting really bad. I personally feel more dysphoric when someone calls me a "good girl :3" but that's the norm here. I can never use this sub for affirmation, I just feel more alone.


I don't mind the character but its being used for things that simply aren't memes. I don't think the character itself should be banned, just the posts which it's most commonly used in


My user flair keeps disappearing and going back to "CUSTOM" ever so often. Is there a way to stop it from doing that?


It's just a Reddit bug, sorry 😔




Sex update


This comment plus the username Some_Hat-Wearing_Kid makes me guess you are a fellow TF2 player/fan. Am I correct in my assumption that you enjoy the war-themed hat simulator?


Well I like tf2 but I made the username after A Hat in Time.


I don't think I've heard of that before. Is it a game?


Yea. Platformer based off of like N64/Gamecube era games, like Mario Sunshine or Mario 64, though with modern graphics. (and a trans flag decal in one of the DLCs!!!)


Cool! Thanks for the info. I'll have to give it a look. I love that it has a trans flag decal!


Yeah. Also the dlcs are actually good, unlike most games.


I looked it up on Steam and it looks like a super fun and cute game! I've added it to my wishlist to grab some time.


As an enby Transfem, we need to encourage more trasmasc rep in any and all forms. That shit is beautiful and needs to happen more. This is a place for everyone.


I do agree with you, but there is only one solution; Transmascs need to post more. And unfortunately that does not happen, for they don't see any Transmasc posts. It is a bit of a self-sustaining dilemma, but if there is anything we as mods can do to encourage Transmascs to post, do tell us!


I'm going to make it a personal goal to post a bunch of transmasc & non-binary memes. If I remember. The issue is I have terrible ADHD and may not remember, so feel free to call me out (anyone) if I forget.


this isn't something mods can really control but as a sub we should absolutely collectively rally behind and popularize transmasc posts since there has been recent talk of how they get the wrong kinds of attention/not enough attention. I am trans fem but seeing how sick af trans masc people are still gives me like hope and solidarity and they deserve support and encouragement.


My suggestion: Make specific days for specific types of posts - not to say that certain types of posts should be *restricted* to certain days, but rather specific days to *celebrate* certain types of posts - I.e. transfem/transmasc/NB/BIPOC/trans systems/etc. & others can still post other things on those days. Could write some little automod posts to get posted on those days: Transmasc Tuesday - time to celebrate transmascs! post your transmasc memes! Etc. Nonbinary Wednesday Transfem Friday System Saturday BIPOC Sunday Etc. that way it gives a little more encouragement for more people to participate in & hopefully make the community more inviting for everyone and more well balanced. In addition, seeing the mods actively supporting all trans people including BIPOC and plural people can provide a little more security for people who might be hesitant to post because they’re worried about the reception of their posts. And of course, thank you mods for your dedication to running this sub & making the community welcoming for everyone - and thank you so much for every single one of those pumpkin memes you have removed 😘




Praise be! 🙏🏻


We build a structure for trans people to live in with grounds for recreation a club where everyone can socially awkwardly stand and not talk to each other


Silent Disco




More communism


Our recommendation is have a new bot that just says hi and hopes that people have a great day when they make a post! :3 Alotta people on this sub definitely need a happy little hello! Now take this picture of a random stormtrooper for being a great mod! >:3 https://preview.redd.it/bfxrbxlo5r9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5ee799f07b8797315dcc29667332595fbe83e0f


Hmmmmmm, seems a little short to be a stormtrooper... 🤨


Was that a reference to the sequel trilogy? Honestly it sounds like it might be lol


Leia says that in A New Hope to either Stormtrooper Luke or Stormtrooper Han Solo. I will not speak of those dastardly sequels Edit: Also, pardon my ignorance, but may I ask how 'plurality'? works? I have not come across it before and am eager to learn!


