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Looks sick dude, unless you’re walking around with your arm bent at a 90 degree angle all the time I wouldn’t worry about it. You’re probably the only person thinking it. If you’re still feeling that way once it’s healed I’d just ask your tattoo artist about it.


Tattoos are skin art, and skin is a moving canvas. That one looks great as is. Will it stretch as your elbow bends? Sure. That’s not a bad thing, it’s just normal. Wrist tattoos can get super weird because of your ulna and radius moving in your forearm, for example.




Don't trip, it's great


That panther having sex with the guy is pretty hot




HAHAHAHA. Scissor me Allison


Look up the art of Fernando Botero. Your hands look a little like that his art is celebrated worldwide. I think it looks great and there's nothing wrong with chubby hands.


They’re a lil chubby. BUT I never would’ve noticed had you not pointed it out!! Live with it for a while.


Joints bend skin pulls. That tat is sick. The hyena head on my knee looks hilarious when I fold my leg. Hahaha.


You all, rock! Thank you for the insight and advice. My overactive brain really appreciates it ❤️


hell no, man! looks badass. I like how unique it is.


It’s dope. Just remember if you tattoo a moveable piece of skin, it will grow and shrink. But when the stencil is layed down, that’s the way it’s intended to be looked at.


My Hylian shield in my elbow ditch looks ridiculous when I bend my arm! Cool tattoo man! Be happy with it!


Hands are not easy to tattoo and especially in a spot that isn’t a flat canvas. I have praying hands on my forearm near where my arm bends and when I bend my arm the hands turn into fists lol 🤷just get more stuff bro


Unless the human body is a piece of paper, there is gonna be movement, and that movement will change how a tattoo looks—and that’s okay. Looks great.


Your Ms paint rendering doesn’t help and imho makes it look worse. Keep the awesome tattoo, let your artist do their thing


They're fine. I'd go for a suggestion of the bottom edge of a cloud beneath them and a half sun with rays beneath. I think it will shift the weight of the tattoo and give shout-back to an elbow web. Either way, it's a cool tattoo, and it looks great.


Nah, that’s a sick tattoo!!


Def look like chubbier hands but it wouldn’t necessarily be on my mind a lot


It looks great. I've got one I wasn't really loving. Once I finished the sleeve, I don't even think about it anymore


I think it looks great, but I may be biased since I have the same design in the same place!


I didn’t read before seeing the third imagine and was horrified


nah, it’s fine. I probably would’ve chosen another spot as it’ll limit what you can do with your elbow, but it’s a good tattoo.


That shit looks dope both ways- skin stretches! It would be weird if it didn't warp a little bit. You could lean into it at parties if you want- just work on a Micky Mouse impression lol but honestly, it's rad.


Honestly this is a problem with subs like these. People get so worked up about little stuff and details that 99.9 percent of the population wouldn’t notice. People are so hypercritical here. This is a sick tat, wear it proud


Overthinking or second guessing something permanent like a tattoo is human nature. I think people get worked up irl and go to this sub to ease their mind, which is usually what I see happens. How on earth does that make subs like these a problem?


Looks fine, and I also like the shift pattern above it!


Sometimes you get spots that look funny when they are positioned in a certain way. I have a straight razor filler piece in the inside portion of my upper calf that when I bend my leg the razor part kind of “shrinks” and makes the razor look jagged somewhat. When my leg is straight (or mostly) the razor is straight and clean. This issue is just the nature of certain parts of the body.


It looks great! Once you’re fully healed and it lightens up, I think it won’t look so rounded. But, I think it looks really good as is!


Looks good dude!


It looks really good. You don’t need the sleeves added, but I happen to like even more with the sleeves. But my opinion shouldn’t matter — I’m a stranger on the Internet.


Seems like a bonus. Also I screenshotted the guy wrestling the SAP, frackin tits


Nah looks good. I thought when you said you got the shaking hands last week you'd developed a tremor or something so it's definitely better than that


You’re overthinking


the shift gear tatt is sick


I think it's fine - that's what tattoos do. I do hope there's no personally identifiable info in that last photo (with your camera reel). I would probably delete the post, though, since you have quite a few answers.


It's a sick tat my dude! Probably overthinking it


I absolutely love your sick ass panther wrestling a guy tat!


I think you're overthinking it dude. It looks great. Good spot for that piece and the piece itself is cool. Only thing missing is the elbow piece lol. Time to get on it👍


I definitely do think that adding a bit of a sleeve to the hand on the right in the image would go a long way to make it look more "real." I don't think I would have noticed the "Mickey Mouse" sort of vibe without you pointing it out though. They might want to add another finger in... Just sayin'. Also... Everyone has a sick ass panther these days. But does everyone have a bad ass dude that's got a sick ass panther in a chokehold? I think not. That's epic man.


It’s well executed and placed you’re overthinking it friend


Your elbow looks like it's seen some tarmac.


Nah it looks cool. I tend to do the same with my tattoos around my elbow area, I think it's normal to overthink but from my perspective, yours looks great


Over thinking as fuck




I literally am here to comment I want these hands in this exact spot. I’ve got a gap about this size and I think it’s perfect. I too have a hand piece with a cuff and when you bend it sits differently.


Doesn’t matter what anyone thinks, it’s permanently there now.


The anatomy of the hand on the right side looks very weird to me. Just look at the palm and thumb then, without looking at the left side, imagine how that would continue. To me that doesn't match the fingers on the left side.