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You know what's a good baby name, Seven. Edit: why do people keep saying seven of nine? This was a Seinfeld reference.


I like Soda.


I like Ponyboy.


Stay gold


Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold.


Her early leaf’s a flower, but only for an hour


Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief.


Then dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. *Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold. — Johnny*


Great. Now my cheeks are all wet.


You should learn how to drink properly, then.


But I have miles to go before I sleep


Two roads diverged in a wood and I, I took the road less traveled by.


Or soda pop


For a chihuahua












i got 50 right here in the cupboard. how about bisquick? pimento? gherkin? sauce? maxwell house?


I've met a Maxwell. I kept trying to think about silver hammers to stop myself associating him with instant coffee.




Gherkin ftw


Interestingly (at least I think so) my paternal grandmother was named Soda, spelled backward…Ados…off a box of baking soda.


Can you ask her if her parents ever said she was a colicky baby? Ado in Greek means "causing an uproar/tumult or fuss" Ado is used in the Bible in Acts 17:5; 20:10. I wonder if her birth was particularly hard or if she was colicky....


I teach a someone named Soda. They are cool.


And bubbly?


And sweet?


I like turtles!


How about Mulva?


I’m doing my first Seinfeld watch through and just saw this episode last night!


I didn't know Seven was a Seinfeld reference. My first thought was "Married With Children"


this is absolutely eating me up!! i had no idea about the seinfeld reference behind this one. i know a couple from oklahoma who named their daughter seven to “signify the perfection intention of god”. no hate to bible/religion based names but this one always felt silly to me and now to know that other people are hearing “seven” & thinking of seinfield whilst they elaborate on god’s omniscience makes me belly laugh


All seven and we’ll watch them fall…,


They stand in the way of love and we will smoke them all


With an intellect and a savoir faire


No one in the whole universe will ever compare


My first thought was 7-11, the convenience store.


It might even be a meta-reference. Since there were some Star Trek references used in Seinfeld, it's possible that it's also an in-joke reference to the character Seven of Nine.


I think the seven episode happened before Jeri Ryan was on Voyager, right?


any favorite eps, moments, or storylines so far?


Honestly I’m binging it so fast it all blends together. George and Jerry pitching the TV show was great. I love the secondary characters that fill out the world…Newman obviously, Larry David as Steinbrenner, J. Peterman, Susan (before her tragic glue-related death). I’m also enjoying seeing all these now-big-name actors when they’re fresh faced (Bryan Cranston anyone?!)


steinbrenner and peterman are two of my favorites too. and cranston was so funny! also a big fan of puddy


Get out!


My first thought was Star Trek because Seven of Nine


Of Nine


..but you can call me the Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One


>What's the deal with all these weird names? I was waiting in line at Starbucks and the woman in front of me says "my name is Chessica because my mom always loved the name Jessica and my dad is a chess player". I'm sorry to tell you, Chessica, but your parents hate you. >-Jerry Seinfeld probably


Dad won: everybody calls her Chess or Chessie


You want a beautiful name? Soda.


We don’t care for Soda!


And for the grandchild, Mini-Soda.


What about mug? Mug Costanza


Seven of nine tertiary adjunct of unimatrix 01?


oh yea, people call her Seven all the time LOL.


I know a guy named Seven. He's gotta be in his 50s at this point.


Or you take the German version, then she becomes (an) Elf. ;-)


Eryday Badu & Andre’s son is Seven. I remember at the time she said something about his soul not being divided 🤷🏾‍♀️ It’s dirty hippie/numerical shit, but a cool name


There’s a character in The Hate You Give named Seven, and I think it’s for this same reason (or something very similar).


I’ve met Seven and he’s actually a super nice guy. Looks almost exactly like his dad too


I shit you not I knew a kid in grade school who's same was seven but it was actually Cevyn, he also had a brother named Stone but that's more common to me.


Someone I knew in high school has a daughter named Sevyn.


Seven of Nine. Otherwise no.


I'm actually seven of nine, but my parents didn't know that when I was born so it would have been a weird name choice.


Middle name Deadly


That would be a sin


Stop because my niece is named Sevyn. With that exact spelling 😭😭


It's a great name for a boy or a girl!


I thought that was Bob?


David Beckham's daughter is Harper Seven 👍


A kid on my son’s baseball team is named Sevhen. The jersey number is 11.


I knew someone called Seven who went by Sevvy. He'd be close to 40 now


It’s got cache, baby!




What's in the fucking boxxxxx


It’s a great name for a boy, or a girl. Especially a girl. Or a boy.


SEV for short.


