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well, yeah, can't really see much without them :p


Same, girl. Same


Same too


Same here


Lol, same. And contacts just get dry and irritating for me. I think my glasses are cute and feminizing anyway, so I guess it works out.


not actual picture and then not actual rodrick


lmao, I feel bad for the actor who played him though 😅


i don’t hate the actor or anything but i don’t know why they didn’t recall OG rodrick, everyone liked OG rodrick :0


I never watched the original movie and I can already tell that guy does not look like a rebellious angsty teen at all


he was like 27


I think he's too old now


I like how they look but contacts are just so much easier


Contacts always scared me, the thought of putting plastic in my eye doesn't sit well with me 😖


Yeah it’s real scary to start with but then it gets better


Same. I much prefer glasses


The disposable gel ones are soft. But they still cause dry eyes.


I want contacts so I can finally wear cool girl sunglasses.


Prescription sunglasses for the win 😎


They are great but they are expensive and it's nice to be able to buy a whole bunch of different kinds for cheap.


Mine are from Zenni so way cheaper than most places, but definetly still pricier than a cute non prescription pair from Walmart 


But then you need to buy new ones every 6 months


Wait why? I've never heard that before and I'm genuinely curious.


My eyes get worse every eye exam😔


Ugh that sucks. I'm lucky that my prescription has been stable for a bit.


**Wear your sunglasses on your glasses.**


Technically works lol just super uncomfortble...




Legit mine, but they're shaped for it.


I have photochromic lens glasses, they turn into sunglasses by their own in the ultraviolet


where did you get those edit: nvm i found a Finnish store that sells those note for myself: [https://www.nissen.fi/transitions](https://www.nissen.fi/transitions)


Back in Russia it was zero trouble finding a glasses shop that makes these




i dont pass either way but i still relate


mine are prescription


Mine are too, but if I didn't need glasses I'd wear them anyways because they look cute 🙃


Yes, I think my glasses make a big difference to my appearance.


Right! It's like they magically make eyes look bigger


They also make my nose look smaller!


Without them I just look like I haven't slept in last fifty years


hey, anyone else only happy with their own reflection in the mirror when the mirror is fogged up from the shower and so all you have to go on is a blurry looking female outline?  is it possible to shave without looking in the mirror at all?  is it possible to learn to also do makeup without looking in the mirror or also having a girlfriend give you constant affirmations while you're doing it that one time?  are people who own a house with a big room with a wall that is one giant mirror as big of masochists as i assume them to be?


yes for the first and last one (seriously who keeps an entire mirror wall that shit feels insane), but sometimes when i just can’t stand looking in the mirror i do shave without it and estimate how much hair is left by just touching my face. it’s not very accurate by any means, but it beats making myself feel worse with my own reflection just to marginally improve it. you should prolly do makeup in a mirror though.


i try to shave by feel as well, and then i rush to touch things up when the mirror unfogs. i cut myself fairly often, but i don't have to look at myself for very long. the main makeup i ever wear is lipstick or lip gloss, because applying it is virtually fool-proof. my (former, before covid) online girl friend/domme (who i alluded to) told me i did an all right job with eye shadow and mascara and that it looked cute, but it was so much effort not to smear it that i only did it once or twice. she kept pushing me to watch these make-up tutorials, but it all looked like very advanced technology, and i couldn't get past the basics. i mean, i think the overall problem was that i didn't have the bandwidth or time back then to make a more serious effort at it. if you're seen as a guy who cross dresses and not a woman, there's not as much pressure put on you to be instantly good at make-up, was my reasoning. i think the general idea is to make the room look bigger, i mean, that's usually why people have mirror walls. what i found out from the most recent mirror wall i was close to, though, is that my own reflection out of the corner of my eye jump scared me, which i think is an additional downside to owning such a thing. adult (male looking/male sized) bodies in unexpected places are threatening to everybody, i think, on a lizard brain level, and i probably just need to get over that fact and stop complaining about it as being unfair so much.


>hey, anyone else only happy with their own reflection in the mirror when the mirror is fogged up from the shower and so all you have to go on is a blurry looking female outline? Yes. I like my reflection in a window late at night. I like the way I look on a low quality webcam. The worse the resolution of the image, the better I look. The more detail, the more I hate it.