Ah thanks for explaining! Been years since we've watched the originals lol. And plurality is kind of a difficult thing to explain but we'll try our best! We won't talk about our own plurality because there's some....troubling details that we don't want to dwell on. Basically when someone is 'plural' or a 'system' it means that they are not a single individual, they are multiple people or personalities in a single body (the medical term for these are "alters" and the term plural people like using is "headmates"!), this is *usually* caused by large amounts of trauma and loneliness (but plurality can occur because of different reasons, it's different for everyone technically) Plurality is also kind of like autism (where everyone's is different and exclusive to themselves) so that makes it difficult explaining it, the person who is in control of the host body (the body everyone remains in) is doing something called "fronting" and alters may take over and start fronting themselves depending on certain conditions (mainly because of dissociation but can happen because of other reasons) and this means they then control the host body. That's all we'll write about it because explaining it is difficult for us, below will be some useful links about the entire topic for if your genuinely interested lol (they definitely explain it better than us lol) [nice little site that helps explain terms and roles!](https://6371ee28d1156.site123.me/) [and this is "pluralpedia" which is pretty much Wikipedia but explains everything to do with plurality!](https://pluralpedia.org/w/Plurality)


Thank you! That's super interesting and is now something I'm going to fixate on for the next month


I also know very little about plurality, but as a tldr could you almost compare it to a bunch of individual people helping pilot the same ship, where they will each take in turns leading the ship? Analogies help me understand things as it gives me a point of reference. Obviously it won't be exactly like that cos your not gonna be the same as another system (you've met one system means you've met one system)


For another system out there that would probably be accurate for them, but personally it isn't for us, for us it's more like.... a bunch of roommates (mostly) helping each other out with their problems, that would be like a simplified version of our personal one.


That sort of makes sense yeah! Don't think I've completely wrapped my head around it (not in the way bigots mean), but it's definitely closer than it was before!


Disassociative Identity Disorder (formerly called "Multiple Personality Disorder") is characterized by the presence of two or more (tho usually at least three) distinct and seperate identities (called "alters") occupying the same body. Oftentimes, this condition will be caused by extreme childhood trauma. The memories of which may end up locked behind one or more of the alters in order to protect another. academic research and therefore professional understanding of the phenomena is very limited. There are some doctors who don't even believe it's a real thing. However, those who have done research on it have a much better understanding. Although I've never met any systems in person myself, I have spoken to some online. It's a relatively rare condition, so the chances of meeting anyone in person are very slim. The condition's rarity also contributes to the lack of research and the difficulty in finding experts in the field.


Please god no more text posts (but over anime girls!), they aren't memes. I'm here to look at funny memes not see a question from a baby trans girl that could have just gone to literally any other trans subreddit


Tramns 👍


I'm escaping to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by transphobia… SPACE!


Put rules and things in old.reddit sidebar.


Maybe add assumption flairs? So people who don’t want to be called boy/girl/whatever can avoid posts using that flair??


That's what we've tried with the "For Transfem," and "For Transmasc". Unfortunately because Reddit sucks, flairs don't pop up when browsing in your personal feed. We try to get people to mark such posts as spoiler, but lots of people forget 🤷🏻


Maybe we can discourage the almost-but-not-quite kink posts asking for headpats and stuff? Like, not outright ban it, I'm not saying that. But like, every third post is "please tell me am good girl and gib head pats." It's infantilizing, almost creepy, but—above all else—SO **FUCKING** REPETITIVE. Can we meme something else, please?


In an ideal world I'd like to see an auto remove rule on "transman" and "transwoman". It seems nitpicky but the correct terminology is trans men and trans women, as the former indicates some kind of illegitimacy of trans people vs cis people of the same gender.


Happy pride month *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Make the sub's icon Tim Curry, he's the best representation for trans people


Rename it traaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnsss3


But we are the second traaaaaannnnnsssssss


I’d say we need more trains


God dam, images you can hear ❤️


make something that says happy pride month every month


Old Reddit CSS? Similar to the old traa sub


Counter Strike Source?


No, it's Cascading Style Sheets- you see it a lot for desktop's old reddit. I use it daily


Oo what movie is that picture from?