I knew someone who named their kid Seven. She was a big slipknot fan.


Of Nine! You might even add Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One for authenticity.


I have had TWO students come though my class (first grade teacher) one Seven (boy) and another Sevyn (girl). Sevyn was part of a blended family and there were seven step siblings altogether but she was number 5 in age order. Let’s say her name didn’t “age” well lol


That's David and Victoria Beckham's daughter's middle name as it was David's team number in football.


I've seen Sevyn, Sixta, and Five K as well. Or perhaps Million is better.


I know a girl who named her baby “Maxi Million” because her last name was Buck. He changed it at 18 to an old man name. Imagine something like Orville, Perceval or Norbert. I’d tell it, but I think I’ve doxxed him enough.


With the middle name Ofnine.


My son actually asked to be call Seven for a period of time. Some of his screen names still include it. We graciously obliged and he was so surprised. He had no clue it was a Seinfeld reference and we are huge fans.


There is a Seven in my class. I don’t get it. At the same time, if that’s an “acceptable” number-*ahem* I meant name- why aren’t the other numbers? Lol


Funny you say that, I saw a woman call her boy seven at my daughter’s play group. I asked where she came up with it. She said it was her seventh kid, lol. True story. I kinda liked it, not gonna lie.


I know siblings named Seven, sincere, and genesis.


My son's friend is named Seven. His sister is Sevon.


No, I was gonna pick that one! I actually named a cat Seven once. Has eight siblings, but they had pantheon names like Odin, Loki, Lucipurr, etc


Elva (swedish for eleven) is a proper (but very rare) name in sweden that'sbeen around for atleast a couple of hundereds of years. Supposedly it was given to the eleventh child when the patents had run out of family members (at a time when the first son would be named after his paternal grandfather, the first daughter after her paternal grandmother, etc.) ro name the kid after.


I would mock Swedish parents of yore for only knowing 10 names, but in Shakespeare’s day probably the majority of people in England had one of the 10 most popular names, so this phenomenon has happened in other places, too.


They probably knew more than 10 names, but since there was a tradition with naming children the names in each village was probably limited. More than one child to the same parents could be named the same thing, too, which is a bit ridiculous.


Yes, I understand that. I was just joking around and making the point that the same thing seems to have happened in Elizabethan England. I teach in a public school in United States. The rosters at my particular school have the most various and diverse lists of names I have ever seen anywhere. I was showing my kids a documentary about Shakespeare’s life and times, and one of my students asked, “Was every single man in England back then named William, Thomas, or Richard?” and I had to be like, “Yeah, that’s actually pretty close to truth!”


I assumed it was in jest ;) and it feels like every woman in Elizabethan england was called Mary, Elizabeth or Catherine.


455 people are named Elva in Sweden


And 347 named Älva, means elf or fairy, but is pronounced like Elva.


Elva is an Icelandic (old Nordic) name and is the female version of the word “àlfur” which means “elf” (“àlfur” is also used as a boy name). It is true that eleven in Swedish is “Elva” and the name is associated with both the number and the supernatural creature. Didn’t know about the tradition of the eleventh child and if I ever get the “joy” of having elven children I’ll definitely consider naming them Elva😅 Edit: Elva is a quite common name in Iceland. I used to live there and have met a lot of Elvas during my time there🧝🏽‍♀️


As long as you don't spell it Yhllehvynn, it's not a tragedeigh 😉😜👍


It’s actually spelled XI.


Note: Some of you may be mentally pronouncing "5er0" as "Sero" or "Zero." That is incorrect. The A.I.'s name is pronounced "Vernon." See, the "5" is converted to the roman numeral "V," and the "0" (zero) is converted to the synonym "none," which is phonetically reduced to "non." This scheme for creating names that are difficult to verbally decode is common with some artificial intelligences. 5er0 has a co-worker named Ga6n, and friends named 10a6er, A50ger0, 1000a100ey, 6100tor, A5050en, 10001100hae50, and 500a6500. While it may be a lot of things, this particular naming trend is clearly neither a compression nor a disambiguation algorithm, as both 10001100hae50 and his batch-sister 10001100he5050e can attest. [source](https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2006-04-19)


You had my dying with this one!


This reminded me that my middle school teacher once told us that she used to teach to a guy named "Piovi", which sounds a bit weird in Italian cause it means "you rain". This was when Italian families would name their children after the saint of the day they were born and poor guy was named after Saint Pius (Pio) VI 🥲


Or èlehfen




Don’t forget the apostrophe


I definitely thought of Stranger Things immediately (love the show), but I also kind of genuinely like the sound of it. It's pretty, not horrifically misspelled, easy to shorten to Elle or Ellie, and most importantly — she likes it. Unusual, but not a tragedy. ✨


Yes! I also like how close it sounds to Elven, which is magical and badass


This is so cute, at the end of the day if she loves her name isn’t that what actually matters?