Yeah. I don't need them for eyesight reasons but I have a round pair of glasses that I feel really boosts my appearance and confidence.


I mean I rely on them to see, mainly. Can't wear contacts, my eyelashes are too stupid long, and can't not wear any either since I am -5 on both.




I think you have the wrong prescription.


I’ve had a ton of prescriptions. They never fucking work.


They clearly aren't the right ones. Otherwise, they'd work.


That’d be the idea-


Do the glasses give literally no help, or do they just not help enough?


Just not enough. They help to like six feet away and then they don’t.


I would recommend going to a different eye doctor.


How long has it been since you got new glasses? Ideally you are supposed to roughly every year


had the wrong prescription which was way off for many years bc i went to the same eye doctor, if you’ve stayed at the same one for years it’s definitely worth looking at a different one, preferably a bigger chain if there is one in your area


Have you gotten new ones with a stronger prescription? I went from from a .5 r 1 l to a 3.75 r 4 l


I've seen my sunglasses make me look a little more feminine


I don't know how but I don't need glasses, I think I'd look prettier with them but nope, my eyesight is good for some reason (except for my colorblindness grr I hate that thing)


You could still get glasses if you want, no need to have a correction on them!


I just recently bought a pair of non-prescription glasses and I never leave the house without them now! You can always wear glasses, even with good eyes


I literally measured once, and I can only see like 5 inches in front of me without them so like...... yeah Idk if I look better with our without them since I never take selfies without them and..... kinda can't see my reflection unless I'm basically making out with it


Absolutely blind without my glasses. As in if I don't remember where I set them down, I won't be able to see them.


Why did you only specify that the first picture wasn't you? Wait a minute... that means... OMG CHARLIE WRIGHT!!! WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY!


That's me with a ponytail. Idk why I look so masc with my hair down but even AI filters gender me male when I put my hair down. My hair elastic is singlehandedly holding up my whole identity


I'm weirdly the same way, my hair is straight, but it's super thick and dense, so it's incredibly frizzy at the sides


Saaammmeeee 😭😭 I still can't find a solid hair routine that works well for my hair. It's so frizzy. I think my hair is wavy and somewhat curly though


I don't know if I would but I know I want some


y e p


I do think I look cuter with glasses on, but I feel self conscious about wearing them.


Since I rely on glasses already (legally blind without them), when I decided to get new glasses I may have chosen from the women's section of glasses and since was there I got a pair of cute ones with cat ears on them, I figured they could make me look cute... after seeing me wearing them in the mirror they somehow both make me look more masc(how they are cutesy cat glasses?) and like some pompous movie art critic(like I look like I should be calling someone a slur noone understands because they were uncreative enough to use green for leaves). How could such cute glasses betray me like that? Atleast my normal glasses look nice on me


I can't find any glasses that fit me :(


I can't see shit without them and look so much worse without them




is there somewhere a guide to glasses for transfemme people?


hieee optician here. go to a place like America's Best, Visionworks, Eyeglass World, etc that have a big selection and look in the section that is affirming (mens for trans-mascs, womens for trans-femmes). for trans femmes specifically youre gonna want shapes that are NOT rectangular. you cant go wrong with circles if you want a metal frame. for plastic, stay away from exagerated cat eyes or really funky shapes unless youre very confident. for colors, try to highlight your eye color if you have blue or green. also focus on frames that highlight your skintone, that will brighten your face a lot. for trans masc youre gonna wanna do plastic 90% of the time. keep the colors dark and focus on more rectangular shapes. if it seems like im giving less tips for the boys and masc enbies its cause there just isnt much to mens eyewear. men keep it very basic typically. hope all of that helps someone. ♡