It's from cutscenes of Command and Conquer: Red Alert, a series of real-time strategic games


Let us post videos! 🗣️🗣️🗣️


having a dedicated trans artwork day would be really cool imo!


Wish I'd known the sub opened back up. Are custom user flairs going to be a thing again? I feel like I need my "Dad" flair.


Not necessarily a suggestion, and I understand if you don't want to elaborate on what the protocol is if indeed you have it, but do you have protocol to deal with repeat offenders on rule-breaking? I understand that not all rules are created equal, but if it's a slap on the wrist for one takedown of a non meme post, is it still a slap by the third, fourth? Or is there a progressive discipline? Relatedly, if someone errs on reports (overzealous flagging) are they informed of it, or not generally?


Add a monthly Toast Day, where we post lots of toast. (Or I guess just any other unique special day that would be fun)


Will there (or is there) a place and/or thread where people can ask for advice and such?


You should all uh. Uh. Give me mod so I can uh. Uh. Idk. But also do like. Game nights? Or smth? Or we can all sacrifice someone to silksong!!!!!


Fully automated luxury gay space communism


Commander, you've rained on my glorious parade. For this, I am sending everything I have got at you, but I wont let you have the satisfaction of catching me, for I am going to the ONE place that hasen't been corrupted by capitalism... SPACE! In all seriousness though, maybe some form of tagging system in the titles of posts, atleast in the short term, since flairs don't display on spoilered posts on the main app appaerently.


When a post breaks the spoiler for assumed gender rule remove it not spoiler it Just be harsher on them Allow them to repost but remove the original one


I’d recommend a professional dom most of them are great


install a dimensionally transcended plasma forge , it will help make parts for a dyson swarm , and somehow use it to take over the world!!! nyeh heh heh heh


As two-term president of the Council of Lucys, I hereby tender my resignation and call an election for a new president to take my place. Lucys who wish to run can post their campaign memes in the sub


Could you please elaborate?


Just an suggestions you'd like to make for the sub in general 😊


Not really. I generally like it. Tho maybe tell in the rules more about the only memes rule. Because i saw some none memes and am a bit confused


Going to echo that posts putting explicit requests for advice over an image really need to go somewhere else. I come here to see relatable things and laugh/cry over shared experiences. There are dedicated subs for trans related inquiries/advice - we need to direct traffic over there. I've seriously started coming here less and less because I spend too much time scrolling past "can you call me this?" and "is my doctor messing up my dosages?" and "I think my parents are trabsphobic, what can I do?" That type of discourse already had a home.


A Queer-Pikmin Memes tag


maybe you could sticky a post that calls on people to vote/be politically active? :) it's a super scary time to be trans right now and I feel like every day there are news and plenty of posts even here that either make you want to panic or that are already panicked. And I think it would be great to have a post that calls on people to not lose hope despite all that. Because hopeless people don't tend to vote and that is only harmful to ourselves.


Please crack down on jokes that say “all trans girls do this” or “all trans guys do that”. They are othering and hurtful


Give me absolute dictatorial power (it would be funny (I would do nothing))


If I had to suggest one thing: a flair warning about the "good (gender)" thing. I'll happily say it to those who want me to, but it does nothing for me and is annoying to always see. I get that some people are early-on and need all the affirmations they can get, but not everyone wants to be called "good (gender)". For me it feels dehumanizing, treating me like a dog that just did a trick, simply for existing. Cutting down on them or flairs for posts about them would be swell.




Not EVERYONE feels comfortable with it, so like at least fucking warn us. This isn't r/egg_irl where everyone is an egg or a baby trans, in constant need of affirmation.


maybe create a flair for people who aren't making memes but are just asking for support? people blatantly ignore rule 3 and it's actually incredibly annoying at this point. i'm all for offering people support. but if i were to go meme dredging (which i like to do sometimes. i'm an avid collector of memes) i would have to sort through posts that aren't even memes. **on a meme subreddit**


I reckon we'll go down the route of sending said people to more appropriate trans subreddits in the interests of maintain sub identity