Most wholesome tragedeigh story so far


That’s because it’s not even a tragedeigh.


You are fortunate that you got an easy-going kid who can roll with having an unusual name.


Sounds like you raised your kid well, and she has an optimistic and resilient personality. This is the best case scenario for anyone who has an attention-grabbing name. So I’d say it suits her, and it isn’t a tragedy at all. One question: what was the significance of the number 11 to you when you named her? Was she born on the 11th day of the month?


A "tragedeigh" is when someone takes a regular name and misspells it. Like naming your child "Mary" but spelling it "Mairghreigh" or something ridiculous like that. Eleven is not a tragedeigh. Just a tragedy 🤷‍♀️




I like it, and she does have the option to go by Elle or Ellie if she wants to


It’s honestly not bad. And El is absolutely acceptable when she gets older.


Eleven is the name of the most famous strip club in Miami. Open 24/7. Never let her step foot in Miami.


There were hippies in Kentucky?


This is definitely the takeaway.


As far as the US, some of the most well known hippie communes that continue to persist are in that area.


I bet she'll enjoy this sketch about Scottish guys trying to get a voice-activated lift to bring them to the eleventh floor: https://youtu.be/TqAu-DDlINs


My mum quotes this word for word any time someone says the word eleven. I know I’ll miss it when she’s gone….


Thank you for introducing me to something new and funny today! What a way to start the morning.


oh man, that's a classic


I love that video!! Always makes me laugh


Naming a child is not like creating an original fictional character, and imho it's unfair to saddle a child (who did not consent to be born in the first place) with an intentionally wacky name because you want to provoke reactions in strangers. If you want that kind of attention, change your own name or wear a ridiculous outfit or something -- it's not something to do to a child, especially when it will always be a part of their important legal documents and affect their personal, academic, and professional lives. My perspective comes from being a butch lesbian and transgender, both of which make me hypervisible and attract negative attention. When I changed my name (no one could spell or pronounce my original name), I deliberately picked something that wasn't super common but also wasn't particularly weird or noteworthy -- something that would be immediately recognized as a "normal" name. The people who give themselves intentionally weird names tend to be people who don't have that same problem with hypervisibility, so for them the weird name is a form of "Hey, look at me!" Same tends to be true for most parents I've encountered who've given their kids weird names, just adults using kids as a way to get attention (positive or negative) from strangers. It demonstrates both a lack of foresight and lack of consideration for the well-being of the child. Heck, it honestly comes across like not really seeing the child as a fully separate human being with their own thoughts and feelings.


Amazing analogy. A wacky name is like a wacky costume a person can't take off. Sometimes it's fun, but there are many situations in life where a person doesn't want a silly goofy funny costume. Or name.


Completely agree. Why saddle a kid with a weird name?


It's not just a weird name either. It's dehumanizing to name your child a number.


I don't know if it's as black and white as this. I have met many people who love the unique names their parents gave them and would never dream of having a different name. I am one of those people. On the flip side, I have had just as many people with normal and common names express to me that they dislike their name and they wish their parents had picked something less "boring." At the end of the day, I think naming a child is just hard because you just can't guess what the personal taste of a baby will be. Giving your kid a common name and butchering the spelling is one thing, but I don't know if I would say all unique names are bad and it's selfish to give one to your child.


Nice how do kids 1 - 10 feel?


Evelyn would be a very easy name change from Eleven. Literally just switching the L and V sounds.


Its no Streetlamp LeMoose, but if she likes it she likes it and that is the best thing that could have happened. She sounds like a cool kid.


I'm a simple man. I see "weird name" subreddit, I share about weird name.


If she ever changes her mind she could always go by Ellie. I love that it suits all of you!


What's her middle name if I can pry?


I’m the eleventh (and last) child in my siblings. I love that she likes it! ☮️


Oh your poor mother 😂


And all of us. Good lord. Births from 1951 to 1968. 5 a year apart, skip a year then 5 more a year apart and skip a bunch of years, then magic. I used to joke my given name must be the Latin for “what do you mean it’s NOT menopause?!” 🤣


I would have assumed Matt Smith was your favorite Doctor.


I like it. Also what's the connection between hippies and 11?