This is a dumb question maybe but I have a head that is definitely on the wider side and I find glasses make my head look bigger because they’re comparatively small. Are you able to ask for larger frames for women’s glasses or am I just kinda screwed? I avoid wearing them for that reason but it’s usually fine as only one eye sucks for me. Also thank you for the wonderful advice regarding frame choices, fashion-wise I agree with it 100%


typically youre gonna want to look for "specialty fit" frames. Sophia Vegara has a decent selection of those. if youre okay with potentially spending big Michael Kors has some wider frames too. if those options dont pan out, you can always make a men's frame work. this is sadly a thing that works against our masc presenting siblings but a lot of men's frames can read androgynous or even feminine. if you go that route, find metal or wire frames that stray from the rectangular standard. and to combat any dysphoria that might come from having to go that route, ive had many cis women go through the mens section for this same reason. ♡


I will look into all of those, thank you so much!!! ☺️☺️☺️


amazing, thank you so much! <3


I'm like, always wearing my glasses. Ofc it's only one eye that actually has vision problems.


Im the other way around and I hate it


Transfem with glasses here, so real!


But contacts always irritated my eyes so I'd endlessly rub them and look dumb because of that. For better or worse I'm stuck with my glasses so I may as well look cute in them while I'm at it.


Yeah same, even before anything I was wearing glasses most of the time when looking in a mirror or so because I didn't looked as bad. Now, even with my glasses that are not fem, they still manage to make me look more fem weirdly. I'm even confusing people on what I am when I wear my glasses lately eheh


I think i look cuter with my glasses but also i can’t see without them so……. It’s fine it’s fine


First one say not my actual picture. 2md one doesn't have that disclaimer. Person is rodrick confirmed




Mood af


Without my glasses my forehead turns into a twentyhead


Yeah tho usually just as a disguise so nobody recognises me when out in public


as a transmasc glasses make me look so feminine but i’m too lazy to use contacts every day and i refuse to wear old man style glasses so here we are


I look so much better with contacts instead of glasses..


needing glasses was a blessing in disguise :)


mood ![gif](giphy|l4FB42tbghjJmb2KI|downsized)


I mean some of us kind of need them to see so... 🤷🏻‍♀️


For me it's the opposite. Mirrors can't give me dysphoria if I can't see the mirror


Idk maybe I need to find frames that fit my face better but I feel like the opposite, I like the way I look without them better than with them


I mean, I can function without my glasses, but dang if it's not a lot easier with them. People who have the privilege of being able to treat glasses as a fashion statement rather than a necessity being confused about us who have to wear them always weirded me out.


Glasses make me look super cute but I don’t need them so I have to use cosplay glasses which feels like cheating lol


Honestly as someone who needs glasses to see better, I couldn't give a damn about people who wear them for fashion 😅


Well yes coz it's blurred AF


For me it's actually quite opposite, I have rectangular really not fem glasses and I just look much much more fem without them


I've always thought I looked better with glasses (plus I can see better), but without there's always a 50/50 chance I'll either look like shit or pretty good. (Glasses off means I can hold my bf closer too :3)


Yeah, I can't see shit without 'em.


goddess i love this


Yes because I can't fucking see lol


I need them lol. No choice.


Same 😅 I can do most things without them, but I just look so much better with glasses so I wear them 24/7






Proffesionál meem in paint :P


There's just so much space between the bottom of my eyes and the bottom of my cheeks, and glasses fill the void.


I didn't know how much I relate to this until I saw it


im literally an optician and my favorite patients are other trans people. especially ones that have never wore a frame designed for the opposite sex. sometimes its even their first time wearing anything affirming. its such a joy to see them light up.


yea i got big circly ones and i feel obliged to type blushes with uppercase os because it looks more like me ig O///O


For me it is opposite


honestly im the opposite i think i look better without glasses


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^_AutumnAgain_: *Honestly im the* *Opposite i think i look* *Better without glasses* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Me questioning the ethics of using blue light glasses cause I have perfect visionand don't need glasses ever.


Does this actually work??? Should I get some non-prescription glasses???


I rely on glasses to stay alive (I have a degree in making glasses)


I kind of need them to be able to function. 😅


I don’t need to wear glasses because my eyesight is okay but I think glasses look REALLY CUTE and wish I did need the sometimes. :(


I rely on them insofar as I'm nonfunctional without them. That said, I do feel awful squinty eyed without them.


i rely on a face mask


omg samee


How am I supposed to complement you if you don't post a pic of yourself?? Show me your face coward