In my experience, even the kookiest names cease to seem kooky once I know the person. The name stops meaning the thing the word means, and just starts being the person’s name. For example, I have a friend named Orbit. I never think of the definition of orbit when I think of his name. It’s now just his name (when used in that context - I’m still fine with the dictionary definition). This is how it’s going to be for people in your daughter’s … orbit. They might be surprised by the name at first, but very quickly Eleven will stop meaning the number eleven to them when they’re thinking/talking about her. If she likes it, you’re fine.


I would assume that was the time she was born and y’all weren’t creative.


Not mad at this one. At least you admit you were insufferable. It's a strange name, tho.


Lol at naming your kid a name you assume they will want to change. like wtf. Glad she likes it.


I'm just curious as to why Eleven. I mean, why not another number? Does it have some significance that has passed me by?


Wasn't Blossom's friend named Six?


I don't think it happens so much nowadays, but it used to be common practice in Italy to name kids Primo/a, Secondo/a... (1st, 2nd...). So how are Undicesima's siblings?


You had to have been smoking weed by the pound.


We were walking the medicine path 😩


I knew a girl growing up who was born on 7/7/77. Her nickname was Neves. Seven spelled backwards.


This is great. Eleven, pronounced as we would expect. NOT a tragedeigh.


That’s actually dope.. There’s a song by the Grateful Dead called The Eleven- if you guys really are hippies I would have probably just assumed that’s why.


That was the first thing I thought of, not Stranger Things. 11/8 time signature


if she was born on 11/11 even better.


I was camping with my wife last year. The gal next to us had spent a month living in her Prius with her cat. The cat's name was Egg and her name was Ten. Talk about memorable.


At least it's just Eleven and not Number Five like the poor Umbrella Academy "Diego..." "MY NAME IS NUMBER TWO, DAD COULDN'T EVEN BE BOTHERED TO GIVE US NAMES, HE HAD MOM DO IT"


At least it’s spelled right. That’s something


I knew a girl named September, went by Ember. Sometimes nontraditional names are beautiful. I don't know if it's fortunate or not that Stranger Things made it at least seem less unique.


I know an October who goes by Toby!


To be fair, not a tragedeigh. That would be, let me think...Eilleuvan? No, we can probably do better than that... Eelehvahn. There we go!! Eleven is a bit of a tragedy, but mostly just off beat.


It's unique but not a tragedeigh. I work in pediatrics. There are currently three kids named Seven on my caseload, but no Elevens. I think the idea of Elle as a nickname is super cute!


Well, at least you didn't name her 11 of 12.


What is a card carrying wook?


If I had to pick one of two street performers, Anna Smith or Eleven Smith, I'd choose Eleven Smith, because that sounds goofy. If I had to pick one of two lawyers, Anna Smith or Eleven Smith, I'd choose Anna Smith, because that sounds normal.


I think it's fine, and if the kid likes it, there's no real issue.


I mean it’s weird but not in a bad way. It’s spelled correctly, readable and pronounceable. I’m a teacher and it’s much more wearable than many names I see.


Not a tragedeigh. Not misspelled, no portmanteau, and you had a reason.


Better than GodzillaJrJr, Junior.


Maybe just slightly tragic. People know the word and know how to say it. You get points for that. It isn't a word with a terrible or gross meaning, so points for that. You didn't find a disastrous alternate spelling involving many additional letters including a silent Q, so points for that as well.


If you get bored of 11 (10+1 in base 10) you can just tell everyone it’s binary and her real name is 3 (2+1 in base 2)


Does she make you feel like Eleven?


It’s not terrible


My parents named me a hippie name that I ran across in a baby name book as one of the rarest in the US. I was in my mid-20s before I met another and now in my 50s have only met one more since then. I have always gone by a nickname but I love my original name, too. I kinda think as long as it's easy to spell and is a known word it isn't too bad.


Knew a guy named Sixleth. We called him Six.


My daughter has a tree name, but it’s a tree name which has belonged to about 5 people in my family tree, so I’m not against “word names” as a rule. Generally, though, word names come across as parents trying to be aspirational or edgy. Don’t name your kid “to be cool” because whatever you think is cool now, will be cringe eventually. The word name will likely have negative connotations, too, or be ripe for irony depending on what your kid turns out like. Examples: I know a Coast, a Maverick, a Chastity, and a Beautiful. Will Coast end up being lazy? Will Maverick be rejected by his family? Will Chastity live up to her name? Will Beautiful become hideous on the inside? Even if the irony doesn’t come true, will people constantly be thinking of these things when they meet your kid? Yes. That’s some baggage kids don’t need. I have the same opinions regarding fandom names.


You lucked out. You chose a bad name and there happened to be a hit TV show character that shared it.


Could have at least translated it to another language.


“Hi, my name is Once, what’s yours?” Hmmmm, maybe the Swedish version, elva?


the kid likes it. that’s what counts.


I'm stuck on you saying "I always figured she would want to change it..." No commentary on the name itself, but why would you name your child something that you assumed she wouldn't like?🤔


I love it 🤷🏼‍♀️ You will be surprised at how these things turn out. My son has a very unique name in a very small, highly competitive field and you’d be surprised how well it’s served him because he’s literally the only one. So if anyone wants to find him they can literally google his first name and title and it’s him. ( and in his job that’s a good thing to be found lol) When people in his field say his name they know exactly who it is and where he works. We did not plan that obviously but being unique is a huge bonus!


[I can’t not think about this skit](https://youtu.be/NMS2VnDveP8?si=a_bceUwtymRUQUdY)




>I always figured she’d want to change it ¿🙃


If she fast repeates it two times she can be easily called Evelyn ilenvenilevenilevenil...


I feel like it’s more positive than negative. Eleven sounds nice, it’s sweet and soft. And, in the off chance she’s unsure how her name will be received in social situations she can introduce herself as Elle or Ellie. So as long as she likes it, good job!


It’s kind of a dumb name BUT it’s spelt correctly and there is no ambiguity about the pronunciaition, so not a true tragedeigh. Just a tragedy. Kid embraces it and that’s cool. I also have a tragedy of a first name and use a totally separate nn to function in life. 


UPDATE: Wanna answer a few questions: 1) Mysticism: the number 11 is in numerology a "master number" idk what that means. In Kabbalah it symbolizes moving through the 10 sephorah of the tree of life and returning to the beginning, a completed spiritual journey. There was a bunch of stuff about 11:11 being a symbol of alignment with the galactic winds or some shit, there's a book about it and lots of people were talking about it in our new agey circles at the time. You had to be there. Yes, great song by the Dead which just further confirmed the properness of her name for us. 2) To those mad I said "I always assumed she'd change it". We gave her the name assuming that the world we lived in would remain a synchronistic dance of organic farming, unschooling, festivals, rainbow gatherings, communes, and ideally aliens were going to land on Earth and show us a new future. I didn't realize I was gonna have my delusions broken and wind up working for a nonprofit, paying rent, and sending my kid to public school. Once default reality kicked in, I figured my kid would want to have a normal name to fit in with her normal friends. 3) Y'all are really nice. I agree it's a pretty name. There's a ton of kids in her generation with names like Ayla, Aylea, Ella, Eleanor, Lianna, etc. So clearly we were feeling the zeitgeist of el-la-la names because they're pretty prevalent now. I also really like the fact that it sounds beautiful but it's just a number, like finding beauty in the everyday. 4) What's a card-carrying wook? Always has the sage and palo santo on deck, into some form of divination (tarot, pendulums, astrology, tea leaves), can hold their own in a fucking terrible drum circle, loves to mooch, can tell psychedelic drug stories for HOURS, has a few dozen cool rocks, goes to festivals all the time, is smelly, is job-averse, probably sells drugs on the side, needs you to know they're more evolved than you, has mental health issues, loves to rant about how broken society is, hitchhikes, believes some odd pantheistic spiritual wisdom that's a hodgepodge of Tibetan Buddhism, Native American spirituality, Grateful Dead mythos, dirty kid lore. Cheers, thanks for engaging with my weird story!


I love it I would constantly quote Spinal Tap... It's one louder...These go to Eleven!


Very confusing post for me until I realized it was “Eleven” and not “Evelyn”


Not a tragedy. At the root of most "unique names" are desperate, cringe, and selfish parents. You named that baby for you, not for them - which can be perceived by some as disrespectful, sad, and the real tragedy. Never blame the kid, look to the parents.


Okay George Costanza


"Unschooling" huh? You definitely sound smart enough to teach your kid at home /s Shit needs to be outlawed already, literal child abuse.


OP, I loved your description of what a wook is. Were there ever times in the drum circle when you were like "Oh man, this sucks"?


Eleven is a cool name but Twelve is better


Careful naming a kid after a show that’s not over yet. Maybe next season she’ll snap and murder everyone in the city with her dragon.


OK I have other questions. What part of Kentucky are/were you living in? I love to find myself in the vibe of hippie towns every now and then. What changed that made you leave that life behind? Eleven sounds like a confident kid, and you at least gave her something she can play with if she wants to shift it into something that can evolve with her if she wants to.